--Move in a simpler layouts approach.
--Single Layout mode loads ONLY ONE Layout for ALL Activities
--Multiple Layouts mode loads any combination of Layouts based
on the following settings:
-- OnAllActivities
-- ForFreeActivities
-- SpecificActivities
--onSomethingChanged syntax is preferred for all
slots that are triggered from somethingChanged signals
--doThis syntax is preferred for generic slots that
are triggered from various different codepaths
--implement things simpler by using the same
CoreTypes header file both for LatteCore.Types
import statement and App c++ implementation.
Let's leave in the future to decide if
a LibLatte is really necessary.
--use a more logical organization for types. LibLatte2
is split to become LatteCore library and Latte types
are now moved to application level. The Latte Types will
be split even more... Tasks-Only related types will
become Latte.Tasks types
--this way the model items can become aware
of all data changes and become visual
responsive accordingly. All changed data
should use the italic paradigm... If a
value is changed from its original value
can become italic in order for the user
to know which values have changed.
--the new controller will take all functionality
from Layouts model that is currently found in settings
window and that way the settings window will be
simplified and is going to be responsible only for
the UI elements of the window and NOT the QTableView