provide generic code for fill applets calculations

Michail Vourlakos 4 years ago
parent 50aec78526
commit 8959e58148

@ -83,64 +83,62 @@ Item {
for(var i=0; i<layout.children.length; ++i) {
var curApplet = layout.children[i];
if (curApplet.isAutoFillApplet) {
if (curApplet && curApplet.applet && curApplet.applet.Layout) {
var minSize = root.isVertical ? curApplet.applet.Layout.minimumHeight : curApplet.applet.Layout.minimumWidth;
var prefSize = root.isVertical ? curApplet.applet.Layout.preferredHeight : curApplet.applet.Layout.preferredWidth;
var maxSize = root.isVertical ? curApplet.applet.Layout.maximumHeight : curApplet.applet.Layout.maximumWidth;
if (curApplet && curApplet.isAutoFillApplet && ((curApplet.applet && curApplet.applet.Layout) || curApplet.isInternalViewSplitter)) {
var minSize = curApplet.appletMinimumLength;
var prefSize = curApplet.appletPreferredLength;
var maxSize = curApplet.appletMaximumLength;
// console.log( " s3_0 " + curApplet.applet.pluginName + " : (" +minSize+","+prefSize+","+maxSize+") ");
console.log( "org.kde.latte s3_0 " + curApplet.applet.pluginName + " : (" +minSize+","+prefSize+","+maxSize+") ");
minSize = minSize>=0 && minSize!==Infinity ? minSize : -1;
prefSize = minSize>=0 && prefSize!==Infinity ? prefSize : -1;
maxSize = maxSize>=0 && maxSize!== Infinity ? maxSize : -1;
minSize = minSize>=0 && minSize!==Infinity ? minSize : -1;
prefSize = minSize>=0 && prefSize!==Infinity ? prefSize : -1;
maxSize = maxSize>=0 && maxSize!== Infinity ? maxSize : -1;
var appliedSize = -1;
var appliedSize = -1;
//! check if the applet does not provide any valid metrics and for that case
//! the system must decide what space to be given after the applets that provide
//! nice metrics are assigned their sizes
var systemDecide = ((minSize<0) && (prefSize<0) && (maxSize<0));
//! check if the applet does not provide any valid metrics and for that case
//! the system must decide what space to be given after the applets that provide
//! nice metrics are assigned their sizes
var systemDecide = ((minSize<0) && (prefSize<0) && (maxSize<0));
if (!systemDecide) {
if (noOfApplets>1) {
appliedSize = appletPreferredLength(minSize, prefSize, maxSize);
if (!systemDecide) {
if (noOfApplets>1) {
appliedSize = appletPreferredLength(minSize, prefSize, maxSize);
// console.log( " s3_1 " + curApplet.applet.pluginName + " : (" +minSize+","+prefSize+","+maxSize+") -> " + appliedSize);
} else if (noOfApplets===1) {
//! at this step if only one applet has remained for which the max size is not null,
//! then for this applet we make sure the maximum size does not exceed the available space
//! in order for the applet to not be drawn outside the boundaries
appliedSize = appletPreferredLength(minSize, prefSize, Math.min(maxSize, sizePerApplet));
// console.log( " s3_1 " + curApplet.applet.pluginName + " : (" +minSize+","+prefSize+","+maxSize+") -> " + appliedSize);
} else if (noOfApplets===1) {
//! at this step if only one applet has remained for which the max size is not null,
//! then for this applet we make sure the maximum size does not exceed the available space
//! in order for the applet to not be drawn outside the boundaries
appliedSize = appletPreferredLength(minSize, prefSize, Math.min(maxSize, sizePerApplet));
// console.log( " s3_2 " + curApplet.applet.pluginName + " : (" +minSize+","+prefSize+","+maxSize+") -> " + appliedSize);
// console.log( " s3_2 " + curApplet.applet.pluginName + " : (" +minSize+","+prefSize+","+maxSize+") -> " + appliedSize);
//! appliedSize is valid and is also lower than the availableSpace, if it is not lower then
//! for this applet the needed space will be provided as a second pass in a fair way
//! between all remained applets that did not gain a valid fill space
if (appliedSize>=0 && appliedSize<=sizePerApplet) {
var properSize = Math.min(appliedSize, availableSpace);
var thickness = root.isVertical ? root.width : root.height;
var adjustedSize = curApplet.isHidden ? 0 : Math.max(thickness, properSize);
if (inMaxAutoFillCalculations) {
curApplet.maxAutoFillLength = adjustedSize;
} else {
curApplet.minAutoFillLength = adjustedSize;
curApplet.inFillCalculations = false;
availableSpace = Math.max(0, availableSpace - curApplet.maxAutoFillLength);
noOfApplets = noOfApplets - 1;
sizePerApplet = noOfApplets > 1 ? Math.floor(availableSpace / noOfApplets) : availableSpace;
// console.log( " s3_3 " + curApplet.applet.pluginName + " assigned: " + curApplet.maxAutoFillLength);
//! appliedSize is valid and is also lower than the availableSpace, if it is not lower then
//! for this applet the needed space will be provided as a second pass in a fair way
//! between all remained applets that did not gain a valid fill space
if (appliedSize>=0 && appliedSize<=sizePerApplet) {
var properSize = Math.min(appliedSize, availableSpace);
var thickness = root.isVertical ? root.width : root.height;
var adjustedSize = curApplet.isHidden ? 0 : Math.max(thickness, properSize);
if (inMaxAutoFillCalculations) {
curApplet.maxAutoFillLength = adjustedSize;
} else {
curApplet.minAutoFillLength = adjustedSize;
// console.log("s3_r " +curApplet.applet.pluginName + " : " + availableSpace + " _ " + sizePerApplet + " _ " + noOfApplets + "\n");
curApplet.inFillCalculations = false;
availableSpace = Math.max(0, availableSpace - curApplet.maxAutoFillLength);
noOfApplets = noOfApplets - 1;
sizePerApplet = noOfApplets > 1 ? Math.floor(availableSpace / noOfApplets) : availableSpace;
// console.log( " s3_3 " + curApplet.applet.pluginName + " assigned: " + curApplet.maxAutoFillLength);
// console.log("s3_r " +curApplet.applet.pluginName + " : " + availableSpace + " _ " + sizePerApplet + " _ " + noOfApplets + "\n");
@ -169,10 +167,10 @@ Item {
//! the most demanding applet is the one that has maximum size set to Infinity
//! AND is not Neutral, meaning that it provided some valid metrics
//! AND at the same time gained from step one the biggest space
if (curApplet && curApplet.isAutoFillApplet && curApplet.applet && curApplet.applet.Layout) {
var minSize = root.isVertical ? curApplet.applet.Layout.minimumHeight : curApplet.applet.Layout.minimumWidth;
var prefSize = root.isVertical ? curApplet.applet.Layout.preferredHeight : curApplet.applet.Layout.preferredWidth;
var maxSize = root.isVertical ? curApplet.applet.Layout.maximumHeight : curApplet.applet.Layout.maximumWidth;
if (curApplet && curApplet.isAutoFillApplet && ((curApplet.applet && curApplet.applet.Layout) || curApplet.isInternalViewSplitter)) {
var minSize = curApplet.appletMinimumLength;
var prefSize = curApplet.appletPreferredLength;
var maxSize = curApplet.appletMaximumLength;
var isNeutral = (minSize<=0 && prefSize<=0);

@ -185,6 +185,11 @@ Item {
property int spacersMaxSize: Math.max(0,Math.ceil(0.55 * metrics.iconSize) - metrics.totals.lengthEdges)
property int status: applet ? applet.status : -1
//! some metrics
readonly property int appletMinimumLength: _wrapper.appletMinimumLength
readonly property int appletPreferredLength: _wrapper.appletPreferredLength
readonly property int appletMaximumLength: _wrapper.appletMaximumLength
//! separators tracking
readonly property bool tailAppletIsSeparator: {
if (isSeparator || index<0) {
