i18n("<b>Multiple Layouts based on Activities</b> mode did not close properly during the last session.<br/><br/>The following layout(s) <b>[ %0 ]</b> had to be updated for consistency!").arg(layouts.join(",")),
i18n("<b>Multiple Layouts based on Activities</b> mode did not close properly during the last session.<br/><br/>The following layout(s) <b>[ %0 ]</b> had to be updated for consistency!",
//! add most important errors in the end in order to be read by the user
//! add most important errors in the end in order to be read by the user
m_handler->showInlineMessage(i18nc("settings:layout with errors and warnings",
m_handler->showInlineMessage(i18nc("settings:layout with errors and warnings",
"<b>Error: %0</b> layout has reported <b>%1 error(s)</b> and <b>%2 warning(s)</b> that you need to repair.").arg(layout.name).arg(layout.errors).arg(layout.warnings),
"<b>Error: %0</b> layout has reported <b>%1 error(s)</b> and <b>%2 warning(s)</b> that you need to repair.",
m_handler->showInlineMessage(i18nc("settings: layout name used","Layout <b>%0</b> is already used, please provide a different name...").arg(provenLayout.name),
m_handler->showInlineMessage(i18nc("settings: layout name used","Layout <b>%0</b> is already used, please provide a different name...", provenLayout.name),
QStringmessage=i18nc("error id and title","<b>Error #%0: %1</b> <br/>").arg(error.id).arg(error.name);
QStringmessage=i18nc("error id and title","<b>Error #%0: %1</b> <br/>",error.id,error.name);
message+=i18n("In your layout there are two or more applets with same id. Such situation can create crashes, abnormal behavior and data loss when you activate and use this layout.<br/>");
message+=i18n("In your layout there are two or more applets with same id. Such situation can create crashes, abnormal behavior and data loss when you activate and use this layout.<br/>");
QStringmessage=i18nc("error id and title","<b>Error #%0: %1</b> <br/><br/>").arg(error.id).arg(error.name);
QStringmessage=i18nc("error id and title","<b>Error #%0: %1</b> <br/><br/>", error.id,error.name);
message+=i18n("In your layout there are orphaned pseudo applets that link to unexistent subcontainments. Such case is for example a systemtray that has lost connection with its child applets. Such situation can create crashes, abnormal behavior and data loss when you activate and use this layout.<br/>");
message+=i18n("In your layout there are orphaned pseudo applets that link to unexistent subcontainments. Such case is for example a systemtray that has lost connection with its child applets. Such situation can create crashes, abnormal behavior and data loss when you activate and use this layout.<br/>");
QStringmessage=i18nc("warning id and title","<b>Warning #%0: %1</b> <br/><br/>").arg(warning.id).arg(warning.name);
QStringmessage=i18nc("warning id and title","<b>Warning #%0: %1</b> <br/><br/>", warning.id,warning.name);
message+=i18n("In your layout there are orphaned subcontainments that are not used by any dock or panel. Such situation is not dangerous but it is advised to remove them in order to reduce memory usage.<br/>");
message+=i18n("In your layout there are orphaned subcontainments that are not used by any dock or panel. Such situation is not dangerous but it is advised to remove them in order to reduce memory usage.<br/>");
QStringsaveChangesText=i18n("The settings of <b>%0</b> layout have changed.<br/>Do you want to apply the changes <b>now</b> or discard them?").arg(layoutName);
QStringsaveChangesText=i18n("The settings of <b>%0</b> layout have changed.<br/>Do you want to apply the changes <b>now</b> or discard them?", layoutName);