/ *
SPDX - FileCopyrightText: 2021 Michail Vourlakos < mvourlakos @ gmail . com >
SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 2.0 - or - later
* /
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import org . kde . plasma . core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org . kde . plasma . components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
import org . kde . plasma . plasmoid 2.0
import org . kde . plasma . private . taskmanager 0.1 as TaskManagerApplet
import org . kde . kirigami 2.0 as Kirigami
import org . kde . latte . core 0.2 as LatteCore
import org . kde . latte . components 1.0 as LatteComponents
import "animations" as TaskAnimations
Item {
id: taskIconContainer
anchors.fill: parent
property bool toBeDestroyed: false
readonly property color backgroundColor: iconColorsLoader . active ? iconColorsLoader.item.backgroundColor : theme . backgroundColor
readonly property color glowColor: iconColorsLoader . active ? iconColorsLoader.item.glowColor : theme . textColor
readonly property bool smartLauncherEnabled: ( taskItem . isStartup === false ) //! it needs to be enabled independent of user-set option because it is used from indicators
readonly property bool progressVisible: smartLauncherItem && smartLauncherItem . progressVisible
readonly property real progress: smartLauncherItem && smartLauncherItem . progress ? smartLauncherItem.progress : 0
readonly property QtObject smartLauncherItem: smartLauncherLoader . active ? smartLauncherLoader.item : null
readonly property Item monochromizedItem: badgesLoader . active ? badgesLoader.item : taskIconItem
Rectangle {
id: draggedRectangle
width: parent . width + 2
height: parent . height + 2
anchors.centerIn: taskIconContainer
opacity: 0
radius: 3
anchors.margins: 5
property color tempColor: theme . highlightColor
color: tempColor
border.width: 1
border.color: theme . highlightColor
onTempColorChanged: tempColor . a = 0.35 ;
Loader {
id: smartLauncherLoader
active: taskIconContainer . smartLauncherEnabled
sourceComponent: TaskManagerApplet . SmartLauncherItem {
//! It creates issues with Valgrind and needs to be completely removed in that case
launcherUrl: taskItem . launcherUrlWithIcon
//! Provide icon background and glow colors
Loader {
id: iconColorsLoader
active: taskItem . abilities . indicators . info . needsIconColors
visible: false
sourceComponent: LatteCore . IconItem {
width: 64
height: 64
source: taskIconItem . source
providesColors: true
Kirigami . Icon {
id: taskIconItem
anchors.fill: parent
//roundToIconSize: false
source: decoration
visible: ! badgesLoader . active
readonly property real size: Math . min ( width , height )
///states for launcher animation
states: [
State {
name: "*"
//! since qt 5.14 default state can not use "when" property
//! it breaks restoring transitions otherwise
AnchorChanges {
target: taskIconItem ;
anchors.horizontalCenter: ! root . vertical ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined ;
anchors.verticalCenter: root . vertical ? parent.verticalCenter : undefined ;
anchors.right: root . location === PlasmaCore . Types . RightEdge ? parent.right : undefined ;
anchors.left: root . location === PlasmaCore . Types . LeftEdge ? parent.left : undefined ;
anchors.top: root . location === PlasmaCore . Types . TopEdge ? parent.top : undefined ;
anchors.bottom: root . location === PlasmaCore . Types . BottomEdge ? parent.bottom : undefined ;
} ,
State {
name: "animating"
when: ! taskItem . inAddRemoveAnimation && ( launcherAnimation . running || newWindowAnimation . running || fastRestoreAnimation . running )
AnchorChanges {
target: taskIconItem ;
anchors.horizontalCenter: ! root . vertical ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined ;
anchors.verticalCenter: root . vertical ? parent.verticalCenter : undefined ;
anchors.right: root . location === PlasmaCore . Types . LeftEdge ? parent.right : undefined ;
anchors.left: root . location === PlasmaCore . Types . RightEdge ? parent.left : undefined ;
anchors.top: root . location === PlasmaCore . Types . BottomEdge ? parent.top : undefined ;
anchors.bottom: root . location === PlasmaCore . Types . TopEdge ? parent.bottom : undefined ;
///transitions, basic for the anchor changes
transitions: [
Transition {
from: "animating"
to: "*"
enabled: ! fastRestoreAnimation . running
AnchorAnimation { duration: 1.5 * taskItem . abilities . animations . speedFactor . current * taskItem . abilities . animations . duration . large }
//! Combined Loader for Progress and Audio badges masks
Loader {
id: badgesLoader
anchors.fill: taskIconContainer
active: ( activateProgress > 0 ) && taskItem . abilities . environment . isGraphicsSystemAccelerated
asynchronous: true
opacity: stateColorizer . opacity > 0 ? 0 : 1
property real activateProgress: showInfo || showProgress || showAudio ? 1 : 0
property bool showInfo: ( root . showInfoBadge
&& taskIcon . smartLauncherItem
&& ( taskIcon . smartLauncherItem . countVisible || taskItem . badgeIndicator > 0 )
&& ! showProgress )
property bool showProgress: root . showProgressBadge
&& taskIcon . smartLauncherItem
&& taskIcon . smartLauncherItem . progressVisible
property bool showAudio: ( root . showAudioBadge && taskItem . hasAudioStream && taskItem . playingAudio )
Behavior on activateProgress {
NumberAnimation { duration: 2 * taskItem . abilities . animations . speedFactor . current * taskItem . abilities . animations . duration . large }
sourceComponent: Item {
ShaderEffect {
id: iconOverlay
enabled: false
anchors.fill: parent
property var source: ShaderEffectSource {
sourceItem: Kirigami . Icon {
width: taskIconItem . width
height: taskIconItem . height
smooth: taskIconItem . smooth
source: taskIconItem . source
//roundToIconSize: taskIconItem.roundToIconSize
active: taskIconItem . active
Loader {
anchors.fill: parent
active: plasmoid . configuration . forceMonochromaticIcons
sourceComponent: ColorOverlay {
anchors.fill: parent
color: latteBridge ? latteBridge.palette.textColor : "transparent"
source: taskIconItem
property var mask: ShaderEffectSource {
sourceItem: Item {
LayoutMirroring.enabled: Qt . application . layoutDirection === Qt . RightToLeft && ! root . vertical
LayoutMirroring.childrenInherit: true
width: taskIconContainer . width
height: taskIconContainer . height
Rectangle {
id: maskRect
width: Math . max ( badgeVisualsLoader . infoBadgeWidth , parent . width / 2 )
height: parent . height / 2
radius: parent . height
visible: badgesLoader . showInfo || badgesLoader . showProgress
//! Removes any remainings from the icon around the roundness at the corner
Rectangle {
id: maskCorner
width: parent . width / 2
height: parent . height / 2
states: [
State {
name: "default"
when: ( root . location !== PlasmaCore . Types . RightEdge )
AnchorChanges {
target: maskRect
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: undefined ; right: parent . right ; }
AnchorChanges {
target: maskCorner
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: undefined ; right: parent . right ; }
} ,
State {
name: "right"
when: ( root . location === PlasmaCore . Types . RightEdge )
AnchorChanges {
target: maskRect
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: parent . left ; right: undefined ; }
AnchorChanges {
target: maskCorner
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: parent . left ; right: undefined ; }
} // progressMask
Rectangle {
id: maskRect2
width: parent . width / 2
height: width
radius: width
visible: badgesLoader . showAudio
Rectangle {
id: maskCorner2
width: parent . width / 2
height: parent . height / 2
states: [
State {
name: "default"
when: ( root . location !== PlasmaCore . Types . RightEdge )
AnchorChanges {
target: maskRect2
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: parent . left ; right: undefined ; }
AnchorChanges {
target: maskCorner2
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: parent . left ; right: undefined ; }
} ,
State {
name: "right"
when: ( root . location === PlasmaCore . Types . RightEdge )
AnchorChanges {
target: maskRect2
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: undefined ; right: parent . right ; }
AnchorChanges {
target: maskCorner2
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: undefined ; right: parent . right ; }
} // audio mask
hideSource: true
live: true
} //end of mask
supportsAtlasTextures: true
fragmentShader: "
varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0 ;
uniform highp float qt_Opacity ;
uniform lowp sampler2D source ;
uniform lowp sampler2D mask ;
void main ( ) {
gl_FragColor = texture2D ( source , qt_TexCoord0 . st ) * ( 1.0 - ( texture2D ( mask , qt_TexCoord0 . st ) . a ) ) * qt_Opacity ;
} //end of sourceComponent
//! START: Badges Visuals
//! the badges visual get out from iconGraphic in order to be able to draw shadows that
//! extend beyond the iconGraphic boundaries
Loader {
id: badgeVisualsLoader
anchors.fill: taskIconContainer
active: ( badgesLoader . activateProgress > 0 )
readonly property int infoBadgeWidth: active ? publishedInfoBadgeWidth : 0
property int publishedInfoBadgeWidth: 0
sourceComponent: Item {
ProgressOverlay {
id: infoBadge
anchors.right: parent . right
anchors.top: parent . top
width: Math . max ( parent . width , contentWidth )
height: parent . height
opacity: badgesLoader . activateProgress
visible: badgesLoader . showInfo || badgesLoader . showProgress
AudioStream {
id: audioStreamBadge
anchors.fill: parent
opacity: badgesLoader . activateProgress
visible: badgesLoader . showAudio
Binding {
target: badgeVisualsLoader
property: "publishedInfoBadgeWidth"
value: infoBadge . contentWidth
//! GREY-ing the information badges when the task is dragged
//! moved out of badgeVisualsLoader in order to avoid crashes
//! when the latte view is removed
Loader {
anchors.fill: parent
active: badgeVisualsLoader . active
&& taskItem . abilities . environment . isGraphicsSystemAccelerated
sourceComponent: Colorize {
source: badgeVisualsLoader . item
//! WORKAROUND: When Effects are enabled e.g. BrightnessContrast, Colorize etc.
//! the icon appears pixelated. It is even most notable when parabolic.factor.zoom === 1
//! I don't know enabling cached=true helps, but it does.
//! In Question?
//cached: true
opacity: stateColorizer . opacity
hue: stateColorizer . hue
saturation: stateColorizer . saturation
lightness: stateColorizer . lightness
//! END: Badges Visuals
//! Effects
Colorize {
id: stateColorizer
anchors.fill: parent
source: badgesLoader . active ? badgesLoader : taskIconItem
opacity: 0
hue: 0
saturation: 0
lightness: 0
BrightnessContrast {
anchors.fill: parent
//! WORKAROUND: When Effects are enabled e.g. BrightnessContrast, Colorize etc.
//! the icon appears pixelated. It is even most notable when parabolic.factor.zoom === 1
//! I don't know enabling cached=true helps, but it does.
//! In Question?
//cached: true
source: badgesLoader . active ? badgesLoader : taskIconItem
opacity: taskItem . containsMouse && ! clickedAnimation . running && ! taskItem . abilities . indicators . info . providesHoveredAnimation ? 1 : 0
brightness: 0.30
contrast: 0.1
Behavior on opacity {
NumberAnimation { duration: taskItem . abilities . animations . speedFactor . current * taskItem . abilities . animations . duration . large }
BrightnessContrast {
id: brightnessTaskEffect
anchors.fill: parent
//! WORKAROUND: When Effects are enabled e.g. BrightnessContrast, Colorize etc.
//! the icon appears pixelated. It is even most notable when parabolic.factor.zoom === 1
//! I don't know enabling cached=true helps, but it does.
//! In Question?
//cached: true
source: badgesLoader . active ? badgesLoader : taskIconItem
visible: clickedAnimation . running
//! Effects
Loader {
id: dropFilesVisual
active: applyOpacity > 0
width: ! root . vertical ? length : thickness
height: ! root . vertical ? thickness : length
anchors.centerIn: parent
readonly property int length: taskItem . abilities . metrics . totals . length
readonly property int thickness: taskItem . abilities . metrics . totals . thickness
readonly property real applyOpacity: ( mouseHandler . isDroppingSeparator || mouseHandler . isDroppingFiles )
&& ( root . dragSource === null )
&& ( mouseHandler . hoveredItem === taskItem ) ? 0.7 : 0
sourceComponent: LatteComponents . AddItem {
anchors.fill: parent
backgroundOpacity: dropFilesVisual . applyOpacity
//! Animations
TaskAnimations . ClickedAnimation { id: clickedAnimation }
TaskAnimations . LauncherAnimation { id:launcherAnimation }
TaskAnimations . NewWindowAnimation { id: newWindowAnimation }
TaskAnimations . RemoveWindowFromGroupAnimation { id: removingAnimation }
TaskAnimations . FastRestoreAnimation { id: fastRestoreAnimation }
//! Animations
Component.onDestruction: {
taskIcon . toBeDestroyed = true ;
if ( removingAnimation . removingItem )
removingAnimation . removingItem . destroy ( ) ;
Connections {
target: taskItem
onInAttentionChanged: {
if ( ! taskItem . inAttention && newWindowAnimation . running && taskItem . inAttentionAnimation ) {
newWindowAnimation . pause ( ) ;
fastRestoreAnimation . start ( ) ;
//////////// States ////////////////////
states: [
State {
name: "*"
//! since qt 5.14 default state can not use "when" property
//! it breaks restoring transitions otherwise
} ,
State {
name: "isDragged"
when: taskItem . isDragged
//////////// Transitions //////////////
readonly property string draggingNeedThicknessEvent: taskIcon + "_dragging"
transitions: [
Transition {
id: isDraggedTransition
to: "isDragged"
property int speed: taskItem . abilities . animations . speedFactor . current * taskItem . abilities . animations . duration . large
SequentialAnimation {
ScriptAction {
script: {
taskItem . abilities . animations . needThickness . addEvent ( draggingNeedThicknessEvent ) ;
taskItem . inBlockingAnimation = true ;
taskItem . abilities . parabolic . setDirectRenderingEnabled ( false ) ;
PropertyAnimation {
target: taskItem . parabolicItem
property: "zoom"
to: 1
duration: taskItem . abilities . parabolic . factor . zoom === 1 ? 0 : ( isDraggedTransition . speed * 1.2 )
easing.type: Easing . OutQuad
ParallelAnimation {
PropertyAnimation {
target: draggedRectangle
property: "opacity"
to: 1
duration: isDraggedTransition . speed
easing.type: Easing . OutQuad
PropertyAnimation {
target: taskIconItem
property: "opacity"
to: 0
duration: isDraggedTransition . speed
easing.type: Easing . OutQuad
PropertyAnimation {
target: stateColorizer
property: "opacity"
to: taskItem . isSeparator ? 0 : 1
duration: isDraggedTransition . speed
easing.type: Easing . OutQuad
ScriptAction {
script: {
taskItem . abilities . animations . needThickness . removeEvent ( draggingNeedThicknessEvent ) ;
onRunningChanged: {
if ( running ) {
taskItem . animationStarted ( ) ;
} else {
taskItem . abilities . animations . needThickness . removeEvent ( draggingNeedThicknessEvent ) ;
} ,
Transition {
id: defaultTransition
from: "isDragged"
to: "*"
property int speed: taskItem . abilities . animations . speedFactor . current * taskItem . abilities . animations . duration . large
SequentialAnimation {
ScriptAction {
script: {
taskItem . abilities . parabolic . setDirectRenderingEnabled ( false ) ;
ParallelAnimation {
PropertyAnimation {
target: draggedRectangle
property: "opacity"
to: 0
duration: defaultTransition . speed
easing.type: Easing . OutQuad
PropertyAnimation {
target: taskIconItem
property: "opacity"
to: 1
duration: defaultTransition . speed
easing.type: Easing . OutQuad
PropertyAnimation {
target: stateColorizer
property: "opacity"
to: 0
duration: isDraggedTransition . speed
easing.type: Easing . OutQuad
ScriptAction {
script: {
taskItem . inBlockingAnimation = false ;
onRunningChanged: {
if ( ! running ) {
taskItem . animationEnded ( ) ;