--many plasma themes disable their shadows with
settings their opacity to zero instead of removing
their shadow elements. In such case the new approach
sets the hasShadow flag to zero
--the new approach is first tracking panel-background
shadows if they are available and shown in order to
identify the plasma theme panel background roundness
--Plasma::FrameSvgItem margins are not consintent
in order to provide helpful hints how plasma theme
panel-background svg is drawn properly. The new
approach calculates paddings based on top,left,bottom,right
svg elements and in that way a consistent a properly
background.minimumThickness is discovered.
--implement things simpler by using the same
CoreTypes header file both for LatteCore.Types
import statement and App c++ implementation.
Let's leave in the future to decide if
a LibLatte is really necessary.
--use a more logical organization for types. LibLatte2
is split to become LatteCore library and Latte types
are now moved to application level. The Latte Types will
be split even more... Tasks-Only related types will
become Latte.Tasks types
--when real panel views are slided out either for auto
hiding, dodge case or dynamically removing their screen
margin the desktop available space should not be
changed; it should stay the same.
--Plasma 5.18 introduced a new dbus interface in order
for external apps to be able to publish to Plasma how
much they occupy from screen space. This is a much
requested feature from users, Latte is now publishing
both its availableScreenRect and availableScreenRegions
and this is also Multiple Layouts aware at runtime.
--identify better what is the plasma theme color
palette the creator has chosen and use ALWAYS
the same color palette that Plasma is also using.
In the past, Latte was trying to protect the
color palette because Latte REVERSED colors mode
did not work fine for all plasma themes. That
approach is abandoned, Latte will use the same
colors group with plasma themes and it is on
the creators responsibility to provide enough
--during searching the plasma theme roundness,
opacity values for pixels > 200 are considered
to be in panel background part. This fixes also
the Oxygen theme case and provides a better roundness
value now
--following plasma approach and use always
even for !compositing mode the widgets/panel-background
svg file. This way when Latte and Plasma panels are
combined there is uniformity between them.
BUG: 406597
--infrastructure is now ready to expose to
applets the full color paletter and not
make compromises by choosing only from
original plasma theme for some of the
exposed colors
--dont reverse colors for selection group.
It creates a much nicer effect from user point
of view to keep the highlighting colors the
same for both the normal and reversed plasma
--there is now an always shown underlying layer that
provides full solidness for 100% panel transparency
--Colorizer.CustomBackground was updated in order to
support Borders drawing
-- Latte screen ids are different from plasma
screen ids. This class helps in order to help
translating the different screen ids between
Latte and Plasma.