--hide internal separators when overlap and show
only one
--hide internal separators at start or end of the
plasmoid, the user can us separator applet in those
--add safety array checkes in order to avoid any
crashes from accessing out-of-arrays elements
--following issue from #730 more qml code
was found that wasnt releasing connect signals
properly. That could create crashes because
already deleted qml objects could receive such
signals. That was observed after qt>=5.9.2
--The internal separator can be hidden when it is
found at the edges of Tasks Plasmoid, it creates a
more pleasant result. If the user wants separators at
the edges can always use the Separator plasmoid from
audoban. This fix would fix also the overlap
of internal sepator with external applet separator.
--at all cases and not just those that
systray length is greater than the set applet size.
There were cases that the systray had very few
applets in it and thus is was animated
--improve more the parabolic animation and
fix an issue that was based on the time window
between smooth animation and directRender when
the mouse activates the parabolic effect in the
--we now support through our discovering mechanisms
a properly identification for kicker and simplemenu
applets. This way changing their icons work correctly
and of course the parabolic effect
--this fixes the Tasks plasmoid thickness and
improves a small breakage in the parabolic effect.
The Tasks thickness is going to maximum when there
is a hoveredInded in plasmoid or in containment.
--the previous fix, fixes also a small breakage in
the parabolic effect animation. The breakage was
appearing when going from
applet->applet separator->task and directRender is
--support properly applet separators. This is the
first part, in the future the margins for them
should be updated correctly and the edge cases,
for example when the applet separator is next to
tasks plasmoid
--the parabolicManager is informed about the applet
ids for hidden applets and separators. This way the
manager can process the signals for parabolic effect
much better and correctly