* new Coloring mechanism. The user can now choose for its Latte docks/panels classic Plasma theme style/Reversed Colors from plasma theme and Smart that takes into account the underlying desktop background
* Coloring mechanism can now use also the windows color schemes in order to paint properly its contents. User can choose from None/Active window/Touching window styles.
* Provide Indicators packages that can be installed online (https://store.kde.org/browse/cat/563/)
* Introduce Live Editing for Dock Setings in order for the user to observe runtime its changes
* Introduce Shared Layouts when functioning in Multiple Layouts mode
* reduce calls to functions that are heavy such as View::syncGeometry and Corona::availableScreenGeometry
* Tasks plasmoid supports scrolling when tasks exceed the available space
* Track LastActiveWindow per-screen and at all-screens and provide these information to applets
* keep compatibility with Qt5.9 and Plasma>=5.12
* support new Advanced mode for View settings that fills all screen height and is flexible. You can adjust its scale factors with Meta+Scroll and Ctrl+Scroll at the empty areas of the settings window at per screen level
* add a new Communicator item in order to handle all communications between containment and its applets
* new windows tracking mechanism which is lighter and can be used also from plasma applets
* support Plasma 5.15 new Virtual Desktops interface
* support fill(s) applets for Left,Center,Right alignment properly. That means that the user can now add plasma taskmanagers in Latte panel/docks and use at the same time the previous alignments.
* split animations in Effects page to different settings and provide them to the users to choose what animations the prefer
* improve drag n' drop experience to add applets and launchers