--following new norms and styles the struts
applying for Always Visible they now take into account
the screen edge margin and apply the same margin
also at their head thickness margin. If there is
much negative user feedback this might be reverted.
--when a floating view is hiding its screen gap
there is no reason for struts to be added
during that phase. Published struts could be
the final expected window position in that case.
--when starting Latte and a floating dock
has chosen to hide its screen gap for maximized
windows, in that case was not updating its
window thickness properly
--use only input events in order to identify the area
from which a window accepts input and also remove almost
every mask-qml code handling
--by reducing mask usage to minimum we fix also the
BLACKLINE bug under X11
-- The new approach reduces mask area calls to
barely minimum. Input mask is used instead to
specify the area for which we accept input.
-- The new approach solves also the BLACKLINE issue
when hovering the view at startup. This is because
at all times the full window area is drawn.
--more specific identifying properly when a vertical
view is shown and is touching a top or bottom view
that has requested to be fully trasparent when no
maximized window exists
--when background custom radius and shadow
are applied the dock window geometry shouldnot
change if these values are not altered. This
is especially true when a dock is hiding
its screen edge margin when there is a maximized
window and the same time is hiding also its
background shadows. In such case in the past because
shadows were temporarily disabled the dock was constantly
changing its geometry
--PlasmaExtended::Theme produces QRegions based on corners
radius that can be consumed afterwards from Effects calculations
in order to provide correct QRegions for custom backgrounds
produced from custom background radius option