<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kcfg xmlns= "http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" >
<kcfgfile name= "" />
<group name= "General" >
<entry name= "alignment" type= "Int" >
<default > 0</default>
<label > introduced in v0.10, "0" stands for "Center"</label>
<entry name= "appletOrder" type= "String" >
<label > encoded order of items</label>
<entry name= "lockedZoomApplets" type= "String" >
<label > applets that lock the zoom effect</label>
<entry name= "userBlocksColorizingApplets" type= "String" >
<label > applets that do not want to be colorized in any case</label>
<entry name= "zoomLevel" type= "Int" >
<default > 10</default>
<entry name= "iconSize" type= "Int" >
<default > 64</default>
<entry name= "editBackgroundOpacity" type= "Double" >
<default > 0.2</default>
<label > opacity value for edit mode background</label>
<entry name= "lastWindowsVisibilityMode" type= "Int" >
<default > 5</default>
<label > last windows visibility mode used, 5 stands for "Windows Go Below"</label>
<entry name= "lastDodgeVisibilityMode" type= "Int" >
<default > 3</default>
<label > last dodge visibility mode used, 3 stands for "Dodge Maximized"</label>
<entry name= "lastSidebarVisibilityMode" type= "Int" >
<default > 8</default>
<label > last dodge visibility mode used, 8 stands for "On Demand Sidebar"</label>
<entry name= "appletShadowsEnabled" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<label > enable latte drawn applet shadows</label>
<!-- this is percentage -->
<entry name= "thickMargin" type= "Int" >
<default > 20</default>
<label > this is a percentage value</label>
<entry name= "lengthExtMargin" type= "Int" >
<default > 0</default>
<label > this is a percentage value</label>
<entry name= "shrinkThickMargins" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<label > this is a percentage value</label>
<entry name= "floatingInternalGapIsForced" type= "Int" >
<default > 1</default>
<label > floating internal gap is forced and provided to applets and any other view specific user interaction. "1" stands for Partially Checked (Auto)</label>
<entry name= "hideFloatingGapForMaximized" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<label > floating gap is disabled when there are maximized windows</label>
<entry name= "proportionIconSize" type= "Double" >
<default > -1</default>
<label > this is a percentage value, -1 means disabled</label>
<entry name= "screenEdgeMargin" type= "Int" >
<default > -1</default>
<label > margin from screen edge in pixels, -1 means disabled</label>
<entry name= "isStickedOnTopEdge" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<label > vertical view is sticked at top screen edge at all cases; useful for sidepanels</label>
<entry name= "isStickedOnBottomEdge" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<label > vertical view is sticked at bottom screen edge at all cases; useful for sidepanels</label>
<entry name= "inConfigureAppletsMode" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<entry name= "useThemePanel" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "panelSize" type= "Int" >
<default > 6</default>
<entry name= "panelShadows" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "disablePanelShadowForMaximized" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<entry name= "panelTransparency" type= "Int" >
<default > 100</default>
<entry name= "panelOutline" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<entry name= "backgroundAllCorners" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<entry name= "blurEnabled" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "autoDecreaseIconSize" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "smallAutomaticIconJumps" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "addLaunchersInTaskManager" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "backgroundOnlyOnMaximized" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<entry name= "solidBackgroundForMaximized" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<entry name= "plasmaBackgroundForPopups" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<entry name= "themeColors" type= "Enum" >
<choices >
<choice name= "PlasmaThemeColors" />
<choice name= "ReverseThemeColors" />
<choice name= "SmartThemeColors" />
<default > 0</default>
<label > which theme color palette is going to be used</label>
<entry name= "windowColors" type= "Enum" >
<choices >
<choice name= "NoneWindowColors" />
<choice name= "ActiveWindowColors" />
<choice name= "TouchingWindowColors" />
<default > 0</default>
<label > which color palette is going to be used based on windows</label>
<entry name= "splitterPosition" type= "Int" >
<default > -1</default>
<entry name= "splitterPosition2" type= "Int" >
<default > -1</default>
<entry name= "shadowColorType" type= "Enum" >
<label > Applets shadow color type</label>
<choices >
<choice name= "Default" />
<choice name= "Theme" />
<choice name= "User" />
<default > 0</default>
<entry name= "shadowOpacity" type= "Int" >
<default > 70</default>
<entry name= "shadowSize" type= "Int" >
<default > 30</default>
<entry name= "shadowColor" type= "String" >
<default > 080808</default>
<entry name= "showGlow" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<entry name= "minLength" type= "Double" >
<default > 0</default>
<entry name= "maxLength" type= "Double" >
<default > 100</default>
<entry name= "offset" type= "Double" >
<default > 0</default>
<entry name= "dragActiveWindowEnabled" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<label > Drag and maximize/restore active window from empty areas</label>
<entry name= "closeActiveWindowEnabled" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<label > Close active window from empty areas</label>
<entry name= "activeWindowFilter" type= "Enum" >
<choices >
<choice name= "InCurrentScreen" />
<choice name= "FromAllScreens" />
<default > 0</default>
<entry name= "mouseWheelActions" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "autoSizeEnabled" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "scrollAction" type= "Enum" >
<choices >
<choice name= "ScrollNone" />
<choice name= "ScrollDesktops" />
<choice name= "ScrollActivities" />
<choice name= "ScrollTasks" />
<choice name= "ScrollToggleMinimized" />
<default > 0</default>
<entry name= "titleTooltips" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<!-- Config properties -->
<entry name= "configurationSticker" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<!-- Animations -->
<entry name= "animationsEnabled" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "durationTime" type= "Enum" >
<choices >
<choice name= "None" />
<choice name= "x1" />
<choice name= "x2" />
<choice name= "x3" />
<default > 2</default>
<!-- Upgrade Flags -->
<!-- _____________ -->
<entry name= "alignmentUpgraded" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<label > flag to check it deprecated panelPosition was changed to "alignment"</label>
<entry name= "shadowsUpgraded" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<label > flag to check it deprecated shadows was changed to "appletShadowsEnabled"</label>
<entry name= "tasksUpgraded" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<label > flag to check if Tasks properties were moved to Tasks plasmoid configuration. Since Latte v0.10 we can have multiple Tasks applets in the same dock</label>
<!-- Deprecated Section Containment -->
<!-- ______________________________ -->
<entry name= "panelPosition" type= "Enum" >
<choices >
<choice name= "Center" />
<choice name= "Left" />
<choice name= "Right" />
<choice name= "Top" />
<choice name= "Bottom" />
<default > 0</default>
<label > DEPRECATED in 0.10 in favour of "alignment"</label>
<entry name= "shadows" type= "Enum" >
<label > Shadows for the applets</label>
<choices >
<choice name= "None" />
<choice name= "Locked" />
<choice name= "All" />
<default > 2</default>
<!-- Deprecated Section Tasks -->
<!-- ________________________ -->
<!-- All Tasks properties are DEPRECATED and scheduled to be removed in v0.11 or v0.12 -->
<!-- This is happening because these values can now be properly provided from each Tasks applet -->
<!-- BE CAREFUL: Until these values are removed totally and their UPGRADE procedures also, -->
<!-- their default values should be updated both <here> and at their plasmoid configuration file counterpart -->
<entry name= "launchersGroup" type= "Enum" >
<choices >
<choice name= "Unique" />
<choice name= "Layout" />
<choice name= "Global" />
<default > 0</default>
<entry name= "showWindowActions" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<entry name= "showWindowsOnlyFromLaunchers" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<label > show only windows that there is a launcher for them</label>
<entry name= "groupTasksByDefault" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<label > by default group same tasks</label>
<entry name= "showOnlyCurrentScreen" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<entry name= "showOnlyCurrentDesktop" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<entry name= "showOnlyCurrentActivity" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "showInfoBadge" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "showProgressBadge" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "showAudioBadge" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "audioBadgeActionsEnabled" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "infoBadgeProminentColorEnabled" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<entry name= "animationLauncherBouncing" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "animationWindowInAttention" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "animationNewWindowSliding" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "animationWindowAddedInGroup" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "animationWindowRemovedFromGroup" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "scrollTasksEnabled" type= "Bool" >
<default > false</default>
<entry name= "autoScrollTasksEnabled" type= "Bool" >
<default > true</default>
<entry name= "manualScrollTasksType" type= "Enum" >
<choices >
<choice name= "Disabled" />
<choice name= "Parallel" />
<choice name= "VerticalHorizontal" />
<default > 1</default>
<entry name= "leftClickAction" type= "Enum" >
<choices >
<choice name= "None" />
<choice name= "Close" />
<choice name= "NewInstance" />
<choice name= "ToggleMinimized" />
<choice name= "CycleThroughTasks" />
<choice name= "ToggleGrouping" />
<choice name= "PresentWindows" />
<choice name= "PreviewWindows" />
<choice name= "HighlightWindows" />
<choice name= "PreviewAndHighlightWindows" />
<default > 6</default>
<entry name= "middleClickAction" type= "Enum" >
<choices >
<choice name= "None" />
<choice name= "Close" />
<choice name= "NewInstance" />
<choice name= "ToggleMinimized" />
<choice name= "CycleThroughTasks" />
<choice name= "ToggleGrouping" />
<choice name= "PresentWindows" />
<choice name= "PreviewWindows" />
<choice name= "HighlightWindows" />
<choice name= "PreviewAndHighlightWindows" />
<default > 2</default>
<entry name= "hoverAction" type= "Enum" >
<choices >
<choice name= "None" />
<choice name= "Close" />
<choice name= "NewInstance" />
<choice name= "ToggleMinimized" />
<choice name= "CycleThroughTasks" />
<choice name= "ToggleGrouping" />
<choice name= "PresentWindows" />
<choice name= "PreviewWindows" />
<choice name= "HighlightWindows" />
<choice name= "PreviewAndHighlightWindows" />
<default > 0</default>
<entry name= "taskScrollAction" type= "Enum" >
<choices >
<choice name= "ScrollNone" />
<choice name= "ScrollTasks" />
<choice name= "ScrollToggleMinimized" />
<default > 1</default>
<entry name= "modifierClickAction" type= "Enum" >
<choices >
<choice name= "None" />
<choice name= "Close" />
<choice name= "NewInstance" />
<choice name= "ToggleMinimized" />
<choice name= "CycleThroughTasks" />
<choice name= "ToggleGrouping" />
<choice name= "PresentWindows" />
<choice name= "PreviewWindows" />
<choice name= "HighlightWindows" />
<choice name= "PreviewAndHighlightWindows" />
<default > 0</default>
<entry name= "modifier" type= "Enum" >
<choices >
<choice name= "Shift" />
<choice name= "Control" />
<choice name= "Alt" />
<choice name= "Meta" />
<default > 1</default>
<entry name= "modifierClick" type= "Enum" >
<choices >
<choice name= "LeftClick" />
<choice name= "MiddleClick" />
<choice name= "RightClick" />
<default > 0</default>