improvements for automatic icon size code path

--this patch add two fixes concerning automatic
icon size when contents exceed the view maximum
--A) when the function is called then it also
called one more time after 1sec to confirm that
the icon size found is valid. In the past that
approach was creating an endless loop that should
not be triggered any more
--B) the grow limit was made to be equal with
the shrink limit trying to be more predictive from
the user when the items will grow or shrink. In
the future we must take care of this if the items
grow or shrink endlessly

Michail Vourlakos 6 years ago
parent 3a2fc4ef2c
commit 182831a808

@ -1377,11 +1377,17 @@ Item {
function updateAutomaticIconSize() {
if ( !blockAutomaticUpdateIconSize.running && !visibilityManager.inTempHiding
if ( !doubleCallAutomaticUpdateIconSize.running && !visibilityManager.inTempHiding
&& ((visibilityManager.normalState || root.editMode)
&& (root.autoDecreaseIconSize || (!root.autoDecreaseIconSize && root.iconSize!=root.maxIconSize)))
&& (iconSize===root.maxIconSize || iconSize === automaticIconSizeBasedSize) ) {
//!doubler timer
if (!doubleCallAutomaticUpdateIconSize.secondTimeCallApplied) {
} else {
doubleCallAutomaticUpdateIconSize.secondTimeCallApplied = false;
var layoutLength;
var maxLength = root.maxLength;
@ -1397,12 +1403,15 @@ Item {
layoutsContainer.startLayout.width+layoutsContainer.mainLayout.width+layoutsContainer.endLayout.width : layoutsContainer.mainLayout.width
var toShrinkLimit = maxLength-((root.zoomFactor-1)*(iconSize + thickMargins));
var toGrowLimit = maxLength-1.5*((root.zoomFactor-1)*(iconSize + thickMargins));
var toShrinkLimit = maxLength-((1+(root.zoomFactor-1))*(iconSize + lengthMargins));
var toGrowLimit = maxLength-((1+(root.zoomFactor-1))*(iconSize + lengthMargins));
//console.log("toShrinkLimit: "+ toShrinkLimit);
//console.log("toGrowLimit: "+ toGrowLimit);
var newIconSizeFound = false;
if (layoutLength > toShrinkLimit) { //must shrink
// console.log("step3");
// console.log("step3");
var nextIconSize = root.maxIconSize;
do {
@ -1414,10 +1423,10 @@ Item {
automaticIconSizeBasedSize = nextIconSize;
newIconSizeFound = true;
console.log("Step 3 - found:"+automaticIconSizeBasedSize);
// console.log("Step 3 - found:"+automaticIconSizeBasedSize);
} else if ((layoutLength<toGrowLimit
&& (iconSize === automaticIconSizeBasedSize)) ) { //must grow probably
// console.log("step4");
// console.log("step4");
var nextIconSize2 = automaticIconSizeBasedSize;
var foundGoodSize = -1;
@ -1906,13 +1915,19 @@ Item {
// This function is very costly! This timer makes sure that it can be called
// only once every 1sec.
//! This functions makes sure to call the updateAutomaticIconSize(); function which is costly
//! one more time after its last call to confirm the applied icon size found
interval: 1000
repeat: false
onTriggered: root.updateAutomaticIconSize();
property bool secondTimeCallApplied: false
onTriggered: {
if (!secondTimeCallApplied) {
secondTimeCallApplied = true;
//! It is used in order to slide-in the latteView on startup
