Commit Graph

688 Commits (25a29111e771fa5743dfce1e08363e291ec750f3)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Michail Vourlakos c85ec4c07a new architecture for Indicators
--indicators now support both Back/Front
layers. Back layer is the usual layer
behind the current Item and the Front layer is
a layer above the current Item (overlay)
--update Unity to follow new architecture
Michail Vourlakos 104ee8581f add more information for indicators consumption
Michail Vourlakos f50be9bc9d update Panel/Dock type detection
Michail Vourlakos 9d710297e1 catch up edit Visual animation to changes
Michail Vourlakos 8f4fafa2db fix warning
Michail Vourlakos d8f8737d05 add tooltip for editing background
--the user is informed about scroll wheel
and more specific that can alter the
edit background opacity
Michail Vourlakos f06e3415de restore mask calculaltions for noCompositingEdit
Michail Vourlakos 9a4a515a68 improve identification of inConfigureApplets mode
Michail Vourlakos b00598949d activate/disable independent animations
Michail Vourlakos 25b636465a split animations and make par.effect independent
Michail Vourlakos 01e60370b0 consider shadows for updating needed mask
--avoiding circumstances that the shadows are broken
because the mask is too small
Michail Vourlakos 7902bf8ce5 remove panel external margin
Michail Vourlakos 83d2ead0a0 support increase/decreaseLength for latte separator
Michail Vourlakos 8b46ecc92a support new Latte separator properly
Michail Vourlakos 37ea714fb3 fix applet positioning when dragged in editMode
Michail Vourlakos 218e8254a2 improve placement for SettingsOverlay tooltip
--place the SettingsOverlay tooltip under editMode
smarter in order to not break the parabolic
effect experience
Michail Vourlakos a2876a3b72 make edit mode popup plasma friendly
Michail Vourlakos d1340486bb improve margins options placement in settings
Michail Vourlakos faf38820d5 fix Blur Demonstration under editMode
Michail Vourlakos f1a34ce437 add hacks in config windows for inner shadow
Michail Vourlakos e1c964ea34 move external shadow under liblatte2
Michail Vourlakos 0816e2b8aa fix top masking during editMode
--improve also identifying when subtracting
edit mode mask is needed
Michail Vourlakos c21d355f9a fix calculations for maxThickness
Michail Vourlakos 94415e24b4 improve config windows calculated geometries
Michail Vourlakos 6276d604dc restore edit shadow size
--now that masking is used in order to subtract
mask areas that overlap with underlying config
windows, the edit shadow can be as big as we
need with no problems
Michail Vourlakos 736d068a44 improve masking for config windows
--now config windows are masked properly in order to
accessible to all of their areas. By design the config
windows are trying to be below the main view, this is
why masking is needed in order to work properly and not
having areas that can not be clicked/accessed because
of the top Latte View
Michail Vourlakos 05afe9e8d3 show title tooltips in liveEditMode
Michail Vourlakos d45d28b1cc use single tooltip for all settingsOverlay options
Michail Vourlakos e922b73bca reduce a bit the edit external shadow
Michail Vourlakos 5935718dfb center Rearrange button
Michail Vourlakos 63039826fd improve Rearrange Button in LiveEditing
Michail Vourlakos 542174f296 make edit visual totally dynamic
--meaning that edit Visual can contain more
elements than just the usual ones and as such
we can now add a "Rearrangement" option to make
things easier to switch between live/static editing
Michail Vourlakos 527cddb72d update Ruler and EditVisual
--improve and restructure all editMode in order
for Ruler and EditMode to be ready to accept more
direct available settings in settings overlay
Michail Vourlakos 8a4f669ecf fix hovered masking for editMode when zoomed
--in the past applets could not be hovered when
in editmode
Michail Vourlakos 71bb4ca921 introduce new editAppletsMode
--in this mode all aplets can be adjusted and
repositioned properly
Michail Vourlakos 3fac7c2388 remove deprecated showZoomed from appletItem
Michail Vourlakos 9615c7362b enable Blur in LiveMode
Michail Vourlakos b3af2cf176 option for the user to adjust editBack opacity
Michail Vourlakos 9c6d5c2fe9 move related qml files to its own directory
Michail Vourlakos b15df34cc4 livemode:enable parabolic effect for editMode
--first commit to restructure editMode in order to
support livemode under editing. Live mode means
that all options changes during editMode will be
available to be tested directly
Michail Vourlakos 39f302e149 set max highPanelMargin to 2px.
--this is plasma-style and that improves consistency
Michail Vourlakos 6db1ca7b5d fix typo
Michail Vourlakos dcb2d4e528 restore previous behavior and add a timer
--reduce calculations and add a timer in order
to avoid binding loops by giving applets some
time to adjust their sizes properly
Michail Vourlakos f00e34e36b improvements for applets canBeHovered heuristics
Michail Vourlakos da13cdbb4b improve Smart Colors in editMode
-- in edit Mode, Smart Colors could behave
as a Live mode in order for changes to be totally
visible with the underlying background how they
Michail Vourlakos d8738758a9 restore normal behavior for applets size
Michail Vourlakos 4702bc0694 improve how panel thickness is calculated
--always provide the needed high margin for the panel
background thickness
Michail Vourlakos bd2336b7af fix for applets size calculations
--fix how maxSize of an applet is calculated
in order to provide parabolic effect capability
or not.

BUG: 404977
Michail Vourlakos 33363c241d Enable communication between Applets
--applets can now use the LatteBridge in order
to send/receive messages between them. A good
example of this could be the window title and
the window appmenu applets in order the hide
and show themselves based on mouse hovering.
Michail Vourlakos 138343a9cd improving Colors::FromTouching behavior
--when a window is touching but this window
is not active then the active color palette is
Michail Vourlakos 8ae8de719e ignore deprecated:autoDecreaseIconSize from config
Michail Vourlakos 4f9d41cec8 improve Latte indicator options accessibility
Michail Vourlakos ff77bc3485 compute icon colors only for indicators requesting
Michail Vourlakos c69271f9e0 restore panel thickness in editMode
Michail Vourlakos b1865e2634 hide indicator properly when task is removed
Michail Vourlakos 1965f7f9c0 move responsibility to separator to draw itself
-- metrics are now provided by the separator applet
and not from Latte
Michail Vourlakos f353363670 fix shadowing for separators
Michail Vourlakos c805963327 prepare for new latte separators
Michail Vourlakos c64df5a078 fixes for separators
Michail Vourlakos f2479d6678 move applet IndicatorLoader to its own qml file
Michail Vourlakos ab9eb5d536 consider also editMode mask requirements
--take into consideration the margin needed between
the contents and MaxLength ruler in order to calculate
correctly the thickness needed
Michail Vourlakos dd1c3f61b8 increase mask thickness when indicators needed it
Michail Vourlakos b11894432f adjust margins even better to old defaults
Michail Vourlakos e249251b3f improve defaults for margins
Michail Vourlakos f040cc8828 plenty improvements for touching/active state flags
--fixes and improvements to identify windows that are
touching or are active and how all of them are used
in order to color properly the view
Michail Vourlakos 17c602347b use touching windows scheme at all cases
BUG: 404745
Michail Vourlakos f1eb8becfc improvements for Plasma Style indicator
Michail Vourlakos 4d9f0192c2 fix panel thickness calculations
Michail Vourlakos 1dd778eba0 improve default values
Michail Vourlakos fe71e5dd2e remove deprecated headers
Michail Vourlakos fc8d0ed46c fixes for margins
Michail Vourlakos 98c20e4f83 adjust separators to new indicators design
Michail Vourlakos d9fe9d438d move Plasma/UnityIndicators into liblatte2
Michail Vourlakos 529c6f0bab adjust applet to new LatteIndicator
Michail Vourlakos 3d7f5e7990 update Latte Indicator to new design
Michail Vourlakos cb6e38b4c0 enable new margins in view settings
Michail Vourlakos fb522d6231 introduce new margins for containment
Michail Vourlakos c6178e58bd only touching windows at DynamicBackground criteria
--at the same time disable Blur for isBusy state of
panel drawing

BUG: 404483
Michail Vourlakos ffac993845 improve Colors and DynBackground combinations
--the user can now have back the plasma theme style
in more cases such as when Theme:Smart, WindowColors:None,
and has enabled from DynBackground for solid panel
background when windows are touching
Michail Vourlakos 507e7ffde8 expose existsActiveWindow from windowstracker
Michail Vourlakos c2dc637a46 activate Unity indicator style
--this is just initial work and not even close
to the final result but it is the ground in order
to build upon.
Michail Vourlakos 7772ee2855 add Type property for Latte::View
--this way any part interested to know the
real type of Latte::View it can access the
all new type() property

Test Plan:
test view settings that indicate correctly
the panel/dock type

Reviewers: trmdi, #latte_dock

Reviewed By: trmdi

Subscribers: plasma-devel

Tags: #plasma

Differential Revision:
Michail Vourlakos d387e7b6ef important improve applets layout
--use plasma way to layout the applets. With this
fix all the applets layout is improved vastly
especially concerning more the plasma indicators
trigerred by applets.
Michail Vourlakos 341ba05f88 use correct plasma style for applets
Michail Vourlakos 2884f73507 enable Plasma Indicator Style
CCBUG: 404122
Michail Vourlakos 87e6d23b7c add option for indicator style
--user can now alter the indicator style and
choose between Latte/Plasma/Unity
Michail Vourlakos 97e6f4e5f9 fix default option for activeIndicator
Michail Vourlakos 9c0b6fa60a smoothen a bit background changes in PanelBox
Michail Vourlakos 669957a156 respect popup settings both for Smart and Reverse
BUG: 404168
Michail Vourlakos c211dbf0b3 respect popup setting also for Reverse theme
Michail Vourlakos 315a217d10 respect disabled background for all cases
Michail Vourlakos 8f9140f67a option to enable/disable audio badge actions
BUG: 403611
Michail Vourlakos 901b5a9455 hide indicators when are user disabled
Michail Vourlakos 90164358f6 dont break colors for Latte popups
Michail Vourlakos fd300ec9cf simplify colorize properties & active new options
Michail Vourlakos 730030c5fb remove deprecated old values
Michail Vourlakos 717c7f9612 enable new Colors options in the settings window
Michail Vourlakos cdc610aed0 add option to force plasmabackground for popups
Michail Vourlakos 1e65211277 DodgeAllWindows now uses WindowsTracker
--this way we use the same code for Dynamic
Background and DodgeAllWindows
Michail Vourlakos 9b9072d8f6 update qml code to follow windowTracker
Michail Vourlakos 53b5904706 dont enforce background shadow for menu plasmoids
--dont enforce background shadow for global menu
plasmoids such as AWC, plasma appmenu, window appmenu

BUG: 403780
Michail Vourlakos cf93b7516d improve global shortcuts options
--the user can disable "global shortcuts based
on position" by disabling the global shortcuts
for the first two latte items
--improve texts readability

BUG: 403880
Michail Vourlakos 730d204a56 improve settings explanations
Michail Vourlakos 69b49d42dd the user must enable shortcuts based on position
--the option is now present to Behavior page in order
for the user to enable global shortcuts based on position.
Michail Vourlakos b15bd24218 refactor:move shortcutsEngine to its own class
--in that way all environment related shortcuts
management (e.g. plasma related shortcuts) is moved
in its own class
Michail Vourlakos 8e8b8e0c73 fix warnings
Michail Vourlakos 9cd851faea show only one Meta badge
--more fixes for globalshortcuts
Michail Vourlakos 66b2e4bd9c fixes and improvements for globalshortcuts
Michail Vourlakos fef791d8e1 improve names for globalshortcuts qml calls
Michail Vourlakos f31df4ee71 show plasma shortcuts for applets
--when shortcuts badges are shown then the
plasma assigned shortcuts are preferred to
be presented to the user
Michail Vourlakos e5c2b37f79 update Tasks Indexes immediately after shortcuts
--do not delay updating the tasks indexes and counts in
Latte plasmoid in order to avoid inconsistent values
during startup. Now entries activation works immediately
after startup
Michail Vourlakos 58d8208704 fix binding loops for ShortcutBadges
Michail Vourlakos f6d2e8c8f8 add 24px minimum height for ShortcutBadges
Michail Vourlakos 3bfa313cbb fix crash when showing shortcut badges
BUG: 403647
Michail Vourlakos b3a845a0d5 do not show tooltip for spacers and separators
Michail Vourlakos ad5286279f rename properties appropriately in containment
Michail Vourlakos f03e820caf reposition items to respect proper stack order
Michail Vourlakos fb78f49d8f dont colorize Applet Shortcut Badges
Michail Vourlakos 01a1ddcf9e IMPORTAT:fix splitters positioning
Michail Vourlakos d04a3307d7 change names for two Communicator options
--follow qt naming for some Communicator options
Michail Vourlakos 3908b668a3 add two new Communicator options for applets
--activeIndicatorEnabled, applets can use it in order
to enable/disable the Latte Active Indicator for them
--parabolicEffectEnabled, applets can use it in order
to disable Parabolic Effect (zoom) for them
Michail Vourlakos 6fe73c40e1 IMPORTANT:improve splitter positioning on startup
--when there was only one applet in the Center under
Justify mode then during startup its positioning broke
as it was placed faulty at the far right

BUG: 403469
Michail Vourlakos 50c5303b54 create separate Badges section for Tasks
--the user can now choose what badges prefers for
Tasks. The current supported are Information/

BUG: 400539
Michail Vourlakos e2cf406ade faulty object name
Michail Vourlakos 52465865f9 rename Task SubParts in plasmoid accordingly
Michail Vourlakos eddb6d229f rename applet(container) to appletItem
--improve naming for main applet item
Michail Vourlakos abeb42935b rename Applet parts accordingly
Michail Vourlakos a01ac0d504 move Colorizer.Applet to better fit place
Michail Vourlakos 9d49063cc4 move applet active indicator out of colorizer
--the Active Applet Indicator must not be colorized
and as such is moved out of the Colorozing scope
Michail Vourlakos ad3b5abeaf enhance background solidness when touching window
--When the user has chosen a solid background when
there are windows touching the Latte panel then in
such case windows that are touching the panel not
just at the edge but at the at any point of the latte
panel are also considered as touching windows
--The "snapped" term that was used before in the
visibilitymanager was changed to "touching"
Michail Vourlakos 9c3726a07b support different actions for left click and hover
--app now supports the user to set different actions
for tasks left-click and for hover event

BUG: 400690 400429
Michail Vourlakos a066ec007b improve timer name
Michail Vourlakos 582b59dae2 enable/disable colorizing from user
--when the user has enabled the monochrome colorizing
in that case in applet options there is now a new option
in order for the user to choose if wants or not that
applet to be colorized. Such an example are colorful
applets that lose their proper appearance through
monochrome option.
Michail Vourlakos 13b10c0498 fix binding loop for LatteBridge to applets
Michail Vourlakos 196689f763 fix warning
Michail Vourlakos b3eaa35506 fixes for incorrect references
Michail Vourlakos 1bd4e648bc add visual feedback for Blur in editMode
Michail Vourlakos 33034d7969 dont block shadow setting in editMode
Michail Vourlakos e869ae9a91 dont force dyn.background in editMode
Michail Vourlakos 4add34ac7f dont blur if the user has not enable it
Michail Vourlakos 387939bd0a update solid option to solid style
--Solid Style option is just a way to use the
Solid svg from the plasma theme
Michail Vourlakos 50eb9ec277 change distorted to busy background
--simplify semantics by updating distorted
term to busy background
Michail Vourlakos 4702367296 respect Shadow for forcePanelForDistortedBackground
Michail Vourlakos eab2851e4e respect Blur for forcePanelForDistortedBackground
Michail Vourlakos 6acd6d8476 identify distorted areas for dynamic background
Michail Vourlakos 60a96bd157 IMPORTANT:improve vastly fillWidth(s)/Height(s)
--the new improvements are trying to make Latte panels
and Plasma panels to look and behave almost the same.
This way implementing applets for any of them wont be
needing adjustments or workarounds to work properly
for both.
Yuri Chornoivan 8d7110f761 Fix minor typos
Summary: Fix minor typos in messages and comments

Test Plan: No major changes to prevent compilation and usage

Reviewers: mvourlakos

Reviewed By: mvourlakos

Subscribers: plasma-devel

Tags: #plasma

Differential Revision:
Michail Vourlakos 6b3d0933ce fix max length ruler for panels
Michail Vourlakos e9b3895936 improve options for applets shadow color
Michail Vourlakos 7db0886a3c improve Shadows settings in Effects page