* Copyright 2016 Smith AR <audoban@openmailbox.org>
* Michail Vourlakos <mvourlakos@gmail.com>
* This file is part of Latte-Dock
* Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import QtQuick 2.0
import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org.kde.latte.core 0.2 as LatteCore
id: wrapper
opacity: 0
width: {
if (!taskItem.visible)
return 0;
if (taskItem.isSeparator){
if (!root.vertical)
return 0;
return (taskItem.metrics.iconSize + root.widthMargins + taskItem.metrics.margin.screenEdge);
if (taskItem.isStartup && taskItem.animations.speedFactor.current !==0 ) {
return root.vertical ? cleanScalingWidth + taskItem.metrics.margin.screenEdge : cleanScalingWidth;
} else {
return root.vertical ? showDelegateWidth + taskItem.metrics.margin.screenEdge : showDelegateWidth;
height: {
if (!taskItem.visible)
return 0;
if (taskItem.isSeparator){
if (root.vertical)
return 0;
return (taskItem.metrics.iconSize + root.heightMargins + taskItem.metrics.margin.screenEdge);
if (taskItem.isStartup && taskItem.animations.speedFactor.current !==0){
return !root.vertical ? cleanScalingHeight + taskItem.metrics.margin.screenEdge : cleanScalingHeight;
} else {
return !root.vertical ? showDelegateHeight + taskItem.metrics.margin.screenEdge : showDelegateHeight;
property int maxThickness: !root.vertical ? taskItem.parabolic.factor.zoom*(taskItem.metrics.iconSize+root.heightMargins)
: taskItem.parabolic.factor.zoom*(taskItem.metrics.iconSize+root.widthMargins)
property real showDelegateWidth: basicScalingWidth
property real showDelegateHeight: basicScalingHeight
//scales which are used mainly for activating InLauncher
property bool inTempScaling: ((tempScaleWidth !== 1) || (tempScaleHeight !== 1) )
property real mScale: 1
property real tempScaleWidth: 1
property real tempScaleHeight: 1
property real scaleWidth: (inTempScaling == true) ? tempScaleWidth : mScale
property real scaleHeight: (inTempScaling == true) ? tempScaleHeight : mScale
property real cleanScalingWidth: (taskItem.metrics.iconSize + root.widthMargins) * mScale
property real cleanScalingHeight: (taskItem.metrics.iconSize + root.heightMargins) * mScale
property real basicScalingWidth : (inTempScaling == true) ? ((taskItem.metrics.iconSize + root.widthMargins) * scaleWidth) : cleanScalingWidth
property real basicScalingHeight : (inTempScaling == true) ? ((taskItem.metrics.iconSize + root.heightMargins) * scaleHeight) : cleanScalingHeight
property real regulatorWidth: taskItem.isSeparator ? width : basicScalingWidth;
property real regulatorHeight: taskItem.isSeparator ? height : basicScalingHeight;
property real visualScaledWidth: (taskItem.metrics.iconSize + root.internalWidthMargins) * mScale
property real visualScaledHeight: (taskItem.metrics.iconSize + root.internalHeightMargins) * mScale
/// end of Scalers///////
// property int index: taskItem.Positioner.index
//property real center: (width + hiddenSpacerLeft.separatorSpace + hiddenSpacerRight.separatorSpace) / 2
property real center: !root.vertical ?
(width + hiddenSpacerLeft.separatorSpace + hiddenSpacerRight.separatorSpace) / 2 :
(height + hiddenSpacerLeft.separatorSpace + hiddenSpacerRight.separatorSpace) / 2
property color backgroundColor: taskIconItem.backgroundColor
property color glowColor: taskIconItem.glowColor
property bool progressVisible: taskIconItem.progressVisible
property real progress: taskIconItem.progress
property Item visualIconItem: taskIconItem.visualIconItem
property Item titleTooltipVisualParent: taskIconItem.titleTooltipVisualParent
property Item previewsTooltipVisualParent: taskIconItem.previewsTootipVisualParent
signal runLauncherAnimation();
readonly property string bothAxisZoomEvent: wrapper + "_zoom"
/* Rectangle{
anchors.fill: parent
border.width: 1
border.color: "green"
color: "transparent"
Behavior on mScale {
id: animatedBehavior
enabled: !taskItem.parabolic.directRenderingEnabled || inMimicParabolicAnimation || restoreAnimation.running
duration: 3 * taskItem.animationTime
easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
Behavior on mScale {
enabled: !animatedBehavior.enabled
NumberAnimation { duration: 0 }
id: taskIconItem
anchors.bottom: (root.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge) ? parent.bottom : undefined
anchors.top: (root.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge) ? parent.top : undefined
anchors.left: (root.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge) ? parent.left : undefined
anchors.right: (root.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge) ? parent.right : undefined
anchors.horizontalCenter: !root.vertical ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined
anchors.verticalCenter: root.vertical ? parent.verticalCenter : undefined
anchors.bottomMargin: (root.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge) ? taskItem.metrics.margin.screenEdge : 0
anchors.topMargin: (root.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge) ? taskItem.metrics.margin.screenEdge : 0
anchors.leftMargin: (root.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge) ? taskItem.metrics.margin.screenEdge : 0
anchors.rightMargin: (root.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge) ? taskItem.metrics.margin.screenEdge : 0
anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: taskItem.iconOffsetX
anchors.verticalCenterOffset: taskItem.iconOffsetY
width: wrapper.regulatorWidth
height: wrapper.regulatorHeight
function calculateScales( currentMousePosition ){
if (taskItem.parabolic.factor.zoom===1) {
if (root.dragSource === null) {
//use the new parabolic ability in order to handle all parabolic effect messages
var scales = taskItem.parabolic.applyParabolicEffect(index, currentMousePosition, center);
//Left hiddenSpacer for first task
if(((index === parabolicManager.firstRealTaskIndex )&&(root.tasksCount>0)) && !root.disableLeftSpacer
&& !inMimicParabolicAnimation && !inFastRestoreAnimation && !inAttentionAnimation){
hiddenSpacerLeft.nScale = scales.leftScale - 1;
//Right hiddenSpacer for last task
if(((index === parabolicManager.lastRealTaskIndex )&&(root.tasksCount>0)) && !root.disableRightSpacer
&& !inMimicParabolicAnimation && !inFastRestoreAnimation && !inAttentionAnimation){
hiddenSpacerRight.nScale = scales.rightScale - 1;
if (!taskItem.inAttentionAnimation) {
mScale = taskItem.parabolic.factor.zoom;
} else {
var subSpacerScale = (taskItem.parabolic.factor.zoom-1)/2;
hiddenSpacerLeft.nScale = subSpacerScale;
hiddenSpacerRight.nScale = subSpacerScale;
taskItem.scalesUpdatedOnce = false;
} //nScale
function signalUpdateScale(nIndex, nScale, step){
if (!taskItem.containsMouse && (index === nIndex)
&& (taskItem.hoverEnabled || inMimicParabolicAnimation)&&(tasksExtendedManager.waitingLaunchersLength()===0)){
if (taskItem.inAttentionAnimation) {
var subSpacerScale = (nScale-1)/2;
hiddenSpacerLeft.nScale = subSpacerScale;
hiddenSpacerRight.nScale = subSpacerScale;
} else if (!inBlockingAnimation || taskItem.inMimicParabolicAnimation) {
var newScale = 1;
if(nScale >= 0) {
newScale = nScale + step;
} else {
newScale = mScale + step;
if (inMimicParabolicAnimation && mimicParabolicScale === -1) {
mimicParabolicScale = newScale;
mScale = newScale;
function sltUpdateLowerItemScale(delegateIndex, newScale, step) {
if (delegateIndex === index) {
if (!taskItem.isSeparator && !taskItem.isHidden) {
//! when accepted
signalUpdateScale(delegateIndex, newScale, step);
if (newScale > 1) { // clear lower items
taskItem.parabolic.sglUpdateLowerItemScale(delegateIndex-1, 1, 0);
} else {
taskItem.parabolic.sglUpdateLowerItemScale(delegateIndex-1, newScale, step);
} else if ((newScale === 1) && (index < delegateIndex)) {
signalUpdateScale(index, 1, 0);
function sltUpdateHigherItemScale(delegateIndex, newScale, step) {
if (delegateIndex === index) {
if (!taskItem.isSeparator && !taskItem.isHidden) {
//! when accepted
signalUpdateScale(delegateIndex, newScale, step);
if (newScale > 1) { // clear lower items
taskItem.parabolic.sglUpdateHigherItemScale(delegateIndex+1, 1, 0); // clear higher items
} else {
taskItem.parabolic.sglUpdateHigherItemScale(delegateIndex+1, newScale, step);
} else if ((newScale === 1) && (index > delegateIndex)) {
signalUpdateScale(index, 1, 0);
function sendEndOfNeedBothAxisAnimation(){
if (taskItem.isZoomed) {
taskItem.isZoomed = false;
onMScaleChanged: {
if ((mScale === taskItem.parabolic.factor.zoom) && !taskItem.parabolic.directRenderingEnabled) {
if (inMimicParabolicAnimation){
if (mScale >= mimicParabolicScale) {
inMimicParabolicAnimation = false;
inAnimation = false;
inBlockingAnimation = false;
mimicParabolicScale = -1;
} else {
var tempScale = (taskItem.parabolic.factor.zoom - mScale) / 2;
hiddenSpacerLeft.nScale = tempScale;
hiddenSpacerRight.nScale = tempScale;
if ((mScale > 1) && !taskItem.isZoomed) {
taskItem.isZoomed = true;
} else if ((mScale == 1) && taskItem.isZoomed) {
Component.onCompleted: {
if (!LatteCore.WindowSystem.compositingActive) {
opacity = 1;
Component.onDestruction: {
}// Main task area // id:wrapper