
174 lines
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* Copyright 2019 Michail Vourlakos <>
* This file is part of Latte-Dock
* Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
// local
#include "../apptypes.h"
#include "../data/layoutdata.h"
#include "../data/layoutstable.h"
// Qt
#include <QObject>
#include <QHash>
#include <QTimer>
namespace Latte {
class CentralLayout;
class View;
namespace Layout{
class GenericLayout;
namespace Layouts {
class Manager;
namespace Plasma {
class Containment;
namespace KActivities {
class Controller;
namespace Latte {
namespace Layouts {
//! This is a Layouts map in the following structure:
//! ACTIVITY ID -> Layout Names for that activity
typedef QHash<QString, QStringList> AssignedLayoutsHash;
//! Layouts::Synchronizer is a very IMPORTANT class which is responsible
//! for all ACTIVE layouts, meaning layouts that have been loaded
//! in memory.
//! The main task of Synchronizer is to load/unload layouts based
//! on "user preferences"/"activities settings"/"application current
//! phase" (e.g. startup/closing)
class Synchronizer : public QObject {
Synchronizer(QObject *parent);
~Synchronizer() override;
void unloadLayouts();
void hideAllViews();
void pauseLayout(QString layoutName);
void syncActiveLayoutsToOriginalFiles();
void syncLatteViewsToScreens();
void syncMultipleLayoutsToActivities();
bool latteViewExists(Latte::View *view) const;
bool layoutExists(QString layoutName) const;
//! switch to specified layout, default previousMemoryUsage means that it didn't change
bool switchToLayout(QString layoutName, MemoryUsage::LayoutsMemory newMemoryUsage = MemoryUsage::Current);
int centralLayoutPos(QString id) const;
QStringList centralLayoutsNames();
QStringList currentLayoutsNames() const;
QStringList layouts() const;
QStringList menuLayouts() const;
QStringList activities();
QStringList freeActivities();
QStringList runningActivities();
QStringList freeRunningActivities(); //! These are activities that haven't been assigned to specific layout
Latte::View *viewForContainment(Plasma::Containment *containment);
Latte::View *viewForContainment(uint id);
QList<CentralLayout *> currentLayouts() const;
QList<Latte::View *> currentViews() const;
QList<Latte::View *> currentViewsWithPlasmaShortcuts() const;
QList<Latte::View *> sortedCurrentViews() const;
QList<Latte::View *> viewsBasedOnActivityId(const QString &id) const;
CentralLayout *centralLayout(QString layoutname) const;
Layout::GenericLayout *layout(QString layoutname) const;
QList<CentralLayout *> centralLayoutsForActivity(const QString activityid) const;
KActivities::Controller *activitiesController() const;
Data::LayoutsTable layoutsTable() const;
void setLayoutsTable(const Data::LayoutsTable &table);
public slots:
void initLayouts();
void updateKWinDisabledBorders();
void updateLayoutsTable();
void centralLayoutsChanged();
void layoutsChanged();
void runningActicitiesChanged();
void currentLayoutIsSwitching(QString layoutName);
void newLayoutAdded(const Data::Layout &layout);
private slots:
void onCurrentActivityChanged(const QString &id);
void onLayoutAdded(const QString &layoutpath);
void reloadAssignedLayouts();
void addLayout(CentralLayout *layout);
void unloadCentralLayout(CentralLayout *layout);
void unloadLayouts(const QStringList &layoutNames);
bool initSingleMode(QString layoutName);
bool initMultipleMode(QString layoutName);
bool switchToLayoutInMultipleMode(QString layoutName);
bool switchToLayoutInSingleMode(QString layoutName);
bool isAssigned(QString layoutName) const;
bool memoryInitialized() const;
QString layoutPath(QString layoutName);
bool m_multipleModeInitialized{false};
bool m_isLoaded{false};
Data::LayoutsTable m_layouts;
QList<CentralLayout *> m_centralLayouts;
AssignedLayoutsHash m_assignedLayouts;
Layouts::Manager *m_manager;
KActivities::Controller *m_activitiesController;