// Copyright 2020, Chef. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/q191201771/lal
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com)
package logic
import (
type HttpApiServer struct {
addr string
sm *ServerManager
ln net.Listener
func NewHttpApiServer(addr string, sm *ServerManager) *HttpApiServer {
return &HttpApiServer{
addr: addr,
sm: sm,
func (h *HttpApiServer) Listen() (err error) {
if h.ln, err = net.Listen("tcp", h.addr); err != nil {
Log.Infof("start httpapi server listen. addr=%s", h.addr)
func (h *HttpApiServer) RunLoop() error {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/api/list", h.apiListHandler)
mux.HandleFunc("/api/stat/lal_info", h.statLalInfoHandler)
mux.HandleFunc("/api/stat/group", h.statGroupHandler)
mux.HandleFunc("/api/stat/all_group", h.statAllGroupHandler)
mux.HandleFunc("/api/ctrl/start_pull", h.ctrlStartPullHandler)
mux.HandleFunc("/api/ctrl/kick_out_session", h.ctrlKickOutSessionHandler)
var srv http.Server
srv.Handler = mux
return srv.Serve(h.ln)
// TODO chef: dispose
func (h *HttpApiServer) statLalInfoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
var v base.ApiStatLalInfo
v.ErrorCode = base.ErrorCodeSucc
v.Desp = base.DespSucc
v.Data = h.sm.StatLalInfo()
feedback(v, w)
func (h *HttpApiServer) statAllGroupHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
var v base.ApiStatAllGroup
v.ErrorCode = base.ErrorCodeSucc
v.Desp = base.DespSucc
v.Data.Groups = h.sm.StatAllGroup()
feedback(v, w)
func (h *HttpApiServer) statGroupHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
var v base.ApiStatGroup
q := req.URL.Query()
streamName := q.Get("stream_name")
if streamName == "" {
v.ErrorCode = base.ErrorCodeParamMissing
v.Desp = base.DespParamMissing
feedback(v, w)
v.Data = h.sm.StatGroup(streamName)
if v.Data == nil {
v.ErrorCode = base.ErrorCodeGroupNotFound
v.Desp = base.DespGroupNotFound
feedback(v, w)
v.ErrorCode = base.ErrorCodeSucc
v.Desp = base.DespSucc
feedback(v, w)
func (h *HttpApiServer) ctrlStartPullHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
var v base.HttpResponseBasic
var info base.ApiCtrlStartPullReq
err := nazahttp.UnmarshalRequestJsonBody(req, &info, "protocol", "addr", "app_name", "stream_name")
if err != nil {
Log.Warnf("http api start pull error. err=%+v", err)
v.ErrorCode = base.ErrorCodeParamMissing
v.Desp = base.DespParamMissing
feedback(v, w)
Log.Infof("http api start pull. req info=%+v", info)
v.ErrorCode = base.ErrorCodeSucc
v.Desp = base.DespSucc
feedback(v, w)
func (h *HttpApiServer) ctrlKickOutSessionHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
var v base.HttpResponseBasic
var info base.ApiCtrlKickOutSession
err := nazahttp.UnmarshalRequestJsonBody(req, &info, "stream_name", "session_id")
if err != nil {
Log.Warnf("http api kick out session error. err=%+v", err)
v.ErrorCode = base.ErrorCodeParamMissing
v.Desp = base.DespParamMissing
feedback(v, w)
Log.Infof("http api kick out session. req info=%+v", info)
resp := h.sm.CtrlKickOutSession(info)
feedback(resp, w)
func (h *HttpApiServer) apiListHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// TODO chef: 写完api list页面
b := []byte(`
<head><title>lal http api list</title></head>
<li><a href="/api/list">/api/list</a></li>
<li><a href="/api/stat/group?stream_name=test110">/api/stat/group?stream_name=test110</a></li>
<li><a href="/api/stat/all_group">/api/stat/all_group</a></li>
<li><a href="/api/stat/lal_info">/api/stat/lal_info</a></li>
<li><a href="/api/ctrl/start_pull?protocol=rtmp&addr=">/api/ctrl/start_pull?protocol=rtmp&addr=</a></li>
<li><a href="https://pengrl.com/p/20100/">lal http api接口说明文档</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/q191201771/lal">lal github地址</a></li>
w.Header().Add("Server", base.LalHttpApiServer)
_, _ = w.Write(b)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func feedback(v interface{}, w http.ResponseWriter) {
resp, _ := json.Marshal(v)
w.Header().Add("Server", base.LalHttpApiServer)
_, _ = w.Write(resp)