// Copyright 2021, Chef. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/q191201771/lal
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com)
package innertest
import (
// TODO(chef): refactor 有的interface以I开头,有的不是
// TODO(chef): 整理所有Server类型Session的生命周期管理
// -
// - rtmp没有独立的Pub、Sub Session结构体类型,而是直接使用ServerSession
// - write失败,需要反应到loop来
// - rtsp是否也应该上层使用Command作为代理,避免生命周期管理混乱
// server.pub: rtmp(), rtsp
// server.sub: rtmp(), rtsp, flv, ts, 还有一个比较特殊的hls
// client.push: rtmp, rtsp
// client.pull: rtmp, rtsp, flv
// other: rtmp.ClientSession, rtmp.ServerSession
// rtsp.BaseInSession, rtsp.BaseOutSession, rtsp.ClientCommandSession, rtsp.ServerCommandSessionS
// base.HttpSubSession
// ISessionUrlContext 实际测试
// | | 实际url | Url() | AppName, StreamName, RawQuery |
// | - | - | - | - |
// | rtmp pub推流 | rtmp:// | 同实际url | live, test110, |
// | | rtmp:// | 同实际url | a/b, c/d/test110, p1=1&p2=2 |
// | rtsp pub推流 | rtsp://localhost:5544/live/test110 | 同实际url | live, test110, |
// | rtsp pub推流 | rtsp://localhost:5544/a/b/c/d/test110?p1=1&p2=2 | 同实际url | a/b/c/d, test110, p1=1&p2=2 |
// | httpflv sub拉流 | | 同实际url | live, test110, |
// | | | 同实际url | a/b/c/d, test110, p1=1&p2=2 |
// | rtmp sub拉流 | 同rtmp pub | . | . |
// | rtsp sub拉流 | 同rtsp pub | . | . |
// | httpts sub拉流 | 同httpflv sub,只是末尾的.flv换成.ts,不再赘述 | . | . |
// IClientSession: 所有Client Session都满足
var (
_ base.IClientSession = &rtmp.PushSession{}
_ base.IClientSession = &rtmp.PullSession{}
_ base.IClientSession = &rtsp.PushSession{}
_ base.IClientSession = &rtsp.PullSession{}
_ base.IClientSession = &httpflv.PullSession{}
// IServerSession
var (
_ base.IServerSession = &rtmp.ServerSession{}
_ base.IServerSession = &rtsp.PubSession{}
_ base.IServerSession = &rtsp.SubSession{}
_ base.IServerSession = &httpflv.SubSession{}
_ base.IServerSession = &httpts.SubSession{}
// IClientSessionLifecycle: 所有Client Session都满足
var (
// client
_ base.IClientSessionLifecycle = &rtmp.PushSession{}
_ base.IClientSessionLifecycle = &rtmp.PullSession{}
_ base.IClientSessionLifecycle = &rtsp.PushSession{}
_ base.IClientSessionLifecycle = &rtsp.PullSession{}
_ base.IClientSessionLifecycle = &httpflv.PullSession{}
// other
_ base.IClientSessionLifecycle = &rtmp.ClientSession{}
_ base.IClientSessionLifecycle = &rtsp.ClientCommandSession{}
// IServerSessionLifecycle
var (
// server session
_ base.IServerSessionLifecycle = &rtmp.ServerSession{}
_ base.IServerSessionLifecycle = &rtsp.PubSession{}
_ base.IServerSessionLifecycle = &rtsp.SubSession{}
_ base.IServerSessionLifecycle = &httpflv.SubSession{}
_ base.IServerSessionLifecycle = &httpts.SubSession{}
// other
_ base.IServerSessionLifecycle = &base.HttpSubSession{}
_ base.IServerSessionLifecycle = &rtsp.ServerCommandSession{}
// ISessionStat: 所有Session(client/server)都满足
var (
// client
_ base.ISessionStat = &rtmp.PushSession{}
_ base.ISessionStat = &rtsp.PushSession{}
_ base.ISessionStat = &rtmp.PullSession{}
_ base.ISessionStat = &rtsp.PullSession{}
_ base.ISessionStat = &httpflv.PullSession{}
// server session
_ base.ISessionStat = &rtmp.ServerSession{}
_ base.ISessionStat = &rtsp.PubSession{}
_ base.ISessionStat = &rtsp.SubSession{}
_ base.ISessionStat = &httpflv.SubSession{}
_ base.ISessionStat = &httpts.SubSession{}
// other
_ base.ISessionStat = &base.HttpSubSession{}
_ base.ISessionStat = &rtmp.ClientSession{}
_ base.ISessionStat = &rtsp.BaseInSession{}
_ base.ISessionStat = &rtsp.BaseOutSession{}
_ base.ISessionStat = &rtsp.ServerCommandSession{}
// ISessionUrlContext: 所有Session(client/server)都满足
var (
// client
_ base.ISessionUrlContext = &rtmp.PushSession{}
_ base.ISessionUrlContext = &rtsp.PushSession{}
_ base.ISessionUrlContext = &rtmp.PullSession{}
_ base.ISessionUrlContext = &rtsp.PullSession{}
_ base.ISessionUrlContext = &httpflv.PullSession{}
// server session
_ base.ISessionUrlContext = &rtmp.ServerSession{}
_ base.ISessionUrlContext = &rtsp.PubSession{}
_ base.ISessionUrlContext = &rtsp.SubSession{}
_ base.ISessionUrlContext = &httpflv.SubSession{}
_ base.ISessionUrlContext = &httpts.SubSession{}
// other
_ base.ISessionUrlContext = &base.HttpSubSession{}
_ base.ISessionUrlContext = &rtmp.ClientSession{}
_ base.ISessionUrlContext = &rtsp.ClientCommandSession{}
// IObject: 所有Session(client/server)都满足
var (
//// client
_ base.IObject = &rtmp.PushSession{}
_ base.IObject = &rtsp.PushSession{}
_ base.IObject = &rtmp.PullSession{}
_ base.IObject = &rtsp.PullSession{}
_ base.IObject = &httpflv.PullSession{}
// server session
_ base.IObject = &rtmp.ServerSession{}
_ base.IObject = &rtsp.PubSession{}
_ base.IObject = &rtsp.SubSession{}
_ base.IObject = &httpflv.SubSession{}
_ base.IObject = &httpts.SubSession{}
//// other
_ base.IObject = &base.HttpSubSession{}
_ base.IObject = &rtmp.ClientSession{}
_ base.IObject = &rtsp.BaseInSession{}
_ base.IObject = &rtsp.BaseOutSession{}
_ base.IObject = &rtsp.ClientCommandSession{}
_ base.IObject = &rtsp.ServerCommandSession{}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var _ logic.ILalServer = &logic.ServerManager{}
var _ rtmp.ServerObserver = &logic.ServerManager{}
var _ logic.HttpServerHandlerObserver = &logic.ServerManager{}
var _ rtsp.ServerObserver = &logic.ServerManager{}
var _ logic.IGroupCreator = &logic.ServerManager{}
var _ logic.GroupObserver = &logic.ServerManager{}
var _ logic.INotifyHandler = &logic.HttpNotify{}
var _ logic.IGroupManager = &logic.SimpleGroupManager{}
var _ logic.IGroupManager = &logic.ComplexGroupManager{}
var _ rtmp.PubSessionObserver = &logic.Group{} //
var _ rtsp.PullSessionObserver = &logic.Group{}
var _ rtsp.PullSessionObserver = &remux.AvPacket2RtmpRemuxer{}
var _ rtsp.PubSessionObserver = &logic.Group{}
var _ rtsp.PubSessionObserver = &remux.AvPacket2RtmpRemuxer{}
var _ hls.MuxerObserver = &logic.Group{}
var _ rtsp.BaseInSessionObserver = &logic.Group{} //
var _ rtsp.BaseInSessionObserver = &remux.AvPacket2RtmpRemuxer{}
var _ remux.Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxerObserver = &hls.Muxer{}
var _ rtmp.ServerSessionObserver = &rtmp.Server{}
var _ rtmp.IHandshakeClient = &rtmp.HandshakeClientSimple{}
var _ rtmp.IHandshakeClient = &rtmp.HandshakeClientComplex{}
var _ rtsp.ServerCommandSessionObserver = &rtsp.Server{}
var _ rtsp.ClientCommandSessionObserver = &rtsp.PushSession{}
var _ rtsp.ClientCommandSessionObserver = &rtsp.PullSession{}
var _ rtsp.IInterleavedPacketWriter = &rtsp.PushSession{}
var _ rtsp.IInterleavedPacketWriter = &rtsp.PullSession{}
var _ rtsp.IInterleavedPacketWriter = &rtsp.PubSession{}
var _ rtsp.IInterleavedPacketWriter = &rtsp.SubSession{}
var _ rtsp.IInterleavedPacketWriter = &rtsp.ClientCommandSession{}
var _ rtsp.IInterleavedPacketWriter = &rtsp.ServerCommandSession{}