--the new approach does not load/unload layouts
during startup/exit. When the user loads layouts
in multiple layouts mode the layouts are inserted
and when exit they still remain in the hidden
multiple layouts file. These layouts present in the
multiple layouts file from now are called preloaded
--the new approach fixes also the wayland exit
issue and in general the message for Latte not
closed properly has been totally dropped.
--introduce enable/disableAutostart from command line
--accept import-layout from command line when latte is already running
--introduce --suggested-layout-name to be used with
import-layout in order to provide a preferred layout name
e.g. latte-dock --import-layout /blah/blah/mywhat.layout.latte
--suggested-layout-name MyAwesomeLayout
--dbus:introduce "setAutostart" function
--dbus:introduce "importLayoutFile" function
--all storage functions are now taking place into
the same Latte TMP directory that is introduced
for layouts. So no more .bak files are needed from
~/.config folder.
--implement things simpler by using the same
CoreTypes header file both for LatteCore.Types
import statement and App c++ implementation.
Let's leave in the future to decide if
a LibLatte is really necessary.
--use a more logical organization for types. LibLatte2
is split to become LatteCore library and Latte types
are now moved to application level. The Latte Types will
be split even more... Tasks-Only related types will
become Latte.Tasks types
--dont mess the old migrating process during startup
with a new user that uses Latte for first time. This
is a very important step during startup otherwise the
entire Latte experiences instability.