SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Michail Vourlakos <mvourlakos@gmail.com>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
// local
#include "../generic/generichandler.h"
#include "../../data/layoutdata.h"
#include "../../layout/abstractlayout.h"
// Qt
#include <QButtonGroup>
#include <QSortFilterProxyModel>
// KDE
#include <KMessageBox>
namespace Ui {
class DetailsDialog;
namespace Latte{
namespace Settings{
namespace Dialog{
class DetailsDialog;
namespace Latte{
namespace Settings{
namespace Model {
class Colors;
namespace Latte {
namespace Settings {
namespace Handler {
//! Handlers are objects to handle the UI elements that semantically associate with specific
//! ui::tabs or different windows. They are responsible also to handle the user interaction
//! between controllers and views
class DetailsHandler : public Generic
DetailsHandler(Dialog::DetailsDialog *dialog);
bool hasChangedData() const override;
bool inDefaultValues() const override;
Latte::Data::Layout currentData() const;
public slots:
void reset() override;
void resetDefaults() override;
void save() override;
void currentLayoutChanged();
private slots:
void onCurrentLayoutIndexChanged(int row);
void onCurrentColorIndexChanged(int row);
void clearIcon();
void clearPattern();
void selectBackground();
void selectIcon();
void selectTextColor();
void updateWindowTitle();
void init();
void reload();
void setIsShownInMenu(bool inMenu);
void setHasDisabledBorders(bool disabled);
void setBackground(const QString &background);
void setTextColor(const QString &textColor);
void setColor(const QString &color);
void setIcon(const QString &icon);
void setPopUpMargin(const int &margin);
void setBackgroundStyle(const Latte::Layout::BackgroundStyle &style);
void loadLayout(const Latte::Data::Layout &data);
KMessageBox::ButtonCode saveChangesConfirmation();
Dialog::DetailsDialog *m_dialog{nullptr};
Ui::DetailsDialog *m_ui{nullptr};
QSortFilterProxyModel *m_layoutsProxyModel{nullptr};
int m_lastConfirmedLayoutIndex{-1};
//! current data
Model::Colors *m_colorsModel{nullptr};
QButtonGroup *m_backButtonsGroup;
Latte::Data::Layout o_data;
Latte::Data::Layout c_data;