--use ScreenPool as reference for primary screen.
The new code uses PrimaryOutputWatcher class from
Plasma Shell in order to keep track of primary
screen at all cases.
--introduce enable/disableAutostart from command line
--accept import-layout from command line when latte is already running
--introduce --suggested-layout-name to be used with
import-layout in order to provide a preferred layout name
e.g. latte-dock --import-layout /blah/blah/mywhat.layout.latte
--suggested-layout-name MyAwesomeLayout
--dbus:introduce "setAutostart" function
--dbus:introduce "importLayoutFile" function
--showing settings dialog too early before layout(s)
are loaded can possible create crashes. Settings dialog
is considering that everything is in place and ready
to be used.
--implement things simpler by using the same
CoreTypes header file both for LatteCore.Types
import statement and App c++ implementation.
Let's leave in the future to decide if
a LibLatte is really necessary.
--use a more logical organization for types. LibLatte2
is split to become LatteCore library and Latte types
are now moved to application level. The Latte Types will
be split even more... Tasks-Only related types will
become Latte.Tasks types
--when real panel views are slided out either for auto
hiding, dodge case or dynamically removing their screen
margin the desktop available space should not be
changed; it should stay the same.
--Plasma 5.18 introduced a new dbus interface in order
for external apps to be able to publish to Plasma how
much they occupy from screen space. This is a much
requested feature from users, Latte is now publishing
both its availableScreenRect and availableScreenRegions
and this is also Multiple Layouts aware at runtime.
--use a different shadows manager for dialogs such as
dock settings window through the Latte::Corona class.
The new shadow manager is responsible to draw
"dialogs/background" shadows for windows instead of
the PanelShadows original class which is responsible
to draw "widgets/background" shadows
--when dock settings window is shown it is good to
NOT overlap with plasma panels. Under X11 this is
possible because the real availableScreenGeometry
is exposed through QScreen.
--huge refactor in order to split the logic of the
Layout file. One of small steps in order to end at
the following logic:
PresentedLayout, that will contain references for
one ActiveLayout and one OnTopLayout and will
act as a class to provide useful information to
layoutManager and all other classes that want
to work with Views.
GeneralLayout will gain a storage object
for all STORAGE properties that require
a CORONA to work