// Copyright 2022, Chef. All rights reserved. // https://github.com/q191201771/lal // // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license // that can be found in the License file. // // Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com) package logic import ( "github.com/q191201771/lal/pkg/rtmp" "github.com/q191201771/naza/pkg/nazalog" "net" "github.com/q191201771/lal/pkg/mpegts" "github.com/q191201771/lal/pkg/avc" "github.com/q191201771/lal/pkg/base" "github.com/q191201771/lal/pkg/hevc" "github.com/q191201771/lal/pkg/remux" "github.com/q191201771/lal/pkg/rtprtcp" "github.com/q191201771/lal/pkg/sdp" ) // group__streaming.go // // 包含group中音视频数据转发、转封装协议的逻辑 // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnReadRtmpAvMsg // // 输入rtmp数据. // 来自 rtmp.ServerSession(Pub), rtmp.PullSession, CustomizePubSessionContext(remux.AvPacket2RtmpRemuxer), (remux.DummyAudioFilter) 的回调. // func (group *Group) OnReadRtmpAvMsg(msg base.RtmpMsg) { group.mutex.Lock() defer group.mutex.Unlock() group.broadcastByRtmpMsg(msg) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnSdp OnRtpPacket OnAvPacket // // 输入rtsp(rtp)和rtp合帧之后的数据. // 来自 rtsp.PubSession 的回调. // func (group *Group) OnSdp(sdpCtx sdp.LogicContext) { group.mutex.Lock() defer group.mutex.Unlock() group.sdpCtx = &sdpCtx group.feedWaitRtspSubSessions() if group.rtsp2RtmpRemuxer != nil { group.rtsp2RtmpRemuxer.OnSdp(sdpCtx) } } // OnRtpPacket ... func (group *Group) OnRtpPacket(pkt rtprtcp.RtpPacket) { group.mutex.Lock() defer group.mutex.Unlock() group.feedRtpPacket(pkt) } // OnAvPacket ... func (group *Group) OnAvPacket(pkt base.AvPacket) { group.mutex.Lock() defer group.mutex.Unlock() // 注意,由于rtsp pub的tcp命令连接和udp接收数据连接是并行的, // 可能发生rtsp pub已经回调告知结束,数据依然回调的现象, // 出于性能考虑,底层不判断,由上层按需判断 if group.rtsp2RtmpRemuxer != nil { group.rtsp2RtmpRemuxer.OnAvPacket(pkt) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnAvPacketFromPsPubSession // // 来自 gb28181.PubSession 的回调. // func (group *Group) OnAvPacketFromPsPubSession(pkt *base.AvPacket) { // TODO(chef): [refactor] 统一所有回调,AvPacket和*AvPacket 202208 group.mutex.Lock() defer group.mutex.Unlock() //Log.Debugf("Group::OnAvPacketFromPsPubSession. pkt=%s", pkt.DebugString()) if group.rtsp2RtmpRemuxer != nil { group.rtsp2RtmpRemuxer.OnAvPacket(*pkt) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnPatPmt OnTsPackets // // 输入mpegts数据. // 来自 remux.Rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer 的回调. // func (group *Group) OnPatPmt(b []byte) { group.patpmt = b if group.hlsMuxer != nil { group.hlsMuxer.FeedPatPmt(b) } if group.recordMpegts != nil { if err := group.recordMpegts.Write(b); err != nil { Log.Errorf("[%s] record mpegts write fragment header error. err=%+v", group.UniqueKey, err) } } } // OnTsPackets ... func (group *Group) OnTsPackets(tsPackets []byte, frame *mpegts.Frame, boundary bool) { group.feedTsPackets(tsPackets, frame, boundary) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // onRtmpMsgFromRemux // // 输入rtmp数据. // 来自 remux.AvPacket2RtmpRemuxer 的回调. // func (group *Group) onRtmpMsgFromRemux(msg base.RtmpMsg) { group.broadcastByRtmpMsg(msg) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // onSdpFromRemux onRtpPacketFromRemux // // 输入rtsp(rtp)数据. // 来自 remux.Rtmp2RtspRemuxer 的回调. // func (group *Group) onSdpFromRemux(sdpCtx sdp.LogicContext) { group.sdpCtx = &sdpCtx group.feedWaitRtspSubSessions() } // onRtpPacketFromRemux ... func (group *Group) onRtpPacketFromRemux(pkt rtprtcp.RtpPacket) { group.feedRtpPacket(pkt) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnFragmentOpen // // 来自 hls.Muxer 的回调 // func (group *Group) OnFragmentOpen() { group.rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer.FlushAudio() } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // broadcastByRtmpMsg // // 使用rtmp类型的数据做为输入,广播给各协议的输出 // // @param msg 调用结束后,内部不持有msg.Payload内存块 // func (group *Group) broadcastByRtmpMsg(msg base.RtmpMsg) { //Log.Debugf("> broadcastByRtmpMsg. %s", msg.DebugString()) if msg.Header.MsgLen != uint32(len(msg.Payload)) { Log.Errorf("[%s] diff. msgLen=%d, payload len=%d, %+v", group.UniqueKey, msg.Header.MsgLen, len(msg.Payload), msg.Header) } if msg.Header.MsgTypeId == base.RtmpTypeIdMetadata { m, err := rtmp.ParseMetadata(msg.Payload) nazalog.Debugf("[%s] metadata. err=%+v, len=%d, value=%s", group.UniqueKey, err, len(m), m.DebugString()) } var ( lazyRtmpChunkDivider remux.LazyRtmpChunkDivider lazyRtmpMsg2FlvTag remux.LazyRtmpMsg2FlvTag ) // 设置好用于发送的 rtmp 头部信息 lazyRtmpChunkDivider.Init(msg) lazyRtmpMsg2FlvTag.Init(msg) // # 数据有效性检查 if len(msg.Payload) == 0 { Log.Warnf("[%s] msg payload length is 0. %+v", group.UniqueKey, msg.Header) return } // TODO(chef): 暂时不打开,因为过滤掉了innertest中rtmp和flv的输出和输入就不完全相同了 //if msg.Header.MsgTypeId == base.RtmpTypeIdAudio { // if len(msg.Payload) <= 2 { // // 注意,ffmpeg有时会发送这几种空数据,这种情况我们直接返回,不打印日志 // if bytes.Equal(msg.Payload, []byte{0xaf, 0x0}) { // // noop // return // } // Log.Errorf("[%s] invalid rtmp audio message. header=%+v, payload=%s", // group.UniqueKey, msg.Header, hex.Dump(msg.Payload)) // return // } //} else if msg.Header.MsgTypeId == base.RtmpTypeIdVideo { // if len(msg.Payload) <= 5 { // if bytes.Equal(msg.Payload, []byte{0x27, 0x02, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) || // bytes.Equal(msg.Payload, []byte{0x17, 0x02, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}) { // // noop // return // } // Log.Errorf("[%s] invalid rtmp video message. header=%+v, payload=%s", // group.UniqueKey, msg.Header, hex.Dump(msg.Payload)) // return // } //} // # mpegts remuxer if group.rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer != nil { group.rtmp2MpegtsRemuxer.FeedRtmpMessage(msg) } // # rtsp if group.rtmp2RtspRemuxer != nil { group.rtmp2RtspRemuxer.FeedRtmpMsg(msg) } // # 广播。遍历所有 rtmp sub session,转发数据 // ## 如果是新的 sub session,发送已缓存的信息 for session := range group.rtmpSubSessionSet { if session.IsFresh { // TODO chef: 头信息和full gop也可以在SubSession刚加入时发送 if group.rtmpGopCache.MetadataEnsureWithoutSetDataFrame != nil { Log.Debugf("[%s] [%s] write metadata", group.UniqueKey, session.UniqueKey()) _ = session.Write(group.rtmpGopCache.MetadataEnsureWithoutSetDataFrame) } if group.rtmpGopCache.VideoSeqHeader != nil { Log.Debugf("[%s] [%s] write vsh", group.UniqueKey, session.UniqueKey()) _ = session.Write(group.rtmpGopCache.VideoSeqHeader) } if group.rtmpGopCache.AacSeqHeader != nil { Log.Debugf("[%s] [%s] write ash", group.UniqueKey, session.UniqueKey()) _ = session.Write(group.rtmpGopCache.AacSeqHeader) } gopCount := group.rtmpGopCache.GetGopCount() if gopCount > 0 { // GOP缓存中肯定包含了关键帧 session.ShouldWaitVideoKeyFrame = false Log.Debugf("[%s] [%s] write gop cache. gop num=%d", group.UniqueKey, session.UniqueKey(), gopCount) } for i := 0; i < gopCount; i++ { for _, item := range group.rtmpGopCache.GetGopDataAt(i) { _ = session.Write(item) } } // 有新加入的sub session(本次循环的第一个新加入的sub session),把rtmp buf writer中的缓存数据全部广播发送给老的sub session // 从而确保新加入的sub session不会发送这部分脏的数据 // 注意,此处可能被调用多次,但是只有第一次会实际flush缓存数据 if group.rtmpMergeWriter != nil { group.rtmpMergeWriter.Flush() } session.IsFresh = false } if session.ShouldWaitVideoKeyFrame && msg.IsVideoKeyNalu() { // 有sub session在等待关键帧,并且当前是关键帧 // 把rtmp buf writer中的缓存数据全部广播发送给老的sub session // 并且修改这个sub session的标志 // 让rtmp buf writer来发送这个关键帧 if group.rtmpMergeWriter != nil { group.rtmpMergeWriter.Flush() } session.ShouldWaitVideoKeyFrame = false } } // for loop iterate rtmpSubSessionSet // ## 转发本次数据 if len(group.rtmpSubSessionSet) > 0 { if group.rtmpMergeWriter == nil { group.write2RtmpSubSessions(lazyRtmpChunkDivider.GetEnsureWithoutSdf()) } else { group.rtmpMergeWriter.Write(lazyRtmpChunkDivider.GetEnsureWithoutSdf()) } } // TODO chef: rtmp sub, rtmp push, httpflv sub 的发送逻辑都差不多,可以考虑封装一下 if group.pushEnable { for _, v := range group.url2PushProxy { if v.pushSession == nil { continue } if v.pushSession.IsFresh { if group.rtmpGopCache.MetadataEnsureWithSetDataFrame != nil { _ = v.pushSession.Write(group.rtmpGopCache.MetadataEnsureWithSetDataFrame) } if group.rtmpGopCache.VideoSeqHeader != nil { _ = v.pushSession.Write(group.rtmpGopCache.VideoSeqHeader) } if group.rtmpGopCache.AacSeqHeader != nil { _ = v.pushSession.Write(group.rtmpGopCache.AacSeqHeader) } for i := 0; i < group.rtmpGopCache.GetGopCount(); i++ { for _, item := range group.rtmpGopCache.GetGopDataAt(i) { _ = v.pushSession.Write(item) } } v.pushSession.IsFresh = false } _ = v.pushSession.Write(lazyRtmpChunkDivider.GetEnsureWithSdf()) } } // # 广播。遍历所有 httpflv sub session,转发数据 for session := range group.httpflvSubSessionSet { if session.IsFresh { if group.httpflvGopCache.MetadataEnsureWithoutSetDataFrame != nil { session.Write(group.httpflvGopCache.MetadataEnsureWithoutSetDataFrame) } if group.httpflvGopCache.VideoSeqHeader != nil { session.Write(group.httpflvGopCache.VideoSeqHeader) } if group.httpflvGopCache.AacSeqHeader != nil { session.Write(group.httpflvGopCache.AacSeqHeader) } gopCount := group.httpflvGopCache.GetGopCount() if gopCount > 0 { // GOP缓存中肯定包含了关键帧 session.ShouldWaitVideoKeyFrame = false } for i := 0; i < gopCount; i++ { for _, item := range group.httpflvGopCache.GetGopDataAt(i) { session.Write(item) } } session.IsFresh = false } // 是否在等待关键帧 if session.ShouldWaitVideoKeyFrame { if msg.IsVideoKeyNalu() { session.Write(lazyRtmpMsg2FlvTag.GetEnsureWithoutSdf()) session.ShouldWaitVideoKeyFrame = false } } else { session.Write(lazyRtmpMsg2FlvTag.GetEnsureWithoutSdf()) } } // # 录制flv文件 if group.recordFlv != nil { if err := group.recordFlv.WriteRaw(lazyRtmpMsg2FlvTag.GetEnsureWithoutSdf()); err != nil { Log.Errorf("[%s] record flv write error. err=%+v", group.UniqueKey, err) } } // # 缓存关键信息,以及gop if group.config.RtmpConfig.Enable { group.rtmpGopCache.Feed(msg, lazyRtmpChunkDivider.GetEnsureWithoutSdf()) if msg.Header.MsgTypeId == base.RtmpTypeIdMetadata { group.rtmpGopCache.SetMetadata(lazyRtmpChunkDivider.GetEnsureWithSdf(), lazyRtmpChunkDivider.GetEnsureWithoutSdf()) } } if group.config.HttpflvConfig.Enable { group.httpflvGopCache.Feed(msg, lazyRtmpMsg2FlvTag.GetEnsureWithoutSdf()) if msg.Header.MsgTypeId == base.RtmpTypeIdMetadata { // 注意,因为withSdf实际上用不上,而且我们也没实现,所以全部用without了 group.httpflvGopCache.SetMetadata(lazyRtmpMsg2FlvTag.GetEnsureWithoutSdf(), lazyRtmpMsg2FlvTag.GetEnsureWithoutSdf()) } } // # 记录stat if group.stat.AudioCodec == "" { if msg.IsAacSeqHeader() { group.stat.AudioCodec = base.AudioCodecAac } } if group.stat.VideoCodec == "" { if msg.IsAvcKeySeqHeader() { group.stat.VideoCodec = base.VideoCodecAvc } if msg.IsHevcKeySeqHeader() { group.stat.VideoCodec = base.VideoCodecHevc } } if group.stat.VideoHeight == 0 || group.stat.VideoWidth == 0 { if msg.IsAvcKeySeqHeader() { sps, _, err := avc.ParseSpsPpsFromSeqHeader(msg.Payload) if err == nil { var ctx avc.Context err = avc.ParseSps(sps, &ctx) if err == nil { group.stat.VideoHeight = int(ctx.Height) group.stat.VideoWidth = int(ctx.Width) } } } if msg.IsHevcKeySeqHeader() { _, sps, _, err := hevc.ParseVpsSpsPpsFromSeqHeader(msg.Payload) if err == nil { var ctx hevc.Context err = hevc.ParseSps(sps, &ctx) if err == nil { group.stat.VideoHeight = int(ctx.PicHeightInLumaSamples) group.stat.VideoWidth = int(ctx.PicWidthInLumaSamples) } } } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- func (group *Group) feedRtpPacket(pkt rtprtcp.RtpPacket) { // 如果配置项 OutWaitKeyFrameFlag 为false,则音频和视频都直接发送。(音频和视频都不等待视频关键帧,都不等待任何数据) if !group.config.RtspConfig.OutWaitKeyFrameFlag { for s := range group.rtspSubSessionSet { s.WriteRtpPacket(pkt) } return } var ( boundary bool // 是否是视频GOP起始位置 boundaryChecked bool // 保证遍历sub session时,只在必要时检查0次或1次,减少性能开销 ) for s := range group.rtspSubSessionSet { // session的 ShouldWaitVideoKeyFrame 为false,那么可能有两种情况: // 1. 对输入流做智能检测时,判定为流内没有视频 // 2. 该输出流已经发送过了GOP起始数据 // // 这两种情况下,音频或视频数据都直接发送,不需要等了 if !s.ShouldWaitVideoKeyFrame { s.WriteRtpPacket(pkt) continue } if !boundaryChecked { switch group.sdpCtx.GetVideoPayloadTypeBase() { case base.AvPacketPtAvc: boundary = rtprtcp.IsAvcBoundary(pkt) case base.AvPacketPtHevc: boundary = rtprtcp.IsHevcBoundary(pkt) default: // 注意,不是avc和hevc时,直接发送 boundary = true } boundaryChecked = true } if boundary { s.WriteRtpPacket(pkt) s.ShouldWaitVideoKeyFrame = false } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- func (group *Group) feedTsPackets(tsPackets []byte, frame *mpegts.Frame, boundary bool) { // 注意,hls的处理放在前面,让hls先判断是否打开新的fragment并flush audio if group.hlsMuxer != nil { group.hlsMuxer.FeedMpegts(tsPackets, frame, boundary) } // # 遍历 httpts sub session for session := range group.httptsSubSessionSet { if session.IsFresh { // ## 如果是新加入者 // 发送头 session.Write(group.patpmt) // 如果有缓存,发送缓存 // 并且设置标志,后续都实时转发就行了 gopCount := group.httptsGopCache.GetGopCount() for i := 0; i < gopCount; i++ { for _, item := range group.httptsGopCache.GetGopDataAt(i) { session.Write(item) } } if gopCount > 0 { session.ShouldWaitBoundary = false } // 新加入逻辑只用走一次 session.IsFresh = false } // ## 转发本次数据 if session.ShouldWaitBoundary { if boundary { session.Write(tsPackets) session.ShouldWaitBoundary = false } else { // 需要继续等 } } else { session.Write(tsPackets) } } // for loop iterate httptsSubSessionSet if group.recordMpegts != nil { if err := group.recordMpegts.Write(tsPackets); err != nil { Log.Errorf("[%s] record mpegts write error. err=%+v", group.UniqueKey, err) } } group.httptsGopCache.Feed(tsPackets, boundary) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- func (group *Group) write2RtmpSubSessions(b []byte) { for session := range group.rtmpSubSessionSet { if session.IsFresh || session.ShouldWaitVideoKeyFrame { continue } _ = session.Write(b) } } func (group *Group) writev2RtmpSubSessions(bs net.Buffers) { for session := range group.rtmpSubSessionSet { if session.IsFresh || session.ShouldWaitVideoKeyFrame { continue } _ = session.Writev(bs) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- func (group *Group) feedWaitRtspSubSessions() { for session := range group.waitRtspSubSessionSet { session.FeedSdp(*group.sdpCtx) } }