// Copyright 2020, Chef. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/q191201771/lal
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com)
package base_test
import (
type in struct {
rawUrl string
defaultPort int
// TODO chef: 测试IPv6的case
func TestParseUrl(t *testing.T) {
// 非法url
_, err := base.ParseUrl("invalidurl", -1)
assert.IsNotNil(t, err)
golden := map[in]base.UrlContext{
// 常见url,url中无端口,另外设置默认端口
{rawUrl: "rtmp://", defaultPort: 1935}: {
Url: "rtmp://",
Scheme: "rtmp",
StdHost: "",
HostWithPort: "",
Host: "",
Port: 1935,
PathWithRawQuery: "/live/test110",
Path: "/live/test110",
PathWithoutLastItem: "live",
LastItemOfPath: "test110",
RawQuery: "",
RawUrlWithoutUserInfo: "rtmp://",
// 域名url
{rawUrl: "rtmp://localhost/live/test110", defaultPort: 1935}: {
Url: "rtmp://localhost/live/test110",
Scheme: "rtmp",
StdHost: "localhost",
HostWithPort: "localhost:1935",
Host: "localhost",
Port: 1935,
PathWithRawQuery: "/live/test110",
Path: "/live/test110",
PathWithoutLastItem: "live",
LastItemOfPath: "test110",
RawQuery: "",
RawUrlWithoutUserInfo: "rtmp://localhost/live/test110",
// 带参数url
{rawUrl: "rtmp://", defaultPort: 1935}: {
Url: "rtmp://",
Scheme: "rtmp",
StdHost: "",
HostWithPort: "",
Host: "",
Port: 1935,
PathWithRawQuery: "/live/test110?a=1",
Path: "/live/test110",
PathWithoutLastItem: "live",
LastItemOfPath: "test110",
RawQuery: "a=1",
RawUrlWithoutUserInfo: "rtmp://",
// path多级
{rawUrl: "rtmp://", defaultPort: 1935}: {
Url: "rtmp://",
Scheme: "rtmp",
StdHost: "",
HostWithPort: "",
Host: "",
Port: 19350,
PathWithRawQuery: "/a/b/test110",
Path: "/a/b/test110",
PathWithoutLastItem: "a/b",
LastItemOfPath: "test110",
RawQuery: "",
RawUrlWithoutUserInfo: "rtmp://",
// url中无端口,没有设置默认端口
{rawUrl: "rtmp://", defaultPort: -1}: {
Url: "rtmp://",
Scheme: "rtmp",
StdHost: "",
HostWithPort: "",
Host: "",
Port: 1935,
PathWithRawQuery: "/live/test110?a=1",
Path: "/live/test110",
PathWithoutLastItem: "live",
LastItemOfPath: "test110",
RawQuery: "a=1",
RawUrlWithoutUserInfo: "rtmp://",
// url中有端口,设置默认端口
{rawUrl: "rtmp://", defaultPort: 1935}: {
Url: "rtmp://",
Scheme: "rtmp",
StdHost: "",
HostWithPort: "",
Host: "",
Port: 19350,
PathWithRawQuery: "/live/test110?a=1",
Path: "/live/test110",
PathWithoutLastItem: "live",
LastItemOfPath: "test110",
RawQuery: "a=1",
RawUrlWithoutUserInfo: "rtmp://",
// 无path
{rawUrl: "rtmp://", defaultPort: 1935}: {
Url: "rtmp://",
Scheme: "rtmp",
StdHost: "",
HostWithPort: "",
Host: "",
Port: 19350,
PathWithRawQuery: "",
Path: "",
PathWithoutLastItem: "",
LastItemOfPath: "",
RawQuery: "",
RawUrlWithoutUserInfo: "rtmp://",
// 无path2
{rawUrl: "rtmp://", defaultPort: 1935}: {
Url: "rtmp://",
Scheme: "rtmp",
StdHost: "",
HostWithPort: "",
Host: "",
Port: 19350,
PathWithRawQuery: "/",
Path: "/",
PathWithoutLastItem: "",
LastItemOfPath: "",
RawQuery: "",
RawUrlWithoutUserInfo: "rtmp://",
// path不完整
{rawUrl: "rtmp://", defaultPort: 1935}: {
Url: "rtmp://",
Scheme: "rtmp",
StdHost: "",
HostWithPort: "",
Host: "",
Port: 19350,
PathWithRawQuery: "/live",
Path: "/live",
PathWithoutLastItem: "",
LastItemOfPath: "live",
RawQuery: "",
RawUrlWithoutUserInfo: "rtmp://",
// path不完整2
{rawUrl: "rtmp://", defaultPort: 1935}: {
Url: "rtmp://",
Scheme: "rtmp",
StdHost: "",
HostWithPort: "",
Host: "",
Port: 19350,
PathWithRawQuery: "/live/",
Path: "/live/",
PathWithoutLastItem: "live",
LastItemOfPath: "",
RawQuery: "",
RawUrlWithoutUserInfo: "rtmp://",
for k, v := range golden {
ctx, err := base.ParseUrl(k.rawUrl, k.defaultPort)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, v, ctx, k.rawUrl)
func TestParseRtmpUrl(t *testing.T) {
golden := map[string]base.UrlContext{
// 其他测试见ParseUrl
"rtmp://": {
Url: "rtmp://",
Scheme: "rtmp",
StdHost: "",
HostWithPort: "",
Host: "",
Port: 1935,
PathWithRawQuery: "/test110",
Path: "/test110",
PathWithoutLastItem: "test110",
LastItemOfPath: "",
RawQuery: "",
RawUrlWithoutUserInfo: "rtmp://",
for k, v := range golden {
ctx, err := base.ParseRtmpUrl(k)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, v, ctx, k)
func TestParseRtspUrl(t *testing.T) {
golden := map[string]base.UrlContext{
// 其他测试见ParseUrl
// 密码中有@
"rtsp://admin:P!@1988@": {
Url: "rtsp://admin:P!@1988@",
Scheme: "rtsp",
Username: "admin",
Password: "P!@1988",
StdHost: "",
HostWithPort: "",
Host: "",
Port: 5554,
PathWithRawQuery: "/h264/ch33/main/av_stream",
Path: "/h264/ch33/main/av_stream",
PathWithoutLastItem: "h264/ch33/main",
LastItemOfPath: "av_stream",
RawQuery: "",
RawUrlWithoutUserInfo: "rtsp://",
// 没有url path
"rtsp://admin:abd@123@": {
Url: "rtsp://admin:abd@123@",
Scheme: "rtsp",
Username: "admin",
Password: "abd@123",
StdHost: "",
HostWithPort: "",
Host: "",
Port: 554,
PathWithRawQuery: "",
Path: "",
PathWithoutLastItem: "",
LastItemOfPath: "",
RawQuery: "",
RawUrlWithoutUserInfo: "rtsp://",
for k, v := range golden {
ctx, err := base.ParseRtspUrl(k)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, v, ctx, k)