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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Michail Vourlakos <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <coretypes.h>
#include "../wm/abstractwindowinterface.h"
#include "../wm/windowinfowrap.h"
// Qt
#include <QObject>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QScreen>
#include <QTimer>
// Plasma
#include <Plasma/Containment>
namespace Plasma {
class Types;
namespace Latte {
class Corona;
class View;
namespace Latte {
namespace ViewPart {
class Positioner: public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(bool inRelocationAnimation READ inRelocationAnimation NOTIFY inRelocationAnimationChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool inRelocationShowing READ inRelocationShowing WRITE setInRelocationShowing NOTIFY inRelocationShowingChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool inSlideAnimation READ inSlideAnimation WRITE setInSlideAnimation NOTIFY inSlideAnimationChanged)
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
Q_PROPERTY(bool isOffScreen READ isOffScreen NOTIFY isOffScreenChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isStickedOnTopEdge READ isStickedOnTopEdge WRITE setIsStickedOnTopEdge NOTIFY isStickedOnTopEdgeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isStickedOnBottomEdge READ isStickedOnBottomEdge WRITE setIsStickedOnBottomEdge NOTIFY isStickedOnBottomEdgeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int currentScreenId READ currentScreenId NOTIFY currentScreenChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QRect canvasGeometry READ canvasGeometry NOTIFY canvasGeometryChanged)
//! animating window slide
Q_PROPERTY(int slideOffset READ slideOffset WRITE setSlideOffset NOTIFY slideOffsetChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString currentScreenName READ currentScreenName NOTIFY currentScreenChanged)
Positioner(Latte::View *parent);
virtual ~Positioner();
int currentScreenId() const;
QString currentScreenName() const;
int slideOffset() const;
void setSlideOffset(int offset);
bool inLayoutUnloading();
bool inRelocationAnimation();
bool inRelocationShowing() const;
void setInRelocationShowing(bool active);
bool inSlideAnimation() const;
void setInSlideAnimation(bool active);
bool isCursorInsideView() const;
bool isStickedOnTopEdge() const;
void setIsStickedOnTopEdge(bool sticked);
bool isStickedOnBottomEdge() const;
void setIsStickedOnBottomEdge(bool sticked);
bool isOffScreen() const;
QRect canvasGeometry();
void setScreenToFollow(QScreen *scr, bool updateScreenId = true);
void setWindowOnActivities(const Latte::WindowSystem::WindowId &wid, const QStringList &activities);
void reconsiderScreen();
Latte::WindowSystem::WindowId trackedWindowId();
public slots:
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
Q_INVOKABLE void setNextLocation(const QString layoutName, const int screensGroup, QString screenName, int edge, int alignment);
Q_INVOKABLE void slideInDuringStartup();
void syncGeometry();
//! direct geometry calculations without any protections or checks
//! that might prevent them. It must be called with care.
void immediateSyncGeometry();
void slideOutDuringExit(Plasma::Types::Location location = Plasma::Types::Floating);
void initDelayedSignals();
void updateWaylandId();
void canvasGeometryChanged();
void currentScreenChanged();
void edgeChanged();
void screenGeometryChanged();
void slideOffsetChanged();
void windowSizeChanged();
void winIdChanged();
//! these two signals are used from config ui and containment ui
//! in order to orchestrate an animated hiding/showing of dock
//! during changing location
void hidingForRelocationStarted();
void hidingForRelocationFinished();
void showingAfterRelocationFinished();
void startupFinished(); //called from containment qml end of startup sequence
void onHideWindowsForSlidingOut();
void inRelocationAnimationChanged();
void inRelocationShowingChanged();
void inSlideAnimationChanged();
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
void isOffScreenChanged();
void isStickedOnTopEdgeChanged();
void isStickedOnBottomEdgeChanged();
private slots:
void onScreenChanged(QScreen *screen);
void onCurrentLayoutIsSwitching(const QString &layoutName);
void onLastRepositionApplyEvent();
void onStartupFinished();
void validateDockGeometry();
void updateInRelocationAnimation();
void syncLatteViews();
void updateContainmentScreen();
void init();
void initSignalingForLocationChangeSliding();
void updateFormFactor();
void resizeWindow(QRect availableScreenRect = QRect());
void updatePosition(QRect availableScreenRect = QRect());
void updateCanvasGeometry(QRect availableScreenRect = QRect());
void validateTopBottomBorders(QRect availableScreenRect, QRegion availableScreenRegion);
void setCanvasGeometry(const QRect &geometry);
bool isLastHidingRelocationEvent() const;
QRect maximumNormalGeometry(QRect screenGeometry = QRect());
WindowSystem::AbstractWindowInterface::Slide slideLocation(Plasma::Types::Location location);
bool m_inDelete{false};
bool m_inLayoutUnloading{false};
bool m_inRelocationAnimation{false};
bool m_inRelocationShowing{false};
bool m_inSlideAnimation{false};
bool m_inStartup{true};
bool m_isStickedOnTopEdge{false};
bool m_isStickedOnBottomEdge{false};
int m_slideOffset{0};
QRect m_canvasGeometry;
//! it is used in order to enforce X11 to never miss window geometry
QRect m_validGeometry;
//! it is used to update geometry calculations without requesting no needed Corona calculations
QRect m_lastAvailableScreenRect;
QRegion m_lastAvailableScreenRegion;
QPointer<Latte::View> m_view;
QPointer<Latte::Corona> m_corona;
QString m_screenNameToFollow;
QPointer<QScreen> m_screenToFollow;
QTimer m_screenSyncTimer;
QTimer m_syncGeometryTimer;
QTimer m_validateGeometryTimer;
//!used for relocation properties group
bool m_repositionFromViewSettingsWindow{false};
bool m_repositionIsAnimated{false};
QString m_nextLayoutName;
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
Latte::Types::ScreensGroup m_nextScreensGroup{Latte::Types::SingleScreenGroup};
QString m_nextScreenName;
QScreen *m_nextScreen{nullptr};
Plasma::Types::Location m_nextScreenEdge{Plasma::Types::Floating};
Latte::Types::Alignment m_nextAlignment{Latte::Types::NoneAlignment};
Latte::WindowSystem::WindowId m_trackedWindowId;