// Copyright 2020, Chef. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/q191201771/lal
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com)
package remux
import (
const (
initialVideoOutBufferSize = 1024 * 1024
calcFragmentHeaderQueueSize = 16
maxAudioCacheDelayByAudio uint64 = 150 * 90 // 单位(毫秒*90)
maxAudioCacheDelayByVideo uint64 = 300 * 90 // 单位(毫秒*90)
type IRtmp2MpegtsRemuxerObserver interface {
// OnPatPmt
// @param b: const只读内存块,上层可以持有,但是不允许修改
OnPatPmt(b []byte)
// OnTsPackets
// @param tsPackets:
// - mpegts数据,有一个或多个188字节的ts数据组成
// - 回调结束后,remux.Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer 不再使用这块内存块
// @param frame: 各字段含义见 mpegts.Frame 结构体定义
// @param boundary: 是否到达边界处,根据该字段,上层可判断诸如:
// - hls是否允许开启新的ts文件切片
// - 新的ts播放流从该位置开始播放
OnTsPackets(tsPackets []byte, frame *mpegts.Frame, boundary bool)
// Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer 输入rtmp流,输出mpegts流
type Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer struct {
UniqueKey string
observer IRtmp2MpegtsRemuxerObserver
filter *rtmp2MpegtsFilter
videoOut []byte // Annexb
spspps []byte // Annexb 也可能是vps+sps+pps
ascCtx *aac.AscContext
audioCc uint8
videoCc uint8
basicAudioDts uint64
basicAudioPts uint64
basicVideoDts uint64
basicVideoPts uint64
// audioCacheFrames: 缓存音频packet数据,注意,可能包含多个音频packet
// audioCacheFirstFramePts: audioCacheFrames中第一个音频packet的时间戳
// 缓存(也即合并)多个packet并让他们使用第一个packet的时间戳,目的是为了还原单packet的精度。
// 比如,aac 48000的每帧数据时长为21.333,
// 由于rtmp的时间戳是整数(单位毫秒),所以它使用如下方式:
// duration: 21, 21, 22
// timestamp: 0, 21, 42, 64
// 其中duration的第一个和第二个都少了0.33,第三个多了0.66,然后循环
// timestamp中0和64是对的,21和42是有误差的,然后循环。也即3个packet,timestamp恢复严格意义上的正确。
// 这个用整数类型毫秒单位没法避免。
// 当 * 90换算成mpegts的时间戳时,duration的小数部分的误差还是存在,
// 这将导致部分hls播放器(比如macOS的QuickTime)会出现声音效果不好的情况。
// 所以我们优化为将多个packet合并,使得原来每个packet之间出现异常的情况,缓解为缓存与缓存间可能出现异常的情况
// TODO(chef): 可按ffmpeg中av_rescale_delta的手段进行优化 202206
// 其大致思想是,当duration在一定范围内,使用timestamp*90;当duration超过一定范围,则直接用采样率换算得到的duration。
// 也即,迁移中方法是21或者22 * 90,后一种直接是21.33*90=1920
// int64_t av_rescale_delta(AVRational in_tb, int64_t in_ts, AVRational fs_tb, int duration, int64_t *last, AVRational out_tb)
// in_tb 1000
// in_ts dts
// fs_tb 48000
// duration 1024
// last
// out_tb 90000
// 但是ffmpeg的做法也有问题,就是每个packet都转ts,padding会比较多,导致ts码流变大
//TODO chef: rename to DTS
audioCacheFrames []byte
audioCacheFirstFramePts uint64
opened bool
func NewRtmp2MpegtsRemuxer(observer IRtmp2MpegtsRemuxerObserver) *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer {
uk := base.GenUkRtmp2MpegtsRemuxer()
r := &Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer{
UniqueKey: uk,
observer: observer,
basicAudioDts: math.MaxUint64,
basicAudioPts: math.MaxUint64,
basicVideoDts: math.MaxUint64,
basicVideoPts: math.MaxUint64,
r.audioCacheFrames = nil
r.videoOut = make([]byte, initialVideoOutBufferSize)
r.videoOut = r.videoOut[0:0]
r.filter = newRtmp2MpegtsFilter(calcFragmentHeaderQueueSize, r)
return r
// FeedRtmpMessage
// @param msg: msg.Payload 调用结束后,函数内部不会持有这块内存
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) FeedRtmpMessage(msg base.RtmpMsg) {
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) Dispose() {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FlushAudio
// 吐出音频数据的三种情况:
// 1. 收到音频或视频时,音频缓存队列已达到一定长度(内部判断)
// 2. 打开一个新的TS文件切片时
// 3. 输入流关闭时
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) FlushAudio() {
if s.audioCacheEmpty() {
var frame mpegts.Frame
frame.Cc = s.audioCc
frame.Dts = s.audioCacheFirstFramePts
frame.Pts = s.audioCacheFirstFramePts
frame.Key = false
frame.Raw = s.audioCacheFrames
frame.Pid = mpegts.PidAudio
frame.Sid = mpegts.StreamIdAudio
// 注意,在回调前设置为空,因为回调中有可能再次调用FlushAudio
// 回调结束后更新cc
s.audioCc = frame.Cc
// ----- implement of iRtmp2MpegtsFilterObserver ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// onPatPmt onPop
// 实现 iRtmp2MpegtsFilterObserver
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) onPatPmt(b []byte) {
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) onPop(msg base.RtmpMsg) {
switch msg.Header.MsgTypeId {
case base.RtmpTypeIdAudio:
case base.RtmpTypeIdVideo:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) feedVideo(msg base.RtmpMsg) {
if len(msg.Payload) <= 5 {
Log.Warnf("[%s] rtmp msg too short, ignore. header=%+v, payload=%s", s.UniqueKey, msg.Header, hex.Dump(msg.Payload))
codecId := msg.Payload[0] & 0xF
if codecId != base.RtmpCodecIdAvc && codecId != base.RtmpCodecIdHevc {
// 将数据转换成Annexb
// 如果是seq header sps pps,缓存住,然后直接返回
var err error
if msg.IsAvcKeySeqHeader() {
if s.spspps, err = avc.SpsPpsSeqHeader2Annexb(msg.Payload); err != nil {
Log.Errorf("[%s] cache spspps failed. err=%+v", s.UniqueKey, err)
} else if msg.IsHevcKeySeqHeader() {
if s.spspps, err = hevc.VpsSpsPpsSeqHeader2Annexb(msg.Payload); err != nil {
Log.Errorf("[%s] cache vpsspspps failed. err=%+v", s.UniqueKey, err)
cts := bele.BeUint24(msg.Payload[2:])
audSent := false
spsppsSent := false
// msg中可能有多个NALU,逐个获取
nals, err := avc.SplitNaluAvcc(msg.Payload[5:])
if err != nil {
Log.Errorf("[%s] iterate nalu failed. err=%+v, header=%+v, payload=%s", err, s.UniqueKey, msg.Header, hex.Dump(nazabytes.Prefix(msg.Payload, 32)))
var vps, sps, pps []byte
for _, nal := range nals {
var nalType uint8
switch codecId {
case base.RtmpCodecIdAvc:
nalType = avc.ParseNaluType(nal[0])
case base.RtmpCodecIdHevc:
nalType = hevc.ParseNaluType(nal[0])
// 处理 sps pps aud
// aud 过滤掉,我们有自己的添加aud的逻辑
// sps pps
// 注意,有的流,seq header中的sps和pps是错误的,需要从nals里获取sps pps并更新
// 见 https://github.com/q191201771/lal/issues/143
// TODO(chef): rtmp转其他类型的模块也存在这个问题,应该抽象出一个统一处理的地方
if codecId == base.RtmpCodecIdAvc {
if nalType == avc.NaluTypeAud {
} else if nalType == avc.NaluTypeSps {
sps = nal
} else if nalType == avc.NaluTypePps {
pps = nal
if len(sps) != 0 && len(pps) != 0 {
s.spspps = s.spspps[0:0]
s.spspps = append(s.spspps, avc.NaluStartCode4...)
s.spspps = append(s.spspps, sps...)
s.spspps = append(s.spspps, avc.NaluStartCode4...)
s.spspps = append(s.spspps, pps...)
} else if codecId == base.RtmpCodecIdHevc {
if nalType == hevc.NaluTypeSei || nalType == hevc.NaluTypeSeiSuffix {
// TODO(chef): [opt] 考虑缓存下来,放到关键帧前面 202208
if nalType == hevc.NaluTypeAud {
} else if nalType == hevc.NaluTypeVps {
vps = nal
} else if nalType == hevc.NaluTypeSps {
sps = nal
} else if nalType == hevc.NaluTypePps {
pps = nal
if len(vps) != 0 && len(sps) != 0 && len(pps) != 0 {
s.spspps = s.spspps[0:0]
s.spspps = append(s.spspps, avc.NaluStartCode4...)
s.spspps = append(s.spspps, vps...)
s.spspps = append(s.spspps, avc.NaluStartCode4...)
s.spspps = append(s.spspps, sps...)
s.spspps = append(s.spspps, avc.NaluStartCode4...)
s.spspps = append(s.spspps, pps...)
// tag中的首个nalu前面写入aud
if !audSent {
// 注意,因为前面已经过滤了sps pps aud的信息,所以这里可以认为都是需要用aud分隔的,不需要单独判断了
//if codecId == base.RtmpCodecIdAvc && (nalType == avc.NaluTypeSei || nalType == avc.NaluTypeIdrSlice || nalType == avc.NaluTypeSlice) {
switch codecId {
case base.RtmpCodecIdAvc:
s.videoOut = append(s.videoOut, avc.AudNalu...)
case base.RtmpCodecIdHevc:
s.videoOut = append(s.videoOut, hevc.AudNalu...)
audSent = true
// 关键帧前追加sps pps
if codecId == base.RtmpCodecIdAvc {
// h264的逻辑,一个tag中,多个连续的关键帧只追加一个,不连续则每个关键帧前都追加。为什么要这样处理
switch nalType {
case avc.NaluTypeIdrSlice:
if !spsppsSent {
if s.videoOut, err = s.appendSpsPps(s.videoOut); err != nil {
Log.Warnf("[%s] append spspps by not exist.", s.UniqueKey)
spsppsSent = true
case avc.NaluTypeSlice:
// 这里只有P帧,没有SEI。为什么要这样处理
spsppsSent = false
} else {
// TODO(chef): [refactor] avc和hevc可以考虑再抽象一层高层的包,使得更上层代码简洁一些
if hevc.IsIrapNalu(nalType) {
if !spsppsSent {
if s.videoOut, err = s.appendSpsPps(s.videoOut); err != nil {
Log.Warnf("[%s] append spspps by not exist.", s.UniqueKey)
spsppsSent = true
} else {
// 这里简化了,只要不是关键帧,就刷新标志
spsppsSent = false
// 如果写入了aud或spspps,则用start code3,否则start code4。为什么要这样处理
// 这里不知为什么要区分写入两种类型的start code
if len(s.videoOut) == 0 {
s.videoOut = append(s.videoOut, avc.NaluStartCode4...)
} else {
s.videoOut = append(s.videoOut, avc.NaluStartCode3...)
s.videoOut = append(s.videoOut, nal...)
} // for loop
if len(s.videoOut) == 0 {
// 比如只有SEI nal或者非seq header的msg只有sps, pps, vps
dts := uint64(msg.Header.TimestampAbs) * 90
if !s.audioCacheEmpty() && s.audioCacheFirstFramePts+maxAudioCacheDelayByVideo < dts {
var frame mpegts.Frame
frame.Cc = s.videoCc
frame.Dts = dts
frame.Pts = frame.Dts + uint64(cts)*90
frame.Key = msg.IsVideoKeyNalu()
frame.Raw = s.videoOut
frame.Pid = mpegts.PidVideo
frame.Sid = mpegts.StreamIdVideo
s.videoCc = frame.Cc
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) feedAudio(msg base.RtmpMsg) {
if len(msg.Payload) <= 2 {
Log.Warnf("[%s] rtmp msg too short, ignore. header=%+v, payload=%s", s.UniqueKey, msg.Header, hex.Dump(msg.Payload))
if msg.Payload[0]>>4 != base.RtmpSoundFormatAac {
//Log.Debugf("[%s] hls: feedAudio. dts=%d len=%d", s.UniqueKey, msg.Header.TimestampAbs, len(msg.Payload))
if msg.Payload[1] == base.RtmpAacPacketTypeSeqHeader {
if err := s.cacheAacSeqHeader(msg); err != nil {
Log.Errorf("[%s] cache aac seq header failed. err=%+v", s.UniqueKey, err)
if !s.audioSeqHeaderCached() {
Log.Warnf("[%s] feed audio message but aac seq header not exist.", s.UniqueKey)
pts := uint64(msg.Header.TimestampAbs) * 90
if !s.audioCacheEmpty() && s.audioCacheFirstFramePts+maxAudioCacheDelayByAudio < pts {
if s.audioCacheEmpty() {
s.audioCacheFirstFramePts = pts
adtsHeader := s.ascCtx.PackAdtsHeader(int(msg.Header.MsgLen - 2))
s.audioCacheFrames = append(s.audioCacheFrames, adtsHeader...)
s.audioCacheFrames = append(s.audioCacheFrames, msg.Payload[2:]...)
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) cacheAacSeqHeader(msg base.RtmpMsg) error {
var err error
s.ascCtx, err = aac.NewAscContext(msg.Payload[2:])
return err
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) audioSeqHeaderCached() bool {
return s.ascCtx != nil
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) appendSpsPps(out []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if s.spspps == nil {
return out, base.ErrHls
out = append(out, s.spspps...)
return out, nil
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) videoSeqHeaderCached() bool {
return len(s.spspps) != 0
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) audioCacheEmpty() bool {
return len(s.audioCacheFrames) == 0
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) resetAudioCache() {
s.audioCacheFrames = s.audioCacheFrames[0:0]
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) resetVideoOutBuffer() {
s.videoOut = s.videoOut[0:0]
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) onFrame(frame *mpegts.Frame) {
//Log.Debugf("Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer::onFrame, frame=%s", frame.DebugString())
var boundary bool
if frame.Sid == mpegts.StreamIdAudio {
// 为了考虑没有视频的情况也能切片,所以这里判断spspps为空时,也建议生成fragment
boundary = !s.videoSeqHeaderCached()
} else {
// 收到视频,可能触发建立fragment的条件是:
// 关键帧数据 &&
// (
// (没有收到过音频seq header) || 说明 只有视频
// (收到过音频seq header && fragment没有打开) || 说明 音视频都有,且都已ready
// (收到过音频seq header && fragment已经打开 && 音频缓存数据不为空) 说明 为什么音频缓存需不为空?
// )
boundary = frame.Key && (!s.audioSeqHeaderCached() || !s.opened || !s.audioCacheEmpty())
if boundary {
s.opened = true
packets := frame.Pack()
s.observer.OnTsPackets(packets, frame, boundary)
func (s *Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer) adjustDtsPts(frame *mpegts.Frame) {
// TODO(chef): [refactor] 后续考虑独立成单独的filter,并且考虑在rtmp msg上做这个逻辑 202208
// TODO(chef): [fix] b帧回退的情况,以及是否出现比base还小的情况 202208
if frame.Sid == mpegts.StreamIdAudio {
if s.basicAudioDts == math.MaxUint64 {
s.basicAudioDts = frame.Dts
if s.basicAudioPts == math.MaxUint64 {
s.basicAudioPts = frame.Pts
frame.Dts = subSafe(frame.Dts, s.basicAudioDts)
frame.Pts = subSafe(frame.Pts, s.basicAudioPts)
} else if frame.Sid == mpegts.StreamIdVideo {
if s.basicVideoDts == math.MaxUint64 {
s.basicVideoDts = frame.Dts
if s.basicVideoPts == math.MaxUint64 {
s.basicVideoPts = frame.Pts
frame.Dts = subSafe(frame.Dts, s.basicVideoDts)
frame.Pts = subSafe(frame.Pts, s.basicVideoPts)
func subSafe(a, b uint64) uint64 {
if a >= b {
return a - b
Log.Warnf("subSafe. a=%d, b=%d", a, b)
return 0