// Copyright 2022, Chef. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/q191201771/lal
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com)
package gb28181
import (
// TODO(chef): gb28181 package处于开发中阶段,请不使用
type onAudioFn func(payload []byte, dts int64, pts int64)
type onVideoFn func(payload []byte, dts int64, pts int64)
type IPsUnpackerObserver interface {
OnAudio(payload []byte, dts int64, pts int64)
// OnVideo
// @param payload: annexb格式
OnVideo(payload []byte, dts int64, pts int64)
// PsUnpacker 解析ps(Progream Stream)流
type PsUnpacker struct {
buf *nazabytes.Buffer
videoStreamType byte
audioStreamType byte
preVideoPts int64
preAudioPts int64
preVideoDts int64
preAudioDts int64
preVideoRtpts int64
preAudioRtpts int64
videoBuf []byte
audioBuf []byte
onAudio onAudioFn
onVideo onVideoFn
func NewPsUnpacker() *PsUnpacker {
return &PsUnpacker{
buf: nazabytes.NewBuffer(psBufInitSize),
preVideoPts: -1,
preAudioPts: -1,
preVideoRtpts: -1,
preAudioRtpts: -1,
func (p *PsUnpacker) WithObserver(obs IPsUnpackerObserver) *PsUnpacker {
p.onAudio = obs.OnAudio
p.onVideo = obs.OnVideo
return p
func (p *PsUnpacker) WithCallbackFunc(onAudio onAudioFn, onVideo onVideoFn) *PsUnpacker {
p.onAudio = onAudio
p.onVideo = onVideo
return p
func (p *PsUnpacker) VideoStreamType() byte {
return p.videoStreamType
func (p *PsUnpacker) AudioStreamType() byte {
return p.audioStreamType
// FeedRtpPacket
// @param rtpPacket: rtp包,注意,包含rtp包头部分
func (p *PsUnpacker) FeedRtpPacket(rtpPacket []byte, rtpts uint32) {
nazalog.Debugf("> FeedRtpPacket. len=%d", len(rtpPacket))
// skip rtp header
p.FeedRtpBody(rtpPacket[12:], rtpts)
//pes 没有pts时使用外部传入,rtpBody 需要传入两个ps header之间的数据
func (p *PsUnpacker) FeedRtpBody(rtpBody []byte, rtpts uint32) {
// ISO/IEC iso13818-1
// 2.5 Program Stream bitstream requirements
// Pack layer of Program Stream
// Table 2-33 - Program Stream pack header
// System header
// Table 2-32 - Program Stream system header
// 2.5.4 Program Stream map
// Table 2-35 - Program Stream map
// TODO(chef): [fix] 有些没做有效长度判断
for p.buf.Len() != 0 {
rb := p.buf.Bytes()
i := 0
code := bele.BeUint32(rb[i:])
i += 4
switch code {
case psPackStartCodePackHeader:
nazalog.Debugf("-----pack header-----")
// skip system clock reference(SCR)
// skip PES program mux rate
i += 6 + 3
if len(rb) <= i {
// skip stuffing
l := int(rb[i] & 0x7)
i += 1 + l
case psPackStartCodeSystemHeader:
nazalog.Debugf("-----system header-----")
// skip
p.SkipPackStreamBody(rb, i)
case psPackStartCodeProgramStreamMap:
nazalog.Debugf("-----program stream map-----")
if len(rb[i:]) < 6 {
// skip program_stream_map_length
// skip current_next_indicator
// skip reserved
// skip program_stream_map_version
// skip reverved
// skip marked_bit
i += 4 // 2 + 1 + 1
// program_stream_info_length
l := int(bele.BeUint16(rb[i:]))
i += 2
if len(rb[i:]) < l+2 {
i += l
// elementary_stream_map_length
esml := int(bele.BeUint16(rb[i:]))
nazalog.Debugf("l=%d, esml=%d", l, esml)
i += 2
if len(rb[i:]) < esml+4 {
for esml > 0 {
streamType := rb[i]
i += 1
streamId := rb[i]
i += 1
// elementary_stream_info_length
if streamId >= 0xe0 && streamId <= 0xef {
p.videoStreamType = streamType
} else if streamId >= 0xc0 && streamId <= 0xdf {
p.audioStreamType = streamType
esil := int(bele.BeUint16(rb[i:]))
nazalog.Debugf("streamType=%d, streamId=%d, esil=%d", streamType, streamId, esil)
i += 2 + esil
esml = esml - 4 - esil
// skip
i += 4
nazalog.Debugf("CHEFERASEME i=%d, esml=%d, %s", i, esml, hex.Dump(nazabytes.Prefix(p.buf.Bytes(), 128)))
case psPackStartCodeAudioStream:
case psPackStartCodeVideoStream:
//nazalog.Debugf("-----video stream-----")
length := int(bele.BeUint16(rb[i:]))
i += 2
//nazalog.Debugf("CHEFERASEME %d %d %d", p.buf.Len(), len(rtpBody), length)
if len(rb)-i < length {
ptsDtsFlag := rb[i+1] >> 6
phdl := int(rb[i+2])
i += 3
var pts int64 = -1
var dts int64 = -1
j := 0
if ptsDtsFlag&0x2 != 0 {
_, pts = readPts(rb[i:])
j += 5
if ptsDtsFlag&0x1 != 0 {
_, dts = readPts(rtpBody[i+j:])
} else {
dts = pts
i += phdl
if code == psPackStartCodeAudioStream {
if p.audioStreamType == StreamTypeAAC {
nazalog.Debugf("audio code=%d, length=%d, ptsDtsFlag=%d, phdl=%d, pts=%d, dts=%d,type=%d", code, length, ptsDtsFlag, phdl, pts, dts, p.audioStreamType)
if pts == -1 {
if p.preAudioPts == -1 {
if p.preAudioRtpts == -1 {
// 整个流的第一帧,啥也不干
} else {
// 整个流没有pts字段,退化成使用rtpts
if p.preAudioRtpts != int64(rtpts) {
// 使用rtp的时间戳回调,但是,并不用rtp的时间戳更新pts
if p.onAudio != nil {
p.onAudio(p.audioBuf, p.preAudioDts, p.preAudioPts)
p.audioBuf = nil
} else {
// 同一帧,啥也不干
} else {
// 同一帧,啥也不干
pts = p.preAudioPts
} else {
if pts != p.preAudioPts && p.preAudioPts >= 0 {
if p.onAudio != nil {
p.onAudio(p.audioBuf, p.preAudioDts, p.preAudioPts)
p.audioBuf = nil
} else {
// 同一帧,啥也不干
p.audioBuf = append(p.audioBuf, rb[i:i+length-3-phdl]...)
p.preAudioRtpts = int64(rtpts)
p.preAudioPts = pts
p.preAudioDts = dts
} else {
if pts == -1 {
if p.preVideoPts == -1 {
if p.preVideoRtpts == -1 {
// 整个流的第一帧,啥也不干
} else {
// 整个流没有pts字段,退化成使用rtpts
if p.preVideoRtpts != int64(rtpts) {
// 使用rtp的时间戳回调,但是,并不用rtp的时间戳更新pts
p.iterateNaluByStartCode(code, p.preVideoRtpts, p.preVideoRtpts)
p.videoBuf = nil
} else {
// 同一帧,啥也不干
} else {
// 同一帧,啥也不干
pts = p.preVideoPts
} else {
if pts != p.preVideoPts && p.preVideoPts >= 0 {
p.iterateNaluByStartCode(code, p.preVideoPts, p.preVideoPts)
p.videoBuf = nil
} else {
// 同一帧,啥也不干
p.videoBuf = append(p.videoBuf, rb[i:i+length-3-phdl]...)
p.preVideoRtpts = int64(rtpts)
p.preVideoPts = pts
p.preVideoDts = dts
p.buf.Skip(6 + length)
case psPackStartCodePesPrivate2:
case psPackStartCodePesEcm:
case psPackStartCodePesEmm:
case psPackStartCodePesPadding:
case psPackStartCodePackEnd:
case psPackStartCodeHikStream:
case psPackStartCodePesPsd:
nazalog.Errorf("default %s", hex.Dump(nazabytes.Prefix(rb[i-4:], 32)))
p.SkipPackStreamBody(rb, i)
func (p *PsUnpacker) SkipPackStreamBody(rb []byte, indexId int) {
if len(rb[:]) < indexId+2 {
l := int(bele.BeUint16(rb[indexId:]))
if len(rb[:]) < indexId+2+l {
p.buf.Skip(indexId + 2 + l)
func (p *PsUnpacker) iterateNaluByStartCode(code uint32, pts, dts int64) {
leading, preLeading, startPos := 0, 0, 0
startPos, preLeading = avc.IterateNaluStartCode(p.videoBuf, 0)
if startPos >= 0 {
nextPos := startPos
nalu := p.videoBuf[:0]
for startPos >= 0 {
nextPos, leading = avc.IterateNaluStartCode(p.videoBuf, startPos+preLeading)
if nextPos >= 0 {
nalu = p.videoBuf[startPos:nextPos]
} else {
nalu = p.videoBuf[startPos:]
startPos = nextPos
if p.videoStreamType == StreamTypeH265 {
nazalog.Errorf("Video code=%d, length=%d,pts=%d, dts=%d, type=%s", code, len(nalu), pts, dts, hevc.ParseNaluTypeReadable(nalu[preLeading]))
} else {
nazalog.Errorf("Video code=%d, length=%d,pts=%d, dts=%d, type=%s", code, len(nalu), pts, dts, avc.ParseNaluTypeReadable(nalu[preLeading]))
if p.onVideo != nil {
p.onVideo(nalu, dts, pts)
if nextPos >= 0 {
preLeading = leading
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO(chef): [refactor] 以下代码拷贝来自package mpegts,重复了
// Pes -----------------------------------------------------------
// <iso13818-1.pdf>
// < PES packet> <page 49/174>
// <Table E.1 - PES packet header example> <page 142/174>
// <F.0.2 PES packet> <page 144/174>
// packet_start_code_prefix [24b] *** always 0x00, 0x00, 0x01
// stream_id [8b] *
// PES_packet_length [16b] **
// '10' [2b]
// PES_scrambling_control [2b]
// PES_priority [1b]
// data_alignment_indicator [1b]
// copyright [1b]
// original_or_copy [1b] *
// PTS_DTS_flags [2b]
// ESCR_flag [1b]
// ES_rate_flag [1b]
// DSM_trick_mode_flag [1b]
// additional_copy_info_flag [1b]
// PES_CRC_flag [1b]
// PES_extension_flag [1b] *
// PES_header_data_length [8b] *
// -----------------------------------------------------------
type Pes struct {
pscp uint32
sid uint8
ppl uint16
pad1 uint8
ptsDtsFlag uint8
pad2 uint8
phdl uint8
pts int64
dts int64
func ParsePes(b []byte) (pes Pes, length int) {
br := nazabits.NewBitReader(b)
//pes.pscp, _ = br.ReadBits32(24)
//pes.sid, _ = br.ReadBits8(8)
//pes.ppl, _ = br.ReadBits16(16)
pes.pad1, _ = br.ReadBits8(8)
pes.ptsDtsFlag, _ = br.ReadBits8(2)
pes.pad2, _ = br.ReadBits8(6)
pes.phdl, _ = br.ReadBits8(8)
_, _ = br.ReadBytes(uint(pes.phdl))
length = 9 + int(pes.phdl)
// 处理得不是特别标准
if pes.ptsDtsFlag&0x2 != 0 {
_, pes.pts = readPts(b[9:])
if pes.ptsDtsFlag&0x1 != 0 {
_, pes.dts = readPts(b[14:])
} else {
pes.dts = pes.pts
//pes.pts = (pes.pts - delay) / 90
//pes.dts = (pes.dts - delay) / 90
// read pts or dts
func readPts(b []byte) (fb uint8, pts int64) {
fb = b[0] >> 4
pts |= int64((b[0]>>1)&0x07) << 30
pts |= (int64(b[1])<<8 | int64(b[2])) >> 1 << 15
pts |= (int64(b[3])<<8 | int64(b[4])) >> 1