/ *
* Copyright 2016 Smith AR < audoban @ openmailbox . org >
* Michail Vourlakos < mvourlakos @ gmail . com >
* This file is part of Latte - Dock
* Latte - Dock is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of
* the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* Latte - Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http: //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick . Controls 1.4
import QtQuick . Layouts 1.3
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import org . kde . plasma . core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org . kde . plasma . components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
import org . kde . plasma . components 3.0 as PlasmaComponents3
import org . kde . plasma . plasmoid 2.0
import org . kde . latte 0.2 as Latte
import org . kde . latte . components 1.0 as LatteComponents
PlasmaComponents . Page {
Layout.maximumWidth: content . width + content . Layout . leftMargin * 2
Layout.maximumHeight: content . height + units . smallSpacing * 2
property bool disableAllWindowsFunctionality: plasmoid . configuration . showWindowsOnlyFromLaunchers
&& plasmoid . configuration . activeIndicator === Latte . Types . NoneIndicator
ColumnLayout {
id: content
width: ( dialog . appliedWidth - units . smallSpacing * 2 ) - Layout . leftMargin * 2
spacing: dialog . subGroupSpacing
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent . horizontalCenter
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
//! BEGIN: Badges
ColumnLayout {
spacing: units . smallSpacing
Layout.topMargin: units . smallSpacing
visible: dialog . highLevel
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Badges" )
LatteComponents . CheckBoxesColumn {
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Unread messages from tasks" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . showInfoBadge
tooltip: i18n ( "Show unread messages or information from tasks" )
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . showInfoBadge = checked
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Progress information for tasks" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . showProgressBadge
tooltip: i18n ( "Show a progress animation for tasks e.g. when copying files with Dolphin" )
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . showProgressBadge = checked
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Audio playing from tasks" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . showAudioBadge
tooltip: i18n ( "Show audio playing from tasks" )
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . showAudioBadge = checked
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Change volume when scrolling audio badge" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . audioBadgeActionsEnabled
enabled: plasmoid . configuration . showAudioBadge
tooltip: i18n ( "The user is able to mute/unmute with click or change the volume with mouse wheel" )
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . audioBadgeActionsEnabled = checked
//! END: Badges
//! BEGIN: Tasks Interaction
ColumnLayout {
Layout.topMargin: dialog . basicLevel ? units.smallSpacing : 0
spacing: units . smallSpacing
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Interaction" )
LatteComponents . CheckBoxesColumn {
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Add launchers only in the Tasks Area" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . addLaunchersInTaskManager
tooltip: i18n ( "Launchers are added only in the taskmanager and not as plasma applets" )
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . addLaunchersInTaskManager = checked ;
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Support scrolling when items overflow" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . scrollingTasksEnabled
tooltip: i18n ( "When items overflow the user is able to scroll between them.\nTake note that automatic icon decrease mechanism will be disabled." )
visible: dialog . highLevel
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . scrollingTasksEnabled = ! plasmoid . configuration . scrollingTasksEnabled ;
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
id: windowActionsChk
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Window actions in the context menu" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . showWindowActions
visible: dialog . highLevel
enabled: ! disableAllWindowsFunctionality
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . showWindowActions = checked
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
id: unifyGlobalShortcutsChk
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "🅰 Based on position shortcuts apply only for tasks" )
checked: ! plasmoid . configuration . unifiedGlobalShortcuts
tooltip: i18n ( "Based on position global shortcuts are enabled only for tasks and not for applets" )
visible: dialog . highLevel
enabled: latteView . isPreferredForShortcuts || ( ! latteView . layout . preferredForShortcutsTouched && latteView . isHighestPriorityView ( ) )
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . unifiedGlobalShortcuts = ! checked
//! END: Tasks Interaction
//! BEGIN: Tasks Filters
ColumnLayout {
spacing: units . smallSpacing
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Filters" )
LatteComponents . CheckBoxesColumn {
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Show only tasks from the current screen" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . showOnlyCurrentScreen
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . showOnlyCurrentScreen = checked
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Show only tasks from the current desktop" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . showOnlyCurrentDesktop
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . showOnlyCurrentDesktop = checked
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Show only tasks from the current activity" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . showOnlyCurrentActivity
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . showOnlyCurrentActivity = checked
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Show only tasks from launchers" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . showWindowsOnlyFromLaunchers
visible: dialog . highLevel
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . showWindowsOnlyFromLaunchers = checked
LatteComponents . CheckBox {
Layout.maximumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
text: i18n ( "Group tasks of the same application" )
checked: plasmoid . configuration . groupTasksByDefault
tooltip: i18n ( "By default group tasks of the same application" )
visible: dialog . highLevel
onClicked: {
plasmoid . configuration . groupTasksByDefault = checked
//! END: Tasks Filters
//! BEGIN: Launchers Group
ColumnLayout {
spacing: units . smallSpacing
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Launchers" )
ColumnLayout {
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
spacing: 0
LatteComponents . SubHeader {
isFirstSubCategory: true
text: i18nc ( "launchers group" , "Group" ) ;
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: 2
property int group: plasmoid . configuration . launchersGroup
readonly property int buttonsCount: layoutGroupButton . visible ? 3 : 2
readonly property int buttonSize: ( dialog . optionsWidth - ( spacing * buttonsCount - 1 ) ) / buttonsCount
ExclusiveGroup {
id: launchersGroup
onCurrentChanged: {
if ( current . checked ) {
viewConfig . updateLaunchersForGroup ( current . group ) ;
plasmoid . configuration . launchersGroup = current . group ;
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18nc ( "unique launchers group" , "Unique" )
checked: parent . group === group
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: launchersGroup
tooltip: i18n ( "Use a unique set of launchers for this view which is independent from any other view" )
readonly property int group: Latte . Types . UniqueLaunchers
PlasmaComponents . Button {
id: layoutGroupButton
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18nc ( "layout launchers group" , "Layout" )
checked: parent . group === group
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: launchersGroup
tooltip: i18n ( "Use the current layout set of launchers for this latteView. This group provides launchers <b>synchronization</b> between different views in the <b>same layout</b>" )
//! it is shown only when the user has activated that option manually from the text layout file
visible: plasmoid . configuration . launchersGroup === group
readonly property int group: Latte . Types . LayoutLaunchers
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: parent . buttonSize
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
text: i18nc ( "global launchers group" , "Global" )
checked: parent . group === group
checkable: true
exclusiveGroup: launchersGroup
tooltip: i18n ( "Use the global set of launchers for this latteView. This group provides launchers <b>synchronization</b> between different views and between <b>different layouts</b>" )
readonly property int group: Latte . Types . GlobalLaunchers
//! END: Launchers Group
//! BEGIN: Actions
ColumnLayout {
spacing: units . smallSpacing
visible: dialog . expertLevel
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Actions" )
ColumnLayout {
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
spacing: 0
GridLayout {
columns: 2
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
Layout.topMargin: units . smallSpacing
enabled: ! disableAllWindowsFunctionality
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: i18n ( "Left Click" )
LatteComponents . ComboBox {
id: leftClickAction
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: [ i18nc ( "present windows action" , "Present Windows" ) ,
i18n ( "Cycle Through Tasks" ) ,
i18n ( "Preview Windows" ) ]
currentIndex: {
switch ( plasmoid . configuration . leftClickAction ) {
case Latte.Types.PresentWindows:
return 0 ;
case Latte.Types.CycleThroughTasks:
return 1 ;
case Latte.Types.PreviewWindows:
return 2 ;
return 0 ;
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
switch ( currentIndex ) {
case 0 :
plasmoid . configuration . leftClickAction = Latte . Types . PresentWindows ;
break ;
case 1 :
plasmoid . configuration . leftClickAction = Latte . Types . CycleThroughTasks ;
break ;
case 2 :
plasmoid . configuration . leftClickAction = Latte . Types . PreviewWindows ;
break ;
PlasmaComponents . Label {
id: middleClickText
text: i18n ( "Middle Click" )
LatteComponents . ComboBox {
id: middleClickAction
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: [
i18nc ( "The click action" , "None" ) ,
i18n ( "Close Window or Group" ) ,
i18n ( "New Instance" ) ,
i18n ( "Minimize/Restore Window or Group" ) ,
i18n ( "Cycle Through Tasks" ) ,
i18n ( "Toggle Task Grouping" )
currentIndex: plasmoid . configuration . middleClickAction
onCurrentIndexChanged: plasmoid . configuration . middleClickAction = currentIndex
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: i18n ( "Hover" )
LatteComponents . ComboBox {
id: hoverAction
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: [
i18nc ( "none action" , "None" ) ,
i18n ( "Preview Windows" ) ,
i18n ( "Highlight Windows" ) ,
i18n ( "Preview and Highlight Windows" ) ,
currentIndex: {
switch ( plasmoid . configuration . hoverAction ) {
case Latte.Types.NoneAction:
return 0 ;
case Latte.Types.PreviewWindows:
return 1 ;
case Latte.Types.HighlightWindows:
return 2 ;
case Latte.Types.PreviewAndHighlightWindows:
return 3 ;
return 0 ;
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
switch ( currentIndex ) {
case 0 :
plasmoid . configuration . hoverAction = Latte . Types . NoneAction ;
break ;
case 1 :
plasmoid . configuration . hoverAction = Latte . Types . PreviewWindows ;
break ;
case 2 :
plasmoid . configuration . hoverAction = Latte . Types . HighlightWindows ;
break ;
case 3 :
plasmoid . configuration . hoverAction = Latte . Types . PreviewAndHighlightWindows ;
break ;
RowLayout {
spacing: units . smallSpacing
enabled: ! disableAllWindowsFunctionality
Layout.minimumWidth: middleClickText . width
Layout.maximumWidth: middleClickText . width
LatteComponents . ComboBox {
id: modifier
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: [ "Shift" , "Ctrl" , "Alt" , "Meta" ]
currentIndex: plasmoid . configuration . modifier
onCurrentIndexChanged: plasmoid . configuration . modifier = currentIndex
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: "+"
RowLayout {
spacing: units . smallSpacing
enabled: ! disableAllWindowsFunctionality
readonly property int maxSize: 0.4 * dialog . optionsWidth
LatteComponents . ComboBox {
id: modifierClick
Layout.preferredWidth: 0.7 * parent . maxSize
Layout.maximumWidth: parent . maxSize
model: [ i18n ( "Left Click" ) , i18n ( "Middle Click" ) , i18n ( "Right Click" ) ]
currentIndex: plasmoid . configuration . modifierClick
onCurrentIndexChanged: plasmoid . configuration . modifierClick = currentIndex
PlasmaComponents . Label {
text: "="
LatteComponents . ComboBox {
id: modifierClickAction
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: [ i18nc ( "The click action" , "None" ) , i18n ( "Close Window or Group" ) ,
i18n ( "New Instance" ) , i18n ( "Minimize/Restore Window or Group" ) , i18n ( "Cycle Through Tasks" ) , i18n ( "Toggle Task Grouping" ) ]
currentIndex: plasmoid . configuration . modifierClickAction
onCurrentIndexChanged: plasmoid . configuration . modifierClickAction = currentIndex
RowLayout {
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
Layout.topMargin: units . smallSpacing
spacing: units . smallSpacing
enabled: ! disableAllWindowsFunctionality
//! END: Actions
//! BEGIN: Recycling
ColumnLayout {
spacing: units . smallSpacing
visible: dialog . expertLevel
LatteComponents . Header {
text: i18n ( "Recycling" )
PlasmaComponents . Button {
Layout.minimumWidth: dialog . optionsWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout . minimumWidth
Layout.leftMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.rightMargin: units . smallSpacing * 2
Layout.topMargin: units . smallSpacing
text: i18n ( "Remove Latte Tasks Applet" )
enabled: latteView . latteTasksArePresent
tooltip: i18n ( "Remove Latte Tasks plasmoid" )
onClicked: {
latteView . removeTasksPlasmoid ( ) ;
//! Bottom spacer
PlasmaComponents . Label {
id: bottomMarginSpacer
text: " "