The new interface as we agreed.

also VisibilityManager will perform the logic of the visibility as it corresponds through a class d-pointer using AbstractWindowInterface.
parent a3ddc63519
commit 1bbe4af530

@ -14,9 +14,14 @@ class VisibilityManager : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(Latte::Dock::Visibility mode READ mode WRITE setMode NOTIFY modeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isHidden READ isHidden WRITE isHidden NOTIFY isHiddenChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool containsMouse READ containsMouse NOTIFY containsMouseChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int timerShow READ timerShow WRITE setTimerShow NOTIFY timerShowChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int timerHide READ timerHide WRITE setTimerHide NOTIFY timerHideChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(Latte::Dock::VisibilityState state READ state WRITE setState NOTIFY stateChanged)
explicit VisibilityManager(PlasmaQuick::ContainmentView *view);
@ -32,45 +37,21 @@ public:
void setTimerHide(int msec);
* @brief show, change state to Dock::Visible when show timer is triggered.
Q_INVOKABLE void show();
* @brief showImmediately, same that show, but without timer
Q_INVOKABLE void showImmediately();
* @brief restore, change to last state, respecting the timers.
Q_INVOKABLE void restore();
* @brief showTemporarily, same that show but restores last state automatically
* @param msec, timeout before restoring
Q_INVOKABLE void showTemporarily(int msec);
* @brief updateDockGeometry, the geometry should be inside screen, not into window.
* @brief updateDockGeometry, the window geometry in absolute coordinates.
void updateDockGeometry(QRect &geometry);
* @brief mouseEntered, emitted when mouse enters the dock
void mouseEntered();
void mustBeShown();
void mustBeHide();
* @brief mouseExited, emitted when mouse leaves the dock
void mouseExited();
void modeChanged();
void isHiddenChanged();
void containsMouseChanged();
void timerShowChanged();
void timerHideChanged();
void stateChanged();
VisibilityManagerPrivate *const d;
