l10n daemon script
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve all luminance calculations
--provide more accurate calculations for luminance
based on algorithm at:
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
use mouse wheel to activate applets
--when the user has chosen to activate tasks
through mouse wheel and there are applets that
can be hovered, then for these applets the mouse
wheel can be also used to activate/deactivate them.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #910,set added applet parent to dndSpacer one
--in Justify alignment and normal mode, setting the applet
to have as parent the root qml Item it creates a stack in
a lot of cases... By setting the applet container item
directly to more proper parent fixes any issue.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #905,smart colorize transparent panels
--enhanche the dynamic background feature and
in ordre to improve contrast with the underlying
background Latte now calculates the luminosity of the area
underneath the panel and based on that chooses the
best color to create contrast. The colors are chosen
only between textColor and backgroundColor.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
use panel theme in some cases that isnt chosen
--when the user has disabled the panel background
but has enabled a solid background for maximized windows
then in such case the panel background must be enabled
for when it is needed
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
enable monochrome panel for transparent panels
-- in dynamic background it might be important for
the user to increase the contrast because the textColor
from plasma theme and the background might not provide
readable contrast. This feature adds this by giving
to the user the choice to have as monochrome layout
when the panel is transparent to theme.backgroundColor
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve splitter icon color/contrast
--fix also splitter icon size when adding for
first time in EditMode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update internal splitter icon to use plasma theme
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve context menus for wayland
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
set minimum maxLength to 30%
--when the user was using the mouse wheel to change
the maximum length, the maximum length could get
lower values than 30%
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fixes for wayland
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update edit mode image patterns
--increase contrast and add some noise in them
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
dont count internalViewSplitters for globalShortcs
-- as mentioned at #879
-- improve also the semantics of globalShortcuts
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
updates and improvements at applets glob.shortcuts
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
support showing applets numbers with badges
-- this is used mainly from globalshortcuts triggering
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
use globalshortcuts with containment also
--we are trying to expose an applets calling
mechanism that is combined with the latte plasmoids
one with a nice beautiful way
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
force solidness in behaveAsPlasmaPanel
--when we are able to force solidness even though
the plasma theme may never provides that, because
the svg file has some tranparencies in it. Then
for such cases we support it. Such is case is when
the panel is behaveAsPlasmaPanel and maxLength=100%
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
!compositing,set correctly current geometries
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix editShadow for compositing mode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
respect user settings for applet shadows
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update maskArea when effectsArea is changing
--this applies only in !compositing mode, because
is that mode effectsArea is always more accurate
instead of the mask calculations!
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
disable animations for !compositing mode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improvements for !compositing mode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
disable dynamicBackground for !compositing
--disable also the panel opacity for !compositing
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve calculations of !compositing mode
--fixes the bug with the yellow line outside the
Latte panel because of wrong mask calculations
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update version to 0.7.78
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve code for enable/disable checkRestoreZoom
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
reduce interval of checkRestoreZoom
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #871,improve clearing zoom indicators
--accept clearZooms only in both hoveredIndexes
are -1 (for plasmoid and containment)
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
orchestrate better directRender for plasmoid
--use same techniques with the containment in order
to activate/deactivate the directRender through
the latte plasmoid
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
cleanup deprecated directRenderTimer/containment
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improvements to applets parabolic effect
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix breakage in par.effect from separators applets
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
increase parabolic effect speed
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
block parabolic animations onEnter event
--calculations for parabolic effect are blocked
at the onEntered events because the mouse position
is faulty and breaks the animations
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
animate iconMargin when changes
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
delay a bit the directRender activation
--previously directRender was activating also when
from the first entered element the mouse moved fast
enough to the second element. But this could happen
also accidentaly some times. This improvements indicates
also the mouse position in the second element to be
near the center of that element
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix Justify Splitters behavior
--because of new introduced functionality from MaxLength
Splitters broke. This commits fixes their behavior
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
use same font metrics for qml and c++ code
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
remove kwin effects when hiding editVisual
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
animate Ruler properly
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
make the containment background aware
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
use single shadow for EditVisual
--remove also deprecated code from EditVisual
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
add background and textColor to layout
-- auto-adjust the textShadow for Ruler based on
the textColor luminosity
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix warnings
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix warning from ConfigOverlay
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix warnings from PanelBox
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix warnings from Ruler
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix warnings in LayoutsContainer
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
block rulerMouseArea for normal mode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
dont blacklist activeWindowControl
-- the fix will come up from upstream! ;)
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fixes for editMode tooltips
--remove also deprecated code
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
enable ruler tooltip in editing mode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
add mouse indicators for hidden scrolling actions
--mouse indicator when hovering the Latte spacer in order
to give a hint to the user that he can use the mouse wheel
to increase its size.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
use mouse scroll to increase maxLength from Ruler
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
enable smooth animation when changing alignments
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
dont update dock geometry for panels/editMode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
enable glow choice for behaveAsPlasmaPanel
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
support Latte foreground palette for ruler
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
increase topMargin at behaveAsPlasmaPanel
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
publish internal ediMode to dock
--use internal edit mode to wm's visibilitymanager.
More specific use it in AlwaysVisible mode in order
to not publish the new struts because the animations
have ended.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve calculations for editinig thickness
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update runtime behaveAsPlasmaPanel in editMode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improvements for Ruler
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update automatic icon size,starting editMode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve ruler layout when changing locations
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve calculations for editingmode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve editMode triggering
--take into account the animations during
editMode activation/deactivation
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
lower maxLength text in dock mode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
position maxLength label correctly
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix calculations for max values
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
enable automatic sizes in edit mode
--block also the editing background to
change size
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improvements for new ruler
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
give some more space in editingVisual for ruler
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve editing visuals
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
force all DropShadows to fast mode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #862,blacklist new activeWindowControl
--the new kde activeWindowControl becomes active
when is showing menus. That conflicts with Latte
internal heuristics in order to not show or show
dynamically panel shadows, active indicators etc.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #857,improve par.effect with tooltips
--window previews were lowered in order to touch
the task for which are presenting issues. This way
the mouse confirms alway the taskContainsMouse flag
--title tooltips are shown only when the dock has
ended its sliding-in animations
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
show title tooltips only when the dock is ready
7 years ago
l10n daemon script
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix glitch when clicking of applet neutral areas
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
ignode kde activeWindowContronl from activeindicator
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
dont draw ext.shadows and blur on temp/forceHiding
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #856,update hoveredindex after animations end
--this way we are trying to delay a bit the directRender
mode when the dock is hidden
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
ALWAYS Restore Task Animation
--VERY IMPORTANT CODE, fixes a bug when cycling the mouse
very fast inside and outside the dock, in some rare cases
the restoreAnimation didnt end!!
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update a bit the zoom-out timer intervals
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
dont blur while inStartup or closing
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update zoom-out animations
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
use a new zoom-in animation type
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
Revert "update zoom-in animation type"
This reverts commit cc6779d0c4
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update zoom-in animation type
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
stop restoreAnimation in directRendering
--issue #852 , when directRendering is activated
some of the tasks could be in restoreAnimation,
in such case they stop their animation are moved
to directRendering mode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improvements to parabolic effect
--issue #852 , improve how the two states of zoom-in
and directRendering are indetified and triggered.
The initialization of hovering indexes now is
trigerred only for window mouse out events.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
slide-in docks on startup
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
block signalUpdateScale if task/applet containMouse
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
reduce the resistance for enabling directRendering
--references fix #852
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
add some resistance in activating directRendering
--add some resistance for the functionality added for
issue #852
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #852,go to directRenderMode faster
--in order to go faster to directRenderMode in some
cases, the following criteria was added. If the zoomScale
of a task is greater than 1 and the mouse enters that task
then directRendering is enabled.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
block for 1sec automaticIconSize costly function
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
dont animate iconSize in editMode & behaveAsPanel
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve calculations for geometries in editMode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
separate edit shadow visual from its image
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improvements for EditMode Visual
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
enable mouse sensitivity for parabolic effect
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
use very high sensitivity for parabolic effect
7 years ago
l10n daemon script
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
Move Dock from Layout to Layout
-- In the configuration window at the "New Dock"
ComboBox were added options in order for a dock
to move to another running Layout.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fixes for thickness calculations
--consider reverse Lines and show glow case in order
to add this in the thickness calculations
--consider the applets shadows when shrink thickness
is enabled
7 years ago
l10n daemon script
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
MultipleLayouts:restore isSwitching signal
--this creates a nice animation when switching
layouts for orphaned Activities at a Multiple
Layouts state
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
merging the new architecture,increase version
--because the new architecture supports both single
and multiple layouts, increasing the version is a
goog thing
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
add managedLayout to dockView
--this way a dock can belong to specific Layout
and this could be changed runtime in a multi-layout
runtime environment
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix thick and applets alignment in reverse mode
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update metadata versions
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
indicate automatic the automatic shrinking
--if there is an applets that requests fillWidth or Height then
the automatic shrinking isnt working
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
draw panel background correctly after themeChange
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix breakage of parabolic effect after slides out
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
slide out/in also in user screen change
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve semantics for location change slide out/in
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
hide docks animation when changing layouts
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve GlowPoint contrast
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
move GlowPoint to latte library
--this way we can use the same code between
plasmoid and containment
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix for dynamic background
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
count shadow size in length mask size
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #817,count shadow size for mask thickness
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #810,support smart/dynamic background
the dynamic background feature is enhanced and
becomes smarter. It understands snapped windows, windows
that touch the panel edge etc. The criteria in
order for the background to become solid are:
- any active window that is touching the panel
edge (that includes krunner)
- any inactive window that is snapped and touches
the panel edge (concerning its geometry: quarter-snapped or half-snapped)
- maximized windows
- an inactive window but keepAbove is touching
the panel edge (this catches also the yakuake case)
- panel popups
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #811,timers to check previews/menus/tooltips
--there were cases that window previews/tasks context menu/
title tooltips were shown at the same time. This patch fixes this
by adding timers to catch these case and show the above on
priority. The priority used is tasks context menu/window
previews/title tooltips
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
follow Fitt's Law when shrinking thickness
--when the latte panel behavesAsPlasmaPanel and
the user has enabled also shrinking the thickness
then Fitt's Law can be followed.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve glow painting
--reduce a lot the painting issues that didnt
paint glow parts correctly
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
dont count latte plasmoid as expanded
--this solves making the dock background fully shown
with no transparency at all when a task in the plasmoid
needed attention.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve margins for shrinkThickMargins
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
identify kdeconnect sms applet
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix applet line active indicator issue
--the applet line active indicator wasnt updating
correctly its size when hovering
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
disable directRendering after automatic icon size
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
slidingIn/Out during locationChange signal
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #789,hide indicator item when inAttention
--the inAttention animation is being played by a
separate Loader, with this patch we hide the underground
original indicator in case it creates a visual
breakage in some cases
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve/fix small issues with panel behavior
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve activate applets for neutral areas
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
expand applets when clicked in neutral areas
--try to give more interaction to the user. When an
applet is clicked at its hidden spacers or the space
reserved for its active indicator then Latte sends
a signal to expand it. Unfortunately I havent found
a way to active other applets in such case e.g. the
icon-only applets
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix handler placement in RTL
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix RTL layout for vertical and alignments
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
support RTL to tooltips and previews
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix parabolic effect for RTL
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
apply layout mirroring for RTL
7 years ago
l10n daemon script
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
support nomad systray in Latte
7 years ago
l10n daemon script
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #772,improve shadows behavior for solid panels
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve shadow positioning in glow
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
implement fully active indicator types/glows
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
support two types of active indicator
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
support GlowOnlyOnActive at containment
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update container GlowPoint
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update plasmoid to support glowOnlyOnActive
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
add new glow configuration options
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update container GlowPoint
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update glowing at plasmoid GlowItem
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
add showGlow property to GlowPoints
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix latteApplet size area
--this fixes also showing a wrong context menu
for tasks in zoomed tasks. It was showing instead
of the task context menu the container one.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix noRealTask breaking parabolicEffect
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix single task case for parabolic effect
--when there was only one task in the plasmoid
the parabolic effect was breaking with neighbour
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
load spacers debug visuals ondemand
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fixes for tasks spacers for multiple separators
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
hide internal separators in some cases
--hide internal separators when overlap and show
only one
--hide internal separators at start or end of the
plasmoid, the user can us separator applet in those
--add safety array checkes in order to avoid any
crashes from accessing out-of-arrays elements
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
drop internal separatorPos for new architecture
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
disable debug messages,restore some clearZooms
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update containment spacer to multiple internal
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
support plasmoid intern.separators from containment
--update the containment Parabolic Manager to take into
account the plasmoid multiple internal separators
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
drop internalSeparatorHidden from parabolicManager
--improvements for new separators architecture
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
simplify hidden spacers for tasks/applets
7 years ago
l10n daemon script
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
support solid background with opacity for maximized
--the user may prefer solid background with opacity
when using the maximized windows functionality. This
patch enables this
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #760,enable effects when forceSolidPanel
--when the user has enabled to show solid panel for
maximized windows the window effects must be enabled.
This way the best contrast is provided.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
improve background animations when changing states
--when the background is shown or not (e.g. for maximized
windows) or when changing its transparency it is animated
in a better way
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fixes for title tooltips
--disable direct rendering when a title tooltip
becomes hidden and the mouse isnt in the dock.
This fixes an issue when the user enters the dock
and the parabolic animation wasnt playing correctly in
some cases
--do not show a title tooltip if the dock !containsMouse.
This way some tooltips that were still shown when the
mouse wasnt inside the dock is fixed.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
add option to debug timers
--this is especially useful in order to be sure that
there are timers that create unending loops
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
release connect signals ondestruction
--following issue from #730 more qml code
was found that wasnt releasing connect signals
properly. That could create crashes because
already deleted qml objects could receive such
signals. That was observed after qt>=5.9.2
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
update version to 0.7.75 in master
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #713,solid background for maximized windows
--this works similar with transparency with no-maximized
windows feature but on reverse. e.g. transparency for
non-maximized windows and solidness for maximized ones
--opacity to 1 when applet is active
--when the user uses a semi transparent panel for
un-maximized active windows and the user activates
a pop up for an applet a better visual effect is the
panel to not have any transparency
--improve translation strings and options order
7 years ago
l10n daemon script
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
show panel background faster at !compositing
--disable animations for panel opacity at
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
force show of panel background in !compositing
--force the panel background showing when !compositing
is active independent of the users choice concerning
show/or not the panel background
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
dont show lock button for separator applet
--the provided separator applet is not animated
in Latte based on the parabolic effect. These
applets are just sliding on the length axis so
the lock button doesnt provide any functionality
at all.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
hidden internal separator at the edges
--The internal separator can be hidden when it is
found at the edges of Tasks Plasmoid, it creates a
more pleasant result. If the user wants separators at
the edges can always use the Separator plasmoid from
audoban. This fix would fix also the overlap
of internal sepator with external applet separator.
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
block parabolic effect for systray
--at all cases and not just those that
systray length is greater than the set applet size.
There were cases that the systray had very few
applets in it and thus is was animated
8 years ago
l10n daemon script
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
8 years ago
l10n daemon script
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
8 years ago
l10n daemon script
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
8 years ago
l10n daemon script
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
disable directRender when showing context menus
--this way closing the context menu the parabolic
animation doesnt break
8 years ago
l10n daemon script
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
8 years ago
l10n daemon script
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
8 years ago
l10n daemon script
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
use kde translations infrastructure
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
publish v0.7.1 to the world
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #699,protect setupWayland from crashes
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
fix #695,fix version tag in desktop file
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
blacklist redshift from heuristics
8 years ago
Michail Vourlakos
force transparent panel respects shadows settings
8 years ago