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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Michail Vourlakos <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "containmentinterface.h"
// local
#include "view.h"
#include "../lattecorona.h"
#include "../layout/genericlayout.h"
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
#include "../layouts/importer.h"
#include "../layouts/storage.h"
#include "../settings/universalsettings.h"
// Qt
#include <QDebug>
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
#include <QDir>
#include <QLatin1String>
// Plasma
#include <Plasma/Applet>
#include <Plasma/Containment>
#include <PlasmaQuick/AppletQuickItem>
// KDE
#include <KDesktopFile>
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <KPluginMetaData>
namespace Latte {
namespace ViewPart {
ContainmentInterface::ContainmentInterface(Latte::View *parent)
: QObject(parent),
m_corona = qobject_cast<Latte::Corona *>(m_view->corona());
m_latteTasksModel = new TasksModel(this);
m_plasmaTasksModel = new TasksModel(this);
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
connect(&m_appletDelayedConfigurationTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ContainmentInterface::updateAppletDelayedConfiguration);
connect(&m_appletsExpandedConnectionsTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ContainmentInterface::updateAppletsTracking);
connect(m_view, &View::containmentChanged
, this, [&]() {
if (m_view->containment()) {
connect(m_view->containment(), &Plasma::Containment::appletAdded, this, &ContainmentInterface::onAppletAdded);
connect(m_latteTasksModel, &TasksModel::countChanged, this, &ContainmentInterface::onLatteTasksCountChanged);
connect(m_plasmaTasksModel, &TasksModel::countChanged, this, &ContainmentInterface::onPlasmaTasksCountChanged);
void ContainmentInterface::identifyShortcutsHost()
if (m_shortcutsHost) {
if (QQuickItem *graphicItem = m_view->containment()->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<QQuickItem *>()) {
const auto &childItems = graphicItem->childItems();
for (QQuickItem *item : childItems) {
if (item->objectName() == QLatin1String("containmentViewLayout")) {
for (QQuickItem *subitem : item->childItems()) {
if (subitem->objectName() == QLatin1String("PositionShortcutsAbilityHost")) {
m_shortcutsHost = subitem;
void ContainmentInterface::identifyMethods()
int aeIndex = m_shortcutsHost->metaObject()->indexOfMethod("activateEntryAtIndex(QVariant)");
int niIndex = m_shortcutsHost->metaObject()->indexOfMethod("newInstanceForEntryAtIndex(QVariant)");
int sbIndex = m_shortcutsHost->metaObject()->indexOfMethod("setShowAppletShortcutBadges(QVariant,QVariant,QVariant,QVariant)");
int afiIndex = m_shortcutsHost->metaObject()->indexOfMethod("appletIdForIndex(QVariant)");
m_activateEntryMethod = m_shortcutsHost->metaObject()->method(aeIndex);
m_appletIdForIndexMethod = m_shortcutsHost->metaObject()->method(afiIndex);
m_newInstanceMethod = m_shortcutsHost->metaObject()->method(niIndex);
m_showShortcutsMethod = m_shortcutsHost->metaObject()->method(sbIndex);
bool ContainmentInterface::applicationLauncherHasGlobalShortcut() const
if (!containsApplicationLauncher()) {
return false;
5 years ago
uint launcherAppletId = applicationLauncherId();
const auto applets = m_view->containment()->applets();
for (auto applet : applets) {
if (applet->id() == launcherAppletId) {
return !applet->globalShortcut().isEmpty();
return false;
bool ContainmentInterface::applicationLauncherInPopup() const
if (!containsApplicationLauncher()) {
return false;
5 years ago
uint launcherAppletId = applicationLauncherId();
const auto applets = m_view->containment()->applets();
PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *appLauncherItem{nullptr};
for (auto applet : applets) {
if (applet->id() == launcherAppletId) {
appLauncherItem = applet->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *>();
return appLauncherItem && appletIsExpandable(appLauncherItem);
bool ContainmentInterface::containsApplicationLauncher() const
return (applicationLauncherId() >= 0);
bool ContainmentInterface::isCapableToShowShortcutBadges()
if (!hasLatteTasks() && hasPlasmaTasks()) {
return false;
return m_showShortcutsMethod.isValid();
bool ContainmentInterface::isApplication(const QUrl &url) const
if (!url.isValid() || !url.isLocalFile()) {
return false;
const QString &localPath = url.toLocalFile();
if (!KDesktopFile::isDesktopFile(localPath)) {
return false;
KDesktopFile desktopFile(localPath);
return desktopFile.hasApplicationType();
int ContainmentInterface::applicationLauncherId() const
const auto applets = m_view->containment()->applets();
auto launcherId{-1};
for (auto applet : applets) {
const auto provides = applet->pluginMetaData().value(QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-Provides"));
if (provides.contains(QLatin1String("org.kde.plasma.launchermenu"))) {
if (!applet->globalShortcut().isEmpty()) {
return applet->id();
} else if (launcherId == -1) {
launcherId = applet->id();
return launcherId;
bool ContainmentInterface::updateBadgeForLatteTask(const QString identifier, const QString value)
if (!hasLatteTasks()) {
return false;
const auto &applets = m_view->containment()->applets();
for (auto *applet : applets) {
KPluginMetaData meta = applet->pluginMetaData();
if (meta.pluginId() == QLatin1String("org.kde.latte.plasmoid")) {
if (QQuickItem *appletInterface = applet->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<QQuickItem *>()) {
const auto &childItems = appletInterface->childItems();
if (childItems.isEmpty()) {
for (QQuickItem *item : childItems) {
if (auto *metaObject = item->metaObject()) {
// not using QMetaObject::invokeMethod to avoid warnings when calling
// this on applets that don't have it or other child items since this
// is pretty much trial and error.
// Also, "var" arguments are treated as QVariant in QMetaObject
int methodIndex = metaObject->indexOfMethod("updateBadge(QVariant,QVariant)");
if (methodIndex == -1) {
QMetaMethod method = metaObject->method(methodIndex);
if (method.invoke(item, Q_ARG(QVariant, identifier), Q_ARG(QVariant, value))) {
return true;
return false;
bool ContainmentInterface::activatePlasmaTask(const int index)
bool containsPlasmaTaskManager{hasPlasmaTasks() && !hasLatteTasks()};
if (!containsPlasmaTaskManager) {
return false;
const auto &applets = m_view->containment()->applets();
for (auto *applet : applets) {
const KPluginMetaData& metadata = applet->pluginMetaData();
const QStringList& provides = metadata.value(QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-Provides"), QStringList{});
if (provides.contains(QLatin1String("org.kde.plasma.multitasking"))) {
if (QQuickItem *appletInterface = applet->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<QQuickItem *>()) {
const auto &childItems = appletInterface->childItems();
if (childItems.isEmpty()) {
KPluginMetaData meta = applet->pluginMetaData();
for (QQuickItem *item : childItems) {
if (auto *metaObject = item->metaObject()) {
int methodIndex{metaObject->indexOfMethod("activateTaskAtIndex(QVariant)")};
if (methodIndex == -1) {
QMetaMethod method = metaObject->method(methodIndex);
if (method.invoke(item, Q_ARG(QVariant, index - 1))) {
showShortcutBadges(false, true);
return true;
return false;
bool ContainmentInterface::newInstanceForPlasmaTask(const int index)
bool containsPlasmaTaskManager{hasPlasmaTasks() && !hasLatteTasks()};
if (!containsPlasmaTaskManager) {
return false;
const auto &applets = m_view->containment()->applets();
for (auto *applet : applets) {
const KPluginMetaData& metadata = applet->pluginMetaData();
const QStringList& provides = metadata.value(QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-Provides"), QStringList{});
if (provides.contains(QLatin1String("org.kde.plasma.multitasking"))) {
if (QQuickItem *appletInterface = applet->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<QQuickItem *>()) {
const auto &childItems = appletInterface->childItems();
if (childItems.isEmpty()) {
KPluginMetaData meta = applet->pluginMetaData();
for (QQuickItem *item : childItems) {
if (auto *metaObject = item->metaObject()) {
int methodIndex{metaObject->indexOfMethod("newInstanceForTaskAtIndex(QVariant)")};
if (methodIndex == -1) {
QMetaMethod method = metaObject->method(methodIndex);
if (method.invoke(item, Q_ARG(QVariant, index - 1))) {
showShortcutBadges(false, true);
return true;
return false;
bool ContainmentInterface::activateEntry(const int index)
if (!m_activateEntryMethod.isValid()) {
return false;
return m_activateEntryMethod.invoke(m_shortcutsHost, Q_ARG(QVariant, index));
bool ContainmentInterface::newInstanceForEntry(const int index)
if (!m_newInstanceMethod.isValid()) {
return false;
return m_newInstanceMethod.invoke(m_shortcutsHost, Q_ARG(QVariant, index));
bool ContainmentInterface::hideShortcutBadges()
if (!m_showShortcutsMethod.isValid()) {
return false;
return m_showShortcutsMethod.invoke(m_shortcutsHost, Q_ARG(QVariant, false), Q_ARG(QVariant, false), Q_ARG(QVariant, false), Q_ARG(QVariant, -1));
bool ContainmentInterface::showOnlyMeta()
if (!m_corona->universalSettings()->kwin_metaForwardedToLatte()) {
return false;
return showShortcutBadges(false, true);
bool ContainmentInterface::showShortcutBadges(const bool showLatteShortcuts, const bool showMeta)
if (!m_showShortcutsMethod.isValid() || !isCapableToShowShortcutBadges()) {
return false;
int appLauncherId = m_corona->universalSettings()->kwin_metaForwardedToLatte() && showMeta ? applicationLauncherId() : -1;
return m_showShortcutsMethod.invoke(m_shortcutsHost, Q_ARG(QVariant, showLatteShortcuts), Q_ARG(QVariant, true), Q_ARG(QVariant, showMeta), Q_ARG(QVariant, appLauncherId));
int ContainmentInterface::appletIdForVisualIndex(const int index)
if (!m_appletIdForIndexMethod.isValid()) {
return -1;
QVariant appletId{-1};
m_appletIdForIndexMethod.invoke(m_shortcutsHost, Q_RETURN_ARG(QVariant, appletId), Q_ARG(QVariant, index));
return appletId.toInt();
void ContainmentInterface::deactivateApplets()
if (!m_view->containment() || !m_view->inReadyState()) {
for (const auto applet : m_view->containment()->applets()) {
PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *ai = applet->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *>();
if (ai) {
bool ContainmentInterface::appletIsExpandable(const int id) const
if (!m_view->containment() || !m_view->inReadyState()) {
return false;
for (const auto applet : m_view->containment()->applets()) {
if (applet && applet->id() == (uint)id) {
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (Layouts::Storage::self()->isSubContainment(m_view->corona(), applet)) {
return true;
PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *ai = applet->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *>();
if (ai) {
return appletIsExpandable(ai);
return false;
bool ContainmentInterface::appletIsExpandable(PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *appletQuickItem) const
if (!appletQuickItem || !m_view->inReadyState()) {
return false;
return ((appletQuickItem->fullRepresentation() != nullptr
&& appletQuickItem->preferredRepresentation() != appletQuickItem->fullRepresentation())
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
|| Latte::Layouts::Storage::self()->isSubContainment(m_view->corona(), appletQuickItem->applet()));
bool ContainmentInterface::appletIsActivationTogglesExpanded(const int id) const
if (!m_view->containment() || !m_view->inReadyState()) {
return false;
for (const auto applet : m_view->containment()->applets()) {
if (applet && applet->id() == (uint)id) {
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (Layouts::Storage::self()->isSubContainment(m_view->corona(), applet)) {
return true;
PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *ai = applet->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *>();
if (ai) {
return ai->isActivationTogglesExpanded();
return false;
bool ContainmentInterface::hasExpandedApplet() const
return m_expandedAppletIds.count() > 0;
bool ContainmentInterface::hasLatteTasks() const
return (m_latteTasksModel->count() > 0);
bool ContainmentInterface::hasPlasmaTasks() const
return (m_plasmaTasksModel->count() > 0);
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
int ContainmentInterface::indexOfApplet(const int &id)
if (m_appletOrder.contains(id)) {
return m_appletOrder.indexOf(id);
} else if (m_appletData.contains(id)) {
return m_appletData[id].lastValidIndex;
return -1;
ViewPart::AppletInterfaceData ContainmentInterface::appletDataAtIndex(const int &index)
ViewPart::AppletInterfaceData data;
if (index<0 || (index > (m_appletOrder.count()-1))) {
return data;
return m_appletData[m_appletOrder[index]];
ViewPart::AppletInterfaceData ContainmentInterface::appletDataForId(const int &id)
ViewPart::AppletInterfaceData data;
if (!m_appletData.contains(id)) {
return data;
return m_appletData[id];
QObject *ContainmentInterface::plasmoid() const
return m_plasmoid;
void ContainmentInterface::setPlasmoid(QObject *plasmoid)
if (m_plasmoid == plasmoid) {
m_plasmoid = plasmoid;
if (m_plasmoid) {
m_configuration = qobject_cast<Latte::Legacy::ConfigPropertyMap *>(m_plasmoid->property("configuration").value<QObject *>());
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (m_configuration) {
connect(m_configuration, &QQmlPropertyMap::valueChanged, this, &ContainmentInterface::containmentConfigPropertyChanged);
emit plasmoidChanged();
QObject *ContainmentInterface::layoutManager() const
return m_layoutManager;
void ContainmentInterface::setLayoutManager(QObject *manager)
if (m_layoutManager == manager) {
m_layoutManager = manager;
// applets order
int metaorderindex = m_layoutManager->metaObject()->indexOfProperty("order");
if (metaorderindex >= 0) {
QMetaProperty metaorder = m_layoutManager->metaObject()->property(metaorderindex);
if (metaorder.hasNotifySignal()) {
QMetaMethod metaorderchanged = metaorder.notifySignal();
QMetaMethod metaupdateappletorder = this->metaObject()->method(this->metaObject()->indexOfSlot("updateAppletsOrder()"));
connect(m_layoutManager, metaorderchanged, this, metaupdateappletorder);
// applets in locked zoom
metaorderindex = m_layoutManager->metaObject()->indexOfProperty("lockedZoomApplets");
if (metaorderindex >= 0) {
QMetaProperty metaorder = m_layoutManager->metaObject()->property(metaorderindex);
if (metaorder.hasNotifySignal()) {
QMetaMethod metaorderchanged = metaorder.notifySignal();
QMetaMethod metaupdateapplets = this->metaObject()->method(this->metaObject()->indexOfSlot("updateAppletsInLockedZoom()"));
connect(m_layoutManager, metaorderchanged, this, metaupdateapplets);
// applets disabled their autocoloring
metaorderindex = m_layoutManager->metaObject()->indexOfProperty("userBlocksColorizingApplets");
if (metaorderindex >= 0) {
QMetaProperty metaorder = m_layoutManager->metaObject()->property(metaorderindex);
if (metaorder.hasNotifySignal()) {
QMetaMethod metaorderchanged = metaorder.notifySignal();
QMetaMethod metaupdateapplets = this->metaObject()->method(this->metaObject()->indexOfSlot("updateAppletsDisabledColoring()"));
connect(m_layoutManager, metaorderchanged, this, metaupdateapplets);
emit layoutManagerChanged();
void ContainmentInterface::addApplet(const QString &pluginId)
if (pluginId.isEmpty()) {
QStringList paths = Latte::Layouts::Importer::standardPaths();
QString pluginpath;
for(int i=0; i<paths.count(); ++i) {
QString cpath = paths[i] + "/plasma/plasmoids/" + pluginId;
if (QDir(cpath).exists()) {
pluginpath = cpath;
if (!pluginpath.isEmpty()) {
void ContainmentInterface::addApplet(QObject *metadata, int x, int y)
int processmimedataindex = m_plasmoid->metaObject()->indexOfMethod("processMimeData(QObject*,int,int)");
QMetaMethod processmethod = m_plasmoid->metaObject()->method(processmimedataindex);
Q_ARG(QObject *, metadata),
Q_ARG(int, x),
Q_ARG(int, y));
void ContainmentInterface::addExpandedApplet(PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem * appletQuickItem)
if (appletQuickItem && m_expandedAppletIds.contains(appletQuickItem) && appletIsExpandable(appletQuickItem)) {
bool isExpanded = hasExpandedApplet();
m_expandedAppletIds[appletQuickItem] = appletQuickItem->applet()->id();
if (isExpanded != hasExpandedApplet()) {
emit hasExpandedAppletChanged();
emit expandedAppletStateChanged();
void ContainmentInterface::removeExpandedApplet(PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *appletQuickItem)
if (!m_expandedAppletIds.contains(appletQuickItem)) {
bool isExpanded = hasExpandedApplet();
if (isExpanded != hasExpandedApplet()) {
emit hasExpandedAppletChanged();
emit expandedAppletStateChanged();
QAbstractListModel *ContainmentInterface::latteTasksModel() const
return m_latteTasksModel;
QAbstractListModel *ContainmentInterface::plasmaTasksModel() const
return m_plasmaTasksModel;
void ContainmentInterface::onAppletExpandedChanged()
PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *appletItem = static_cast<PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *>(QObject::sender());
if (appletItem) {
bool added{false};
if (appletItem->isExpanded()) {
if (appletItem->switchWidth()>0 && appletItem->switchHeight()>0) {
added = ((appletItem->width()<=appletItem->switchWidth())
&& (appletItem->height()<=appletItem->switchHeight()));
} else {
added = true;
if (added && appletIsExpandable(appletItem)) {
} else {
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
QList<int> ContainmentInterface::appletsOrder() const
return m_appletOrder;
void ContainmentInterface::updateAppletsOrder()
if (!m_layoutManager) {
QList<int> neworder = m_layoutManager->property("order").value<QList<int>>();
if (m_appletOrder == neworder) {
m_appletOrder = neworder;
//! update applets last recorded index, this is needed for example when an applet is removed
//! to know in which index was located before the removal
for(const auto &id: m_appletOrder) {
if (m_appletData.contains(id)) {
m_appletData[id].lastValidIndex = m_appletOrder.indexOf(id);
emit appletsOrderChanged();
void ContainmentInterface::updateAppletsInLockedZoom()
if (!m_layoutManager) {
QList<int> appletslockedzoom = m_layoutManager->property("lockedZoomApplets").value<QList<int>>();
if (m_appletsInLockedZoom == appletslockedzoom) {
m_appletsInLockedZoom = appletslockedzoom;
emit appletsInLockedZoomChanged(m_appletsInLockedZoom);
void ContainmentInterface::updateAppletsDisabledColoring()
if (!m_layoutManager) {
QList<int> appletsdisabledcoloring = m_layoutManager->property("userBlocksColorizingApplets").value<QList<int>>();
if (m_appletsDisabledColoring == appletsdisabledcoloring) {
m_appletsDisabledColoring = appletsdisabledcoloring;
emit appletsDisabledColoringChanged(appletsdisabledcoloring);
void ContainmentInterface::onLatteTasksCountChanged()
if ((m_hasLatteTasks && m_latteTasksModel->count()>0)
|| (!m_hasLatteTasks && m_latteTasksModel->count() == 0)) {
m_hasLatteTasks = (m_latteTasksModel->count() > 0);
emit hasLatteTasksChanged();
void ContainmentInterface::onPlasmaTasksCountChanged()
if ((m_hasPlasmaTasks && m_plasmaTasksModel->count()>0)
|| (!m_hasPlasmaTasks && m_plasmaTasksModel->count() == 0)) {
m_hasPlasmaTasks = (m_plasmaTasksModel->count() > 0);
emit hasPlasmaTasksChanged();
bool ContainmentInterface::appletIsExpanded(const int id) const
return m_expandedAppletIds.values().contains(id);
void ContainmentInterface::toggleAppletExpanded(const int id)
if (!m_view->containment() || !m_view->inReadyState()) {
for (const auto applet : m_view->containment()->applets()) {
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (applet->id() == (uint)id && !Layouts::Storage::self()->isSubContainment(m_view->corona(), applet)/*block for sub-containments*/) {
PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *ai = applet->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *>();
if (ai) {
emit applet->activated();
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
void ContainmentInterface::removeApplet(const int &id)
if (!m_appletData.contains(id)) {
auto applet = m_appletData[id].applet;
emit applet->appletDeleted(applet); //! this signal should be part of Plasma Frameworks AppletPrivate::destroy() function...
void ContainmentInterface::setAppletsOrder(const QList<int> &order)
Q_ARG(QList<int>, order));
void ContainmentInterface::setAppletsInLockedZoom(const QList<int> &applets)
Q_ARG(QList<int>, applets));
void ContainmentInterface::setAppletsDisabledColoring(const QList<int> &applets)
Q_ARG(QList<int>, applets));
void ContainmentInterface::setAppletInScheduledDestruction(const int &id, const bool &enabled)
Q_ARG(int, id),
Q_ARG(bool, enabled));
void ContainmentInterface::updateContainmentConfigProperty(const QString &key, const QVariant &value)
if (!m_configuration || !m_configuration->keys().contains(key)) {
if (m_configuration->keys().contains(key)
&& (*m_configuration)[key] != value) {
m_configuration->insert(key, value);
emit m_configuration->valueChanged(key, value);
void ContainmentInterface::updateAppletConfigProperty(const int &id, const QString &key, const QVariant &value)
if (!m_appletData.contains(id) || !m_appletData[id].configuration || !m_appletData[id].configuration->keys().contains(key)) {
if (m_appletData[id].configuration->keys().contains(key)
&& (*m_appletData[id].configuration)[key] != value) {
m_appletData[id].configuration->insert(key, value);
emit m_appletData[id].configuration->valueChanged(key, value);
void ContainmentInterface::updateAppletsTracking()
if (!m_view->containment()) {
for (const auto applet : m_view->containment()->applets()) {
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
emit initializationCompleted();
void ContainmentInterface::updateAppletDelayedConfiguration()
for (const auto id : m_appletData.keys()) {
if (!m_appletData[id].configuration) {
m_appletData[id].configuration = appletConfiguration(m_appletData[id].applet);
if (m_appletData[id].configuration) {
qDebug() << "org.kde.sync delayed applet configuration was successful for : " << id;
initAppletConfigurationSignals(id, m_appletData[id].configuration);
void ContainmentInterface::initAppletConfigurationSignals(const int &id, Latte::Legacy::ConfigPropertyMap *configuration)
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (!configuration) {
connect(configuration, &QQmlPropertyMap::valueChanged,
this, [&, id](const QString &key, const QVariant &value) {
//qDebug() << "org.kde.sync applet property changed : " << currentAppletId << " __ " << m_appletData[currentAppletId].plugin << " __ " << key << " __ " << value;
emit appletConfigPropertyChanged(id, key, value);
Latte::Legacy::ConfigPropertyMap *ContainmentInterface::appletConfiguration(const Plasma::Applet *applet)
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
if (!m_view->containment() || !applet) {
return nullptr;
PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *ai = applet->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *>();
bool isSubContainment = Layouts::Storage::self()->isSubContainment(m_view->corona(), applet); //we use corona() to make sure that returns true even when it is first created from user
int currentAppletId = applet->id();
Latte::Legacy::ConfigPropertyMap *configuration{nullptr};
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
//! set configuration object properly for applets and subcontainments
if (!isSubContainment) {
int metaconfigindex = ai->metaObject()->indexOfProperty("configuration");
if (metaconfigindex >=0 ){
configuration = qobject_cast<Latte::Legacy::ConfigPropertyMap *>((ai->property("configuration")).value<QObject *>());
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
} else {
Plasma::Containment *subcontainment = Layouts::Storage::self()->subContainmentOf(m_view->corona(), applet);
if (subcontainment) {
PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *subcai = subcontainment->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *>();
if (subcai) {
int metaconfigindex = subcai->metaObject()->indexOfProperty("configuration");
if (metaconfigindex >=0 ){
configuration = qobject_cast<Latte::Legacy::ConfigPropertyMap *>((subcai->property("configuration")).value<QObject *>());
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
return configuration;
void ContainmentInterface::onAppletAdded(Plasma::Applet *applet)
if (!m_view->containment() || !applet) {
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *ai = applet->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *>();
bool isSubContainment = Layouts::Storage::self()->isSubContainment(m_view->corona(), applet); //we use corona() to make sure that returns true even when it is first created from user
int currentAppletId = applet->id();
//! Track expanded/able applets and Tasks applets
if (isSubContainment) {
//! internal containment case
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
Plasma::Containment *subContainment = Layouts::Storage::self()->subContainmentOf(m_view->corona(), applet);
PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *contAi = ai;
if (contAi && !m_appletsExpandedConnections.contains(contAi)) {
m_appletsExpandedConnections[contAi] = connect(contAi, &PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem::expandedChanged, this, &ContainmentInterface::onAppletExpandedChanged);
connect(contAi, &QObject::destroyed, this, [&, contAi](){
for (const auto internalApplet : subContainment->applets()) {
PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *ai = internalApplet->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem *>();
if (ai && !m_appletsExpandedConnections.contains(ai) ){
m_appletsExpandedConnections[ai] = connect(ai, &PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem::expandedChanged, this, &ContainmentInterface::onAppletExpandedChanged);
connect(ai, &QObject::destroyed, this, [&, ai](){
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
} else if (ai) {
KPluginMetaData meta = applet->pluginMetaData();
const QStringList& provides = meta.value(QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-Provides"), QStringList{});
if (meta.pluginId() == QLatin1String("org.kde.latte.plasmoid")) {
//! populate latte tasks applet
} else if (provides.contains(QLatin1String("org.kde.plasma.multitasking"))) {
//! populate plasma tasks applet
} else if (!m_appletsExpandedConnections.contains(ai)) {
m_appletsExpandedConnections[ai] = connect(ai, &PlasmaQuick::AppletQuickItem::expandedChanged, this, &ContainmentInterface::onAppletExpandedChanged);
connect(ai, &QObject::destroyed, this, [&, ai](){
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
//! Track All Applets, for example to support syncing between different docks and panels
if (ai) {
bool initializing{!m_appletData.contains(currentAppletId)};
KPluginMetaData meta = applet->pluginMetaData();
fix #96,FEATURE:AllScreens and AllSecondaryScreens --This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens users. It is introduced as one single commit because it reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will be easier to identify newly introduced bugs. --Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel should be always present. --Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original docks and panels. --Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and panels that belong to specific screens. --Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced Clones. --Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings, for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments configuration such as systrays. --Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones --Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
3 years ago
ViewPart::AppletInterfaceData data; = currentAppletId;
data.plugin = meta.pluginId();
data.applet = applet;
data.plasmoid = ai;
data.lastValidIndex = m_appletOrder.indexOf(;
//! set configuration object properly for applets and subcontainments
data.configuration = appletConfiguration(applet);
//! track property changes in applets
if (data.configuration) {
initAppletConfigurationSignals(, data.configuration);
} else {
qDebug() << "org.kde.sync Unfortunately configuration syncing for :: " << currentAppletId << " was not established, configuration object was missing!";
if (initializing) {
//! track applet destroyed flag
connect(applet, &Plasma::Applet::destroyedChanged, this, [&, currentAppletId](bool destroyed) {
emit appletInScheduledDestructionChanged(currentAppletId, destroyed);
//! remove on applet destruction
connect(applet, &QObject::destroyed, this, [&, data](){
emit appletRemoved(;
//qDebug() << "org.kde.sync: removing applet ::: " << << " __ " << data.plugin << " remained : " << m_appletData.keys();
m_appletData[] = data;
emit appletDataCreated(;
QList<int> ContainmentInterface::toIntList(const QVariantList &list)
QList<int> converted;
for(const QVariant &item: list) {
converted << item.toInt();
return converted;