// Copyright 2022, Chef. All rights reserved. // https://github.com/q191201771/lal // // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license // that can be found in the License file. // // Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com) package h2645 import ( "github.com/q191201771/lal/pkg/avc" "github.com/q191201771/lal/pkg/hevc" "github.com/q191201771/naza/pkg/bele" ) // TODO(chef): 逐渐将package avc, hevc迁移到package h2645,这个package处于开发阶段,如果内容不全,请使用package avc, hevc // 无特殊说明的函数则同时支持h264和h265两种格式 var ( NaluStartCode4 = []byte{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1} ) const ( H264NaluTypeSlice uint8 = 1 H264NaluTypeIdrSlice uint8 = 5 H264NaluTypeSei uint8 = 6 H264NaluTypeSps uint8 = 7 H264NaluTypePps uint8 = 8 H264NaluTypeAud uint8 = 9 // Access Unit Delimiter H264NaluTypeFd uint8 = 12 // Filler Data ) // ISO_IEC_23008-2_2013.pdf // Table 7-1 – NAL unit type codes and NAL unit type classes const ( H265NaluTypeSliceTrailN uint8 = 0 // 0x0 H265NaluTypeSliceTrailR uint8 = 1 // 0x01 H265NaluTypeSliceTsaN uint8 = 2 // 0x02 H265NaluTypeSliceTsaR uint8 = 3 // 0x03 H265NaluTypeSliceStsaN uint8 = 4 // 0x04 H265NaluTypeSliceStsaR uint8 = 5 // 0x05 H265NaluTypeSliceRadlN uint8 = 6 // 0x06 H265NaluTypeSliceRadlR uint8 = 7 // 0x07 H265NaluTypeSliceRaslN uint8 = 8 // 0x06 H265NaluTypeSliceRaslR uint8 = 9 // 0x09 H265NaluTypeSliceBlaWlp uint8 = 16 // 0x10 H265NaluTypeSliceBlaWradl uint8 = 17 // 0x11 H265NaluTypeSliceBlaNlp uint8 = 18 // 0x12 H265NaluTypeSliceIdr uint8 = 19 // 0x13 H265NaluTypeSliceIdrNlp uint8 = 20 // 0x14 H265NaluTypeSliceCranut uint8 = 21 // 0x15 H265NaluTypeSliceRsvIrapVcl22 uint8 = 22 // 0x16 H265NaluTypeSliceRsvIrapVcl23 uint8 = 23 // 0x17 H265NaluTypeVps uint8 = 32 // 0x20 H265NaluTypeSps uint8 = 33 // 0x21 H265NaluTypePps uint8 = 34 // 0x22 H265NaluTypeAud uint8 = 35 // 0x23 H265NaluTypeSei uint8 = 39 // 0x27 H265NaluTypeSeiSuffix uint8 = 40 // 0x28 ) // IterateNaluAvcc 遍历Avcc格式的nalu流 // func IterateNaluAvcc(nals []byte, handler func(nal []byte)) error { return avc.IterateNaluAvcc(nals, handler) } func IterateNaluStartCode(nalu []byte, start int) (pos, length int) { return avc.IterateNaluStartCode(nalu, start) } func ParseNaluType(isH264 bool, v uint8) uint8 { if isH264 { return avc.ParseNaluType(v) } return hevc.ParseNaluType(v) } func SeqHeader2Annexb(isH264 bool, payload []byte) ([]byte, error) { if isH264 { return avc.SpsPpsSeqHeader2Annexb(payload) } return hevc.VpsSpsPpsSeqHeader2Annexb(payload) } func H265IsIrapNalu(typ uint8) bool { return hevc.IsIrapNalu(typ) } func JoinNaluAvcc(naluList ...[]byte) []byte { n := len(naluList) if n == 0 { return nil } n *= 4 for _, item := range naluList { n += len(item) } ret := make([]byte, n) pos := 0 for _, item := range naluList { bele.BePutUint32(ret[pos:], uint32(len(item))) pos += 4 copy(ret[pos:], item) pos += len(item) } return ret }