Michail Vourlakos
send removal signal before unblock delaying remove
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #51,protect add task animation more
--in case the add animation is stuck in the
middle and not run until the end, this could
cause also the #51 issue
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #51 , drop automaticAnimationLength flag
--the infrastructure is in place in order to not
need the automaticAnimationLength flag. From this
commit masking based totally only on animations
flags and on hovering indexes
8 years ago
Johan Smith Agudelo Rodriguez
Missing file licences #34
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
plasmoid, central durationTime value
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
replace panel with root semantic for plasmoid
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
expose plasmoid configuration through dock config
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve mechanism for animations counting
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #15 , using only userConfiguring state
--in !immutable state all the zoom animations
are working just fine, only in userConfiguring
state the editmode is enabled
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
reduce maskArea calls and dockGeometry changes
--fix also an issue of changing normal state
continuously during various animations that
need only length space
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
initial commit for Latte !!!
-initial commit based on the latest Now Dock
from the corona branch and beautiful techniques
and designs from the Candil Dock
8 years ago