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* Copyright 2016 Smith AR <>
* Michail Vourlakos <>
* This file is part of Latte-Dock
* Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "dockview.h"
#include "globalshortcuts.h"
#include "layoutmanager.h"
#include "universalsettings.h"
#include "../liblattedock/dock.h"
#include "launcherssignals.h"
#include <QObject>
#include <KAboutApplicationDialog>
#include <KDeclarative/QmlObject>
class ScreenPool;
class GlobalShortcuts;
class UniversalSettings;
class LayoutManager;
class LaunchersSignals;
namespace KActivities {
class Consumer;
namespace Plasma {
class Corona;
class Containment;
class Types;
namespace KWayland {
namespace Client {
class PlasmaShell;
namespace Latte {
class DockCorona : public Plasma::Corona {
Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.LatteDock")
DockCorona(bool defaultLayoutOnStartup = false, QString layoutNameOnStartUp = QString(), QObject *parent = nullptr);
virtual ~DockCorona();
int numScreens() const override;
QRect screenGeometry(int id) const override;
QRegion availableScreenRegion(int id) const override;
QRect availableScreenRect(int id) const override;
//! This is a very generic function in order to return the availableScreenRect of specific screen
//! by calculating only the user specified visibility modes and edges. Empty QLists for both
//! arguments mean that all choices are accepted in calculations
QRect availableScreenRectWithCriteria(int id,
QList<Dock::Visibility> modes = QList<Dock::Visibility>(),
QList<Plasma::Types::Location> edges = QList<Plasma::Types::Location>()) const;
QRegion availableScreenRegionWithCriteria(int id, QString forLayout = QString()) const;
QList<Plasma::Types::Location> freeEdges(int screen) const;
QList<Plasma::Types::Location> freeEdges(QScreen *screen) const;
int docksCount() const;
int docksCount(int screen) const;
int docksCount(QScreen *screen) const;
int noDocksWithTasks() const;
int screenForContainment(const Plasma::Containment *containment) const override;
void recreateDock(Plasma::Containment *containment);
void closeApplication();
KActivities::Consumer *activitiesConsumer() const;
ScreenPool *screenPool() const;
UniversalSettings *universalSettings() const;
LayoutManager *layoutManager() const;
KWayland::Client::PlasmaShell *waylandDockCoronaInterface() const;
public slots:
void aboutApplication();
void activateLauncherMenu();
void loadDefaultLayout() override;
void updateDockItemBadge(QString identifier, QString value);
void unload();
void configurationShown(PlasmaQuick::ConfigView *configView);
void docksCountChanged();
void dockLocationChanged();
void raiseDocksTemporaryChanged();
private slots:
void showAlternativesForApplet(Plasma::Applet *applet);
void alternativesVisibilityChanged(bool visible);
void load();
void addOutput(QScreen *screen);
void primaryOutputChanged();
void screenRemoved(QScreen *screen);
void screenCountChanged();
void syncDockViewsToScreens();
void cleanConfig();
void qmlRegisterTypes() const;
void setupWaylandIntegration();
bool appletExists(uint containmentId, uint appletId) const;
8 years ago
bool containmentExists(uint id) const;
bool explicitDockOccupyEdge(int screen, Plasma::Types::Location location)const;
int noOfDocks();
int primaryScreenId() const;
QStringList containmentsIds();
QStringList appletsIds();
bool m_activitiesStarting{true};
//! this is used to enforce loading the default layout on startup
bool m_defaultLayoutOnStartup{false};
QString m_layoutNameOnStartUp;
QList<KDeclarative::QmlObject *> m_alternativesObjects;
QTimer m_docksScreenSyncTimer;
KActivities::Consumer *m_activityConsumer;
QPointer<KAboutApplicationDialog> aboutDialog;
ScreenPool *m_screenPool{nullptr};
GlobalShortcuts *m_globalShortcuts{nullptr};
UniversalSettings *m_universalSettings{nullptr};
LayoutManager *m_layoutManager{nullptr};
KWayland::Client::PlasmaShell *m_waylandDockCorona{nullptr};
friend class GlobalShortcuts;
friend class Layout;
friend class LayoutManager;
friend class LaunchersSignals;
#endif // DOCKCORONA_H