simplify latte indicator implementation

--fix also the line animation in order to be always
played correctly
Michail Vourlakos
parent fd0e3e7fcd
commit 4c641e458b

@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ Item {
target: root.latteView ? root.latteView.extendedInterface : null
enabled: !appletItem.indexerIsSupported && !appletItem.isSeparator && !appletItem.isSpacer && !appletItem.isHidden
onHasExpandedAppletChanged: {
onExpandedAppletStateChanged: {
if (latteView.extendedInterface.hasExpandedApplet && appletItem.applet) {
appletItem.isExpanded = latteView.extendedInterface.appletIsExpandable(
&& latteView.extendedInterface.appletIsExpanded(;

@ -83,17 +83,19 @@ LatteComponents.IndicatorItem{
width: stateWidth
height: stateHeight
opacity: {
if (indicator.isEmptySpace) {
return 0;
if (indicator.isTask) {
return indicator.isLauncher || (indicator.inRemoving && !activeAndReverseAnimation.running) ? 0 : 1
return indicator.isLauncher || (indicator.inRemoving && !isAnimating) ? 0 : 1
if (indicator.isApplet) {
return (indicator.isActive || activeAndReverseAnimation.running) ? 1 : 0
return (indicator.isActive || isAnimating) ? 1 : 0
@ -117,12 +119,25 @@ LatteComponents.IndicatorItem{
return false;
showBorder: glowEnabled && glow3D
showBorder: glow3D
property int stateWidth: {
if (!vertical && isActive && activeStyle === 0 /*Line*/) {
return (indicator.isGroup ? root.width - secondPoint.width : root.width - spacer.width) - glowMargins;
return root.size;
property int stateHeight: {
if (vertical && isActive && activeStyle === 0 /*Line*/) {
return (indicator.isGroup ? root.height - secondPoint.height : root.height - spacer.height) - glowMargins;
property int stateWidth: (indicator.isGroup ? root.width - secondPoint.width : root.width - spacer.width) - glowMargins
property int stateHeight: (indicator.isGroup ? root.height - secondPoint.height : root.height - spacer.height) - glowMargins
return root.size;
property int animationTime: indicator.durationTime* (0.7*LatteCore.Environment.longDuration)
property int animationTime: indicator.durationTime* (0.75*LatteCore.Environment.longDuration)
property bool isActive: indicator.hasActive || indicator.isActive
@ -130,81 +145,63 @@ LatteComponents.IndicatorItem{
property real scaleFactor: indicator.scaleFactor
function updateInitialSizes(){
if(vertical) {
width = root.size;
} else {
height = root.size;
readonly property bool isAnimating: inGrowAnimation || inShrinkAnimation
property bool inGrowAnimation: false
property bool inShrinkAnimation: false
if(vertical && isActive && activeStyle === 0 /*Line*/) {
height = stateHeight;
} else {
height = root.size;
property bool isBindingBlocked: isAnimating
readonly property bool isActiveStateForAnimation: indicator.isActive && root.activeStyle === 0 /*Line*/
if(!vertical && isActive && activeStyle === 0 /*Line*/) {
width = stateWidth;
onIsActiveStateForAnimationChanged: {
if (root.activeStyle === 0 /*Line*/) {
if (isActiveStateForAnimation) {
inGrowAnimation = true;
inShrinkAnimation = false;
} else {
width = root.size;
inGrowAnimation = false;
inShrinkAnimation = true;
} else {
inGrowAnimation = false;
inShrinkAnimation = false;
onIsActiveChanged: {
if (activeStyle === 0 /*Line*/)
onScaleFactorChanged: {
if(!activeAndReverseAnimation.running && !vertical && isActive && activeStyle === 0 /*Line*/){
width = stateWidth;
else if (!activeAndReverseAnimation.running && vertical && isActive && activeStyle === 0 /*Line*/){
height = stateHeight;
onWidthChanged: {
if (!vertical) {
if (inGrowAnimation && width >= stateWidth) {
inGrowAnimation = false;
} else if (inShrinkAnimation && width <= stateWidth) {
inShrinkAnimation = false;
onSizeChanged: updateInitialSizes();
if(!activeAndReverseAnimation.running && !vertical && isActive && activeStyle === 0 /*Line*/)
width = stateWidth;
if(!activeAndReverseAnimation.running && vertical && isActive && activeStyle === 0 /*Line*/)
height = stateHeight;
onVerticalChanged: updateInitialSizes();
Component.onCompleted: {
if (indicator) {
onHeightChanged: {
if (vertical) {
if (inGrowAnimation && height >= stateHeight) {
inGrowAnimation = false;
} else if (inShrinkAnimation && height <= stateHeight) {
inShrinkAnimation = false;
Component.onDestruction: {
if (indicator) {
Behavior on width {
enabled: (!firstPoint.vertical && (firstPoint.isAnimating || firstPoint.opacity === 0/*first showing requirement*/))
NumberAnimation {
duration: firstPoint.animationTime
easing.type: Easing.Linear
id: activeAndReverseAnimation
target: firstPoint
property: plasmoid.formFactor === PlasmaCore.Types.Vertical ? "height" : "width"
to: indicator.hasActive && activeStyle === 0 /*Line*/
? (plasmoid.formFactor === PlasmaCore.Types.Vertical ? firstPoint.stateHeight : firstPoint.stateWidth) : root.size
duration: firstPoint.animationTime
easing.type: Easing.InQuad
onStopped: firstPoint.updateInitialSizes()
Behavior on height {
enabled: (firstPoint.vertical && (firstPoint.isAnimating || firstPoint.opacity === 0/*first showing requirement*/))
NumberAnimation {
duration: firstPoint.animationTime
easing.type: Easing.Linear
