// Copyright 2019, Chef. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/q191201771/lal
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com)
package logic
import (
var Trans trans
type trans struct {
// 注意,tag -> message [nocopy]
func (t trans) FLVTag2RTMPMsg(tag httpflv.Tag) (header rtmp.Header, timestampAbs uint32, message []byte) {
header.MsgLen = tag.Header.DataSize
header.MsgTypeID = tag.Header.T
header.MsgStreamID = rtmp.MSID1
switch tag.Header.T {
case httpflv.TagTypeMetadata:
header.CSID = rtmp.CSIDAMF
case httpflv.TagTypeAudio:
header.CSID = rtmp.CSIDAudio
case httpflv.TagTypeVideo:
header.CSID = rtmp.CSIDVideo
header.Timestamp = tag.Header.Timestamp
timestampAbs = tag.Header.Timestamp
message = tag.Raw[11 : 11+header.MsgLen]
// 注意,message -> tag [copy]
func (t trans) RTMPMsg2FLVTag(header rtmp.Header, timestampAbs uint32, message []byte) *httpflv.Tag {
var tag httpflv.Tag
tag.Header.T = header.MsgTypeID
tag.Header.DataSize = header.MsgLen
tag.Header.Timestamp = timestampAbs
tag.Raw = httpflv.PackHTTPFLVTag(header.MsgTypeID, timestampAbs, message)
return &tag