You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright 2019, Chef. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (
package main
import (
// 将本地FLV文件分离成H264/AVC和AAC的ES流文件
// TODO chef 做HEVC的支持
func main() {
_ = nazalog.Init(func(option *nazalog.Option) {
option.AssertBehavior = nazalog.AssertFatal
defer nazalog.Sync()
var err error
flvFileName, aacFileName, avcFileName := parseFlag()
var ffr httpflv.FlvFileReader
err = ffr.Open(flvFileName)
nazalog.Assert(nil, err)
defer ffr.Dispose()
nazalog.Infof("open flv file succ.")
afp, err := os.Create(aacFileName)
nazalog.Assert(nil, err)
defer afp.Close()
nazalog.Infof("open es aac file succ.")
vfp, err := os.Create(avcFileName)
nazalog.Assert(nil, err)
defer vfp.Close()
nazalog.Infof("open es h264 file succ.")
var ascCtx aac.AscContext
for {
tag, err := ffr.ReadTag()
if err == io.EOF {
nazalog.Assert(nil, err)
payload := tag.Payload()
switch tag.Header.Type {
case httpflv.TagTypeAudio:
if payload[1] == 0 {
err = ascCtx.Unpack(payload[2:])
nazalog.Assert(nil, err)
d := ascCtx.PackAdtsHeader(len(payload) - 2)
_, _ = afp.Write(d)
_, _ = afp.Write(payload[2:])
case httpflv.TagTypeVideo:
_ = avc.CaptureAvcc2Annexb(vfp, payload)
func parseFlag() (string, string, string) {
flv := flag.String("i", "", "specify flv file")
a := flag.String("a", "", "specify es aac file")
v := flag.String("v", "", "specify es h264 file")
if *flv == "" || *a == "" || *v == "" {
return *flv, *a, *v