// Copyright 2020, Chef. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/q191201771/lal
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com)
package rtmp
import (
// TODO chef: 见ServerSession::doDataMessageAMF0
func ParseMetadata(b []byte) (ObjectPairArray, error) {
_, l, err := AMF0.ReadString(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opa, _, err := AMF0.ReadObjectOrArray(b[l:])
return opa, err
// spec-video_file_format_spec_v10.pdf
// onMetaData
// - duration DOUBLE, seconds
// - width DOUBLE
// - height DOUBLE
// - videodatarate DOUBLE
// - framerate DOUBLE
// - videocodecid DOUBLE
// - audiosamplerate DOUBLE
// - audiosamplesize DOUBLE
// - stereo BOOL
// - audiocodecid DOUBLE
// - filesize DOUBLE, bytes
// 目前包含的字段:
// - width
// - height
// - audiocodecid
// - videocodecid
// - version
// @param width 如果为-1,则metadata中不写入该字段
// @param height 如果为-1,则metadata中不写入该字段
// @param audiocodecid 如果为-1,则metadata中不写入该字段
// AAC 10
// @param videocodecid 如果为-1,则metadata中不写入该字段
// H264 7
// H265 12
// @return 返回的内存块为新申请的独立内存块
func BuildMetadata(width int, height int, audiocodecid int, videocodecid int) ([]byte, error) {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
if err := AMF0.WriteString(buf, "onMetaData"); err != nil {
return nil, err
var opa ObjectPairArray
if width != -1 {
opa = append(opa, ObjectPair{
Key: "width",
Value: width,
if height != -1 {
opa = append(opa, ObjectPair{
Key: "height",
Value: height,
if audiocodecid != -1 {
opa = append(opa, ObjectPair{
Key: "audiocodecid",
Value: audiocodecid,
if videocodecid != -1 {
opa = append(opa, ObjectPair{
Key: "videocodecid",
Value: videocodecid,
opa = append(opa, ObjectPair{
Key: "version",
Value: base.LALRTMPBuildMetadataEncoder,
if err := AMF0.WriteObject(buf, opa); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil