// Copyright 2019, Chef. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/q191201771/lal
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com)
package httpflv
import (
type PullSessionOption struct {
// 从调用Pull函数,到接收音视频数据的前一步,也即发送完HTTP请求的超时时间
// 如果为0,则没有超时时间
PullTimeoutMs int
ReadTimeoutMs int // 接收数据超时,单位毫秒,如果为0,则不设置超时
var defaultPullSessionOption = PullSessionOption{
PullTimeoutMs: 10000,
ReadTimeoutMs: 0,
type PullSession struct {
uniqueKey string // const after ctor
option PullSessionOption // const after ctor
conn connection.Connection
prevConnStat connection.Stat
staleStat *connection.Stat
stat base.StatSession
urlCtx base.UrlContext
disposeOnce sync.Once
type ModPullSessionOption func(option *PullSessionOption)
func NewPullSession(modOptions ...ModPullSessionOption) *PullSession {
option := defaultPullSessionOption
for _, fn := range modOptions {
uk := base.GenUkFlvPullSession()
s := &PullSession{
uniqueKey: uk,
option: option,
Log.Infof("[%s] lifecycle new httpflv PullSession. session=%p", uk, s)
return s
// OnReadFlvTag @param tag: 底层保证回调上来的Raw数据长度是完整的(但是不会分析Raw内部的编码数据)
type OnReadFlvTag func(tag Tag)
// Pull 阻塞直到和对端完成拉流前,握手部分的工作,或者发生错误
// 注意,握手指的是发送完HTTP Request,不包含接收任何数据,因为有的httpflv服务端,如果流不存在不会发送任何内容,此时我们也应该认为是握手完成了
// @param rawUrl 支持如下两种格式。(当然,关键点是对端支持)
// http://{domain}/{app_name}/{stream_name}.flv
// http://{ip}/{domain}/{app_name}/{stream_name}.flv
// @param onReadFlvTag 读取到 flv tag 数据时回调。回调结束后,PullSession 不会再使用这块 <tag> 数据。
func (session *PullSession) Pull(rawUrl string, onReadFlvTag OnReadFlvTag) error {
Log.Debugf("[%s] pull. url=%s", session.uniqueKey, rawUrl)
var (
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
if session.option.PullTimeoutMs == 0 {
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
} else {
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(session.option.PullTimeoutMs)*time.Millisecond)
defer cancel()
return session.pullContext(ctx, rawUrl, onReadFlvTag)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IClientSessionLifecycle interface
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dispose 文档请参考: IClientSessionLifecycle interface
func (session *PullSession) Dispose() error {
return session.dispose(nil)
// WaitChan 文档请参考: IClientSessionLifecycle interface
func (session *PullSession) WaitChan() <-chan error {
return session.conn.Done()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Url 文档请参考: interface ISessionUrlContext
func (session *PullSession) Url() string {
return session.urlCtx.Url
// AppName 文档请参考: interface ISessionUrlContext
func (session *PullSession) AppName() string {
return session.urlCtx.PathWithoutLastItem
// StreamName 文档请参考: interface ISessionUrlContext
func (session *PullSession) StreamName() string {
return session.urlCtx.LastItemOfPath
// RawQuery 文档请参考: interface ISessionUrlContext
func (session *PullSession) RawQuery() string {
return session.urlCtx.RawQuery
// UniqueKey 文档请参考: interface IObject
func (session *PullSession) UniqueKey() string {
return session.uniqueKey
// UpdateStat 文档请参考: interface ISessionStat
func (session *PullSession) UpdateStat(intervalSec uint32) {
currStat := session.conn.GetStat()
rDiff := currStat.ReadBytesSum - session.prevConnStat.ReadBytesSum
session.stat.ReadBitrate = int(rDiff * 8 / 1024 / uint64(intervalSec))
wDiff := currStat.WroteBytesSum - session.prevConnStat.WroteBytesSum
session.stat.WriteBitrate = int(wDiff * 8 / 1024 / uint64(intervalSec))
session.stat.Bitrate = session.stat.ReadBitrate
session.prevConnStat = currStat
// GetStat 文档请参考: interface ISessionStat
func (session *PullSession) GetStat() base.StatSession {
connStat := session.conn.GetStat()
session.stat.ReadBytesSum = connStat.ReadBytesSum
session.stat.WroteBytesSum = connStat.WroteBytesSum
return session.stat
// IsAlive 文档请参考: interface ISessionStat
func (session *PullSession) IsAlive() (readAlive, writeAlive bool) {
currStat := session.conn.GetStat()
if session.staleStat == nil {
session.staleStat = new(connection.Stat)
*session.staleStat = currStat
return true, true
readAlive = !(currStat.ReadBytesSum-session.staleStat.ReadBytesSum == 0)
writeAlive = !(currStat.WroteBytesSum-session.staleStat.WroteBytesSum == 0)
*session.staleStat = currStat
func (session *PullSession) pullContext(ctx context.Context, rawUrl string, onReadFlvTag OnReadFlvTag) error {
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
url := rawUrl
// 异步握手
go func() {
for {
if err := session.connect(url); err != nil {
errChan <- err
if err := session.writeHttpRequest(); err != nil {
errChan <- err
statusCode, headers, err := session.readHttpRespHeader()
if err != nil {
errChan <- err
// 处理跳转
if statusCode == "301" || statusCode == "302" {
url = headers.Get("Location")
if url == "" {
Log.Warnf("[%s] redirect but Location not found. headers=%+v", session.uniqueKey, headers)
errChan <- nil
_ = session.conn.Close()
Log.Debugf("[%s] redirect to %s", session.uniqueKey, url)
errChan <- nil
// 等待握手结果,或者超时通知
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// 注意,如果超时,可能连接已经建立了,要dispose避免泄漏
_ = session.dispose(nil)
return ctx.Err()
case err := <-errChan:
// 握手消息,不为nil则握手失败
if err != nil {
_ = session.dispose(err)
return err
// 握手成功,开启收数据协程
go session.runReadLoop(onReadFlvTag)
return nil
func (session *PullSession) connect(rawUrl string) (err error) {
// TODO(chef): refactor 可以考虑抽象出一个http client,负责http拉流的建连、https、302等功能
session.urlCtx, err = base.ParseHttpflvUrl(rawUrl)
if err != nil {
Log.Debugf("[%s] > tcp connect. %s", session.uniqueKey, session.urlCtx.HostWithPort)
var conn net.Conn
if session.urlCtx.Scheme == "https" {
conf := &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
conn, err = tls.Dial("tcp", session.urlCtx.HostWithPort, conf)
} else {
conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", session.urlCtx.HostWithPort)
if err != nil {
return err
Log.Debugf("[%s] tcp connect succ. remote=%s", session.uniqueKey, conn.RemoteAddr().String())
session.conn = connection.New(conn, func(option *connection.Option) {
option.ReadBufSize = readBufSize
option.WriteTimeoutMs = session.option.ReadTimeoutMs // TODO chef: 为什么是 Read 赋值给 Write
option.ReadTimeoutMs = session.option.ReadTimeoutMs
return nil
func (session *PullSession) writeHttpRequest() error {
// # 发送 http GET 请求
Log.Debugf("[%s] > W http request. GET %s", session.uniqueKey, session.urlCtx.PathWithRawQuery)
req := fmt.Sprintf("GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: %s\r\nAccept: */*\r\nRange: byte=0-\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost: %s\r\nIcy-MetaData: 1\r\n\r\n",
session.urlCtx.PathWithRawQuery, base.LalHttpflvPullSessionUa, session.urlCtx.StdHost)
_, err := session.conn.Write([]byte(req))
return err
func (session *PullSession) readHttpRespHeader() (statusCode string, headers http.Header, err error) {
var statusLine string
if statusLine, headers, err = nazahttp.ReadHttpHeader(session.conn); err != nil {
_, statusCode, _, err = nazahttp.ParseHttpStatusLine(statusLine)
if err != nil {
Log.Debugf("[%s] < R http response header. statusLine=%s", session.uniqueKey, statusLine)
func (session *PullSession) readFlvHeader() ([]byte, error) {
flvHeader := make([]byte, flvHeaderSize)
_, err := session.conn.ReadAtLeast(flvHeader, flvHeaderSize)
if err != nil {
return flvHeader, err
Log.Debugf("[%s] < R http flv header.", session.uniqueKey)
// TODO chef: check flv header's value
return flvHeader, nil
func (session *PullSession) readTag() (Tag, error) {
return readTag(session.conn)
func (session *PullSession) runReadLoop(onReadFlvTag OnReadFlvTag) {
var err error
defer func() {
_ = session.dispose(err)
if _, err = session.readFlvHeader(); err != nil {
for {
var tag Tag
tag, err = session.readTag()
if err != nil {
func (session *PullSession) dispose(err error) error {
var retErr error
session.disposeOnce.Do(func() {
Log.Infof("[%s] lifecycle dispose httpflv PullSession. err=%+v", session.uniqueKey, err)
if session.conn == nil {
retErr = base.ErrSessionNotStarted
retErr = session.conn.Close()
return retErr