Commit Graph

78 Commits (103b901125f574be5c90d2dd28666544f9bd9e73)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Michail Vourlakos 103b901125 support showing applets numbers with badges
-- this is used mainly from globalshortcuts triggering
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 5b3c00ff8c improve code for enable/disable checkRestoreZoom 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos b12cf1446a orchestrate better directRender for plasmoid
--use same techniques with the containment in order
to activate/deactivate the directRender through
the latte plasmoid
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 05e08e57c5 delay a bit the directRender activation
--previously directRender was activating also when
from the first entered element the mouse moved fast
enough to the second element. But this could happen
also accidentaly some times. This improvements indicates
also the mouse position in the second element to be
near the center of that element
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos b41ecad4af fix #858,lower window preview a bit 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 3462562a81 fix #857,improve par.effect with tooltips
--window previews were lowered in order to touch
the task for which are presenting issues. This way
the mouse confirms alway the taskContainsMouse flag
--title tooltips are shown only when the dock has
ended its sliding-in animations
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 8c0ada943b remove deprecated code
--this code was creating also an issue sometimes
that wasnt showing tasks at all on startup
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos f4370ccc21 improve identification of immediate launchers
--when a window is closing if there is already
an assigned launcher then the launcher must be
shown without animation
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 8cf6f49bb9 improvements to parabolic effect
--issue #852, improve how the two states of zoom-in
and directRendering are indetified and triggered.
The initialization of hovering indexes now is
trigerred only for window mouse out events.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos f9afa1bc1f move completely to containmentactions 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 2a78437996 add some resistance in activating directRendering
--add some resistance for the functionality added for
issue #852
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos b64bb1f9d2 use very high sensitivity for parabolic effect 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos a2fc2edc30 publish internal separators indexes after dragging 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 67ce3441a4 MultipleLayouts:launchers signals made layout aware 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos e56478fb8a publish tasks geometries only for current layout
--this is used mainly from Multiple Layouts in order
to publish tasks geometries only those plasmoids that
belong to the current layout
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 274c6a653d add managedLayout to dockView
--this way a dock can belong to specific Layout
and this could be changed runtime in a multi-layout
runtime environment
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 4692b87bb5 improve GlowPoint contrast 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 1d6c5f074f fix #816,add more task shortcuts
--added shortcuts for tasks 10-19
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos bc7a9eac9a fix #811,timers to check previews/menus/tooltips
--there were cases that window previews/tasks context menu/
title tooltips were shown at the same time. This patch fixes this
by adding timers to catch these case and show the above on
priority. The priority used is tasks context menu/window
previews/title tooltips
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 5ad5620e4e dont animate task additions after dragging 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos b81f103def dont move launcher of origin dock in ext.signal 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 920de6cd6e fix RTL layout for vertical and alignments 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos f8f78566f9 apply layout mirroring for RTL 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 7b8efcaed7 implement fully active indicator types/glows 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 5388b709a8 update plasmoid to support glowOnlyOnActive 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos b30caca172 fix contextmenu blocking parab.effect 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos f2f2a469d3 improve add/remove internal separators mechanism
--the user now can add an internal separator and set
its position also by taking into account in which task
the context menu is shown
--the user now can remove any internal separator wants to
by showing its context menu options in editMode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 1eca9875f9 drop internal separatorPos for new architecture 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos f101334443 add/remove intern.separators from context menu 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 1a777d9ee4 drop internalSeparatorPos from plasmoid
--the internalSeparatorPos approach was removed
from the plasmoid. The next steps are:
1. ParabolicManagers to update their logic in order
to take into account multiple internal separators
2. To hide all consequent separators either as applets
all internal separators
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 63fa3c4b1d drop internalSeparatorHidden from parabolicManager
--improvements for new separators architecture
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 24c9751f2e initial architecture for multiple int.separators
--make the single separator old architecture to
work correctly with the new multiple internal
separators architecture. Many things need to be
updated in order for this to work but lets make
one step at a time.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 88108ac524 add option to debug timers
--this is especially useful in order to be sure that
there are timers that create unending loops
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 1dd9a30139 release connect signals ondestruction
--following issue from #730 more qml code
was found that wasnt releasing connect signals
properly. That could create crashes because
already deleted qml objects could receive such
signals. That was observed after qt>=5.9.2
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 1eb36ff7de mimic ondemand the parabolic effect
--it is used to restore a task after bouncing
for taking users attention and the task
contains also the mouse
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 397d169309 fix a glitch when changing activities
--when we go to an activity that has a launcher
and a window at the same time open that there
wasnt previously present we had a glitch
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 507e42ee08 improve Attention interaction with parabolic effect 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 8ecef66d5d fix coloring in some badges
--a faulty check was using backgroundColor instead of
textColor for badges shown from global shortcuts indicators
--improve badges to understand the new url form of
plasma 5.11 launchers
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 5bd4bbe188 play launcher removal animation correct
--when a launcher belonged at all activities and
the user was pinning at an another explicit activity
that wasnt the current one the removal animation
wasnt played correctly
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 0df95400d8 hidden internal separator at the edges
--The internal separator can be hidden when it is
found at the edges of Tasks Plasmoid, it creates a
more pleasant result. If the user wants separators at
the edges can always use the Separator plasmoid from
audoban. This fix would fix also the overlap
of internal sepator with external applet separator.
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 83fd7fd112 bound Tasks ListView at its limits
--block dragging the entire ListView
--make tasks dragging lighter in resistance
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 02ebb701c9 separate launchers and windows in tasksModel
--this is exactly the plasma icons-only taskmanager
is using, in that what way we should have exactly the
same befavior with launchers positioning
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos ac3058c777 delay window removal when closing from context menu 8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 6a47f6e811 update launchers group correctly from config win 8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos eefbc5e9ec fix #636,new approach for Layout,Global launchers
--changed the design totally and use only signals
between plasmoid in order to update their models. This
way the launcherList from their tasksmodel should be
updated only on the initialization phase of the Latte
plasmoid. Afterwards signaling between them takes
place, in order to inform each other for adding,
removing launchers, moving them and assigning them
to activities
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos bd05c7dfed fix #636,try to protect when setting launcherlist 8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 9f5ab1397d support combining window previews and titletips 8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 45add5988f fix #622,support title tooltips for hovered applets 8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 0b344be641 dont release zoom when plasmoid context menu is shown 8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 8abc2e517a config option for task title tooltips 8 years ago