* Copyright 2018 Michail Vourlakos <mvourlakos@gmail.com>
* This file is part of Latte-Dock
* Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef EFFECTS_H
#define EFFECTS_H
// Qt
#include <QObject>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QQuickView>
#include <QRect>
// Plasma
#include <Plasma/FrameSvg>
#include <Plasma/Theme>
namespace Latte {
class Corona;
class View;
namespace Latte {
namespace ViewPart {
class Effects: public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(bool animationsBlocked READ animationsBlocked NOTIFY animationsBlockedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool drawShadows READ drawShadows WRITE setDrawShadows NOTIFY drawShadowsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool drawEffects READ drawEffects WRITE setDrawEffects NOTIFY drawEffectsChanged)
//! thickness shadow size when is drawn inside the window from qml
Q_PROPERTY(int editShadow READ editShadow WRITE setEditShadow NOTIFY editShadowChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int innerShadow READ innerShadow WRITE setInnerShadow NOTIFY innerShadowChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(float backgroundOpacity READ backgroundOpacity WRITE setBackgroundOpacity NOTIFY backgroundOpacityChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QRect mask READ mask WRITE setMask NOTIFY maskChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QRect rect READ rect WRITE setRect NOTIFY rectChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QRect inputMask READ inputMask WRITE setInputMask NOTIFY inputMaskChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(Plasma::FrameSvg::EnabledBorders enabledBorders READ enabledBorders NOTIFY enabledBordersChanged)
Effects(Latte::View *parent);
virtual ~Effects();
bool animationsBlocked() const;
void setAnimationsBlocked(bool blocked);
bool drawShadows() const;
void setDrawShadows(bool draw);
bool drawEffects() const;
void setDrawEffects(bool draw);
void setForceTopBorder(bool draw);
void setForceBottomBorder(bool draw);
int editShadow() const;
void setEditShadow(int shadow);
int innerShadow() const;
void setInnerShadow(int shadow);
float backgroundOpacity() const;
void setBackgroundOpacity(float opacity);
QRect mask() const;
void setMask(QRect area);
QRect inputMask() const;
void setInputMask(QRect area);
QRect rect() const;
void setRect(QRect area);
Plasma::FrameSvg::EnabledBorders enabledBorders() const;
public slots:
Q_INVOKABLE void forceMaskRedraw();
Q_INVOKABLE void setSubtractedMaskRegion(const QString ®ionid, const QRegion ®ion);
Q_INVOKABLE void removeSubtractedMaskRegion(const QString ®ionid);
Q_INVOKABLE void setUnitedMaskRegion(const QString ®ionid, const QRegion ®ion);
Q_INVOKABLE void removeUnitedMaskRegion(const QString ®ionid);
void clearShadows();
void updateShadows();
void updateEffects();
void updateEnabledBorders();
void updateMask();
void animationsBlockedChanged();
void backgroundOpacityChanged();
void drawShadowsChanged();
void drawEffectsChanged();
void editShadowChanged();
void enabledBordersChanged();
void maskChanged();
void innerShadowChanged();
void inputMaskChanged();
void rectChanged();
void subtractedMaskRegionsChanged();
void unitedMaskRegionsChanged();
private slots:
void init();
void updateBackgroundContrastValues();
qreal currentMidValue(const qreal &max, const qreal &factor, const qreal &min) const;
QRegion maskCombinedRegion();
bool m_animationsBlocked{false};
bool m_drawShadows{true};
bool m_drawEffects{false};
bool m_forceTopBorder{false};
bool m_forceBottomBorder{false};
int m_editShadow{0};
int m_innerShadow{0};
float m_backgroundOpacity{1.0};
qreal m_backEffectContrast{1};
qreal m_backEffectIntesity{1};
qreal m_backEffectSaturation{1};
QRect m_rect;
QRect m_mask;
QRect m_inputMask;
QPointer<Latte::View> m_view;
QPointer<Latte::Corona> m_corona;
Plasma::Theme m_theme;
//only for the mask on disabled compositing, not to actually paint
Plasma::FrameSvg *m_background{nullptr};
//only for the mask, not to actually paint
Plasma::FrameSvg::EnabledBorders m_enabledBorders{Plasma::FrameSvg::AllBorders};
//! Subtracted and United Mask regions
QHash<QString, QRegion> m_subtractedMaskRegions;
QHash<QString, QRegion> m_unitedMaskRegions;