// Copyright 2020, Chef. All rights reserved. // https://github.com/q191201771/lal // // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license // that can be found in the License file. // // Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com) package base const ( // spec-rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf // 7.1. Types of Messages RtmpTypeIdAudio uint8 = 8 RtmpTypeIdVideo uint8 = 9 RtmpTypeIdMetadata uint8 = 18 // RtmpTypeIdDataMessageAmf0 RtmpTypeIdSetChunkSize uint8 = 1 RtmpTypeIdAck uint8 = 3 RtmpTypeIdUserControl uint8 = 4 RtmpTypeIdWinAckSize uint8 = 5 RtmpTypeIdBandwidth uint8 = 6 RtmpTypeIdCommandMessageAmf3 uint8 = 17 RtmpTypeIdCommandMessageAmf0 uint8 = 20 RtmpTypeIdAggregateMessage uint8 = 22 // user control message type RtmpUserControlStreamBegin uint8 = 0 RtmpUserControlRecorded uint8 = 4 RtmpUserControlPingRequest uint8 = 6 RtmpUserControlPingResponse uint8 = 7 // spec-video_file_format_spec_v10.pdf // Video tags // VIDEODATA // FrameType UB[4] // CodecId UB[4] // AVCVIDEOPACKET // AVCPacketType UI8 // CompositionTime SI24 // Data UI8[n] RtmpFrameTypeKey uint8 = 1 RtmpFrameTypeInter uint8 = 2 RtmpCodecIdAvc uint8 = 7 RtmpCodecIdHevc uint8 = 12 // RtmpAvcPacketTypeSeqHeader RtmpAvcPacketTypeNalu RtmpHevcPacketTypeSeqHeader RtmpHevcPacketTypeNalu // 注意,按照标准文档上描述,PacketType还有可能为2: // 2: AVC end of sequence (lower level NALU sequence ender is not required or supported) // // 我自己遇到过在流结尾时,对端发送 27 02 00 00 00的情况(比如我们的使用wontcry.flv的单元测试,最后一个包) // RtmpAvcPacketTypeSeqHeader uint8 = 0 RtmpAvcPacketTypeNalu uint8 = 1 RtmpHevcPacketTypeSeqHeader = RtmpAvcPacketTypeSeqHeader RtmpHevcPacketTypeNalu = RtmpAvcPacketTypeNalu RtmpAvcKeyFrame = RtmpFrameTypeKey<<4 | RtmpCodecIdAvc RtmpHevcKeyFrame = RtmpFrameTypeKey<<4 | RtmpCodecIdHevc RtmpAvcInterFrame = RtmpFrameTypeInter<<4 | RtmpCodecIdAvc RtmpHevcInterFrame = RtmpFrameTypeInter<<4 | RtmpCodecIdHevc // spec-video_file_format_spec_v10.pdf // Audio tags // AUDIODATA // SoundFormat UB[4] // SoundRate UB[2] // SoundSize UB[1] // SoundType UB[1] // AACAUDIODATA // AACPacketType UI8 // Data UI8[n] RtmpSoundFormatAac uint8 = 10 // 注意,视频的CodecId是后4位,音频是前4位 RtmpAacPacketTypeSeqHeader = 0 RtmpAacPacketTypeRaw = 1 ) type RtmpHeader struct { Csid int MsgLen uint32 // 不包含header的大小 MsgTypeId uint8 // 8 audio 9 video 18 metadata MsgStreamId int TimestampAbs uint32 // 经过计算得到的流上的绝对时间戳,单位毫秒 } type RtmpMsg struct { Header RtmpHeader Payload []byte // Payload不包含Header内容。如果需要将RtmpMsg序列化成RTMP chunk,可调用rtmp.ChunkDivider相关的函数 } func (msg RtmpMsg) IsAvcKeySeqHeader() bool { return msg.Header.MsgTypeId == RtmpTypeIdVideo && msg.Payload[0] == RtmpAvcKeyFrame && msg.Payload[1] == RtmpAvcPacketTypeSeqHeader } func (msg RtmpMsg) IsHevcKeySeqHeader() bool { return msg.Header.MsgTypeId == RtmpTypeIdVideo && msg.Payload[0] == RtmpHevcKeyFrame && msg.Payload[1] == RtmpHevcPacketTypeSeqHeader } func (msg RtmpMsg) IsVideoKeySeqHeader() bool { return msg.IsAvcKeySeqHeader() || msg.IsHevcKeySeqHeader() } func (msg RtmpMsg) IsAvcKeyNalu() bool { return msg.Header.MsgTypeId == RtmpTypeIdVideo && msg.Payload[0] == RtmpAvcKeyFrame && msg.Payload[1] == RtmpAvcPacketTypeNalu } func (msg RtmpMsg) IsHevcKeyNalu() bool { return msg.Header.MsgTypeId == RtmpTypeIdVideo && msg.Payload[0] == RtmpHevcKeyFrame && msg.Payload[1] == RtmpHevcPacketTypeNalu } func (msg RtmpMsg) IsVideoKeyNalu() bool { return msg.IsAvcKeyNalu() || msg.IsHevcKeyNalu() } func (msg RtmpMsg) IsAacSeqHeader() bool { return msg.Header.MsgTypeId == RtmpTypeIdAudio && (msg.Payload[0]>>4) == RtmpSoundFormatAac && msg.Payload[1] == RtmpAacPacketTypeSeqHeader } func (msg RtmpMsg) Clone() (ret RtmpMsg) { ret.Header = msg.Header ret.Payload = make([]byte, len(msg.Payload)) copy(ret.Payload, msg.Payload) return }