--tasks applet is now using a generic way to show
Latte containmentActions for its context menu and
this can be easily reused by any other applet that
creates its own ContextMenu
--move elements around in order for the user to find
them at the same positions for all cases independent
if the user triggers context menu from applets or
empty containment areas
--the new approach uses canvas geometry and
computes properly the maximum available screen
height in order for Primary Dock Settings window
to use screen height effectively
--this way during startup a big thickness is
provided in order for slide-in during startup
to play nicely and give the time to view
its proper thicknesses
--fix case that indicators config uis were lost totally
during recreating a view that was using a custom indicator
and that custom indicator was updated.
--fix case that custom indicators were not assigned any
more to their original views when the dock settings
window was created first time for them.
--each origin mouse area is now informin
the SunkEvents handler for the relevant
origin areas at the same time and this way
there is no events breakage when changing
from one sunked event origin area to another
--the sunked events origin and destination areas
are now released only when the event is NOT inside
any origin area or any destination. This way
no events breakage is appearing when changing from
destination area to origin area and vice versa.
--when struts thickness during startup was zero
that was creating an invalid window geometry under
wayland and subsequently it was crashing the app.
--when a floating view is hiding its screen gap
there is no reason for struts to be added
during that phase. Published struts could be
the final expected window position in that case.