// Copyright 2020, Chef. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/q191201771/lal
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com)
package base
import (
// 见单元测试
// TODO chef: 考虑部分内容移入naza中
var ErrURL = errors.New("lal.url: fxxk")
const (
DefaultRTMPPort = 1935
DefaultHTTPPort = 80
DefaultRTSPPort = 554
type URLPathContext struct {
PathWithRawQuery string
Path string
PathWithoutLastItem string // 注意,没有前面的'/',也没有后面的'/'
LastItemOfPath string // 注意,没有前面的'/'
RawQuery string
type URLContext struct {
Scheme string
Username string
Password string
StdHost string // host or host:port
HostWithPort string
Host string
Port int
PathWithRawQuery string
Path string
PathWithoutLastItem string // 注意,没有前面的'/',也没有后面的'/'
LastItemOfPath string // 注意,没有前面的'/'
RawQuery string
RawURLWithoutUserInfo string
func ParseURLPath(path string) (ctx URLPathContext, err error) {
stdURL, err := url.Parse(path)
if err != nil {
return ctx, err
return parseURLPath(stdURL)
func ParseURL(rawURL string, defaultPort int) (ctx URLContext, err error) {
stdURL, err := url.Parse(rawURL)
if err != nil {
return ctx, err
if stdURL.Scheme == "" {
return ctx, ErrURL
ctx.Scheme = stdURL.Scheme
ctx.StdHost = stdURL.Host
ctx.Username = stdURL.User.Username()
ctx.Password, _ = stdURL.User.Password()
h, p, err := net.SplitHostPort(stdURL.Host)
if err != nil {
// url中端口不存r
ctx.Host = stdURL.Host
if defaultPort == -1 {
ctx.HostWithPort = stdURL.Host
} else {
ctx.HostWithPort = net.JoinHostPort(stdURL.Host, fmt.Sprintf("%d", defaultPort))
ctx.Port = defaultPort
} else {
// 端口存在
ctx.Port, err = strconv.Atoi(p)
if err != nil {
return ctx, err
ctx.Host = h
ctx.HostWithPort = stdURL.Host
pathCtx, err := parseURLPath(stdURL)
if err != nil {
return ctx, err
ctx.PathWithRawQuery = pathCtx.PathWithRawQuery
ctx.Path = pathCtx.Path
ctx.PathWithoutLastItem = pathCtx.PathWithoutLastItem
ctx.LastItemOfPath = pathCtx.LastItemOfPath
ctx.RawQuery = pathCtx.RawQuery
ctx.RawURLWithoutUserInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s%s", ctx.Scheme, ctx.StdHost, ctx.PathWithRawQuery)
return ctx, nil
func ParseRTMPURL(rawURL string) (ctx URLContext, err error) {
ctx, err = ParseURL(rawURL, DefaultRTMPPort)
if err != nil {
if ctx.Scheme != "rtmp" || ctx.Host == "" || ctx.Path == "" {
return ctx, ErrURL
// 注意,使用ffmpeg推流时,会把`rtmp://`中的test110作为appName(streamName则为空)
// 这种其实已不算十分合法的rtmp url了
// 我们这里也处理一下,和ffmpeg保持一致
if ctx.PathWithoutLastItem == "" && ctx.LastItemOfPath != "" {
tmp := ctx.PathWithoutLastItem
ctx.PathWithoutLastItem = ctx.LastItemOfPath
ctx.LastItemOfPath = tmp
func ParseHTTPFLVURL(rawURL string) (ctx URLContext, err error) {
ctx, err = ParseURL(rawURL, DefaultHTTPPort)
if err != nil {
if (ctx.Scheme != "http" && ctx.Scheme != "https") || ctx.Host == "" || ctx.Path == "" || !strings.HasSuffix(ctx.LastItemOfPath, ".flv") {
return ctx, ErrURL
func ParseRTSPURL(rawURL string) (ctx URLContext, err error) {
ctx, err = ParseURL(rawURL, DefaultRTSPPort)
if err != nil {
if ctx.Scheme != "rtsp" || ctx.Host == "" || ctx.Path == "" {
return ctx, ErrURL
func parseURLPath(stdURL *url.URL) (ctx URLPathContext, err error) {
ctx.Path = stdURL.Path
index := strings.LastIndexByte(ctx.Path, '/')
if index == -1 {
ctx.PathWithoutLastItem = ""
ctx.LastItemOfPath = ""
} else if index == 0 {
if ctx.Path == "/" {
ctx.PathWithoutLastItem = ""
ctx.LastItemOfPath = ""
} else {
ctx.PathWithoutLastItem = ""
ctx.LastItemOfPath = ctx.Path[1:]
} else {
ctx.PathWithoutLastItem = ctx.Path[1:index]
ctx.LastItemOfPath = ctx.Path[index+1:]
ctx.RawQuery = stdURL.RawQuery
if ctx.RawQuery == "" {
ctx.PathWithRawQuery = ctx.Path
} else {
ctx.PathWithRawQuery = fmt.Sprintf("%s?%s", ctx.Path, ctx.RawQuery)
return ctx, nil