--inEditMode is now updated directly from
--add again hiding blockers when View gets
into edit mode. That was lost during last commits
because it was part of Visual qml code that
has been moved to another window.
--when hidden configuration windows are deleted memory
consumption is improved and provides much lower values
--when hidden configuration windows are not deleted
memory consumption increases but their responsiveness
for hiding/showing is instantly
--View recreation path was broken from new implementation
for Latte::Interfaces that pass objects to containment
interface. This is now fixed and Interfaces::View object is updated
and broadcasted correctly when changed
--when GtkFrameExtents are zeroed for behaveAsPlasmaPanels
then it is better to recreate the view to avoid freezes and
hidings of the view because of compositor strange behavior
--use a single slot when View triggers its workarounds
for the kwin issue that kwin hides panels when an activity
stops. In such case the view shadows are also redrawn.
--used a video demonstrating multiple panels at the
bottom edge with padding between them
--max/minLength and offset are changed to float values
--max/minLength and offset can now be adjusted with
Ctrl+Wheel over their label in Appearance tab page. Clicking
the previous mentioned label will round the values
--introduce an autoSizeEnabled value in order to block
auto size mechanism when it becomes annoying. Such issue
appears more often to Latte panels
--block MenuZ from Latte icon heuristics
--implement things simpler by using the same
CoreTypes header file both for LatteCore.Types
import statement and App c++ implementation.
Let's leave in the future to decide if
a LibLatte is really necessary.
--use a more logical organization for types. LibLatte2
is split to become LatteCore library and Latte types
are now moved to application level. The Latte Types will
be split even more... Tasks-Only related types will
become Latte.Tasks types
--when the user has chosen to hide the screen gap
when there is a maximized window in the screen and
at the same time the View behaves as plasma panel,
it now slides in/out nicely
--Latte can now support multiple Views in the same screen
edge. Views as separated in THREE Layers of priorities.
1. Views from Shared Layouts have highest priority and they
are first to occupy a screen edge
2. Views that are set OnPrimary screen occupy a screen edge only
if there is NO other View from a Shared Layout applied already
3. Views that are Explicit to specific screens occupy a screen
edge only if there is NO PRIMARY view already loaded
--the user can now choose for vertical views to
stick their edges at the top or bottom screen edge
and ignore any top or bottom views accordingly. These
options are available in the Transparent Settings
area for vertical views and in advanced settings