// Copyright 2024, Chef. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/q191201771/lal
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com)
package main
import (
func kickSession(serverId, streamName, sessionId string) {
reqServer, exist := config.ServerId2Server[serverId]
if !exist {
nazalog.Errorf("[%s] req server id invalid.", serverId)
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/api/ctrl/kick_session", reqServer.ApiAddr)
var b base.ApiCtrlKickSessionReq
b.StreamName = streamName
b.SessionId = sessionId
nazalog.Infof("[%s] kickSession. send to %s with %+v", serverId, reqServer.ApiAddr, b)
if _, err := nazahttp.PostJson(url, b, nil); err != nil {
nazalog.Errorf("[%s] post json error. err=%+v", serverId, err)
func addIpBlacklist(serverId, ip string, durationSec int) {
reqServer, exist := config.ServerId2Server[serverId]
if !exist {
nazalog.Errorf("[%s] req server id invalid.", serverId)
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/api/ctrl/add_ip_blacklist", reqServer.ApiAddr)
var b base.ApiCtrlAddIpBlacklistReq
b.Ip = ip
b.DurationSec = durationSec
nazalog.Infof("[%s] addIpBlacklist. send to %s with %+v", serverId, reqServer.ApiAddr, b)
if _, err := nazahttp.PostJson(url, b, nil); err != nil {
nazalog.Errorf("[%s] post json error. err=%+v", serverId, err)
func startRelayPull(reqId, reqApiAddr, pubRtmpAddr, appName, streamName string) {
// TODO(chef): 还没有测试新的接口start_relay_pull,只是保证可以编译通过
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/api/ctrl/start_relay_pull", reqApiAddr)
var b base.ApiCtrlStartRelayPullReq
b.Url = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s/%s/%s?%s", "rtmp", pubRtmpAddr, appName, streamName, config.PullSecretParam)
//b.Protocol = base.ProtocolRtmp
//b.Addr = pubServer.RtmpAddr
//b.AppName = info.AppName
//b.StreamName = info.StreamName
//b.UrlParam = config.PullSecretParam
nazalog.Infof("[%s] startRelayPull. send to %s with %+v", reqId, reqApiAddr, b)
if _, err := nazahttp.PostJson(url, b, nil); err != nil {
nazalog.Errorf("[%s] post json error. err=%+v", reqId, err)