/ *
SPDX - FileCopyrightText: 2016 Smith AR < audoban @ openmailbox . org >
SPDX - FileCopyrightText: 2016 Michail Vourlakos < mvourlakos @ gmail . com >
SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 2.0 - or - later
* /
import QtQuick 2.8
import QtQuick . Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick . Window 2.2
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import org . kde . plasma . core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org . kde . plasma . components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
import org . kde . kquickcontrolsaddons 2.0
import org . kde . plasma . plasmoid 2.0
import org . kde . latte . abilities . host 0.1 as AbilityHost
import org . kde . latte . core 0.2 as LatteCore
import org . kde . latte . components 1.0 as LatteComponents
import org . kde . latte . private . app 0.1 as LatteApp
import org . kde . latte . private . containment 0.1 as LatteContainment
import "abilities" as Ability
import "applet" as Applet
import "colorizer" as Colorizer
import "editmode" as EditMode
import "layouts" as Layouts
import "./background" as Background
import "./debugger" as Debugger
Item {
id: root
objectName: "containmentViewLayout"
LayoutMirroring.enabled: Qt . application . layoutDirection === Qt . RightToLeft && ! root . isVertical
LayoutMirroring.childrenInherit: true
signal destroyInternalViewSplitters ( ) ;
signal emptyAreasWheel ( QtObject wheel ) ;
signal separatorsUpdated ( ) ;
signal updateEffectsArea ( ) ;
signal updateIndexes ( ) ;
signal broadcastedToApplet ( string pluginName , string action , variant value ) ;
////BEGIN properties
readonly property int version: LatteCore . Environment . makeVersion ( 0 , 9 , 75 )
readonly property bool kirigamiLibraryIsFound: LatteCore . Environment . frameworksVersion >= LatteCore . Environment . makeVersion ( 5 , 69 , 0 )
property bool backgroundOnlyOnMaximized: plasmoid . configuration . backgroundOnlyOnMaximized
readonly property bool behaveAsPlasmaPanel: viewType === LatteCore . Types . PanelView
readonly property bool behaveAsDockWithMask: ! behaveAsPlasmaPanel
readonly property bool viewIsAvailable: latteView && latteView . visibility && latteView . effects
property int viewType: {
if ( ! latteView || ! latteView . visibility ) {
return LatteCore . Types . DockView ;
if ( screenEdgeMarginEnabled && root . floatingInternalGapIsForced ) {
//! dont use when floating views are requesting internal floating gap which is in client side
return LatteCore . Types . DockView ;
return viewTypeInQuestion ;
property int viewTypeInQuestion: {
//! viewType as chosen before considering other optios such as floating internal gap enforcement.
//! It helps with binding loops
if ( ! latteView || ! latteView . visibility ) {
return LatteCore . Types . DockView ;
if ( background . customShadowedRectangleIsEnabled ) {
return LatteCore . Types . DockView ;
var staticLayout = ( plasmoid . configuration . minLength === plasmoid . configuration . maxLength ) ;
if ( ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Justify || staticLayout )
&& background . isGreaterThanItemThickness
&& ( parabolic . factor . maxZoom === 1.0 ) ) {
return LatteCore . Types . PanelView ;
return LatteCore . Types . DockView ;
property bool blurEnabled: plasmoid . configuration . blurEnabled && ( ! forceTransparentPanel || forcePanelForBusyBackground )
readonly property bool inDraggingOverAppletOrOutOfContainment: latteView && latteView . containsDrag && ! backDropArea . containsDrag
readonly property Item dragInfo: Item {
property bool entered: backDropArea . dragInfo . entered
property bool isTask: backDropArea . dragInfo . isTask
property bool isPlasmoid: backDropArea . dragInfo . isPlasmoid
property bool isSeparator: backDropArea . dragInfo . isSeparator
property bool isLatteTasks: backDropArea . dragInfo . isLatteTasks
property bool onlyLaunchers: backDropArea . dragInfo . onlyLaunchers
property bool containsOnlyPlasmaTasks: latteView ? latteView . extendedInterface . hasPlasmaTasks && ! latteView.extendedInterface.hasLatteTasks : false
property bool dockContainsMouse: latteView && latteView . visibility ? latteView.visibility.containsMouse : false
property bool disablePanelShadowMaximized: plasmoid . configuration . disablePanelShadowForMaximized && LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive
property bool drawShadowsExternal: panelShadowsActive && behaveAsPlasmaPanel
property bool editMode: plasmoid . userConfiguring
property bool windowIsTouching: latteView && latteView . windowsTracker
&& ( latteView . windowsTracker . currentScreen . activeWindowTouching
|| latteView . windowsTracker . currentScreen . activeWindowTouchingEdge
|| hasExpandedApplet )
property bool floatingInternalGapIsForced: plasmoid . configuration . floatingInternalGapIsForced
property bool hasFloatingGapInputEventsDisabled: root . screenEdgeMarginEnabled
&& ! latteView . byPassWM
&& ! root . inConfigureAppletsMode
&& ! parabolic . isEnabled
&& ( root . behaveAsPlasmaPanel || ( root . behaveAsDockWithMask && ! root . floatingInternalGapIsForced ) )
property bool forceSolidPanel: ( latteView && latteView . visibility
&& LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive
&& ! inConfigureAppletsMode
&& userShowPanelBackground
&& ( ( plasmoid . configuration . solidBackgroundForMaximized
&& ! ( hasExpandedApplet && ! plasmaBackgroundForPopups )
&& ( latteView . windowsTracker . currentScreen . existsWindowTouching
|| latteView . windowsTracker . currentScreen . existsWindowTouchingEdge ) )
|| ( hasExpandedApplet && plasmaBackgroundForPopups ) ) )
|| ! LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive
property bool forceTransparentPanel: root . backgroundOnlyOnMaximized
&& latteView && latteView . visibility
&& LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive
&& ! inConfigureAppletsMode
&& ! forceSolidPanel
&& ! ( latteView . windowsTracker . currentScreen . existsWindowTouching
|| latteView . windowsTracker . currentScreen . existsWindowTouchingEdge )
&& ! ( windowColors === LatteContainment . Types . ActiveWindowColors && selectedWindowsTracker . existsWindowActive )
property bool forcePanelForBusyBackground: userShowPanelBackground && ( normalBusyForTouchingBusyVerticalView
|| ( root . forceTransparentPanel
&& colorizerManager . backgroundIsBusy
&& root . themeColors === LatteContainment . Types . SmartThemeColors ) )
property bool normalBusyForTouchingBusyVerticalView: ( latteView && latteView . windowsTracker /*is touching a vertical view that is in busy state and the user prefers isBusy transparency*/
&& latteView . windowsTracker . currentScreen . isTouchingBusyVerticalView
&& plasmoid . configuration . backgroundOnlyOnMaximized )
property bool appletIsDragged: root . dragOverlay && root . dragOverlay . pressed
property bool hideThickScreenGap: false /*set through binding*/
property bool hideLengthScreenGaps: false /*set through binding*/
property bool mirrorScreenGap: screenEdgeMarginEnabled
&& plasmoid . configuration . floatingGapIsMirrored
&& latteView . visibility . mode === LatteCore . Types . AlwaysVisible
property int themeColors: plasmoid . configuration . themeColors
property int windowColors: plasmoid . configuration . windowColors
property bool colorizerEnabled: themeColors !== LatteContainment . Types . PlasmaThemeColors || windowColors !== LatteContainment . Types . NoneWindowColors
property bool plasmaBackgroundForPopups: plasmoid . configuration . plasmaBackgroundForPopups
readonly property bool hasExpandedApplet: latteView && latteView . extendedInterface . hasExpandedApplet ;
readonly property bool hasUserSpecifiedBackground: ( latteView && latteView . layout && latteView . layout . background . startsWith ( "/" ) ) ?
true : false
readonly property bool inConfigureAppletsMode: root . editMode && universalSettings && universalSettings . inConfigureAppletsMode
property bool closeActiveWindowEnabled: plasmoid . configuration . closeActiveWindowEnabled
property bool dragActiveWindowEnabled: plasmoid . configuration . dragActiveWindowEnabled
property bool immutable: plasmoid . immutable
property bool inFullJustify: ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Justify ) && ( maxLengthPerCentage === 100 )
property bool inStartup: true
property bool isHorizontal: plasmoid . formFactor === PlasmaCore . Types . Horizontal
property bool isVertical: ! isHorizontal
property bool mouseWheelActions: plasmoid . configuration . mouseWheelActions
property bool onlyAddingStarup: true //is used for the initialization phase in startup where there aren't removals, this variable provides a way to grow icon size
//FIXME: possibly this is going to be the default behavior, this user choice
//has been dropped from the Dock Configuration Window
//property bool smallAutomaticIconJumps: plasmoid.configuration.smallAutomaticIconJumps
property bool smallAutomaticIconJumps: true
property bool userShowPanelBackground: LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive ? plasmoid.configuration.useThemePanel : true
property bool useThemePanel: noApplets === 0 || ! LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive ?
true : ( plasmoid . configuration . useThemePanel || plasmoid . configuration . solidBackgroundForMaximized )
property bool plasma515: LatteCore . Environment . plasmaDesktopVersion >= LatteCore . Environment . makeVersion ( 5 , 15 , 0 )
property bool plasma518: LatteCore . Environment . plasmaDesktopVersion >= LatteCore . Environment . makeVersion ( 5 , 18 , 0 )
readonly property int minAppletLengthInConfigure: 16
readonly property int maxJustifySplitterSize: 64
property bool maximizeWhenMaximized: plasmoid . configuration . maximizeWhenMaximized ;
property real minLengthPerCentage: plasmoid . configuration . minLength
property real maxLengthPerCentage: hideLengthScreenGaps ? 100 : plasmoid . configuration . maxLength
property int minLength: {
if ( myView . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Justify ) {
return maxLength ;
if ( root . isHorizontal ) {
return behaveAsPlasmaPanel && LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive ? width : width * ( minLengthPerCentage / 100 )
} else {
return behaveAsPlasmaPanel && LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive ? height : height * ( minLengthPerCentage / 100 )
property int maxLength: {
const maximize = behaveAsPlasmaPanel
|| ( maximizeWhenMaximized && latteView . windowsTracker . currentScreen . existsWindowMaximized ) ;
if ( root . isHorizontal ) {
return maximize ? width : width * ( maxLengthPerCentage / 100 )
} else {
return maximize ? height : height * ( maxLengthPerCentage / 100 )
property int scrollAction: plasmoid . configuration . scrollAction
property bool panelOutline: plasmoid . configuration . panelOutline
property int panelEdgeSpacing: Math . max ( background . lengthMargins , 1.5 * myView . itemShadow . size )
property bool backgroundShadowsInRegularStateEnabled: LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive
&& userShowPanelBackground
&& plasmoid . configuration . panelShadows
property bool panelShadowsActive: {
if ( ! userShowPanelBackground ) {
return false ;
if ( inConfigureAppletsMode ) {
return plasmoid . configuration . panelShadows ;
var forcedNoShadows = ( plasmoid . configuration . panelShadows && disablePanelShadowMaximized
&& latteView && latteView . windowsTracker && latteView . windowsTracker . currentScreen . activeWindowMaximized ) ;
if ( forcedNoShadows ) {
return false ;
var transparencyCheck = ( blurEnabled || ( ! blurEnabled && background . currentOpacity > 20 ) ) ;
//! Draw shadows for isBusy state only when current background opacity is greater than 10%
if ( plasmoid . configuration . panelShadows && root . forcePanelForBusyBackground && transparencyCheck ) {
return true ;
if ( ( ( plasmoid . configuration . panelShadows && ! root . backgroundOnlyOnMaximized )
|| ( plasmoid . configuration . panelShadows && root . backgroundOnlyOnMaximized && ! root . forceTransparentPanel ) )
&& ! forcedNoShadows ) {
return true ;
if ( hasExpandedApplet && plasmaBackgroundForPopups ) {
return true ;
return false ;
property int offset: {
if ( behaveAsPlasmaPanel ) {
return 0 ;
if ( root . isHorizontal ) {
return width * ( plasmoid . configuration . offset / 100 ) ;
} else {
height * ( plasmoid . configuration . offset / 100 )
property int editShadow: {
if ( ! LatteCore . WindowSystem . compositingActive ) {
return 0 ;
} else if ( latteView && latteView . screenGeometry ) {
return latteView . screenGeometry . height / 90 ;
} else {
return 7 ;
property bool screenEdgeMarginEnabled: plasmoid . configuration . screenEdgeMargin >= 0
property int widthMargins: root . isVertical ? metrics.totals.thicknessEdges : metrics . totals . lengthEdges
property int heightMargins: root . isHorizontal ? metrics.totals.thicknessEdges : metrics . totals . lengthEdges
property var iconsArray: [ 16 , 22 , 32 , 48 , 64 , 96 , 128 , 256 ]
property Item dragOverlay: _dragOverlay
property Item toolBox
readonly property alias animations: _animations
readonly property alias autosize: _autosize
readonly property alias background: _background
readonly property alias debug: _debug
readonly property alias environment: _environment
readonly property alias indexer: _indexer
readonly property alias indicators: _indicators
readonly property alias layouter: _layouter
readonly property alias launchers: _launchers
readonly property alias metrics: _metrics
readonly property alias myView: _myView
readonly property alias parabolic: _parabolic
readonly property alias thinTooltip: _thinTooltip
readonly property alias userRequests: _userRequests
readonly property alias maskManager: visibilityManager
readonly property alias layoutsContainerItem: layoutsContainer
readonly property alias latteView: _interfaces . view
readonly property alias layoutsManager: _interfaces . layoutsManager
readonly property alias shortcutsEngine: _interfaces . globalShortcuts
readonly property alias themeExtended: _interfaces . themeExtended
readonly property alias universalSettings: _interfaces . universalSettings
readonly property QtObject selectedWindowsTracker: {
if ( latteView && latteView . windowsTracker ) {
switch ( plasmoid . configuration . activeWindowFilter ) {
case LatteContainment.Types.ActiveInCurrentScreen:
return latteView . windowsTracker . currentScreen ;
case LatteContainment.Types.ActiveFromAllScreens:
return latteView . windowsTracker . allScreens ;
return null ;
Plasmoid.backgroundHints: PlasmaCore . Types . NoBackground
//// BEGIN properties in functions
property int noApplets: {
var count1 = 0 ;
var count2 = 0 ;
count1 = layoutsContainer . mainLayout . children . length ;
var tempLength = layoutsContainer . mainLayout . children . length ;
for ( var i = tempLength - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ) {
var applet = layoutsContainer . mainLayout . children [ i ] ;
if ( applet && ( applet === dndSpacer || applet . isInternalViewSplitter ) )
count1 -- ;
count2 = layoutsContainer . endLayout . children . length ;
tempLength = layoutsContainer . endLayout . children . length ;
for ( var i = tempLength - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ) {
var applet = layoutsContainer . endLayout . children [ i ] ;
if ( applet && ( applet === dndSpacer || applet . isInternalViewSplitter ) )
count2 -- ;
return ( count1 + count2 ) ;
///The index of user's current icon size
property int currentIconIndex: {
for ( var i = iconsArray . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ) {
if ( iconsArray [ i ] === metrics . iconSize ) {
return i ;
return 3 ;
//// END properties in functions
////////////////END properties
//////////////START OF BINDINGS
//! Wait until the mouse leaves the view
Binding {
target: root
property: "hideThickScreenGap"
when: ! ( plasmoid . configuration . floatingGapHidingWaitsMouse && dockContainsMouse )
value: screenEdgeMarginEnabled
&& plasmoid . configuration . hideFloatingGapForMaximized
&& latteView && latteView . windowsTracker
&& latteView . windowsTracker . currentScreen . existsWindowMaximized
//! Binding is needed in order for hideLengthScreenGaps to be activated or not only after
//! View sliding in/out has finished. This way the animation is smoother for behaveAsPlasmaPanels
Binding {
target: root
property: "hideLengthScreenGaps"
when: latteView && latteView . positioner && latteView . visibility
&& ( ( root . behaveAsPlasmaPanel && latteView . positioner . slideOffset === 0 )
|| root . behaveAsDockWithMask )
&& ! ( plasmoid . configuration . floatingGapHidingWaitsMouse && dockContainsMouse )
value: ( hideThickScreenGap
&& ( latteView . visibility . mode === LatteCore . Types . AlwaysVisible
|| latteView . visibility . mode === LatteCore . Types . WindowsGoBelow )
&& ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Justify )
&& plasmoid . configuration . maxLength > 85 )
//////////////END OF BINDINGS
onEditModeChanged: {
if ( ! editMode ) {
layouter . updateSizeForAppletsInFill ( ) ;
//! This is used in case the dndspacer has been left behind
//! e.g. the user drops a folder and a context menu is appearing
//! but the user decides to not make a choice for the applet type
if ( dndSpacer . parent !== root ) {
dndSpacer . parent = root ;
//Block Hiding events
if ( editMode ) {
latteView . visibility . addBlockHidingEvent ( "main[qml]::inEditMode()" ) ;
} else {
latteView . visibility . removeBlockHidingEvent ( "main[qml]::inEditMode()" ) ;
onInConfigureAppletsModeChanged: {
updateIndexes ( ) ;
//! It is used only when the user chooses different alignment types and not during startup
Connections {
target: latteView ? latteView : null
onAlignmentChanged: {
if ( latteView . alignment === LatteCore . Types . NoneAlignment ) {
return ;
var previousalignment = plasmoid . configuration . alignment ;
if ( latteView . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Justify && previousalignment !== LatteCore . Types . Justify ) { // main -> justify
layouter . appletsInParentChange = true ;
fastLayoutManager . addJustifySplittersInMainLayout ( ) ;
console . log ( "LAYOUTS: Moving applets from MAIN to THREE Layouts mode..." ) ;
fastLayoutManager . moveAppletsBasedOnJustifyAlignment ( ) ;
layouter . appletsInParentChange = false ;
} else if ( latteView . alignment !== LatteCore . Types . Justify && previousalignment === LatteCore . Types . Justify ) { // justify ->main
layouter . appletsInParentChange = true ;
console . log ( "LAYOUTS: Moving applets from THREE to MAIN Layout mode..." ) ;
fastLayoutManager . joinLayoutsToMainLayout ( ) ;
layouter . appletsInParentChange = false ;
root . updateIndexes ( ) ;
plasmoid . configuration . alignment = latteView . alignment ;
fastLayoutManager . save ( ) ;
onLatteViewChanged: {
if ( latteView ) {
if ( latteView . positioner ) {
latteView . positioner . hidingForRelocationStarted . connect ( visibilityManager . slotHideDockDuringLocationChange ) ;
latteView . positioner . showingAfterRelocationFinished . connect ( visibilityManager . slotShowDockAfterLocationChange ) ;
if ( latteView . visibility ) {
latteView . visibility . onContainsMouseChanged . connect ( visibilityManager . slotContainsMouseChanged ) ;
latteView . visibility . onMustBeHide . connect ( visibilityManager . slotMustBeHide ) ;
latteView . visibility . onMustBeShown . connect ( visibilityManager . slotMustBeShown ) ;
Connections {
target: latteView
onPositionerChanged: {
if ( latteView . positioner ) {
latteView . positioner . hidingForRelocationStarted . connect ( visibilityManager . slotHideDockDuringLocationChange ) ;
latteView . positioner . showingAfterRelocationFinished . connect ( visibilityManager . slotShowDockAfterLocationChange ) ;
onVisibilityChanged: {
if ( latteView . visibility ) {
latteView . visibility . onContainsMouseChanged . connect ( visibilityManager . slotContainsMouseChanged ) ;
latteView . visibility . onMustBeHide . connect ( visibilityManager . slotMustBeHide ) ;
latteView . visibility . onMustBeShown . connect ( visibilityManager . slotMustBeShown ) ;
onMaxLengthChanged: {
layouter . updateSizeForAppletsInFill ( ) ;
onToolBoxChanged: {
if ( toolBox ) {
toolBox . visible = false ;
onIsVerticalChanged: {
if ( isVertical ) {
if ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Left )
plasmoid . configuration . alignment = LatteCore . Types . Top ;
else if ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Right )
plasmoid . configuration . alignment = LatteCore . Types . Bottom ;
} else {
if ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Top )
plasmoid . configuration . alignment = LatteCore . Types . Left ;
else if ( plasmoid . configuration . alignment === LatteCore . Types . Bottom )
plasmoid . configuration . alignment = LatteCore . Types . Right ;
Component.onCompleted: {
upgrader_v010_alignment ( ) ;
fastLayoutManager . restore ( ) ;
plasmoid . action ( "configure" ) . visible = ! plasmoid . immutable ;
plasmoid . action ( "configure" ) . enabled = ! plasmoid . immutable ;
Component.onDestruction: {
console . debug ( "Destroying Latte Dock Containment ui..." ) ;
layouter . appletsInParentChange = true ;
fastLayoutManager . save ( ) ;
if ( latteView ) {
if ( latteView . positioner ) {
latteView . positioner . hidingForRelocationStarted . disconnect ( visibilityManager . slotHideDockDuringLocationChange ) ;
latteView . positioner . showingAfterRelocationFinished . disconnect ( visibilityManager . slotShowDockAfterLocationChange ) ;
if ( latteView . visibility ) {
latteView . visibility . onContainsMouseChanged . disconnect ( visibilityManager . slotContainsMouseChanged ) ;
latteView . visibility . onMustBeHide . disconnect ( visibilityManager . slotMustBeHide ) ;
latteView . visibility . onMustBeShown . disconnect ( visibilityManager . slotMustBeShown ) ;
Containment.onAppletAdded: {
if ( fastLayoutManager . isMasqueradedIndex ( x , y ) ) {
var index = fastLayoutManager . masquearadedIndex ( x , y ) ;
fastLayoutManager . addAppletItem ( applet , index ) ;
} else {
fastLayoutManager . addAppletItem ( applet , x , y ) ;
Containment.onAppletRemoved: fastLayoutManager . removeAppletItem ( applet ) ;
Plasmoid.onUserConfiguringChanged: {
if ( plasmoid . userConfiguring ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < plasmoid . applets . length ; ++ i ) {
plasmoid . applets [ i ] . expanded = false ;
Plasmoid.onImmutableChanged: {
plasmoid . action ( "configure" ) . visible = ! plasmoid . immutable ;
plasmoid . action ( "configure" ) . enabled = ! plasmoid . immutable ;
//////////////END OF CONNECTIONS
//////////////START OF FUNCTIONS
function createAppletItem ( applet ) {
var appletContainer = appletItemComponent . createObject ( dndSpacer . parent ) ;
initAppletContainer ( appletContainer , applet ) ;
// don't show applet if it chooses to be hidden but still make it accessible in the panelcontroller
appletContainer . visible = Qt . binding ( function ( ) {
return ( appletContainer . applet && appletContainer . applet . status !== PlasmaCore . Types . HiddenStatus || ( ! plasmoid . immutable && root . inConfigureAppletsMode ) ) && ! appletContainer . isHidden ;
} ) ;
return appletContainer ;
function initAppletContainer ( appletContainer , applet ) {
appletContainer . applet = applet ;
applet . parent = appletContainer . appletWrapper ;
applet . anchors . fill = appletContainer . appletWrapper ;
applet . visible = true ;
function createJustifySplitter ( ) {
var splitter = appletItemComponent . createObject ( root ) ;
splitter . internalSplitterId = internalViewSplittersCount ( ) + 1 ;
splitter . visible = true ;
return splitter ;
//! it is used in order to check the right click position
//! the only way to take into account the visual appearance
//! of the applet (including its spacers)
function appletContainsPos ( appletId , pos ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < layoutsContainer . startLayout . children . length ; ++ i ) {
var child = layoutsContainer . startLayout . children [ i ] ;
if ( child && child . applet && child . applet . id === appletId && child . containsPos ( pos ) )
return true ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < layoutsContainer . mainLayout . children . length ; ++ i ) {
var child = layoutsContainer . mainLayout . children [ i ] ;
if ( child && child . applet && child . applet . id === appletId && child . containsPos ( pos ) )
return true ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < layoutsContainer . endLayout . children . length ; ++ i ) {
var child = layoutsContainer . endLayout . children [ i ] ;
if ( child && child . applet && child . applet . id === appletId && child . containsPos ( pos ) )
return true ;
return false ;
function internalViewSplittersCount ( ) {
var splitters = 0 ;
for ( var container in layoutsContainer . startLayout . children ) {
var item = layoutsContainer . startLayout . children [ container ] ;
if ( item && item . isInternalViewSplitter ) {
splitters = splitters + 1 ;
for ( var container in layoutsContainer . mainLayout . children ) {
var item = layoutsContainer . mainLayout . children [ container ] ;
if ( item && item . isInternalViewSplitter ) {
splitters = splitters + 1 ;
for ( var container in layoutsContainer . endLayout . children ) {
var item = layoutsContainer . endLayout . children [ container ] ;
if ( item && item . isInternalViewSplitter ) {
splitters = splitters + 1 ;
return splitters ;
function mouseInCanBeHoveredApplet ( ) {
var applets = layoutsContainer . startLayout . children ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < applets . length ; ++ i ) {
var applet = applets [ i ] ;
if ( applet && applet . containsMouse && ! applet . originalAppletBehavior && applet . parabolicEffectIsSupported ) {
return true ;
applets = layoutsContainer . mainLayout . children ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < applets . length ; ++ i ) {
var applet = applets [ i ] ;
if ( applet && applet . containsMouse && ! applet . originalAppletBehavior && applet . parabolicEffectIsSupported ) {
return true ;
///check second layout also
applets = layoutsContainer . endLayout . children ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < applets . length ; ++ i ) {
var applet = applets [ i ] ;
if ( applet && applet . containsMouse && ! applet . originalAppletBehavior && applet . parabolicEffectIsSupported ) {
return true ;
return false ;
function sizeIsFromAutomaticMode ( size ) {
for ( var i = iconsArray . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ) {
if ( iconsArray [ i ] === size ) {
return true ;
return false ;
function upgrader_v010_alignment ( ) {
//! IMPORTANT, special case because it needs to be loaded on Component constructor
if ( ! plasmoid . configuration . alignmentUpgraded ) {
plasmoid . configuration . alignment = plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition ;
plasmoid . configuration . alignmentUpgraded = true ;
//END functions
///////////////BEGIN components
Component {
id: appletItemComponent
Applet . AppletItem {
animations: _animations
debug: _debug
environment: _environment
indexer: _indexer
indicators: _indicators
launchers: _launchers
layouter: _layouter
layouts: layoutsContainer
metrics: _metrics
myView: _myView
parabolic: _parabolic
shortcuts: _shortcuts
thinTooltip: _thinTooltip
userRequests: _userRequests
Upgrader {
id: upgrader
///////////////END components
PlasmaCore . ColorScope {
id: colorScopePalette
LatteContainment . LayoutManager {
plasmoidObj: plasmoid
rootItem: root
dndSpacerItem: dndSpacer
mainLayout: layoutsContainer . mainLayout
startLayout: layoutsContainer . startLayout
endLayout: layoutsContainer . endLayout
metrics: _metrics
onAppletOrderChanged: root . updateIndexes ( ) ;
onSplitterPositionChanged: root . updateIndexes ( ) ;
onSplitterPosition2Changed: root . updateIndexes ( ) ;
///////////////BEGIN UI elements
Loader {
active: debug . windowEnabled
sourceComponent: Debugger . DebugWindow { }
Loader {
anchors.fill: parent
active: debug . graphicsEnabled
z: 10
sourceComponent: Item {
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color: "yellow"
opacity: 0.06
BindingsExternal {
id: bindingsExternal
VisibilityManager {
id: visibilityManager
layouts: layoutsContainer
DragDropArea {
id: backDropArea
anchors.fill: parent
Item {
anchors.fill: layoutsContainer
Background . MultiLayered {
id: _background
Layouts . LayoutsContainer {
id: layoutsContainer
Colorizer . Manager {
id: colorizerManager
EditMode . ConfigOverlay {
id: _dragOverlay
Item {
id: dndSpacer
width: root . isHorizontal ? length : thickness
height: root . isHorizontal ? thickness : length
property int length: opacity > 0 ? ( dndSpacerAddItem . length + metrics . totals . lengthEdges + metrics . totals . lengthPaddings ) : 0
readonly property bool isDndSpacer: true
readonly property int thickness: metrics . totals . thickness + metrics . margin . screenEdge
readonly property int maxLength: 96
Layout.minimumWidth: width
Layout.minimumHeight: height
Layout.preferredWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
Layout.preferredHeight: Layout . minimumHeight
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
Layout.maximumHeight: Layout . minimumHeight
opacity: 0
visible: parent === layoutsContainer . startLayout
|| parent === layoutsContainer . mainLayout
|| parent === layoutsContainer . endLayout
z: 1500
Behavior on length {
NumberAnimation {
duration: animations . duration . large
easing.type: Easing . InQuad
Behavior on opacity {
NumberAnimation {
duration: animations . duration . large
easing.type: Easing . InQuad
Item {
id: dndSpacerAddItemContainer
width: root . isHorizontal ? parent.length : parent . thickness - metrics . margin . screenEdge
height: root . isHorizontal ? parent . thickness - metrics.margin.screenEdge : parent . length
property int thickMargin: metrics . margin . screenEdge
LatteComponents . AddItem {
id: dndSpacerAddItem
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: length
height: width
readonly property int length: Math . min ( metrics . iconSize , 96 )
states: [
State {
name: "bottom"
when: plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . BottomEdge
AnchorChanges {
target: dndSpacerAddItemContainer ;
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent . horizontalCenter ; anchors.verticalCenter: undefined ;
anchors.right: undefined ; anchors.left: undefined ; anchors.top: undefined ; anchors.bottom: parent . bottom ;
PropertyChanges {
target: dndSpacerAddItemContainer ;
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: dndSpacerAddItemContainer . thickMargin ;
anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0 ; anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 0 ;
} ,
State {
name: "top"
when: plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . TopEdge
AnchorChanges {
target: dndSpacerAddItemContainer ;
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent . horizontalCenter ; anchors.verticalCenter: undefined ;
anchors.right: undefined ; anchors.left: undefined ; anchors.top: parent . top ; anchors.bottom: undefined ;
PropertyChanges {
target: dndSpacerAddItemContainer ;
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: dndSpacerAddItemContainer . thickMargin ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0 ; anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 0 ;
} ,
State {
name: "left"
when: plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . LeftEdge
AnchorChanges {
target: dndSpacerAddItemContainer ;
anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined ; anchors.verticalCenter: parent . verticalCenter ;
anchors.right: undefined ; anchors.left: parent . left ; anchors.top: undefined ; anchors.bottom: undefined ;
PropertyChanges {
target: dndSpacerAddItemContainer ;
anchors.leftMargin: dndSpacerAddItemContainer . thickMargin ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0 ; anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 0 ;
} ,
State {
name: "right"
when: plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . RightEdge
AnchorChanges {
target: dndSpacerAddItemContainer ;
anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined ; anchors.verticalCenter: parent . verticalCenter ;
anchors.right: parent . right ; anchors.left: undefined ; anchors.top: undefined ; anchors.bottom: undefined ;
PropertyChanges {
target: dndSpacerAddItemContainer ;
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: dndSpacerAddItemContainer . thickMargin ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0 ; anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 0 ;
Behavior on maxLengthPerCentage {
enabled: root . behaveAsDockWithMask && plasmoid . configuration . floatingGapHidingWaitsMouse && dockContainsMouse
NumberAnimation {
duration: animations . duration . short
easing.type: Easing . InQuad
///////////////END UI elements
///////////////BEGIN ABILITIES
Ability . Animations {
id: _animations
layouts: layoutsContainer
metrics: _metrics
settings: universalSettings
Ability . AutoSize {
id: _autosize
layouts: layoutsContainer
layouter: _layouter
metrics: _metrics
visibility: visibilityManager
Ability . Debug {
id: _debug
AbilityHost . Environment {
id: _environment
Ability . Indexer {
id: _indexer
layouts: layoutsContainer
Ability . Indicators {
id: _indicators
view: latteView
Ability . Launchers {
id: _launchers
layouts: layoutsContainer
layoutName: latteView && latteView . layout ? latteView.layout.name : ""
Ability . Layouter {
id: _layouter
animations: _animations
indexer: _indexer
layouts: layoutsContainer
Ability . Metrics {
id: _metrics
animations: _animations
autosize: _autosize
background: _background
indicators: _indicators
parabolic: _parabolic
Ability . MyView {
id: _myView
layouts: layoutsContainer
Ability . ParabolicEffect {
id: _parabolic
animations: _animations
debug: _debug
layouts: layoutsContainer
view: latteView
settings: universalSettings
Ability . PositionShortcuts {
id: _shortcuts
layouts: layoutsContainer
Ability . ThinTooltip {
id: _thinTooltip
debug: _debug
layouts: layoutsContainer
view: latteView
Ability . UserRequests {
id: _userRequests
view: latteView
LatteApp . Interfaces {
id: _interfaces
plasmoidInterface: plasmoid
Component.onCompleted: {
view . interfacesGraphicObj = _interfaces ;
onViewChanged: {
if ( view ) {
view . interfacesGraphicObj = _interfaces ;
if ( ! root . inStartup ) {
//! used from recreating views
root . inStartup = true ;
startupDelayer . start ( ) ;
///////////////END ABILITIES
///////////////BEGIN TIMER elements
//! It is used in order to slide-in the latteView on startup
onInStartupChanged: {
if ( ! inStartup ) {
latteView . positioner . startupFinished ( ) ;
latteView . positioner . slideInDuringStartup ( ) ;
visibilityManager . slotMustBeShown ( ) ;
Connections {
target: fastLayoutManager
onHasRestoredAppletsChanged: {
if ( fastLayoutManager . hasRestoredApplets ) {
startupDelayer . start ( ) ;
Timer {
//! Give a little more time to layouter and applets to load and be positioned properly during startup when
//! the view is drawn out-of-screen and afterwards trigger the startup animation sequence:
//! 1.slide-out when out-of-screen //slotMustBeHide()
//! 2.be positioned properly at correct screen //slideInDuringStartup(), triggers Positioner::syncGeometry()
//! 3.slide-in properly in correct screen //slotMustBeShown();
id: startupDelayer
interval: 1000
onTriggered: {
visibilityManager . slotMustBeHide ( ) ;
///////////////END TIMER elements
Loader {
anchors.fill: parent
active: debug . localGeometryEnabled
sourceComponent: Rectangle {
x: latteView . localGeometry . x
y: latteView . localGeometry . y
//! when view is resized there is a chance that geometry is faulty stacked in old values
width: Math . min ( latteView . localGeometry . width , root . width ) //! fixes updating
height: Math . min ( latteView . localGeometry . height , root . height ) //! fixes updating
color: "blue"
border.width: 2
border.color: "red"
opacity: 0.35
Loader {
anchors.fill: parent
active: latteView && latteView . effects && debug . inputMaskEnabled
sourceComponent: Rectangle {
x: latteView . effects . inputMask . x
y: latteView . effects . inputMask . y
//! when view is resized there is a chance that geometry is faulty stacked in old values
width: Math . min ( latteView . effects . inputMask . width , root . width ) //! fixes updating
height: Math . min ( latteView . effects . inputMask . height , root . height ) //! fixes updating
color: "purple"
border.width: 1
border.color: "black"
opacity: 0.20