You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

598 lines
21 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Michail Vourlakos <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "generictools.h"
// Qt
#include <QApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QTextDocument>
namespace Latte {
const int ICONMARGIN = 1;
const int MARGIN = 2;
bool isEnabled(const QStyleOption &option)
if (option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled) {
return true;
return false;
bool isActive(const QStyleOption &option)
if (option.state & QStyle::State_Active) {
return true;
return false;
bool isSelected(const QStyleOption &option)
if (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) {
return true;
return false;
bool isHovered(const QStyleOption &option)
if (option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver) {
return true;
return false;
bool isFocused(const QStyleOption &option)
if (option.state & QStyle::State_HasFocus) {
return true;
return false;
bool isTextCentered(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option)
if (option.displayAlignment & Qt::AlignHCenter) {
return true;
return false;
Qt::AlignmentFlag horizontalAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignments)
if (alignments & Qt::AlignHCenter) {
return Qt::AlignHCenter;
} else if (alignments & Qt::AlignRight) {
return Qt::AlignRight;
return Qt::AlignLeft;
QPalette::ColorGroup colorGroup(const QStyleOption &option)
if (!isEnabled(option)) {
return QPalette::Disabled;
if (isActive(option) || isFocused(option)) {
return QPalette::Active;
if (!isActive(option) && isSelected(option)) {
return QPalette::Inactive;
return QPalette::Normal;
QStringList subtracted(const QStringList &original, const QStringList &current)
QStringList subtract;
for(int i=0; i<original.count(); ++i) {
if (!current.contains(original[i])) {
subtract << original[i];
return subtract;
void drawFormattedText(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const float textOpacity)
drawFormattedText(painter, option, option.text, horizontalAlignment(option.displayAlignment), textOpacity);
void drawFormattedText(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionMenuItem &option, const float textOpacity)
drawFormattedText(painter, option, option.text, Qt::AlignLeft, textOpacity);
QRect remainedFromFormattedText(const QStyleOption &option, const QString &text, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment)
QString css = QString("body {}");
QTextDocument doc;
doc.setHtml("<body>" + text + "</body>");
//we need an offset to be in the same vertical center of TextEdit
int textWidth = doc.size().width() + MARGIN;
Qt::AlignmentFlag curalign = alignment;
if (qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight || (curalign == Qt::AlignHCenter)) {
curalign = alignment;
} else {
curalign = alignment == Qt::AlignLeft ? Qt::AlignRight : Qt::AlignLeft;
if (alignment == Qt::AlignHCenter) {
return option.rect;
} else if (curalign == Qt::AlignRight) {
return QRect(option.rect.x(), option.rect.y(), option.rect.width() - textWidth, option.rect.height());
} else {
return QRect(option.rect.x() + textWidth, option.rect.y(), option.rect.width() - textWidth, option.rect.height());
void drawFormattedText(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOption &option, const QString &text, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment, const float textOpacity)
QPalette::ColorRole applyColor = Latte::isSelected(option) ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Text;
QBrush nBrush = option.palette.brush(Latte::colorGroup(option), applyColor);
QColor brushColor = nBrush.color();
QString css = QString("body { color : %1;}").arg(;
QTextDocument doc;
doc.setHtml("<body>" + text + "</body>");
//we need an offset to be in the same vertical center of TextEdit
int offsetY = ((option.rect.height() - doc.size().height()) / 2);
int textWidth = doc.size().width();
int textY = + offsetY + 1;
Qt::AlignmentFlag curalign = alignment;
if (qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight || (curalign == Qt::AlignHCenter)) {
curalign = alignment;
} else {
curalign = alignment == Qt::AlignLeft ? Qt::AlignRight : Qt::AlignLeft;
if (alignment == Qt::AlignHCenter) {
int textX = qMax(0, (option.rect.width() / 2) - (textWidth/2));
painter->translate(option.rect.left() + textX, textY);
} else if (curalign == Qt::AlignRight) {
painter->translate(qMax(option.rect.left(), option.rect.right() - textWidth), textY);
} else {
painter->translate(option.rect.left(), textY);
QRect clip(0, 0, option.rect.width(), option.rect.height());
doc.drawContents(painter, clip);
void drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option)
QStyleOptionViewItem backOption = option;
backOption.text = "";
//! Remove the focus dotted lines
backOption.state = (option.state & ~QStyle::State_HasFocus);
option.widget->style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_ItemViewItem, &backOption, painter);
void drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QStyle *style, const QStyleOptionMenuItem &option)
QStyleOptionMenuItem backOption = option;
backOption.text = "";
//! Remove the focus dotted lines
// iconOption.state = (option.state & ~QStyle::State_HasFocus);
style->drawControl(QStyle::CE_MenuItem, &backOption, painter);
QRect remainedFromLayoutIcon(const QStyleOption &option, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment, int lengthMargin, int thickMargin)
if (alignment == Qt::AlignHCenter) {
return option.rect;
return remainedFromIcon(option, alignment, lengthMargin, thickMargin);
void drawLayoutIcon(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOption &option, const bool &isBackgroundFile, const QString &iconName, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment, int lengthMargin, int thickMargin)
bool active = Latte::isActive(option);
bool selected = Latte::isSelected(option);
bool focused = Latte::isFocused(option);
int lenmargin = (lengthMargin == -1 ? ICONMARGIN + MARGIN : lengthMargin);
int thickmargin = (thickMargin == -1 ? ICONMARGIN : thickMargin);
int iconsize = option.rect.height() - 2*thickMargin;
int total = iconsize + 2*lenmargin;
Qt::AlignmentFlag curalign = alignment;
if (qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight || alignment == Qt::AlignHCenter) {
curalign = alignment;
} else {
curalign = alignment == Qt::AlignLeft ? Qt::AlignRight : Qt::AlignLeft;
QRect target;
if (curalign == Qt::AlignLeft) {
target = QRect(option.rect.x() + lenmargin, option.rect.y() + thickmargin, iconsize, iconsize);
} else if (curalign == Qt::AlignRight) {
target = QRect(option.rect.x() + option.rect.width() - total + lenmargin, option.rect.y() + thickmargin, iconsize, iconsize);
} else {
//! centered
target = QRect(option.rect.x() + ((option.rect.width() - total)/2) + lenmargin, option.rect.y() + thickmargin, iconsize, iconsize);
painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
if (isBackgroundFile) {
int backImageMargin = 1; //most icon themes provide 1-2px. padding around icons //OLD CALCS: ICONMARGIN; //qMin(target.height()/4, ICONMARGIN+1);
QRect backTarget(target.x() + backImageMargin, target.y() + backImageMargin, target.width() - 2*backImageMargin, target.height() - 2*backImageMargin);
QPixmap backImage(iconName);
backImage = backImage.copy(backTarget);
QPalette::ColorRole textColorRole = selected ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Text;
QBrush imageBrush(backImage);
QPen pen; pen.setWidth(1);
pen.setColor(option.palette.color(Latte::colorGroup(option), textColorRole));
} else {
QIcon::Mode mode = ((active && (selected || focused)) ? QIcon::Selected : QIcon::Normal);
painter->drawPixmap(target, QIcon::fromTheme(iconName).pixmap(target.height(), target.height(), mode));
QRect remainedFromColorSchemeIcon(const QStyleOption &option, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment, int lengthMargin, int thickMargin)
if (alignment == Qt::AlignHCenter) {
return option.rect;
return remainedFromIcon(option, alignment, lengthMargin, thickMargin);
void drawColorSchemeIcon(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOption &option, const QColor &textColor, const QColor &backgroundColor, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment, int lengthMargin, int thickMargin)
bool active = Latte::isActive(option);
bool selected = Latte::isSelected(option);
bool focused = Latte::isFocused(option);
int lenmargin = (lengthMargin == -1 ? ICONMARGIN + MARGIN : lengthMargin);
int thickmargin = (thickMargin == -1 ? ICONMARGIN : thickMargin);
int iconsize = option.rect.height() - 2*thickMargin;
int total = iconsize + 2*lenmargin;
Qt::AlignmentFlag curalign = alignment;
if (qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight || alignment == Qt::AlignHCenter) {
curalign = alignment;
} else {
curalign = alignment == Qt::AlignLeft ? Qt::AlignRight : Qt::AlignLeft;
QRect target;
if (curalign == Qt::AlignLeft) {
target = QRect(option.rect.x() + lenmargin, option.rect.y() + thickmargin, iconsize, iconsize);
} else if (curalign == Qt::AlignRight) {
target = QRect(option.rect.x() + option.rect.width() - total + lenmargin, option.rect.y() + thickmargin, iconsize, iconsize);
} else {
//! centered
target = QRect(option.rect.x() + ((option.rect.width() - total)/2) + lenmargin, option.rect.y() + thickmargin, iconsize, iconsize);
painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
int backImageMargin = 0; //most icon themes provide 1-2px. padding around icons //OLD CALCS: ICONMARGIN; //qMin(target.height()/4, ICONMARGIN+1);
QRect backTarget(target.x() + backImageMargin, target.y() + backImageMargin, target.width() - 2*backImageMargin, target.height() - 2*backImageMargin);
QPalette::ColorRole textColorRole = selected ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Text;
QBrush colorbrush(backgroundColor);
QPen pen; pen.setWidth(1);
pen.setColor(option.palette.color(Latte::colorGroup(option), textColorRole));
int rectsize = 0.7 * backTarget.width();
int gap = backTarget.width() - rectsize;
painter->drawRect(backTarget.right() - rectsize, backTarget.bottom() - rectsize, rectsize, rectsize);
painter->drawRect(backTarget.x(), backTarget.y(), rectsize, rectsize);
QRect remainedFromIcon(const QStyleOption &option, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment, int lengthMargin, int thickMargin)
int lenmargin = (lengthMargin == -1 ? ICONMARGIN + MARGIN : lengthMargin);
int thickmargin = (thickMargin == -1 ? ICONMARGIN : thickMargin);
int iconsize = option.rect.height() - 2*thickMargin;
int total = iconsize + 2*lenmargin;
Qt::AlignmentFlag curalign = alignment;
if (qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) {
curalign = alignment;
} else {
curalign = alignment == Qt::AlignLeft ? Qt::AlignRight : Qt::AlignLeft;
QRect optionRemainedRect = (curalign == Qt::AlignLeft) ? QRect(option.rect.x() + total, option.rect.y(), option.rect.width() - total, option.rect.height()) :
QRect(option.rect.x(), option.rect.y(), option.rect.width() - total, option.rect.height());
return optionRemainedRect;
void drawIcon(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOption &option, const QString &icon, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment, int lengthMargin, int thickMargin)
int lenmargin = (lengthMargin == -1 ? ICONMARGIN + MARGIN : lengthMargin);
int thickmargin = (thickMargin == -1 ? ICONMARGIN : thickMargin);
int iconsize = option.rect.height() - 2*thickMargin;
int total = iconsize + 2*lenmargin;
bool active = Latte::isActive(option);
bool selected = Latte::isSelected(option);
bool focused = Latte::isFocused(option);
QIcon::Mode mode = ((active && (selected || focused)) ? QIcon::Selected : QIcon::Normal);
Qt::AlignmentFlag curalign = alignment;
if (qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) {
curalign = alignment;
} else {
curalign = alignment == Qt::AlignLeft ? Qt::AlignRight : Qt::AlignLeft;
QRect target;
if (curalign == Qt::AlignLeft) {
target = QRect(option.rect.x() + lenmargin, option.rect.y() + thickmargin, iconsize, iconsize);
} else {
target = QRect(option.rect.x() + option.rect.width() - total + lenmargin, option.rect.y() + thickmargin, iconsize, iconsize);
painter->drawPixmap(target, QIcon::fromTheme(icon).pixmap(target.height(), target.height(), mode));
int primitiveCheckBoxWidth(const QStyleOptionButton &option, const QWidget *widget)
QStyleOption copt;
copt.rect = option.rect;
int w = QApplication::style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_CheckBox, &copt, QSize(0, option.rect.height()), widget).width();
w = w > 0 ? w : option.rect.height() - 2*MARGIN;
return w;
QRect remainedFromCheckBox(const QStyleOptionButton &option, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment, const QWidget *widget)
int length = primitiveCheckBoxWidth(option, widget) - MARGIN;
Qt::AlignmentFlag curalign = alignment;
if (qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) {
curalign = alignment;
} else {
curalign = alignment == Qt::AlignLeft ? Qt::AlignRight : Qt::AlignLeft;
QRect optionRemainedRect = (curalign == Qt::AlignLeft) ? QRect(option.rect.x() + length, option.rect.y(), option.rect.width() - length, option.rect.height()) :
QRect(option.rect.x(), option.rect.y(), option.rect.width() - length, option.rect.height());
return optionRemainedRect;
void drawCheckBox(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionButton &option, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment, const QWidget *widget)
int length = primitiveCheckBoxWidth(option, widget) - MARGIN;
QStyleOptionButton optionbtn = option;
Qt::AlignmentFlag curalign = alignment;
if (qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) {
curalign = alignment;
} else {
curalign = alignment == Qt::AlignLeft ? Qt::AlignRight : Qt::AlignLeft;
QRect changesrect = (curalign == Qt::AlignLeft) ? QRect(option.rect.x() + MARGIN, option.rect.y(), length - MARGIN, option.rect.height()) :
QRect(option.rect.x() + option.rect.width() - length, option.rect.y(), length - MARGIN, option.rect.height());
optionbtn.rect = changesrect;
QApplication::style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_CheckBox, &optionbtn, painter, widget);
QRect remainedFromChangesIndicator(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option)
QRect optionRemainedRect = (qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) ? QRect(option.rect.x() + tsize, option.rect.y(), option.rect.width() - tsize, option.rect.height()) :
QRect(option.rect.x(), option.rect.y(), option.rect.width() - tsize, option.rect.height());
return optionRemainedRect;
void drawChangesIndicator(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option)
//! draw changes circle indicator
QRect changesRect = (qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) ? QRect(option.rect.x() + INDICATORCHANGESMARGIN, option.rect.y() + option.rect.height()/2 - csize/2, csize, csize) :
QRect(option.rect.x() + option.rect.width() - csize - INDICATORCHANGESMARGIN, option.rect.y() + option.rect.height()/2 - csize/2, csize, csize);
QColor plasmaOrange(246, 116, 0); //orangish color used from plasma systemsettings #f67400
QBrush backBrush(plasmaOrange);
QPen pen; pen.setWidth(1);
int screenMaxLength(const QStyleOption &option, const int &maxIconSize)
int icon_length = maxIconSize >= 0 ? qMin(option.rect.height(), maxIconSize) : option.rect.height();
int scr_maxlength = icon_length * 1.7;
//! provide odd screen_maxlength
if (scr_maxlength % 2 == 0) {
return scr_maxlength;
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
QRect remainedFromScreenDrawing(const QStyleOption &option, bool drawMultipleScreens, const int &maxIconSize)
int total_length = screenMaxLength(option, maxIconSize) + MARGIN * 2 + 1;
QRect optionRemainedRect = (qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) ? QRect(option.rect.x(), option.rect.y(), option.rect.width() - total_length, option.rect.height()) :
QRect(option.rect.x() + total_length, option.rect.y(), option.rect.width() - total_length, option.rect.height());
return optionRemainedRect;
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
QRect drawScreen(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOption &option, bool drawMultipleScreens, QRect screenGeometry, const int &maxIconSize, const float brushOpacity)
float scr_ratio = (float)screenGeometry.width() / (float)screenGeometry.height();
bool isVertical = (scr_ratio < 1.0);
int scr_maxlength = screenMaxLength(option, maxIconSize);
int scr_maxthickness = maxIconSize >= 0 ? qMin(maxIconSize, option.rect.height() - MARGIN * 2) : option.rect.height() - MARGIN * 2;
int total_length = scr_maxlength + MARGIN * 2;
int pen_width = 2;
painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
float scr_maxratio = ((float)scr_maxlength) / (float)(scr_maxthickness);
scr_ratio = qMin(qMax((float)0.75, scr_ratio), (float)scr_maxratio);
int scr_height = (!isVertical ? scr_maxthickness - MARGIN * 4 : scr_maxthickness - MARGIN * 2);
int scr_width = scr_ratio * scr_height;
//! provide even screen width and height
if (scr_width % 2 == 1) {
//! provide even screen width and height
if (scr_height % 2 == 0) {
int topmargin = (option.rect.height() - scr_maxthickness) / 2;
QRect screenMaximumRect = (qApp->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) ?
QRect(option.rect.x() + option.rect.width() - scr_maxlength - MARGIN, option.rect.y() + topmargin, scr_maxlength, scr_maxthickness - 1) :
QRect(option.rect.x() + MARGIN , option.rect.y() + topmargin, scr_maxlength, scr_maxthickness - 1);
int topScreenMargin = (screenMaximumRect.height() - scr_height) / 2;
int leftScreenMargin = (screenMaximumRect.width() - scr_width) / 2;
QRect screenRect(screenMaximumRect.x() + leftScreenMargin + MARGIN/2, screenMaximumRect.y() + topScreenMargin, scr_width, scr_height);
QRect screenAvailableRect(screenRect.x() + pen_width - 1, screenRect.y() + pen_width - 1, screenRect.width() - pen_width - 1, screenRect.height() - pen_width - 1);
bool selected = Latte::isSelected(option);
QPalette::ColorRole textColorRole = selected ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Text;
QPen pen; pen.setWidth(pen_width);
QColor pencolor = option.palette.color(Latte::colorGroup(option), textColorRole);
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
//! draw screen base
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
//! draw multiple
if (drawMultipleScreens) {
int multiplemargin = 3;
int curx = screenRect.x()-multiplemargin;
painter->drawLine(screenRect.x() - multiplemargin, screenRect.y() - multiplemargin,
screenRect.x() - multiplemargin, screenRect.y() - multiplemargin + screenRect.height());
painter->drawLine(screenRect.x() - multiplemargin, screenRect.y() - multiplemargin,
screenRect.x() - multiplemargin + screenRect.width(), screenRect.y() - multiplemargin);
int basex = screenRect.x() + (screenRect.width()/2) - 4;
int basey = screenRect.y() + screenRect.height() + 2;
painter->drawLine(basex , basey, basex + 8, basey);
// debug screen maximum available rect
return screenAvailableRect;