--plasma themes because of their svg nature can
have a minimum padding under which they are not
drawn correctly. In such cases background shadows
overlap and background internal drawing overlaps
in the center. That property protects from
such case by introducing a minimum background
thickness at all cases. Good example of the issue
is observed in behaveAsPlasmaPanel(s) that are
floating and have very good round corners.
--AppletItem::clip was introduced in order to
avoid circumstances that applets exceed their limits
and as such still events from surrounding applets.
Because of that change applets should now apply
their layout properties as valid all the time
--use a single slot when View triggers its workarounds
for the kwin issue that kwin hides panels when an activity
stops. In such case the view shadows are also redrawn.
--there are cases that the Blurred area svg returns
a NULL mask() even though it should not. In such
cases the workaround takes place and for the workaround
the calculations have already taken place and we
do not need to reapply them because in that case
the blurred area moves out of the window.
--in older version screenEdgeMargin == -1 was meant
that the screenEdgeMargin was disabled but this does not
need to be passed to View any more because variable
screenEdgeMarginDisabled is now passed directly
--Blur area is not updated instantly any more
and does not make too many unnecesary calls.
A timer was added to orchestrate this in order
for the Effects area to be updated at maximum
--Dont animate the view container at all cases, that
creates a much smoother experience for the user in
editing mode
--during scrolled tasks the scrolllable list
now is autoscrolled properly when the user
is repositioning launchers through dragging
or when dragging external files over tasks
and launchers
--applets are now always take into account the splitters
placement and the splitters try to be always in the
center. This is much more predictable and understanble
from the user
--I have managed to solve most of the issues that were
preventing a live demonstration of applets layout
during InConfigureApplets mode... Things are more
intuitive now are updated correctly between different
layout areas... enjoy...
--container fill calculations are now tracked much
better when they are applied.
--as an improvement fill calculations are now taking place
at all edit mode states. So inConfigureApplets mode
the fill(s) applets do not throw out of screen
applets that are the layout edges