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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Michail Vourlakos <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "genericlayout.h"
// local
#include "abstractlayout.h"
#include "../apptypes.h"
#include "../lattecorona.h"
#include "../screenpool.h"
#include "../layouts/importer.h"
#include "../layouts/manager.h"
#include "../layouts/storage.h"
#include "../layouts/synchronizer.h"
#include "../shortcuts/shortcutstracker.h"
#include "../templates/templatesmanager.h"
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
#include "../view/clonedview.h"
#include "../view/originalview.h"
#include "../view/positioner.h"
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
#include "../view/view.h"
// Qt
#include <QDebug>
#include <QScreen>
// Plasma
#include <Plasma>
#include <Plasma/Applet>
#include <Plasma/Containment>
// KDE
#include <KActionCollection>
#include <KConfigGroup>
namespace Latte {
namespace Layout {
GenericLayout::GenericLayout(QObject *parent, QString layoutFile, QString assignedName)
: AbstractLayout (parent, layoutFile, assignedName)
Type GenericLayout::type() const
return Type::Generic;
void GenericLayout::unloadContainments()
if (!m_corona) {
qDebug() << "Layout - " + name() + " : [unloadContainments]"
<< "containments ::: " << m_containments.size()
<< " ,latteViews in memory ::: " << m_latteViews.size()
<< " ,hidden latteViews in memory ::: " << m_waitingLatteViews.size();
for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
for (const auto view : m_waitingLatteViews) {
QList<Plasma::Containment *> subcontainments;
//!identify subcontainments and unload them first
for (const auto containment : m_containments) {
if (Plasma::Applet *parentApplet = qobject_cast<Plasma::Applet *>(containment->parent())) {
while (!subcontainments.isEmpty()) {
Plasma::Containment *sub =;
m_unloadedContainmentsIds << QString::number(sub->id());
delete sub;
while (!m_containments.isEmpty()) {
Plasma::Containment *containment =;
m_unloadedContainmentsIds << QString::number(containment->id());
delete containment;
void GenericLayout::unloadLatteViews()
if (!m_corona) {
qDebug() << "Layout - " + name() + " : [unloadLatteViews]"
<< "containments ::: " << m_containments.size()
<< " ,latteViews in memory ::: " << m_latteViews.size()
<< " ,hidden latteViews in memory ::: " << m_waitingLatteViews.size();
//!disconnect signals in order to avoid crashes when the layout is unloading
disconnect(this, &GenericLayout::viewsCountChanged, m_corona, &Plasma::Corona::availableScreenRectChanged);
disconnect(this, &GenericLayout::viewsCountChanged, m_corona, &Plasma::Corona::availableScreenRegionChanged);
disconnect(this, &GenericLayout::activitiesChanged, this, &GenericLayout::updateLastUsedActivity);
disconnect(m_corona->activitiesConsumer(), &KActivities::Consumer::currentActivityChanged, this, &GenericLayout::updateLastUsedActivity);
for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
for (const auto view : m_waitingLatteViews) {
bool GenericLayout::blockAutomaticLatteViewCreation() const
return m_blockAutomaticLatteViewCreation;
void GenericLayout::setBlockAutomaticLatteViewCreation(bool block)
if (m_blockAutomaticLatteViewCreation == block) {
m_blockAutomaticLatteViewCreation = block;
bool GenericLayout::isActive() const
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
return m_corona && m_hasInitializedContainments && (m_corona->layoutsManager()->synchronizer()->layout(m_layoutName) != nullptr);
bool GenericLayout::isCurrent()
if (!m_corona) {
return false;
return m_corona->layoutsManager()->currentLayoutsNames().contains(name());
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
bool GenericLayout::hasCorona() const
return (m_corona!=nullptr);
void GenericLayout::setCorona(Latte::Corona *corona)
m_corona = corona;
QString GenericLayout::background() const
QString colorsPath = m_corona->kPackage().path() + "../../shells/";
if (backgroundStyle() == Layout::PatternBackgroundStyle) {
if (customBackground().isEmpty()) {
return colorsPath + "defaultcustomprint.jpg";
} else {
return AbstractLayout::customBackground();
return colorsPath + AbstractLayout::color() + "print.jpg";
QString GenericLayout::textColor() const
if (backgroundStyle() == Layout::PatternBackgroundStyle && customBackground().isEmpty() && customTextColor().isEmpty()) {
return AbstractLayout::defaultCustomTextColor();
return AbstractLayout::textColor();
int GenericLayout::viewsCount(int screen) const
if (!m_corona) {
return 0;
QScreen *scr = m_corona->screenPool()->screenForId(screen);
int views{0};
for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
if (view && view->screen() == scr && !view->containment()->destroyed()) {
return views;
int GenericLayout::viewsCount(QScreen *screen) const
if (!m_corona) {
return 0;
int views{0};
for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
if (view && view->screen() == screen && !view->containment()->destroyed()) {
return views;
int GenericLayout::viewsCount() const
if (!m_corona) {
return 0;
int views{0};
for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
if (view && view->containment() && !view->containment()->destroyed()) {
return views;
QList<int> GenericLayout::qmlFreeEdges(int screen) const
if (!m_corona) {
const QList<int> emptyEdges;
return emptyEdges;
const auto edges = freeEdges(screen);
QList<int> edgesInt;
for (const Plasma::Types::Location &edge : edges) {
return edgesInt;
QList<Plasma::Types::Location> GenericLayout::freeEdges(QScreen *scr) const
using Plasma::Types;
QList<Types::Location> edges{Types::BottomEdge, Types::LeftEdge,
Types::TopEdge, Types::RightEdge};
if (!m_corona) {
return edges;
for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
if (view && view->positioner()->currentScreenName() == scr->name()) {
return edges;
QList<Plasma::Types::Location> GenericLayout::freeEdges(int screen) const
using Plasma::Types;
QList<Types::Location> edges{Types::BottomEdge, Types::LeftEdge,
Types::TopEdge, Types::RightEdge};
if (!m_corona) {
return edges;
QScreen *scr = m_corona->screenPool()->screenForId(screen);
for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
if (view && scr && view->positioner()->currentScreenName() == scr->name()) {
return edges;
int GenericLayout::viewsWithTasks() const
if (!m_corona) {
return 0;
int result = 0;
for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
if (view->extendedInterface()->hasLatteTasks() || view->extendedInterface()->hasPlasmaTasks()) {
return result;
QStringList GenericLayout::unloadedContainmentsIds()
return m_unloadedContainmentsIds;
Latte::Corona *GenericLayout::corona() const
return m_corona;
5 years ago
Types::ViewType GenericLayout::latteViewType(uint containmentId) const
for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
if (view->containment() && view->containment()->id() == containmentId) {
return view->type();
return Types::DockView;
Latte::View *GenericLayout::highestPriorityView()
QList<Latte::View *> views = sortedLatteViews();
return (views.count() > 0 ? views[0] : nullptr);
Latte::View *GenericLayout::lastConfigViewFor()
return m_lastConfigViewFor;
void GenericLayout::setLastConfigViewFor(Latte::View *view)
if (m_lastConfigViewFor == view) {
m_lastConfigViewFor = view;
if (view) {
emit lastConfigViewForChanged(view);
void GenericLayout::onLastConfigViewChangedFrom(Latte::View *view)
if (!m_latteViews.values().contains(view)) {
Latte::View *GenericLayout::viewForContainment(uint id) const
for(auto view : m_latteViews) {
if (view && view->containment()->id() == id) {
return view;
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
for(auto view : m_waitingLatteViews) {
if (view && view->containment()->id() == id) {
return view;
return nullptr;
Plasma::Containment *GenericLayout::containmentForId(uint id) const
for(auto containment : m_containments) {
if (containment->id() == id) {
return containment;
return nullptr;
bool GenericLayout::contains(Plasma::Containment *containment) const
return m_containments.contains(containment);
int GenericLayout::screenForContainment(Plasma::Containment *containment)
if (!containment) {
return -1;
//! there is a pending update
QString containmentid = QString::number(containment->id());
if (m_pendingContainmentUpdates.containsId(containmentid)) {
if (m_corona && m_pendingContainmentUpdates[containmentid].onPrimary) {
return m_corona->screenPool()->primaryScreenId();
} else {
return m_pendingContainmentUpdates[containmentid].screen;
//! there is a view present
Latte::View *view{nullptr};
if (m_latteViews.contains(containment)) {
view = m_latteViews[containment];
} else if (m_waitingLatteViews.contains(containment)) {
view = m_waitingLatteViews[containment];
if (view && view->screen()) {
return m_corona->screenPool()->id(view->screen()->name());
//! fallback scenario
return containment->lastScreen();
bool GenericLayout::containsView(const int &containmentId) const
if (!isActive()) {
return Layouts::Storage::self()->containsView(file(), containmentId);
for(auto containment : m_containments) {
if ((int)containment->id() == containmentId && Layouts::Storage::self()->isLatteContainment(containment)) {
return true;
return false;
Latte::View *GenericLayout::viewForContainment(Plasma::Containment *containment) const
if (m_containments.contains(containment) && m_latteViews.contains(containment)) {
return m_latteViews[containment];
return nullptr;
QList<Latte::View *> GenericLayout::latteViews()
return m_latteViews.values();
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
QList<Latte::View *> GenericLayout::onlyOriginalViews()
QList<Latte::View *> viewslist;
for (const auto v : m_latteViews) {
if (v->isOriginal()) {
viewslist << v;
return viewslist;
QList<Latte::View *> GenericLayout::sortedLatteViews()
return sortedLatteViews(latteViews());
QList<Latte::View *> GenericLayout::sortedLatteViews(QList<Latte::View *> views)
QList<Latte::View *> sortedViews = views;
qDebug() << " -------- ";
for (int i = 0; i < sortedViews.count(); ++i) {
qDebug() << i << ". " << sortedViews[i]->screen()->name() << " - " << sortedViews[i]->location();
//! sort the views based on screens and edges priorities
//! views on primary screen have higher priority and
//! for views in the same screen the priority goes to
//! Bottom,Left,Top,Right
for (int i = 0; i < sortedViews.size(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < sortedViews.size() - i - 1; ++j) {
if (viewAtLowerScreenPriority(sortedViews[j], sortedViews[j + 1])
|| (sortedViews[j]->screen() == sortedViews[j + 1]->screen()
&& viewAtLowerEdgePriority(sortedViews[j], sortedViews[j + 1]))) {
Latte::View *temp = sortedViews[j + 1];
sortedViews[j + 1] = sortedViews[j];
sortedViews[j] = temp;
Latte::View *highestPriorityView{nullptr};
for (int i = 0; i < sortedViews.size(); ++i) {
if (sortedViews[i]->isPreferredForShortcuts()) {
highestPriorityView = sortedViews[i];
if (highestPriorityView) {
qDebug() << " -------- sorted -----";
for (int i = 0; i < sortedViews.count(); ++i) {
qDebug() << i << ". " << sortedViews[i]->isPreferredForShortcuts() << " - " << sortedViews[i]->screen()->name() << " - " << sortedViews[i]->location();
return sortedViews;
bool GenericLayout::viewAtLowerScreenPriority(Latte::View *test, Latte::View *base)
if (!base || ! test) {
return true;
if (base->screen() == test->screen()) {
return false;
} else if (base->screen() != qGuiApp->primaryScreen() && test->screen() == qGuiApp->primaryScreen()) {
return false;
} else if (base->screen() == qGuiApp->primaryScreen() && test->screen() != qGuiApp->primaryScreen()) {
return true;
} else {
int basePriority = -1;
int testPriority = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < qGuiApp->screens().count(); ++i) {
if (base->screen() == qGuiApp->screens()[i]) {
basePriority = i;
if (test->screen() == qGuiApp->screens()[i]) {
testPriority = i;
if (testPriority <= basePriority) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
qDebug() << "viewAtLowerScreenPriority : shouldn't had reached here...";
return false;
bool GenericLayout::viewAtLowerEdgePriority(Latte::View *test, Latte::View *base)
if (!base || ! test) {
return true;
QList<Plasma::Types::Location> edges{Plasma::Types::RightEdge, Plasma::Types::TopEdge,
Plasma::Types::LeftEdge, Plasma::Types::BottomEdge};
int testPriority = -1;
int basePriority = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < edges.count(); ++i) {
if (edges[i] == base->location()) {
basePriority = i;
if (edges[i] == test->location()) {
testPriority = i;
if (testPriority < basePriority) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool GenericLayout::viewDataAtLowerScreenPriority(const Latte::Data::View &test, const Latte::Data::View &base) const
if (test.onPrimary && base.onPrimary) {
return false;
} else if (!base.onPrimary && test.onPrimary) {
return false;
} else if (base.onPrimary && !test.onPrimary) {
return true;
} else {
return test.screen <= base.screen;
bool GenericLayout::viewDataAtLowerStatePriority(const Latte::Data::View &test, const Latte::Data::View &base) const
if (test.isActive == base.isActive) {
return false;
} else if (!base.isActive && test.isActive) {
return false;
} else if (base.isActive && !test.isActive) {
return true;
return false;
bool GenericLayout::viewDataAtLowerEdgePriority(const Latte::Data::View &test, const Latte::Data::View &base) const
QList<Plasma::Types::Location> edges{Plasma::Types::RightEdge, Plasma::Types::TopEdge,
Plasma::Types::LeftEdge, Plasma::Types::BottomEdge};
int testPriority = -1;
int basePriority = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < edges.count(); ++i) {
if (edges[i] == base.edge) {
basePriority = i;
if (edges[i] == test.edge) {
testPriority = i;
if (testPriority < basePriority) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
QList<Latte::Data::View> GenericLayout::sortedViewsData(const QList<Latte::Data::View> &viewsData)
QList<Latte::Data::View> sortedData = viewsData;
//! sort the views based on screens and edges priorities
//! views on primary screen have higher priority and
//! for views in the same screen the priority goes to
//! Bottom,Left,Top,Right
for (int i = 0; i < sortedData.size(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < sortedData.size() - i - 1; ++j) {
if (viewDataAtLowerStatePriority(sortedData[j], sortedData[j + 1])
|| viewDataAtLowerScreenPriority(sortedData[j], sortedData[j + 1])
|| (!viewDataAtLowerScreenPriority(sortedData[j], sortedData[j + 1])
&& viewDataAtLowerEdgePriority(sortedData[j], sortedData[j + 1])) ) {
Latte::Data::View temp = sortedData[j + 1];
sortedData[j + 1] = sortedData[j];
sortedData[j] = temp;
return sortedData;
const QList<Plasma::Containment *> *GenericLayout::containments() const
return &m_containments;
QList<Latte::View *> GenericLayout::viewsWithPlasmaShortcuts()
QList<Latte::View *> views;
if (!m_corona) {
return views;
5 years ago
QList<uint> appletsWithShortcuts = m_corona->globalShortcuts()->shortcutsTracker()->appletsWithPlasmaShortcuts();
for (const auto &appletId : appletsWithShortcuts) {
for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
bool found{false};
for (const auto applet : view->containment()->applets()) {
if (appletId == applet->id()) {
if (!views.contains(view)) {
found = true;
if (found) {
return views;
//! Containments Actions
void GenericLayout::addContainment(Plasma::Containment *containment)
if (!containment || m_containments.contains(containment)) {
bool containmentInLayout{false};
if (m_corona->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() == MemoryUsage::SingleLayout) {
containmentInLayout = true;
} else if (m_corona->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() == MemoryUsage::MultipleLayouts) {
QString layoutId = containment->config().readEntry("layoutId", QString());
if (!layoutId.isEmpty() && (layoutId == m_layoutName)) {
containmentInLayout = true;
if (containmentInLayout) {
if (!blockAutomaticLatteViewCreation()) {
} else {
qDebug() << "delaying LatteView creation for containment :: " << containment->id();
connect(containment, &QObject::destroyed, this, &GenericLayout::containmentDestroyed);
void GenericLayout::appletCreated(Plasma::Applet *applet)
//! In Multiple Layout the orphaned subcontainments must be assigned to layouts
//! when the user adds them
KConfigGroup appletSettings = applet->containment()->config().group("Applets").group(QString::number(applet->id()));
int subId = Layouts::Storage::self()->subContainmentId(appletSettings);
if (Layouts::Storage::isValid(subId)) {
uint sId = (uint)subId;
for (const auto containment : m_corona->containments()) {
if (containment->id() == sId) {
containment->config().writeEntry("layoutId", m_layoutName);
void GenericLayout::containmentDestroyed(QObject *cont)
if (!m_corona) {
Plasma::Containment *containment = static_cast<Plasma::Containment *>(cont);
if (containment) {
int containmentIndex = m_containments.indexOf(containment);
if (containmentIndex >= 0) {
qDebug() << "Layout " << name() << " :: containment destroyed!!!!";
auto view = m_latteViews.take(containment);
if (!view) {
view = m_waitingLatteViews.take(containment);
if (view) {
emit viewEdgeChanged();
emit viewsCountChanged();
void GenericLayout::destroyedChanged(bool destroyed)
if (!m_corona) {
qDebug() << "dock containment destroyed changed!!!!";
Plasma::Containment *sender = qobject_cast<Plasma::Containment *>(QObject::sender());
if (!sender) {
Latte::View *view;
if (destroyed) {
view = m_latteViews.take(static_cast<Plasma::Containment *>(sender));
m_waitingLatteViews[sender] = view;
} else {
view = m_waitingLatteViews.take(static_cast<Plasma::Containment *>(sender));
m_latteViews[sender] =view;
if (view) {
emit m_corona->availableScreenRectChangedFrom(view);
emit m_corona->availableScreenRegionChangedFrom(view);
emit viewEdgeChanged();
emit viewsCountChanged();
void GenericLayout::renameLayout(QString newName)
if (!m_corona || m_corona->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() != MemoryUsage::MultipleLayouts) {
if (m_layoutFile != Layouts::Importer::layoutUserFilePath(newName)) {
for (const auto containment : m_containments) {
qDebug() << "Cont ID :: " << containment->id();
containment->config().writeEntry("layoutId", m_layoutName);
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
void GenericLayout::addView(Plasma::Containment *containment)
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
qDebug().noquote() << "Adding View: Called for layout:" << m_layoutName << "with m_containments.size() ::" << m_containments.size();
if (!containment || !m_corona || !containment->kPackage().isValid()) {
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
qWarning() << "Adding View: The requested containment plugin can not be located or loaded";
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
qDebug() << "Adding View:" << containment->id() << "- Step 1...";
if (!Layouts::Storage::self()->isLatteContainment(containment)) {
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
qDebug() << "Adding View:" << containment->id() << "- Step 2...";
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (hasLatteView(containment)) {
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
qDebug() << "Adding View:" << containment->id() << "- Step 3...";
QScreen *nextScreen{qGuiApp->primaryScreen()};
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
Data::View viewdata = Layouts::Storage::self()->view(this, containment);
viewdata.screen = Layouts::Storage::self()->expectedViewScreenId(m_corona, viewdata);
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
QString nextScreenName = m_corona->screenPool()->hasScreenId(viewdata.screen) ? m_corona->screenPool()->connector(viewdata.screen) : "";
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
qDebug().noquote() << "Adding View:" << << "-"
<< "IsClonedFrom:" << viewdata.isClonedFrom
<< ", NextScreen:" << viewdata.screen << "-" << nextScreenName
<< ", OnPrimary:" << viewdata.onPrimary
<< ", Edge:" << viewdata.edge;
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (!viewdata.onPrimary && Layouts::Storage::isValid(viewdata.screen)) {
bool foundNextExplicitScreen{false};
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (m_corona->screenPool()->isScreenActive(viewdata.screen)) {
foundNextExplicitScreen = true;
nextScreen = m_corona->screenPool()->screenForId(viewdata.screen);
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (!foundNextExplicitScreen) {
qDebug().noquote() << "Adding View:" << << "- Rejected because Screen is not available :: " << nextScreenName;
//! it is used to set the correct flag during the creation
//! of the window... This of course is also used during
//! recreations of the window between different visibility modes
auto mode = static_cast<Types::Visibility>(containment->config().readEntry("visibility", static_cast<int>(Types::DodgeActive)));
bool byPassWM{false};
if (mode == Types::AlwaysVisible
|| mode == Types::WindowsGoBelow
|| mode == Types::WindowsCanCover
|| mode == Types::WindowsAlwaysCover) {
byPassWM = false;
} else {
byPassWM = containment->config().readEntry("byPassWM", false);
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
Latte::View *latteView;
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (!viewdata.isCloned()) {
latteView = new Latte::OriginalView(m_corona, nextScreen, byPassWM);
} else {
auto view = viewForContainment((uint)viewdata.isClonedFrom);
if (!containsView(viewdata.isClonedFrom) || !view) {
qDebug().noquote() << "Adding View:" << << "- Clone did not find OriginalView and as such was stopped!!!";
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
auto originalview = qobject_cast<Latte::OriginalView *>(view);
latteView = new Latte::ClonedView(m_corona, originalview, nextScreen, byPassWM);
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
qDebug().noquote() << "Adding View:" << << "- Passed ALL checks !!!";
m_latteViews[containment] = latteView;
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
//! Qt 5.9 creates a crash for this in wayland, that is why the check is used
//! but on the other hand we need this for copy to work correctly and show
//! the copied dock under X11
//if (!KWindowSystem::isPlatformWayland()) {
emit viewsCountChanged();
void GenericLayout::toggleHiddenState(QString viewName, QString screenName, Plasma::Types::Location edge)
if (!m_corona) {
QString validScreenName = qGuiApp->primaryScreen()->name();
if (!screenName.isEmpty()) {
validScreenName = screenName;
int viewsOnEdge{0};
for(const auto view : latteViews()) {
if ((viewName.isEmpty() || (!viewName.isEmpty() && viewName == view->name()))
&& view->positioner()->currentScreenName() == validScreenName
&& (edge == Plasma::Types::Floating || ((edge != Plasma::Types::Floating) && view->location() == edge))) {
if (viewsOnEdge >= 1) {
for(const auto view : latteViews()) {
if ((viewName.isEmpty() || (!viewName.isEmpty() && viewName == view->name()))
&& view->positioner()->currentScreenName() == validScreenName
&& (edge == Plasma::Types::Floating || ((edge != Plasma::Types::Floating) && view->location() == edge))) {
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
bool GenericLayout::initCorona()
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (!m_corona) {
return false;
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
connect(m_corona, &Plasma::Corona::containmentAdded, this, &GenericLayout::addContainment);
//! signals
connect(this, &GenericLayout::activitiesChanged, this, &GenericLayout::updateLastUsedActivity);
connect(m_corona->activitiesConsumer(), &KActivities::Consumer::currentActivityChanged, this, &GenericLayout::updateLastUsedActivity);
connect(m_corona->activitiesConsumer(), &KActivities::Consumer::runningActivitiesChanged, this, &GenericLayout::updateLastUsedActivity);
connect(this, &GenericLayout::lastConfigViewForChanged, m_corona->layoutsManager(), &Layouts::Manager::lastConfigViewChangedFrom);
connect(m_corona->layoutsManager(), &Layouts::Manager::lastConfigViewChangedFrom, this, &GenericLayout::onLastConfigViewChangedFrom);
//!connect signals after adding the containment
connect(this, &GenericLayout::viewsCountChanged, m_corona, &Plasma::Corona::availableScreenRectChanged);
connect(this, &GenericLayout::viewsCountChanged, m_corona, &Plasma::Corona::availableScreenRegionChanged);
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
return true;
bool GenericLayout::initContainments()
if (!m_corona || m_hasInitializedContainments) {
return false;
qDebug() << "Layout ::::: " << name() << " added containments ::: " << m_containments.size();
for(int pass=1; pass<=2; ++pass) {
for (const auto containment : m_corona->containments()) {
//! in first pass we load subcontainments
//! in second pass we load main dock and panel containments
//! this way subcontainments will be always available to find when the layout is activating
//! for example during startup that clones must be created and subcontainments should be taken into account
if ((pass==1 && Layouts::Storage::self()->isLatteContainment(containment)
|| (pass==2 && !Layouts::Storage::self()->isLatteContainment(containment)))) {
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (m_corona->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() == MemoryUsage::SingleLayout) {
} else if (m_corona->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() == MemoryUsage::MultipleLayouts) {
QString layoutId = containment->config().readEntry("layoutId", QString());
if (!layoutId.isEmpty() && (layoutId == m_layoutName)) {
m_hasInitializedContainments = true;
emit viewsCountChanged();
return true;
void GenericLayout::updateLastUsedActivity()
if (!m_corona) {
QString currentId = m_corona->activitiesConsumer()->currentActivity();
QStringList appliedActivitiesIds = appliedActivities();
if (appliedActivitiesIds.contains(Data::Layout::ALLACTIVITIESID)
|| (m_lastUsedActivity != currentId && appliedActivitiesIds.contains(currentId))) {
m_lastUsedActivity = currentId;
emit lastUsedActivityChanged();
void GenericLayout::assignToLayout(Latte::View *latteView, QList<Plasma::Containment *> containments)
if (!m_corona || containments.isEmpty()) {
if (latteView) {
m_latteViews[latteView->containment()] = latteView;
m_containments << containments;
for (const auto containment : containments) {
containment->config().writeEntry("layoutId", name());
if (!latteView || (latteView && latteView->containment() != containment)) {
//! assign signals only to subcontainments
//! the View::setLayout() is responsible for the View::Containment signals
connect(containment, &QObject::destroyed, this, &GenericLayout::containmentDestroyed);
connect(containment, &Plasma::Applet::destroyedChanged, this, &GenericLayout::destroyedChanged);
connect(containment, &Plasma::Containment::appletCreated, this, &GenericLayout::appletCreated);
if (latteView) {
emit viewsCountChanged();
//! sync the original layout file for integrity
if (m_corona->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() == MemoryUsage::MultipleLayouts) {
Layouts::Storage::self()->syncToLayoutFile(this, false);
QList<Plasma::Containment *> GenericLayout::unassignFromLayout(Plasma::Containment *latteContainment)
QList<Plasma::Containment *> containments;
if (!m_corona || !latteContainment || !contains(latteContainment)) {
return containments;
containments << latteContainment;
for (const auto containment : m_containments) {
Plasma::Applet *parentApplet = qobject_cast<Plasma::Applet *>(containment->parent());
//! add subcontainments from that latteView
if (parentApplet && parentApplet->containment() && parentApplet->containment() == latteContainment) {
containments << containment;
//! unassign signals only to subcontainments
//! the View::setLayout() is responsible for the View::Containment signals
disconnect(containment, &QObject::destroyed, this, &GenericLayout::containmentDestroyed);
disconnect(containment, &Plasma::Applet::destroyedChanged, this, &GenericLayout::destroyedChanged);
disconnect(containment, &Plasma::Containment::appletCreated, this, &GenericLayout::appletCreated);
for (const auto containment : containments) {
if (containments.size() > 0) {
//! sync the original layout file for integrity
if (m_corona && m_corona->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() == MemoryUsage::MultipleLayouts) {
Layouts::Storage::self()->syncToLayoutFile(this, false);
return containments;
void GenericLayout::recreateView(Plasma::Containment *containment, bool delayed)
if (!m_corona || m_viewsToRecreate.contains(containment) || !containment || !m_latteViews.contains(containment)) {
int delay = delayed ? 350 : 0;
m_viewsToRecreate << containment;
//! give the time to config window to close itself first and then recreate the dock
//! step:1 remove the latteview
QTimer::singleShot(delay, [this, containment]() {
auto view = m_latteViews[containment];
//! step:2 add the new latteview
connect(view, &QObject::destroyed, this, [this, containment]() {
auto view = m_latteViews.take(containment);
QTimer::singleShot(250, this, [this, containment]() {
if (!m_latteViews.contains(containment)) {
qDebug() << "recreate - step 2: adding dock for containment:" << containment->id();
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
bool GenericLayout::hasLatteView(Plasma::Containment *containment)
if (!m_corona) {
return false;
return m_latteViews.keys().contains(containment);
QList<Plasma::Types::Location> GenericLayout::availableEdgesForView(QScreen *scr, Latte::View *forView) const
using Plasma::Types;
QList<Types::Location> edges{Types::BottomEdge, Types::LeftEdge,
Types::TopEdge, Types::RightEdge};
if (!m_corona) {
return edges;
for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
//! make sure that availabe edges takes into account only views that should be excluded,
//! this is why the forView should not be excluded
if (view && view != forView && view->positioner()->currentScreenName() == scr->name()) {
return edges;
bool GenericLayout::explicitDockOccupyEdge(int screen, Plasma::Types::Location location) const
if (!m_corona) {
return false;
for (const auto containment : m_containments) {
if (Layouts::Storage::self()->isLatteContainment(containment)) {
bool onPrimary = containment->config().readEntry("onPrimary", true);
int id = containment->lastScreen();
Plasma::Types::Location contLocation = containment->location();
if (!onPrimary && id == screen && contLocation == location) {
return true;
return false;
bool GenericLayout::primaryDockOccupyEdge(Plasma::Types::Location location) const
if (!m_corona) {
return false;
for (const auto containment : m_containments) {
if (Layouts::Storage::self()->isLatteContainment(containment)) {
bool onPrimary{false};
if (m_latteViews.contains(containment)) {
onPrimary = m_latteViews[containment]->onPrimary();
} else {
onPrimary = containment->config().readEntry("onPrimary", true);
Plasma::Types::Location contLocation = containment->location();
if (onPrimary && contLocation == location) {
return true;
return false;
bool GenericLayout::mapContainsId(const Layout::ViewsMap *map, uint viewId) const
for(const auto &scr : map->keys()) {
for(const auto &edge : (*map)[scr].keys()) {
if ((*map)[scr][edge].contains(viewId)) {
return true;
return false;
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
QString GenericLayout::mapScreenName(const ViewsMap *map, uint viewId) const
for(const auto &scr : map->keys()) {
for(const auto &edge : (*map)[scr].keys()) {
if ((*map)[scr][edge].contains(viewId)) {
return scr;
return QString::number(Latte::ScreenPool::NOSCREENID);
//! screen name, location, containmentId
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
Layout::ViewsMap GenericLayout::validViewsMap()
Layout::ViewsMap map;
if (!m_corona) {
return map;
QString prmScreenName = qGuiApp->primaryScreen()->name();
for (const auto containment : m_containments) {
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (Layouts::Storage::self()->isLatteContainment(containment)
&& !Layouts::Storage::self()->isClonedView(containment)) {
Data::View view = hasLatteView(containment) ? m_latteViews[containment]->data() : Latte::Layouts::Storage::self()->view(this, containment);
view.screen = Layouts::Storage::self()->expectedViewScreenId(m_corona, view);
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (view.onPrimary) {
map[prmScreenName][view.edge] << containment->id();
} else {
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
QString expScreenName = m_corona->screenPool()->connector(view.screen);
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (m_corona->screenPool()->isScreenActive(view.screen)) {
map[expScreenName][view.edge] << containment->id();
return map;
//! the central functions that updates loading/unloading latteviews
//! concerning screen changed (for multi-screen setups mainly)
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
void GenericLayout::syncLatteViewsToScreens()
if (!m_corona) {
qDebug() << "START of SyncLatteViewsToScreens ....";
qDebug() << "LAYOUT ::: " << name();
qDebug() << "screen count changed -+-+ " << qGuiApp->screens().size();
//! Clear up pendingContainmentUpdates when no-needed any more
QStringList clearpendings;
for(int i=0; i<m_pendingContainmentUpdates.rowCount(); ++i) {
auto viewdata = m_pendingContainmentUpdates[i];
auto containment = containmentForId(;
if (containment) {
if ((viewdata.onPrimary && containment->lastScreen() == m_corona->screenPool()->primaryScreenId())
|| (!viewdata.onPrimary && containment->lastScreen() == viewdata.screen)) {
clearpendings <<;
for(auto pendingid : clearpendings) {
if (m_pendingContainmentUpdates.rowCount() > 0) {
qDebug () << " Pending View updates still valid : ";
//! use valid views map based on active screens
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
Layout::ViewsMap viewsMap = validViewsMap();
QString prmScreenName = qGuiApp->primaryScreen()->name();
qDebug() << "PRIMARY SCREEN :: " << prmScreenName;
qDebug() << "LATTEVIEWS MAP :: " << viewsMap;
//! add views
for (const auto containment : m_containments) {
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (!hasLatteView(containment) && mapContainsId(&viewsMap, containment->id())) {
qDebug() << "syncLatteViewsToScreens: view must be added... for containment:" << containment->id() << " at screen:" << mapScreenName(&viewsMap, containment->id());
//! remove views
QList<Plasma::Containment *> viewsToDelete;
for (auto view : m_latteViews) {
auto containment = view->containment();
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (containment && view->isOriginal() && !mapContainsId(&viewsMap, containment->id())) {
viewsToDelete << containment;
while(!viewsToDelete.isEmpty()) {
auto containment = viewsToDelete.takeFirst();
auto view = m_latteViews.take(containment);
qDebug() << "syncLatteViewsToScreens: view must be deleted... for containment:" << containment->id() << " at screen:" << view->positioner()->currentScreenName();
//! reconsider views
for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (view->containment() && view->isOriginal() && mapContainsId(&viewsMap, view->containment()->id())) {
//! if the dock will not be deleted its a very good point to reconsider
//! if the screen in which is running is the correct one
qDebug() << "syncLatteViewsToScreens: view must consider its screen... for containment:" << view->containment()->id() << " at screen:" << view->positioner()->currentScreenName();
qDebug() << "end of, syncLatteViewsToScreens ....";
QList<Plasma::Containment *> GenericLayout::subContainmentsOf(uint id) const
QList<Plasma::Containment *> subs;
auto containment = containmentForId(id);
if (!containment || !Layouts::Storage::self()->isLatteContainment(containment)) {
return subs;
auto applets = containment->config().group("Applets");
for (const auto &applet : applets.groupList()) {
int tSubId = Layouts::Storage::self()->subContainmentId(;
if (Layouts::Storage::isValid(tSubId)) {
auto subcontainment = containmentForId(tSubId);
if (subcontainment) {
subs << subcontainment;
return subs;
QList<int> GenericLayout::subContainmentsOf(Plasma::Containment *containment) const
QList<int> subs;
if (Layouts::Storage::self()->isLatteContainment(containment)) {
auto applets = containment->config().group("Applets");
for (const auto &applet : applets.groupList()) {
int tSubId = Layouts::Storage::self()->subContainmentId(;
if (Layouts::Storage::isValid(tSubId)) {
subs << tSubId;
return subs;
QList<int> GenericLayout::viewsExplicitScreens()
Data::ViewsTable views = viewsTable();
QList<int> screens;
for (int i=0; i<views.rowCount(); ++i) {
if (!views[i].onPrimary && !screens.contains(views[i].screen)) {
screens << views[i].screen;
return screens;
bool GenericLayout::isWritable() const
return Layouts::Storage::self()->isWritable(this);
void GenericLayout::lock()
void GenericLayout::unlock()
void GenericLayout::syncToLayoutFile(bool removeLayoutId)
Layouts::Storage::self()->syncToLayoutFile(this, removeLayoutId);
bool GenericLayout::newView(const QString &templateName)
if (!isActive() || !m_corona->templatesManager()->hasViewTemplate(templateName)) {
return false;
QString templatefilepath = m_corona->templatesManager()->viewTemplateFilePath(templateName);
Data::ViewsTable templateviews = Layouts::Storage::self()->views(templatefilepath);
if (templateviews.rowCount() <= 0) {
return false;
Data::View nextdata = templateviews[0];
int scrId = m_corona->screenPool()->primaryScreenId();
QList<Plasma::Types::Location> freeedges = freeEdges(scrId);
if (!freeedges.contains(nextdata.edge)) {
nextdata.edge = (freeedges.count() > 0 ? freeedges[0] : Plasma::Types::BottomEdge);
nextdata.setState(Data::View::OriginFromViewTemplate, templatefilepath);
return true;
Data::View GenericLayout::newView(const Latte::Data::View &nextViewData)
if (nextViewData.state() == Data::View::IsInvalid) {
return Data::View();
Data::View result = Layouts::Storage::self()->newView(this, nextViewData);
emit viewEdgeChanged();
return result;
void GenericLayout::updateView(const Latte::Data::View &viewData)
//! storage -> storage [view scenario]
if (!isActive()) {
Layouts::Storage::self()->updateView(this, viewData);
//! active -> active [view scenario]
Latte::View *view = viewForContainment(;
bool viewMustBeDeleted = (view && !viewData.onPrimary && !m_corona->screenPool()->isScreenActive(viewData.screen));
QString nextactivelayoutname = (viewData.state() == Data::View::OriginFromLayout && !viewData.originLayout().isEmpty() ? viewData.originLayout() : QString());
if (view) {
if (!viewMustBeDeleted) {
QString scrName = Latte::Data::Screen::ONPRIMARYNAME;
if (!viewData.onPrimary) {
if (m_corona->screenPool()->hasScreenId(viewData.screen)) {
scrName = m_corona->screenPool()->connector(viewData.screen);
} else {
scrName = "";
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
view->positioner()->setNextLocation(nextactivelayoutname, viewData.screensGroup, scrName, viewData.edge, viewData.alignment);
} else {
//! viewMustBeDeleted
delete view;
//! inactiveinmemory -> active/inactiveinmemory [viewscenario]
//! active -> inactiveinmemory [viewscenario]
auto containment = containmentForId(;
if (containment) {
Layouts::Storage::self()->updateView(this, viewData);
//! by using pendingContainmentUpdates we make sure that when containment->screen() will be
//! called though reactToScreenChange() the proper screen will be returned
if (!m_pendingContainmentUpdates.containsId( {
m_pendingContainmentUpdates << viewData;
} else {
m_pendingContainmentUpdates[] = viewData;
if (!nextactivelayoutname.isEmpty()) {
m_corona->layoutsManager()->moveView(name(),, nextactivelayoutname);
//! complete update circle and inform the others about the changes
if (viewMustBeDeleted) {
emit viewEdgeChanged();
emit viewsCountChanged();
void GenericLayout::removeView(const Latte::Data::View &viewData)
if (!containsView( {
if (!isActive()) {
Layouts::Storage::self()->removeView(file(), viewData);
Plasma::Containment *viewcontainment = containmentForId(;
void GenericLayout::removeOrphanedSubContainment(const int &containmentId)
Data::ViewsTable views = viewsTable();
QString cidstr = QString::number(containmentId);
if (views.hasContainmentId(cidstr)) {
if (!isActive()) {
Layouts::Storage::self()->removeContainment(file(), cidstr);
Plasma::Containment *orphanedcontainment = containmentForId(cidstr.toUInt());
void GenericLayout::destroyContainment(Plasma::Containment *containment)
if (!containment || !m_corona || !contains(containment)) {
QString GenericLayout::storedView(const int &containmentId)
return Layouts::Storage::self()->storedView(this, containmentId);
void GenericLayout::importToCorona()
Data::ErrorsList GenericLayout::errors() const
return Layouts::Storage::self()->errors(this);
Data::WarningsList GenericLayout::warnings() const
return Layouts::Storage::self()->warnings(this);
Latte::Data::ViewsTable GenericLayout::viewsTable() const
return Layouts::Storage::self()->views(this);