--during removing a TaskDelegate the window is destroyed
in some cases and the icon provided by libtaskmanager
is a unknown pixmap. In such cases we should paint the
last valid one. That way it is always painted the correct
svg file even when removing a window that doesnt have
a launcher and the libtaskmanager provides an unknown
pixmap for it
--the user can add a previewsDelay value in ms in the
latte plasmoid General settings which can be found
in a layout file in order to change the delay which
a preview is needed to be activated. Values lower
than 150ms are ignored because they break the previews
experience by providing faulty previews
--protect wheel actions in order to not trigger themselves
multiple times
--use a timer to achieve this goal in order to be able
to support also X11 systems that have previews enabled for
all windows (a behavior that normally breaks the isMinimized
--when the dock is hidden or in animation no mouse
wheel actions are accepted
--laucher: only the up action is accepted in order to
activate that launcher
--window: up action shows the window, if it is shown
nothing happens,
down actions, minimizes the window, it is is already
minimized nothing happens
--group: up/down to cycle through the windows
--there was an old code path that wasnt using the
new way of publishing tasks geometries. That is that
normalize the values in order to be always valid and
in the screen boundaries
-- Magic Lamp effect doesnt like coordinates outside the screen and
width,heights of zero value... So we now normalize the geometries
sent in order to avoid such circumstances
--changed the design totally and use only signals
between plasmoid in order to update their models. This
way the launcherList from their tasksmodel should be
updated only on the initialization phase of the Latte
plasmoid. Afterwards signaling between them takes
place, in order to inform each other for adding,
removing launchers, moving them and assigning them
to activities
--this is only for the case that the launcher is called
through a shortcut. The dock mask in that case uses the
midThickness and for that the bouncing launcher must be reduced