/ *
* Copyright 2016 Smith AR < audoban @ openmailbox . org >
* Michail Vourlakos < mvourlakos @ gmail . com >
* This file is part of Latte - Dock
* Latte - Dock is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of
* the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* Latte - Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http: //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick . Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick . Window 2.2
import org . kde . plasma . core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org . kde . plasma . components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
import org . kde . kquickcontrolsaddons 2.0
import org . kde . draganddrop 2.0 as DragDrop
import org . kde . plasma . plasmoid 2.0
import org . kde . latte 0.1 as Latte
import "LayoutManager.js" as LayoutManager
DragDrop . DropArea {
id: root
objectName: "dockLayoutView"
signal clearZoomSignal ( ) ;
signal updateEffectsArea ( ) ;
signal updateIndexes ( ) ;
////BEGIN properties
property bool debugMode: Qt . application . arguments . indexOf ( "--graphics" ) >= 0
property bool globalDirectRender: false //it is used to check both the applet and the containment for direct render
property bool addLaunchersMessage: false
property bool autoDecreaseIconSize: plasmoid . configuration . autoDecreaseIconSize
property bool blurEnabled: plasmoid . configuration . blurEnabled
property bool confirmedDragEntered: false
property bool drawShadowsExternal: visibilityManager . panelIsBiggerFromIconSize && ( zoomFactor === 1.0 )
&& ( dock . visibility . mode === Latte . Dock . AlwaysVisible )
&& ( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Justify ) && ! root . solidPanel
property bool editMode: plasmoid . userConfiguring
property bool exposeAltSession: globalSettings ? globalSettings.exposeAltSession : false
property bool immutable: plasmoid . immutable
property bool inStartup: true
property bool isHorizontal: plasmoid . formFactor === PlasmaCore . Types . Horizontal
property bool isVertical: ! isHorizontal
property bool isHovered: latteApplet ? ( ( latteAppletHoveredIndex !== - 1 ) && ( layoutsContainer . hoveredIndex !== - 1 ) ) //|| wholeArea.containsMouse
: ( layoutsContainer . hoveredIndex !== - 1 ) //|| wholeArea.containsMouse
property bool normalState : false
property bool onlyAddingStarup: true //is used for the initialization phase in startup where there arent removals, this variable provides a way to grow icon size
property bool shrinkThickMargins: plasmoid . configuration . shrinkThickMargins
property bool solidPanel: Latte . WindowSystem . compositingActive ? plasmoid.configuration.solidPanel : true
//FIXME: possibly this is going to be the default behavior, this user choice
//has been dropped from the Dock Configuration Window
//property bool smallAutomaticIconJumps: plasmoid.configuration.smallAutomaticIconJumps
property bool smallAutomaticIconJumps: true
property bool useThemePanel: noApplets === 0 ? true : plasmoid . configuration . useThemePanel
property int actionsBlockHiding: 0 //actions that block hiding
property int animationsNeedBothAxis: 0 //animations need space in both axes, e.g zooming a task
property int animationsNeedLength: 0 // animations need length, e.g. adding a task
property int animationsNeedThickness: 0 // animations need thickness, e.g. bouncing animation
property int automaticIconSizeBasedSize: - 1 //it is not set, this is the defautl
//what is the highest icon size based on what icon size is used, screen calculated or user specified
property int maxIconSize: proportionIconSize !== - 1 ? proportionIconSize : plasmoid . configuration . iconSize
property int iconSize: automaticIconSizeBasedSize > 0 && autoDecreaseIconSize ?
Math . min ( automaticIconSizeBasedSize , root . maxIconSize ) :
root . maxIconSize
property int proportionIconSize: { //icon size based on screen height
if ( ( plasmoid . configuration . proportionIconSize === - 1 ) || ! dock )
return - 1 ;
return Math . max ( 16 , Math . round ( dock . screenGeometry . height * plasmoid . configuration . proportionIconSize / 100 / 8 ) * 8 ) ;
property int iconStep: 8
property int latteAppletPos: - 1
property int maxLength: root . isHorizontal ? width * ( plasmoid . configuration . maxLength / 100 )
: height * ( plasmoid . configuration . maxLength / 100 )
property int middleClickAction: plasmoid . configuration . middleClickAction
property int modifier: plasmoid . configuration . modifier
property int modifierClickAction: plasmoid . configuration . modifierClickAction
property int modifierClick: plasmoid . configuration . modifierClick
property int panelEdgeSpacing: iconSize / 3
property int totalPanelEdgeSpacing: 0 //this is set by PanelBox
//FIXME: this is not needed any more probably
property int previousAllTasks: - 1 //is used to forbit updateAutomaticIconSize when hovering
property int realSize: iconSize + iconMargin
property int realPanelSize: 0
property int realPanelLength: 0
property int realPanelThickness: 0
//this is set by the PanelBox
property int panelMargin: 0
property int panelMarginLength: 0
property int panelShadow: 0 //shadowsSize
property int editShadow: Math . ceil ( iconSize / 5 )
property int themePanelSize: {
//root.statesLineSize + root.iconSize + root.iconMargin + 1
var panelBase = root . statesLineSize + root . panelMargin ;
var margin = latteApplet ? thickMargin : 0 ;
var maxPanelSize = ( root . statesLineSize + iconSize + margin + 1 ) - panelBase ;
var percentage = Latte . WindowSystem . compositingActive ? plasmoid . configuration . panelSize / 100 : 1 ;
return Math . max ( panelBase , panelBase + percentage * maxPanelSize ) ;
//decouple iconMargin which now is used only for length calculations with thickMargins
//which are used for thickness calculations
property int thickMarginBase: shrinkThickMargins ? 1 : Math . ceil ( 0.06 * iconSize )
property int thickMarginHigh: shrinkThickMargins ? 1 : Math . ceil ( 0.06 * iconSize )
property int thickMargin: thickMarginBase + thickMarginHigh
//it is used in order to not break the calculations for the thickness placement
//especially in automatic icon sizes calculations
property int thickMarginOriginal: Math . ceil ( 0.12 * maxIconSize )
//! iconMargin from configuration is a percentage. The calculation provides a length
//! for that value between 0.12 - 0.5 of iconSize, this way 100% iconMargin means
//! equal to the iconSize
property int iconMargin: Math . ceil ( ( 0.12 + ( 0.38 * ( plasmoid . configuration . iconMargin ) / 100 ) ) * iconSize )
property int statesLineSize: latteApplet ? Math . ceil ( root . iconSize / 13 ) : 0
///FIXME: <delete both> I can't remember why this is needed, maybe for the anchorings!!! In order for the Double Layout to not mess the anchorings...
//property int mainLayoutPosition: !plasmoid.immutable ? Latte.Dock.Center : (root.isVertical ? Latte.Dock.Top : Latte.Dock.Left)
//property int panelAlignment: plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition !== Latte.Dock.Justify ? plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition : mainLayoutPosition
property int panelAlignment: ! root . editMode ? plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition :
( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Justify ?
Latte.Dock.Center : plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition )
property real zoomFactor: ( Latte . WindowSystem . compositingActive && durationTime > 0 ) ? ( 1 + ( plasmoid . configuration . zoomLevel / 20 ) ) : 1
readonly property string plasmoidName: "org.kde.latte.plasmoid"
property var iconsArray: [ 16 , 22 , 32 , 48 , 64 , 96 , 128 , 256 ]
property var layoutManager: LayoutManager
property Item dragOverlay
property Item toolBox
property Item latteAppletContainer
property Item latteApplet
property QtObject dock
property QtObject globalSettings
property QtObject altSessionAction: globalSettings ? globalSettings.altSessionAction : 0
// TO BE DELETED, if not needed: property int counter:0;
///BEGIN properties provided to Latte Plasmoid
property bool directRender: layoutsContainer . directRender
property bool enableShadows: plasmoid . configuration . shadows
property bool dockIsHidden: dock ? dock.visibility.isHidden : true
property bool dotsOnActive: plasmoid . configuration . dotsOnActive
property bool highlightWindows: plasmoid . configuration . highlightWindows
property bool reverseLinesPosition: plasmoid . configuration . reverseLinesPosition // latteApplet ? latteApplet.reverseLinesPosition : false
property bool showGlow: plasmoid . configuration . showGlow
property bool showToolTips: plasmoid . configuration . showToolTips
property bool showWindowActions: plasmoid . configuration . showWindowActions
property bool showOnlyCurrentScreen: plasmoid . configuration . showOnlyCurrentScreen
property bool showOnlyCurrentDesktop: plasmoid . configuration . showOnlyCurrentDesktop
property bool showOnlyCurrentActivity: plasmoid . configuration . showOnlyCurrentActivity
property bool smartLaunchersEnabled: plasmoid . configuration . smartLaunchersEnabled
property bool threeColorsWindows: plasmoid . configuration . threeColorsWindows
property int durationTime: plasmoid . configuration . durationTime
property int latteAppletHoveredIndex: latteApplet ? latteApplet.hoveredIndex : - 1
property int tasksCount: latteApplet ? latteApplet.tasksCount : 0
///END properties from latteApplet
/ * L a y o u t . p r e f e r r e d W i d t h : p l a s m o i d . i m m u t a b l e ?
( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Justify ?
layoutsContainer . width + 0.5 * iconMargin : mainLayout . width + iconMargin ) :
Screen . width //on unlocked state use the maximum
Layout.preferredHeight: plasmoid . immutable ?
( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Justify ?
layoutsContainer . height + 0.5 * iconMargin : mainLayout . height + iconMargin ) :
Screen . height //on unlocked state use the maximum*/
Plasmoid.backgroundHints: PlasmaCore . Types . NoBackground
//// BEGIN properties in functions
property int noApplets: {
var count1 = 0 ;
var count2 = 0 ;
count1 = mainLayout . children . length ;
var tempLength = mainLayout . children . length ;
for ( var i = tempLength - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ) {
var applet = mainLayout . children [ i ] ;
if ( applet && ( applet === dndSpacer || applet === lastSpacer || applet . isInternalViewSplitter ) )
count1 -- ;
count2 = endLayout . children . length ;
tempLength = endLayout . children . length ;
for ( var i = tempLength - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ) {
var applet = endLayout . children [ i ] ;
if ( applet && ( applet === dndSpacer || applet === lastSpacer || applet . isInternalViewSplitter ) )
count2 -- ;
return ( count1 + count2 ) ;
///The index of user's current icon size
property int currentIconIndex: {
for ( var i = iconsArray . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ) {
if ( iconsArray [ i ] === iconSize ) {
return i ;
return 3 ;
//// END properties in functions
////////////////END properties
//////////////////////////BEGIN states
//user set Panel Positions
// 0-Center, 1-Left, 2-Right, 3-Top, 4-Bottom
states: [
///Left Edge
State {
name: "leftCenter"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . LeftEdge ) && ( ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Center ) || ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Justify ) )
AnchorChanges {
target: mainLayout
anchors { top: undefined ; bottom: undefined ; left: parent . left ; right: undefined ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: parent . verticalCenter }
PropertyChanges {
target: mainLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignLeft ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignVCenter ;
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
} ,
State {
name: "leftTop"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . LeftEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Top )
AnchorChanges {
target: mainLayout
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: parent . left ; right: undefined ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: mainLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignLeft ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignVCenter ;
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
} ,
State {
name: "leftBottom"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . LeftEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Bottom )
AnchorChanges {
target: mainLayout
anchors { top: undefined ; bottom: parent . bottom ; left: parent . left ; right: undefined ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: mainLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignLeft ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignVCenter ;
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
} ,
///Right Edge
State {
name: "rightCenter"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . RightEdge ) && ( ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Center ) || ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Justify ) )
AnchorChanges {
target: mainLayout
anchors { top: undefined ; bottom: undefined ; left: undefined ; right: parent . right ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: parent . verticalCenter }
PropertyChanges {
target: mainLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignRight ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignVCenter ;
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
} ,
State {
name: "rightTop"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . RightEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Top )
AnchorChanges {
target: mainLayout
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: undefined ; right: parent . right ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: mainLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignRight ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignVCenter ;
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
} ,
State {
name: "rightBottom"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . RightEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Bottom )
AnchorChanges {
target: mainLayout
anchors { top: undefined ; bottom: parent . bottom ; left: undefined ; right: parent . right ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: mainLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignRight ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignVCenter ;
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
} ,
///Bottom Edge
State {
name: "bottomCenter"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . BottomEdge ) && ( ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Center ) || ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Justify ) )
AnchorChanges {
target: mainLayout
anchors { top: undefined ; bottom: parent . bottom ; left: undefined ; right: undefined ; horizontalCenter: parent . horizontalCenter ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: mainLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignHCenter ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignBottom
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
} ,
State {
name: "bottomLeft"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . BottomEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Left )
AnchorChanges {
target: mainLayout
anchors { top: undefined ; bottom: parent . bottom ; left: parent . left ; right: undefined ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: mainLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignHCenter ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignBottom
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
} ,
State {
name: "bottomRight"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . BottomEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Right )
AnchorChanges {
target: mainLayout
anchors { top: undefined ; bottom: parent . bottom ; left: undefined ; right: parent . right ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: mainLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignHCenter ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignBottom
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
} ,
///Top Edge
State {
name: "topCenter"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . TopEdge ) && ( ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Center ) || ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Justify ) )
AnchorChanges {
target: mainLayout
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: undefined ; right: undefined ; horizontalCenter: parent . horizontalCenter ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: mainLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignHCenter ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignTop
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
} ,
State {
name: "topLeft"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . TopEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Left )
AnchorChanges {
target: mainLayout
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: parent . left ; right: undefined ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: mainLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignHCenter ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignTop
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
} ,
State {
name: "topRight"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . TopEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Right )
AnchorChanges {
target: mainLayout
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: undefined ; right: parent . right ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: mainLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignHCenter ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignTop
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
////////////////END states
//// BEGIN OF Behaviors
Behavior on iconSize {
NumberAnimation {
duration: 200
onRunningChanged: {
if ( ! running ) {
delayUpdateMaskArea . start ( ) ;
//// END OF Behaviors
Connections {
target: latteApplet
onDirectRenderChanged: {
root . globalDirectRender = latteApplet . directRender || layoutsContainer . directRender ;
Connections {
target: layoutsContainer
onDirectRenderChanged: {
root . globalDirectRender = latteApplet ? latteApplet . directRender || layoutsContainer.directRender : layoutsContainer . directRender ;
onEditModeChanged: {
if ( editMode ) {
visibilityManager . updateMaskArea ( ) ;
} else {
updateAutomaticIconSize ( ) ;
updateLayouts ( ) ;
onDockChanged: {
if ( dock ) {
dock . onAddInternalViewSplitter . connect ( addInternalViewSplitters ) ;
dock . onRemoveInternalViewSplitter . connect ( removeInternalViewSplitters ) ;
dock . onXChanged . connect ( visibilityManager . updateMaskArea ) ;
dock . onYChanged . connect ( visibilityManager . updateMaskArea ) ;
dock . onWidthChanged . connect ( visibilityManager . updateMaskArea ) ;
dock . onHeightChanged . connect ( visibilityManager . updateMaskArea ) ;
dock . visibility . onContainsMouseChanged . connect ( visibilityManager . slotContainsMouseChanged ) ;
dock . visibility . onMustBeHide . connect ( visibilityManager . slotMustBeHide ) ;
dock . visibility . onMustBeShown . connect ( visibilityManager . slotMustBeShown ) ;
onDragEnter: {
if ( plasmoid . immutable ) {
event . ignore ( ) ;
return ;
if ( event . mimeData . formats . indexOf ( "application/x-orgkdeplasmataskmanager_taskbuttonitem" ) >= 0 ) {
return ;
if ( latteApplet ) {
if ( latteApplet . launchersDrop ( event ) ) {
root . addLaunchersMessage = true ;
if ( ! confirmedDragEntered ) {
confirmedDragEntered = true ;
slotAnimationsNeedLength ( 1 ) ;
//var relevantLayout = mainLayout.mapFromItem(root, event.x, event.y);
//LayoutManager.insertAtCoordinates2(dndSpacer, relevantLayout.x, relevantLayout.y)
LayoutManager . insertAtCoordinates2 ( dndSpacer , event . x , event . y )
dndSpacer . opacity = 1 ;
onDragMove: {
if ( event . mimeData . formats . indexOf ( "application/x-orgkdeplasmataskmanager_taskbuttonitem" ) >= 0 ) {
return ;
if ( latteApplet ) {
if ( latteApplet . launchersDrop ( event ) ) {
root . addLaunchersMessage = true ;
//var relevantLayout = mainLayout.mapFromItem(root, event.x, event.y);
//LayoutManager.insertAtCoordinates2(dndSpacer, relevantLayout.x, relevantLayout.y)
LayoutManager . insertAtCoordinates2 ( dndSpacer , event . x , event . y )
dndSpacer . opacity = 1 ;
onDragLeave: {
if ( confirmedDragEntered ) {
slotAnimationsNeedLength ( - 1 ) ;
confirmedDragEntered = false ;
root . addLaunchersMessage = false ;
dndSpacer . opacity = 0 ;
dndSpacer . parent = root ;
onDrop: {
//var relevantLayout = mainLayout.mapFromItem(root, event.x, event.y);
//plasmoid.processMimeData(event.mimeData, relevantLayout.x, relevantLayout.y);
plasmoid . processMimeData ( event . mimeData , event . x , event . y ) ;
event . accept ( event . proposedAction ) ;
if ( confirmedDragEntered ) {
slotAnimationsNeedLength ( - 1 ) ;
confirmedDragEntered = false ;
root . addLaunchersMessage = false ;
dndSpacer . opacity = 0 ;
// dndSpacer.parent = root;
onLatteAppletChanged: {
if ( latteApplet ) {
latteApplet . signalAnimationsNeedBothAxis . connect ( slotAnimationsNeedBothAxis ) ;
latteApplet . signalAnimationsNeedLength . connect ( slotAnimationsNeedLength ) ;
latteApplet . signalAnimationsNeedThickness . connect ( slotAnimationsNeedThickness ) ;
latteApplet . signalActionsBlockHiding . connect ( slotActionsBlockHiding ) ;
onToolBoxChanged: {
if ( toolBox ) {
toolBox . visible = false ;
property bool automaticSizeAnimation: false ;
onAutomaticIconSizeBasedSizeChanged: {
if ( ! automaticSizeAnimation ) {
automaticSizeAnimation = true ;
slotAnimationsNeedBothAxis ( 1 ) ;
onIconSizeChanged: {
if ( ( ( iconSize === automaticIconSizeBasedSize ) || ( iconSize === root . maxIconSize ) ) && automaticSizeAnimation ) {
slotAnimationsNeedBothAxis ( - 1 ) ;
automaticSizeAnimation = false ;
onIsVerticalChanged: {
if ( isVertical ) {
if ( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Left )
plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition = Latte . Dock . Top ;
else if ( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Right )
plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition = Latte . Dock . Bottom ;
} else {
if ( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Top )
plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition = Latte . Dock . Left ;
else if ( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Bottom )
plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition = Latte . Dock . Right ;
onProportionIconSizeChanged: {
if ( proportionIconSize !== - 1 )
updateAutomaticIconSize ( ) ;
// onIconSizeChanged: console.log("Icon Size Changed:"+iconSize);
Component.onCompleted: {
// currentLayout.isLayoutHorizontal = isHorizontal
LayoutManager . plasmoid = plasmoid ;
LayoutManager . root = root ;
LayoutManager . layout = mainLayout ;
LayoutManager . layoutS = startLayout ;
layoutManager . layoutE = endLayout ;
LayoutManager . lastSpacer = lastSpacer ;
LayoutManager . restore ( ) ;
plasmoid . action ( "configure" ) . visible = ! plasmoid . immutable ;
plasmoid . action ( "configure" ) . enabled = ! plasmoid . immutable ;
if ( ! plasmoid . immutable ) {
inStartup = false ;
Component.onDestruction: {
console . debug ( "Destroying Latte Dock Containment ui..." ) ;
Containment.onAppletAdded: {
addApplet ( applet , x , y ) ;
LayoutManager . save ( ) ;
updateIndexes ( ) ;
Containment.onAppletRemoved: {
LayoutManager . removeApplet ( applet ) ;
var flexibleFound = false ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < mainLayout . children . length ; ++ i ) {
var applet = mainLayout . children [ i ] . applet ;
if ( applet && ( ( root . isHorizontal && applet . Layout . fillWidth ) ||
( ! root . isHorizontal && applet . Layout . fillHeight ) ) &&
applet . visible ) {
flexibleFound = true ;
if ( ! flexibleFound ) {
lastSpacer . parent = mainLayout ;
LayoutManager . save ( ) ;
updateIndexes ( ) ;
Plasmoid.onUserConfiguringChanged: {
if ( plasmoid . immutable ) {
if ( dragOverlay ) {
dragOverlay . destroy ( ) ;
return ;
// console.debug("user configuring", plasmoid.userConfiguring)
if ( plasmoid . userConfiguring ) {
dock . visibility . blockHiding = true ;
// console.log("applets------");
for ( var i = 0 ; i < plasmoid . applets . length ; ++ i ) {
// console.log("applet:"+i);
plasmoid . applets [ i ] . expanded = false ;
if ( ! dragOverlay ) {
var component = Qt . createComponent ( "ConfigOverlay.qml" ) ;
if ( component . status == Component . Ready ) {
dragOverlay = component . createObject ( root ) ;
} else {
console . log ( "Could not create ConfigOverlay" ) ;
console . log ( component . errorString ( ) ) ;
component . destroy ( ) ;
} else {
dragOverlay . visible = true ;
} else {
dock . visibility . blockHiding = false ;
if ( dock . visibility . isHidden ) {
dock . visibility . mustBeShown ( ) ;
if ( dragOverlay ) {
dragOverlay . visible = false ;
dragOverlay . destroy ( ) ;
Plasmoid.onImmutableChanged: {
plasmoid . action ( "configure" ) . visible = ! plasmoid . immutable ;
plasmoid . action ( "configure" ) . enabled = ! plasmoid . immutable ;
///Set Preferred Sizes///
///Notice: they are set here because if they are set with a binding
///they break the !immutable experience, the dock becomes too small
///to add applets
if ( plasmoid . immutable ) {
if ( root . isHorizontal ) {
root . Layout . preferredWidth = ( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Justify ?
layoutsContainer . width + 0.5 * iconMargin : mainLayout . width + iconMargin ) ;
} else {
root . Layout . preferredHeight = ( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Justify ?
layoutsContainer . height + 0.5 * iconMargin : mainLayout . height + iconMargin ) ;
} else {
if ( root . isHorizontal ) {
root . Layout . preferredWidth = Screen . width ;
} else {
root . Layout . preferredHeight = Screen . height ;
visibilityManager . updateMaskArea ( ) ;
//////////////END OF CONNECTIONS
//////////////START OF FUNCTIONS
function addApplet ( applet , x , y ) {
var container = appletContainerComponent . createObject ( root )
container . applet = applet ;
applet . parent = container . appletWrapper ;
applet . anchors . fill = container . appletWrapper ;
applet . visible = true ;
// don't show applet if it choses to be hidden but still make it
// accessible in the panelcontroller
container . visible = Qt . binding ( function ( ) {
return applet . status !== PlasmaCore . Types . HiddenStatus || ( ! plasmoid . immutable && plasmoid . userConfiguring )
} )
addContainerInLayout ( container , applet , x , y ) ;
function addContainerInLayout ( container , applet , x , y ) {
// Is there a DND placeholder? Replace it!
if ( ( dndSpacer . parent === mainLayout )
|| ( dndSpacer . parent === startLayout )
|| ( dndSpacer . parent === endLayout ) ) {
LayoutManager . insertBeforeForLayout ( dndSpacer . parent , dndSpacer , container ) ;
dndSpacer . parent = root ;
return ;
// If the provided position is valid, use it.
} else if ( x >= 0 && y >= 0 ) {
var index = LayoutManager . insertAtCoordinates2 ( container , x , y ) ;
// Fall through to determining an appropriate insert position.
} else {
var before = null ;
container . animationsEnabled = false ;
if ( lastSpacer . parent === mainLayout ) {
before = lastSpacer ;
// Insert icons to the left of whatever is at the center (usually a Task Manager),
// if it exists.
// FIXME TODO: This is a real-world fix to produce a sensible initial position for
// launcher icons added by launcher menu applets. The basic approach has been used
// since Plasma 1. However, "add launcher to X" is a generic-enough concept and
// frequent-enough occurence that we'd like to abstract it further in the future
// and get rid of the uglyness of parties external to the containment adding applets
// of a specific type, and the containment caring about the applet type. In a better
// system the containment would be informed of requested launchers, and determine by
// itself what it wants to do with that information.
if ( applet . pluginName == "org.kde.plasma.icon" ) {
var middle = mainLayout . childAt ( root . width / 2 , root . height / 2 ) ;
if ( middle ) {
before = middle ;
// Otherwise if lastSpacer is here, enqueue before it.
if ( before ) {
LayoutManager . insertBefore ( before , container ) ;
// Fall through to adding at the end.
} else {
container . parent = mainLayout ;
//Important, removes the first children of the mainLayout after the first
//applet has been added
lastSpacer . parent = root ;
updateIndexes ( ) ;
function addInternalViewSplitters ( ) {
addInternalViewSplitter ( - 1 ) ;
addInternalViewSplitter ( - 1 ) ;
function addInternalViewSplitter ( pos ) {
var splittersCount = internalViewSplittersCount ( ) ;
if ( splittersCount < 2 ) {
var container = appletContainerComponent . createObject ( root ) ;
container . internalSplitterId = splittersCount + 1 ;
container . visible = true ;
if ( pos >= 0 ) {
layoutManager . insertAtIndex ( container , pos ) ;
} else {
layoutManager . insertAtIndex ( container , Math . floor ( mainLayout . count / 2 ) ) ;
layoutManager . save ( ) ;
function checkLastSpacer ( ) {
lastSpacer . parent = root
var expands = false ;
if ( isHorizontal ) {
for ( var container in mainLayout . children ) {
var item = mainLayout . children [ container ] ;
if ( item . Layout && item . Layout . fillWidth ) {
expands = true ;
} else {
for ( var container in mainLayout . children ) {
var item = mainLayout . children [ container ] ;
if ( item . Layout && item . Layout . fillHeight ) {
expands = true ;
if ( ! expands ) {
lastSpacer . parent = mainLayout
function clearZoom ( ) {
if ( enableDirectRenderTimer . running )
enableDirectRenderTimer . stop ( ) ;
layoutsContainer . directRender = false ;
layoutsContainer . currentSpot = - 1000 ;
layoutsContainer . hoveredIndex = - 1 ;
root . clearZoomSignal ( ) ;
function containmentActions ( ) {
return dock . containmentActions ( ) ;
function containsMouse ( ) {
var result = root . outsideContainsMouse ( ) ;
if ( result )
return true ;
if ( ! result && latteApplet && latteApplet . outsideContainsMouse ( ) ) {
layoutsContainer . hoveredIndex = latteAppletContainer . index ;
return true ;
if ( latteApplet ) {
latteApplet . clearZoom ( ) ;
return false ;
function internalViewSplittersCount ( ) {
var splitters = 0 ;
for ( var container in startLayout . children ) {
var item = startLayout . children [ container ] ;
if ( item && item . isInternalViewSplitter ) {
splitters ++ ;
for ( var container in mainLayout . children ) {
var item = mainLayout . children [ container ] ;
if ( item && item . isInternalViewSplitter ) {
splitters ++ ;
for ( var container in endLayout . children ) {
var item = endLayout . children [ container ] ;
if ( item && item . isInternalViewSplitter ) {
splitters ++ ;
return splitters ;
function outsideContainsMouse ( ) {
var applets = startLayout . children ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < applets . length ; ++ i ) {
var applet = applets [ i ] ;
if ( applet && applet . containsMouse && ! applet . lockZoom && applet . canBeHovered ) {
return true ;
applets = mainLayout . children ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < applets . length ; ++ i ) {
var applet = applets [ i ] ;
if ( applet && applet . containsMouse && ! applet . lockZoom && applet . canBeHovered ) {
return true ;
///check second layout also
applets = endLayout . children ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < applets . length ; ++ i ) {
var applet = applets [ i ] ;
if ( applet && applet . containsMouse && ! applet . lockZoom && applet . canBeHovered ) {
return true ;
return false ;
function removeInternalViewSplitters ( ) {
for ( var container in mainLayout . children ) {
var item = mainLayout . children [ container ] ;
if ( item && item . isInternalViewSplitter )
item . destroy ( ) ;
layoutManager . save ( ) ;
function sizeIsFromAutomaticMode ( size ) {
for ( var i = iconsArray . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ) {
if ( iconsArray [ i ] === size ) {
return true ;
return false ;
function slotAnimationsNeedBothAxis ( step ) {
if ( step === 0 ) {
return ;
animationsNeedBothAxis = Math . max ( animationsNeedBothAxis + step , 0 ) ;
visibilityManager . updateMaskArea ( ) ;
function slotAnimationsNeedLength ( step ) {
if ( step === 0 ) {
return ;
animationsNeedLength = Math . max ( animationsNeedLength + step , 0 ) ;
//when need length animations are ended it would be a good idea
//to update the tasks geometries in the plasmoid
if ( animationsNeedLength === 0 && latteApplet ) {
latteApplet . publishTasksGeometries ( ) ;
visibilityManager . updateMaskArea ( ) ;
function slotAnimationsNeedThickness ( step ) {
if ( step === 0 ) {
return ;
animationsNeedThickness = Math . max ( animationsNeedThickness + step , 0 ) ;
visibilityManager . updateMaskArea ( ) ;
//this is used when dragging a task in order to not hide the dock
//and also by the menu appearing from tasks for the same reason
function slotActionsBlockHiding ( step ) {
//if (root.editMode) {
// return;
// }
if ( ( step === 0 ) || ( ! dock ) ) {
return ;
actionsBlockHiding = Math . max ( actionsBlockHiding + step , 0 ) ;
if ( actionsBlockHiding > 0 ) {
dock . visibility . blockHiding = true ;
} else {
if ( ! root . editMode )
dock . visibility . blockHiding = false ;
function updateAutomaticIconSize ( ) {
if ( ( visibilityManager . normalState && ! root . editMode )
&& ( iconSize === root . maxIconSize || iconSize === automaticIconSizeBasedSize ) ) {
var layoutLength ;
var maxLength = root . maxLength ;
//console.log("------Entered check-----");
//console.log("max length: "+ maxLength);
if ( root . isVertical ) {
layoutLength = ( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Justify ) ?
startLayout . height + mainLayout . height + endLayout.height : mainLayout . height
} else {
layoutLength = ( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Justify ) ?
startLayout . width + mainLayout . width + endLayout.width : mainLayout . width
var toShrinkLimit = maxLength - ( root . zoomFactor * ( iconSize + 2 * iconMargin ) ) ;
var toGrowLimit = maxLength - 1.5 * ( root . zoomFactor * ( iconSize + 2 * iconMargin ) ) ;
if ( layoutLength > toShrinkLimit ) { //must shrink
// console.log("step3");
var nextIconSize = root . maxIconSize ;
do {
nextIconSize = nextIconSize - iconStep ;
var factor = nextIconSize / iconSize ;
var nextLength = factor * layoutLength ;
} while ( ( nextLength > toShrinkLimit ) && ( nextIconSize !== 16 ) ) ;
automaticIconSizeBasedSize = nextIconSize ;
console . log ( "Step 3 - found:" + automaticIconSizeBasedSize ) ;
} else if ( ( layoutLength < toGrowLimit
&& ( iconSize === automaticIconSizeBasedSize ) ) ) { //must grow probably
// console.log("step4");
var nextIconSize2 = automaticIconSizeBasedSize ;
var foundGoodSize = - 1 ;
do {
nextIconSize2 = nextIconSize2 + iconStep ;
var factor2 = nextIconSize2 / automaticIconSizeBasedSize ;
var nextLength2 = factor2 * layoutLength ;
if ( nextLength2 < toGrowLimit ) {
foundGoodSize = nextIconSize2 ;
} while ( ( nextLength2 < toGrowLimit ) && ( nextIconSize2 !== root . maxIconSize ) ) ;
if ( foundGoodSize > 0 ) {
if ( foundGoodSize === root . maxIconSize ) {
automaticIconSizeBasedSize = - 1 ;
} else {
automaticIconSizeBasedSize = foundGoodSize ;
// console.log("Step 4 - found:"+automaticIconSizeBasedSize);
} else {
// console.log("Step 4 - did not found...");
function updateLayouts ( ) {
if ( ! root . editMode ) {
// console.log("update layout - internal view splitters count:"+internalViewSplittersCount());
if ( internalViewSplittersCount ( ) === 2 ) {
var splitter = - 1 ;
var splitter2 = - 1 ;
var totalChildren = mainLayout . children . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < totalChildren ; ++ i ) {
var item = mainLayout . children [ i ] ;
if ( item . isInternalViewSplitter && splitter === - 1 ) {
splitter = i ;
} else if ( item . isInternalViewSplitter && splitter >= 0 && splitter2 === - 1 ) {
splitter2 = i ;
// console.log("update layouts 1:"+splitter + " - "+splitter2);
for ( var i = 0 ; i <= splitter ; ++ i ) {
var item = mainLayout . children [ 0 ] ;
item . parent = startLayout ;
splitter2 = splitter2 - splitter - 1 ;
// console.log("update layouts 2:"+splitter + " - "+splitter2);
totalChildren = mainLayout . children . length ;
for ( var i = splitter2 + 1 ; i < totalChildren ; ++ i ) {
var item = mainLayout . children [ splitter2 + 1 ] ;
item . parent = endLayout ;
else {
if ( internalViewSplittersCount ( ) === 2 ) {
var totalChildren1 = mainLayout . children . length ;
for ( var i = totalChildren1 - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ) {
var item1 = mainLayout . children [ 0 ] ;
item1 . parent = startLayout ;
var totalChildren2 = endLayout . children . length ;
for ( var i = totalChildren2 - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ) {
var item2 = endLayout . children [ 0 ] ;
item2 . parent = startLayout ;
var totalChildrenL = startLayout . children . length ;
for ( var i = totalChildrenL - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ) {
var itemL = startLayout . children [ 0 ] ;
itemL . parent = mainLayout ;
updateIndexes ( ) ;
//END functions
////BEGIN interfaces
Connections {
target: Latte . WindowSystem
onCompositingActiveChanged: {
visibilityManager . updateMaskArea ( ) ;
Connections {
target: dock
onWidthChanged: {
if ( root . isHorizontal && proportionIconSize !== - 1 )
updateAutomaticIconSize ( ) ;
onHeightChanged: {
if ( root . isVertical && proportionIconSize !== - 1 )
updateAutomaticIconSize ( ) ;
////END interfaces
///////////////BEGIN components
Component {
id: appletContainerComponent
AppletItem { }
///////////////END components
///////////////BEGIN UI elements
Loader {
active: Qt . application . arguments . indexOf ( "--with-window" ) >= 0
sourceComponent: DebugWindow { }
//! Load a sepia background in order to avoid black background
Loader {
anchors.fill: parent
active: ! Latte . WindowSystem . compositingActive
sourceComponent: Image {
anchors.fill: parent
fillMode: Image . Tile
source: "../icons/sepiaprint.jpg"
EditModeVisual {
z: root . drawShadowsExternal ? 1 : 0
Item {
anchors.fill: layoutsContainer
z: root . drawShadowsExternal ? 0 : 1
PanelBox { }
Item {
id: lastSpacer
parent: mainLayout
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
z: 10
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color: "transparent"
border.color: "yellow"
border.width: 1
Item {
id: dndSpacer
property int normalSize: root . statesLineSize + root . iconSize + root . thickMargin - 1
//visibilityManager.statesLineSizeOriginal + root.maxIconSize + visibilityManager.iconMarginOriginal - 1
width: normalSize
height: normalSize
Layout.preferredWidth: width
Layout.preferredHeight: height
opacity: 0
z: 10
AddWidgetVisual { }
Loader {
anchors.fill: parent
active: root . debugMode
z: 10
sourceComponent: Item {
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color: "yellow"
opacity: 0.30
VisibilityManager {
id: visibilityManager
Item {
id: layoutsContainer
signal updateScale ( int delegateIndex , real newScale , real step )
property int allCount: root . latteApplet ? mainLayout . count - 1 + latteApplet.tasksCount : mainLayout . count
property int currentSpot: - 1000
property int hoveredIndex: - 1
property bool directRender: false
x: {
if ( dock && ( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Justify ) && root . isHorizontal
&& ! root . editMode && ! root . drawShadowsExternal ) {
return ( ( dock . width / 2 ) - ( root . maxLength / 2 ) )
} else {
if ( ( visibilityManager . inSlidingIn || visibilityManager . inSlidingOut ) && root . isVertical ) {
return ;
if ( dock . visibility . isHidden && root . isVertical ) {
if ( Latte . WindowSystem . compositingActive ) {
return slidingOutToPos ;
} else {
if ( ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . LeftEdge ) || ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . TopEdge ) ) {
return slidingOutToPos + 1 ;
} else {
return slidingOutToPos - 1 ;
} else {
return 0 ;
y: {
if ( dock && ( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Justify ) && root . isVertical
&& ! root . editMode && ! root . drawShadowsExternal ) {
return ( ( dock . height / 2 ) - ( root . maxLength / 2 ) ) ;
} else {
if ( ( visibilityManager . inSlidingIn || visibilityManager . inSlidingOut ) && root . isHorizontal ) {
return ;
if ( dock . visibility . isHidden && root . isHorizontal ) {
if ( Latte . WindowSystem . compositingActive ) {
return slidingOutToPos ;
} else {
if ( ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . LeftEdge ) || ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . TopEdge ) ) {
return slidingOutToPos + 1 ;
} else {
return slidingOutToPos - 1 ;
} else {
return 0 ;
width: ( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Justify ) && root . isHorizontal && ! root . editMode && ! root . drawShadowsExternal ?
root.maxLength : parent . width
height: ( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Justify ) && root . isVertical && ! root . editMode && ! root . drawShadowsExternal ?
root.maxLength : parent . height
z: 10
property bool animationSent: false
property bool shouldCheckHalfs: ( plasmoid . configuration . panelPosition === Latte . Dock . Justify ) && ( mainLayout . children > 1 )
property int contentsWidth: startLayout . width + mainLayout . width + endLayout . width
property int contentsHeight: startLayout . height + mainLayout . height + endLayout . height
onContentsWidthChanged: {
if ( root . isHorizontal ) {
var firstHalfExited = false ;
var secondHalfExited = false ;
if ( shouldCheckHalfs ) {
firstHalfExited = ( ( startLayout . width + mainLayout . width / 2 ) >= root . maxLength / 2 ) ;
secondHalfExited = ( ( endLayout . width + mainLayout . width / 2 ) >= root . maxLength / 2 ) ;
if ( dock && ( ( contentsWidth >= root . maxLength ) || firstHalfExited || secondHalfExited ) ) {
updateAutomaticIconSize ( ) ;
if ( ! animationSent ) {
animationSent = true ;
slotAnimationsNeedLength ( 1 ) ;
delayUpdateMaskArea . start ( ) ;
onContentsHeightChanged: {
if ( root . isVertical ) {
var firstHalfExited = false ;
var secondHalfExited = false ;
if ( shouldCheckHalfs ) {
firstHalfExited = ( ( startLayout . height + mainLayout . height / 2 ) >= root . maxLength / 2 ) ;
secondHalfExited = ( ( endLayout . height + mainLayout . height / 2 ) >= root . maxLength / 2 ) ;
if ( dock && ( ( contentsHeight >= root . maxLength ) || firstHalfExited || secondHalfExited ) ) {
updateAutomaticIconSize ( ) ;
if ( ! animationSent ) {
animationSent = true ;
slotAnimationsNeedLength ( 1 ) ;
delayUpdateMaskArea . start ( ) ;
onXChanged: root . updateEffectsArea ( ) ;
onYChanged: root . updateEffectsArea ( ) ;
Grid {
columns: root . isVertical ? 1 : 0
columnSpacing: 0
flow: isHorizontal ? Grid.LeftToRight : Grid . TopToBottom
rows: root . isHorizontal ? 1 : 0
rowSpacing: 0
Layout.preferredWidth: width
Layout.preferredHeight: height
property int beginIndex: 0
property int count: children . length
states: [
State {
name: "bottom"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . BottomEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Justify )
AnchorChanges {
target: startLayout
anchors { top: undefined ; bottom: parent . bottom ; left: parent . left ; right: undefined ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: startLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignHCenter ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignBottom ;
anchors.leftMargin: panelEdgeSpacing / 2 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
} ,
State {
name: "left"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . LeftEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Justify )
AnchorChanges {
target: startLayout
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: parent . left ; right: undefined ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: startLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignLeft ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignVCenter ;
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: panelEdgeSpacing / 2 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
} ,
State {
name: "right"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . RightEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Justify )
AnchorChanges {
target: startLayout
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: undefined ; right: parent . right ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: startLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignRight ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignVCenter ;
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: panelEdgeSpacing / 2 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
} ,
State {
name: "top"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . TopEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Justify )
AnchorChanges {
target: startLayout
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: parent . left ; right: undefined ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: startLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignHCenter ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignTop ;
anchors.leftMargin: panelEdgeSpacing / 2 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
// This is the main Layout, in contrary with the others
Grid {
id: mainLayout
columns: root . isVertical ? 1 : 0
columnSpacing: 0
flow: isHorizontal ? Grid.LeftToRight : Grid . TopToBottom
rows: root . isHorizontal ? 1 : 0
rowSpacing: 0
Layout.preferredWidth: width
Layout.preferredHeight: height
property int beginIndex: 100
property int count: children . length
Grid {
columns: root . isVertical ? 1 : 0
columnSpacing: 0
flow: isHorizontal ? Grid.LeftToRight : Grid . TopToBottom
rows: root . isHorizontal ? 1 : 0
rowSpacing: 0
Layout.preferredWidth: width
Layout.preferredHeight: height
property int beginIndex: 200
property int count: children . length
states: [
State {
name: "bottom"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . BottomEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Justify )
AnchorChanges {
target: endLayout
anchors { top: undefined ; bottom: parent . bottom ; left: undefined ; right: parent . right ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: endLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignHCenter ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignBottom
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: panelEdgeSpacing / 2 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
} ,
State {
name: "left"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . LeftEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Justify )
AnchorChanges {
target: endLayout
anchors { top: undefined ; bottom: parent . bottom ; left: parent . left ; right: undefined ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: endLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignLeft ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignVCenter ;
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: panelEdgeSpacing / 2 ;
} ,
State {
name: "right"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . RightEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Justify )
AnchorChanges {
target: endLayout
anchors { top: undefined ; bottom: parent . bottom ; left: undefined ; right: parent . right ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: endLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignRight ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignVCenter ;
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: 0 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: panelEdgeSpacing / 2 ;
} ,
State {
name: "top"
when: ( plasmoid . location === PlasmaCore . Types . TopEdge ) && ( root . panelAlignment === Latte . Dock . Justify )
AnchorChanges {
target: endLayout
anchors { top: parent . top ; bottom: undefined ; left: undefined ; right: parent . right ; horizontalCenter: undefined ; verticalCenter: undefined }
PropertyChanges {
target: endLayout ; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignHCenter ; verticalItemAlignment: Grid . AlignTop
anchors.leftMargin: 0 ; anchors.rightMargin: panelEdgeSpacing / 2 ; anchors.topMargin: 0 ; anchors.bottomMargin: 0 ;
///Buffers to paint areas outside the maskArea///
///this is an approach to try to solve #132 issue///
Loader {
anchors.fill: parent
active: dock & ! drawShadowsExternal && Latte . WindowSystem . compositingActive
z: 1000
sourceComponent: Item {
anchors.fill: parent
Rectangle {
x: 0
y: 0
width: root . width
height: dock . maskArea . y - 1
color: "red"
Rectangle {
x: 0
y: dock . maskArea . y
width: dock . maskArea . x - 1
height: dock . maskArea . height
color: "red"
Rectangle {
x: dock . maskArea . x + dock . maskArea . width + 1
y: dock . maskArea . y
width: dock . width - x
height: dock . maskArea . height
color: "red"
Rectangle {
x: 0
y: dock . maskArea . y + dock . maskArea . height + 1
width: root . width
height: root . height - y
color: "red"
///////////////END UI elements
///////////////BEGIN TIMER elements
//Timer to check if the mouse is still inside the ListView
Timer {
repeat: false ;
interval: 150 ;
onTriggered: {
if ( ! root . containsMouse ( ) ) {
root . clearZoom ( ) ;
//this is a delayer to update mask area, it is used in cases
//that animations can not catch up with animations signals
//e.g. the automaicIconSize case
Timer {
repeat: false ;
interval: 300 ;
onTriggered: {
if ( layoutsContainer . animationSent ) {
root . slotAnimationsNeedLength ( - 1 ) ;
layoutsContainer . animationSent = false ;
visibilityManager . updateMaskArea ( ) ;
//this timer adds a delay into enabling direct rendering...
//it gives the time to neighbour tasks to complete their animation
//during first hovering phase
Timer {
id: enableDirectRenderTimer
interval: 4 * root . durationTime * units . shortDuration
onTriggered: layoutsContainer . directRender = true ;
///////////////END TIMER elements