--when hidden configuration windows are deleted memory
consumption is improved and provides much lower values
--when hidden configuration windows are not deleted
memory consumption increases but their responsiveness
for hiding/showing is instantly
--implement things simpler by using the same
CoreTypes header file both for LatteCore.Types
import statement and App c++ implementation.
Let's leave in the future to decide if
a LibLatte is really necessary.
--use a more logical organization for types. LibLatte2
is split to become LatteCore library and Latte types
are now moved to application level. The Latte Types will
be split even more... Tasks-Only related types will
become Latte.Tasks types
--fix showing advanced settings window in order to update
the window geometry ONLY WHEN there are availableScreenGeometry
changes from Latte::View(s).
--As a side effect changing docks/panels location under wayland
when they have enabled their background blur has reduced crashes
during location changes.
--now config windows are masked properly in order to
accessible to all of their areas. By design the config
windows are trying to be below the main view, this is
why masking is needed in order to work properly and not
having areas that can not be clicked/accessed because
of the top Latte View