Commit Graph

79 Commits (52c8673aaddc552f4e0a6b55d2e261f6acf9cfaa)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Johan Smith Agudelo Rodriguez 4ea00588e9 timer unnecessary
Michail Vourlakos 25f901cdee fix two crashes
-- one private slot was missing, right clicking
was creating a crash because of this sometimes
-- removing a second or third created dock was
causing a crash because visibilitymanager wasnt
removed in sync and correctly from the dockview
Michail Vourlakos a74fe28c18 consider shadow size for currentThickness
--this solves an issue concerning configuration window
placement when changing locations
Johan Smith Agudelo Rodriguez f844f91ac2 unnecessary sync
Johan Smith Agudelo Rodriguez 5d59cfb01c better debug info
Johan Smith Agudelo Rodriguez dd7009e96e reduced number of calls to syncGeometry
Johan Smith Agudelo Rodriguez 2cb031ee50 improve auto sync geometry, and cleaning code unused
Michail Vourlakos c831f3f8c6 fix , set dock's geometry correctly
Michail Vourlakos dd091b6569 restore layouts in main config window
--the latest fix for the configuration window placement
does not need to drop the clean implementation with
Michail Vourlakos 1ffa4e9ab4 fix correct placement of config window in startup
Michail Vourlakos fba9d62ee2 fix , update config window location
--fix also some crashes concerning the existence
of multiple config windows from different docks.
Michail Vourlakos 8fa6225cdb fix , probably fixed
--opening configuration window all the time and
I havent found a case that this is not shown yet
Michail Vourlakos a857b18271 remove no needed functionality from dockview
Michail Vourlakos 9ea5959cb6 fix , a crash when a dock was removed
--removing connections on xwindowinterface destructor
--removing connections on dockview destructor
--remove xwindowinterface that was created from
visibilitymanager in its destructor
Michail Vourlakos 377a3d4420 remove visibilitymanager on dockview destruction
Michail Vourlakos cb0ed85dc2 improve configuration window
--expose quit action
--hide remove action when only one dock exists
--udpate edges when a new dock is added
--connect the destroyed event of containment in order
to remove also the dockview
--remove correctly the dockviews in the application
Michail Vourlakos ba4837d47b restore compatibility with KF 5.26
Michail Vourlakos daa6e1b7bc add a separator for latte config entry
Michail Vourlakos f4201a8a71 improve menu behavior and appearance
Michail Vourlakos 83e0a7564a fix
--override default contextmenu behavior
--clean up old code
Michail Vourlakos 9259ee3bc3 remove no needed containment actions
Johan Smith Agudelo Rodriguez 47c715f6a7 dons't build, pluginmetadata is deprecated
Michail Vourlakos 9878ee65d1 fix some hiding issues on userConfiguring state
Johan Smith Agudelo Rodriguez fe146aaa90 Missing file licences
Michail Vourlakos f90c4deff2 hide Tasks config if plasmoid not present
Michail Vourlakos 4152535e51 expose dock settings into tasks plasmoid
Johan Smith Agudelo Rodriguez f49ab516a4 project has been cleaned
Johan Smith Agudelo Rodriguez 84eacf3cbf code formatted
Johan Smith Agudelo Rodriguez 7fc5aa55f6 files and class renamed